"Filthy Earth Reincarnation Technique!"

Orochimaru's hands quickly sealed, and with Chakra's frantic riot, the dust shrouded the white man.

When the wind blew, a red-haired whirlpool Kushina appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Brought back so soon... Huh, Fei Yu has grown up, has it been many years?"

Uzumaki Kushina felt that she had just taken back her previous consciousness, and then she was recalled to this world, but when she saw the adult version of Fei Yu clearly, she instantly felt that something was wrong.

This time flies, isn't it?"

"Not long has passed, Naruto and Fei Yu are only 13 years old, and they are still cultivating immortal arts. The

adult version of Fei Yu helplessly held his forehead, he didn't feel it before, but now he finally understood why Naruto was so clear in his mind many times.

Probably, it's all inherited from his mother...

"So that's the case, then I'm not worried, I thought I was going to miss Naruto and Toba's wedding, and I said that I would accompany him, and I would be sad if I missed Naruto..."

"Naruto is still a boy, so this matter, let's wait for him to make a choice in the future..."

"That's right, as a parent, it's definitely not very acceptable, but it doesn't matter, since our family Naruto likes flying feathers, there will always be a way to do things after that, let's not interfere as parents..."

This made the originally tense atmosphere become more and more strange at this moment.

"I heard, I'm going to let the four generations come out later, if he doesn't obey, he may have to be cleaned up by Aunt Jiu Xinnai. "

Fei Yu deliberately used the word 'aunt' to make Jiu Sinai sober up.

"Are you going to find him out?don't worry, with me here, Mizumon will definitely not dare to make trouble, last time he made Naruto so sad, if he dares to be disobedient, I won't let him go first!"

It was her lover, and she could only watch him sacrifice to death in the first place.

As for the question of the name of the flying feather, Jiu Sinai automatically filtered, and now nothing is as important as the water gate.

"Then I'll start..."

Orochimaru's face was extremely serious, even though the new body over there was ready, he was still a little worried.

If he goes to the Grim Reaper's belly, then no one will necessarily be able to release him again.

The mask in his hand was clasped on his face, and the moment he put it on, Orochimaru's momentum immediately changed.

"Ghoul sealed!" This

ninjutsu is very troublesome, otherwise there would be no need for Orochimaru to do it himself.

After successfully summoning the Grim Reaper, Orochimaru took out the Grass Pheasant Sword.

"Damn mortal..."

At the moment when Death's stomach was slashed, Orochimaru directly abandoned this body and entered the new body that was already waiting.

In the time of Orochimaru's fusion, Fei Yu had already quickly sealed and reincarnated the four generations into the filthy soil.

It all happened very quickly, and the Grim Reaper over there was still struggling to capture Orochimaru's soul.

"This is a rare time, Death, don't leave yet, let's talk about non-human topics alone..."

Just when everyone thought that waiting for the Grim Reaper to disappear would be over, Fei Yu suddenly stood in front of the Grim Reaper at this time, and at the same time stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the departing Grim Reaper.

This is not only the four generations of couples who have just been reincarnated in the filthy soil are dumbfounded, but the big snake pill who has just changed his body is also stupid.

"Mortal, you—"

The Grim Reaper didn't want to leave just now because he was trapped.

But now, he wanted to leave, because this person was able to catch him, and it might be the end of the game if he stayed.

"You guys are all going back to the Ninja Village first, especially Bo Feng Shuimen, if you dare to make trouble, I'll go and bring Naruto to you!" Fei

Yu is not in a hurry to chat with the god of death, these people are too much of a hindrance here, he asked these guys to leave first.

But the only person here who may make trouble after going out is the guy Bo Feng Shuimen.

Don't threaten it, who knows if he will immediately make an appearance in Konoha, and then everyone will know that he is back again.

"I didn't..."

As soon as Bo Fengshuimen's words spoke, Jiu Sinai directly dragged him and ran out.

There is no point in talking nonsense, now it must be to leave the side of death first.

As for Orochimaru, he was picked up by Shigego and quickly left this mask hall, and at the same time left Konoha at the same time.

"It's finally clean, let's not be polite, sit down and have a good chat, you also put away your bluffing appearance, you are not normal people, don't play with these vain. Fei

Yu saw that everyone was gone, closed the door, and after the room was sealed, he sat down on the floor of the mask hall with the Grim Reaper, this gesture really wanted to communicate with the Grim Reaper.

"Who the hell are you?"

The huge figure of the Grim Reaper gradually shrank, and finally became the size of a normal person, standing next to Fei Yu in black clothes.

"I was originally passing by, but for some reason, I accidentally reincarnated again, so now that's it, what about you?"

For chatting with the god of death, Fei Yu's posture is very casual, after all, he has not never gotten along with this pure spirit creature, and he has also experienced it himself.

But that's all in the past, and he doesn't bother to mention it now.

"I'm the Grim Reaper.,Because I'm bored in the Pure Land.,So occasionally come out to have some fun.,But now these ninjas are getting worse and worse.,I won't be summoned once in many years.,It's hard to meet someone who can summon me out.,It's still a trick..."The Grim

Reaper also sat on the ground like a flying feather, and he was very unhappy about Orochimaru playing tricks on him.

How difficult it is for him to come out once

, but if he encounters this kind of pitfall, the next time he encounters that evil god, he may be used as a joke by them.

"What other gods are here, I've only been here for a few years, and you're the first one I've met..."

Looking at the Grim Reaper's appearance, Fei Yu always felt like he was bullying someone.

Although Orochimaru still gets stuck in the later stage, it was a few years later, and now he is in advance, and he is dragged back when others are leaving.

"There's also an evil god who always makes trouble.,It's said that he got a cult.,As a result, after accepting a believer, he taught people to abuse himself.,Actually, I just think.,That guy is holding back his illness..."

Because he was finally able to find someone to talk to, the Grim Reaper poured out his complaints about the evil god endlessly.

This made Fei Yu helpless, but he also seemed to have discovered some problems in this world.


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