"Orochimaru, can I think that you are welcoming me in a special way?"

Fei Yu clenched his fingers and blocked the sword that Orochimaru stabbed.

After he left Obito, he suddenly remembered that he could ask Orochimaru to do something.

But as soon as he came over, this guy copied the grass pheasant sword and attacked him ruthlessly.

"My experiment hasn't started yet, what are your plans for me to do it?"

Orochimaru has been very busy lately, collecting all kinds of cells from the Blood Inheritance Limit, and he has to be suddenly notified to go to the Land of Waves to bring two people back, and then Tsunade...

It's finally stabilized, and these people don't make trouble, but...

It's been less than a day since I came to the laboratory, and this person actually came over directly, even if this master-servant contract has multiple uses, but if you come so directly, it is easy to have an accident!

" I can actually hear the complaint in your heart..."

Fei Yu sat on the chair next to him, and suddenly spoke faintly.

Orochimaru's complaints, he can't listen to them if he doesn't want to, because the distance is too close.

Orochimaru doesn't want to say anything now.

This is too bullying, and a few words of scolding from the bottom of my heart will be heard, and I will not even have any personal privacy in the future.

"I won't tease you, if I don't cut Hebai again, are they stable now?" It wasn't

for the sake of coming over to bully Orochimaru, Fei Yu lowered his head and took the grass pheasant sword in his hand to play with, and at the same time asked Orochimaru about business.

"No matter how you don't cut it, you have clearly recognized your own shortcomings, and you're working tasks and practices at the moment, Bai is a talent, but you just can't be a killer, and your heart is too weak..."

But the only trouble is that you don't kill people in vain, which is very helpless.

"Then just let him keep his heart, anyway, I need him to go out and kill people, you can kill too many people here, what about Tsunade?" Regarding Bai's

matter, Fei Yu didn't feel that he needed to change too much, he didn't want them to die at the beginning, just because he felt that Bai, a young man, was too clean.

Just like his blood limit, crystal clear...

A teenager who is not suitable for the ninja world.

"Tsunade... That guy doesn't know what crazy he is, so many years ago, she came and forced me to recall, I... I suddenly realized that her current crazy appearance is not as good as not being able to come out of the casino before. At

the mention of Tsunade, Orochimaru's face changed instantly.

He was really afraid of that crazy woman.

Although he had calmed down now, when he first came here, he would face the guy's fist if he answered slowly, and if he hadn't taken her away from here, his underground base would have been finished.

"Did you use Baihao's technique?" Fei

Yu really didn't expect that Orochimaru would be bullied sometimes.

It can be seen that Tsunade's hatred is really extremely strong.

"She got lost herself, and she didn't say that I was going to pick her up, but she counted all this on my head, saying that I did it on purpose..."

Especially this woman, she is still a person who can make him unable to beat after an outburst...

The spelling technique will be beaten, and the spelling forbidden technique is afraid that it will really hurt the other party, and Orochimaru feels that this is his most aggrieved battle, and there is no one!"

"Even if it's trouble, but you haven't coaxed people yet, tell me, what are her plans?"

There's no way, who let him have an aura that makes the women or girls around him gentle!

"The next middle ninja exam is set for Konoha, and I will go to the three generations at that time to settle the accounts of the past, and Tsunade also decided to be together at that time..."

But as soon as I had time to prepare for this, I was interrupted.

"Since it's a settling, it's not interesting to have you go, let's go, accompany me to a place, and by the way, drag a soul out of the belly of death, and find three generations to settle accounts, but you can't miss that couple.

Fei Yu got up from his chair, not wanting to delay any longer.

At present, Sasuke Naruto's side is fine, but because it is the protagonist group, who knows if it will be stable in the future.

It's better to finish all the preparations early, and then go back early.

"The couple?"

Orochimaru looked dazed, but he still listened to Fei Yu's arrangement, and set off with the people around him and a spare body.

This time, the people that Orochimaru brought with him were Jun Mario, Libra Shigego and Xiang Phosphorus.

Originally, I wanted to bring the four of them to the sound ninja, but thinking about their combat effectiveness, they were all thrown away for the time being to replace the positions of Xiang Phosphorus and Jugo.

The Uzumaki clan used to be very strong, at least at the beginning and before the establishment of Konoha , but later because of the power of their seals, they were feared, and under the cover of a brief period of peace, it became their destruction.

This is somewhat similar to the Uchiha.

It's all about peace, and then destroying those powerful genes...

And the equally powerful Thousand Hands clan,It seems to have faded earlier than the Uchiha.,Some people say it's integrated into Konoha.,But can it continue to be preserved after integration....

Perhaps, the result is not as good as even the Uchiha.

These are all sacrificers who have paid the price under the surface of peace.

The strong will not die, and the weak will always be uneasy....

Now the destination of their group is in the corner of Konoha and belongs to the Mask Hall of the Uzumaki Clan.

"This is it, should you tell me now, how the hell is going to do this?"

Orochimaru knew that he was going to summon the god of death to come out, but after the god of death was summoned, the price could be his death.

It's fine if you escape, but just in case...

That's really the end of the game!"

"Prepare the reincarnation formation first, and the reincarnation of the filthy earth must be carried out at the same time. Fei

Yu's eyes suddenly turned red, and a black circle fluctuated, and after shaking, it changed to the state of the three-hooked jade.

Although it seems to have changed, it is also the appearance, but in fact, there is no difference in the ability of Fei Yu.

"You didn't say that you brought sacrifices..."

Orochimaru looked at the people he brought, the three of them were obedient and well-behaved, and his subordinates were superb, if they were used as sacrifices, he was really reluctant.

"I don't need them..."

Fei Yu glanced at Orochimaru and waved his hand to let the others stay away.

"You don't want me to psychic a few snakes to come out..."

Orochimaru saw that these subordinates were not in danger, so he no longer worried, but what exactly was used as a sacrifice?"

"I went to get a few wooden people before, and they can only be regarded as living forms, and now it is just right to use them like this." "

A Bai Jue was carried by Fei Yu and thrown on the formation, this is on the way here, he and Daitu are coming.

Although there were all kinds of awkwardness on Obito's side, when I heard that he was going to cause some trouble to Konoha, he immediately sent it to the Kamui Space.

Overall, although it is a big boss in the later stage, the current Obito is still very interesting.

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