"Sasuke... You won't hurt Sasuke, I believe what I see.

The Uchiha Itachi looked up and smiled with satisfaction as he looked at the flying feathers.

Ever since he left Konoha, he barely smiled.

But now seeing that Fei Yu was angry that he didn't mention Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi confirmed again that Sasuke had a true friend.

"That's not necessarily, no one can say what will happen in the future..."

The pillow in his hand was put down, and Fei Yu didn't want to worry about whether it was Sasuke or Konoha with him.

"So, will you

destroy Konoha?" Uchiha Itachi still wanted an answer, because this person was too strong, and if he really wanted to destroy Konoha, the eyes of the water stop would not mean much in essence.

Unless, it is to control some high-level management.

"When Senju Tsuruma and Madara Uchiha created Konoha and compared Konoha to a big tree... Now the tree is still there, but some of the branches are sick, and these branches are not visible from the epidermis, what do you say?"

Flying Feather did not answer directly, but threw the question to Itachi Uchiha.

"It seems that you can see a lot of truths, the original Uchiha was a large broken branch, so..."

Regarding this kind of question, Uchiha Itachi once made a choice.

"No... The Uchiha branch will be broken, because since he was calculated when he integrated into this big tree, this person's heart has been slowly cultivated from generation to generation, and some people have been instilling rotten poison under the tree, good and bad, are no longer self-chosen..."

Regarding the Uchiha family, Fei Yu feels quite sad.

Although Madara Uchiha was hacked back then, most of the villages they formed were only willing to stand by the side of the Thousand Hands Clan.

Because the Uchiha clan is terrifying, after being afraid, it will make people want to destroy, just like when Obito wanted to calculate and make people attack him, he will give in if he can't fight, but he will never give up and kill the other party.

The Uchiha clan was like this in the beginning.

"Yes, it wasn't self-chosen, but

at that time..."Uchiha Itachi didn't want to admit that he was wrong, because the Uchiha clan at that time couldn't deal with the entire Konoha at all.

If you really do it, Konoha will be damaged, the Uchiha will perish, and other beings in the ninja world will be eyeing it...

"There's nothing right or wrong, I'm not from the Uchiha family, so I don't need to comment on your choice, but Sasuke's ability to continue to survive in Konoha is indeed the result of your creation..."

He didn't grow up in the sea, so he couldn't be that wide.

Now he just came to stop the eyes of the water, and by the way, he just told this bitter brother about Sasuke's current situation.

As for the rest....

Does it have anything to do with him?"

"You're right, it really doesn't have much to do with you, I can give you the eyes of the water, but I hope that Konoha will still be Konoha, although it may be cut off some branches, or suffer some pain..."

A crow appeared in the hand of the Uchiha Itachi, and this was the one that carried the eyes of the water.

This was originally intended to be kept, and in the future, if Sasuke was really blinded by hatred, he should not be able to use it.

Sasuke is growing up very well, and someone has been watching him, doing much better than his older brother.

"Konoha won't disappear, because a guy is still thinking about being the Hokage, and although he may actually dislike it, he should always let him fulfill his wish.

Fei Yu grabbed the crow in the palm of his hand, and the pitch-black crow turned into nothingness in an instant, leaving only a blood-colored eye.

Don't be a god, it's all done now!

"That Ah Fei..."

Uchiha Itachi watched that eye being taken away, and his mood suddenly relaxed a little, he probably didn't have to worry about certain things in the future.

But Ah Fei on the side of the Xiao organization is still a trouble...

"It's a funny guy, as long as you're still there, he won't have a big problem, you just have to watch more..."

After all, when Xiao Hei is in a serious trouble, even if he doesn't want to deal with it, he will still be in a bad mood.

Now that someone can entangle Uchiha Itachi, he's still looking forward to it.


Can't solve that troublesome guy, Uchiha Itachi can only admit it.

The people of the Uchiha family, asking someone to help solve it, is indeed a bit undeserved.

"Let's go, I'll take you out, and I'll come to you next time Sasuke makes a big move.

Toba stood up and walked over to Itachi Uchiha, tapping his fingers on the shoulder, and an invisible mark was carved into it.

Flying Thunder God, it's really a good ninjutsu, when you see the second generation of Hokage, you can talk to him more about the topic of forbidden arts.

By the way, you can also add a fourth generation, after all, the ninjutsu they study is not something that ordinary ninjas can use.


"Mr. Itachi is back. When

the oni shark saw the Uchiha Itachi appear, he unconsciously showed a smile.

He had been worried before, but now that he was safe and sound, his mood naturally relaxed.

But Obito, who was squatting on the ground, was different, and when he saw Uchiha Itachi and Toba appear together, he stood up and pounced.

"Bastard, you bastard, what do you mean by taking all the sofas away, what does a sofa matter, you return me to the sofa!"

Ah Fei version of Obito's voice was very aggrieved, and his outstretched hand was grabbed by Fei Yu in an instant.

"I thought you were annoying, don't be angry, I'll arrange it for you again, and make sure that you can lie down and rest comfortably when you go back..."

In the Shenwei space with soil, the two of them sat directly on the sofa after they appeared, and Fei Yu not only put the sofa on his side, but also some ornaments.

"It's okay, next time you come to my house, remember to prepare some gifts, although I don't really mind, but it's rude for guests not to bring gifts!"

After rubbing for a while, as the master, he also made a small request to Feiyu, who could come to his side at any time.

He liked the pattern on the pillow very much.

In fact, this cat-patterned pillow is now a more common item in the Uchiha family, so preparing a set for Obito now is not a troublesome thing for Fei Yu.

"I'm leaving, give you this thing, if you want to go to Konoha just say hello to me, if you don't say hello, I'll treat you as an invasion.

Fei Yu didn't want to look at this guy who loved the pillow, so he casually threw a bell in front of him, and quickly left the place where the atmosphere was getting weirder and weirder.

The people of the Uchiha family seem to have a lot of feelings for cats.

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