"Where have the other gods gone?" Fei

Yu listened for a while, and when the Grim Reaper finally finished complaining, he hurriedly asked a crucial question.

"The other gods... Back then, the big barrel wood clan appeared here, and the other gods were either dead or devoured, or they would be reincarnated directly, if it weren't for the evil god, the guy wouldn't be so easy to die, and he hid in the Pure Land at that time, and it is estimated that there would be no two of us left..."

Speaking of the past, the god of death suddenly became sad.

In fact, there weren't many gods in the first place, but at that time, Da Tsumu made a sacred tree to absorb the energy of this world, which made the gods who originally belonged to the land angry.

It may be that the amount is absorbed, and they become weaker and weaker as gods on land.

Later, most of them didn't escape, and a few of them turned fast, so they hurried to reincarnate and dodge, but unfortunately after so many years, I didn't see any of them coming back.

"Could it be that the reincarnated gods were also restricted, and then they were left behind by the big barrel wood, slowly grinding them to death?"

Fei Yu suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, the reincarnation of Asura and Indra.

They were strong at first, but in the current generation, there is not much left of those prohibitions.

The two brothers were said to be fighting for power, but all this struggle...

Even in the original plot, the more Fei Yu thought about it, the more he felt that it was deliberately provoked by the Six Dao Immortals.

Tell them to fight for it on their own, and then give all the power to one of them, and the other will have a strong resentment.

Use this grudge to create death, and then hang over it like a curse forever...

"It's possible, but they've all been reincarnated, and the evil god guy has been looking for many years through the way of faith inheritance, but he can't find the slightest trace at all..."

If the reincarnation of a certain god was so powerful, he would not have died so aggrieved at the beginning.

"It seems that it is very troublesome, but what is the situation on your Pure Land, the people who died before are all with you?"

Regarding these god things, Fei Yu didn't want to continue to dwell on them for the time being.

He was still a little curious, if Indra and Asura were reincarnated as gods, then after they were reincarnated again and again, why were they only chakra energy instead of souls?

"It's not all, it's just that reincarnation is a little slow, and some of the obsessions are too heavy and unwilling to leave, I don't bother to care, I'm usually very casual..."

As for the things on the Pure Land, the Grim Reaper is indeed very casual, so casual that some souls don't care if they don't reincarnate for hundreds of years, and they all form gangs...

But the longer you stay in the Pure Land, the more you consume your soul, and the weak won't last for many years, and if you die, you will turn into energy and flood the Pure Land.

"That's like we were like before, some souls were reincarnated from the filthy soil, don't you care?"

always felt that this god of death was a little soft and cute, and Fei Yu couldn't help but want to ask now what his bottom line was.

"What does it matter, anyway, sooner or later they will return to the Pure Land, the souls in the Pure Land will return to nothingness except for reincarnation, it makes no difference whether it is good or not, if it is not boring, I don't bother to see who is there..."

He is the god of death, and he can't come to the world except under special conditions, and if he stays too long, he may be discovered by the remnants of the big barrel wood.

It's rare that the Pure Land is still peaceful, and if it is also destroyed, then the world will really be completely returned to the big barrel wood.

"Leave a contact information, if I'm bored, I'll go to the Pure Land to see you, or if I find different information, I can also inform you!" Fei

Yu looked at the wide-eyed Grim Reaper, he said that he didn't have to die to go to the Pure Land.

Why are you so shocked?"

may sound awkward, but... But, over there, you're still very welcome!" Death

was indeed a little shocked, because it was the first time that someone had been so concerned about the Pure Land.

But he welcomed it so deliberately, and it was even more embarrassing after he finished speaking.

"It's okay, I can go to the Pure Land if I can live, I don't have to die like them, you go back, it's troublesome if someone finds something abnormal after a long time." "

The same bell, after Fei Yu gave Obito one, the second one to Death.

But it's just a one-way message, so there's no need to worry about Obito talking to the Grim Reaper, after all, Obito is that guy....

It's too much of a toss.

Just look at the state of death, it is likely to be tormented by Obitu.

"See you next time!" took

the bell and looked at it, and after the Grim Reaper carefully put it away, the appearance slowly changed into that hideous and tall appearance, until the spirit form disappeared without a trace.

"This place... Konoha's defense is really too weak!" Fei

Yu walked out of the mask hall and stood at the door and looked around, there was indeed no defensive force around.

Konoha is really too rotten.

Their focus has always been on the area with the greatest interests, and no one cares about this kind of genocidal forbidden land...

It's not the time for him to appear in Konoha yet, so let's go find Orochimaru and them.

I don't know if this new body, Orochimaru, is easy to use.

That guy didn't care about Sasuke anymore, but he wanted more, and the genes of the Blood Inheritance Limit that he had collected before seemed to be stored in multiple copies.

But it doesn't matter, if he wants to try, he can come, anyway, he can save him if he doesn't die.


"That's... Flying

Feather's parents, how is my Naruto now?" After seeing the adult version of Flying Feather catching up, Kushina raised his hand to cover Bo Feng Shuimen's mouth, and then asked about their Naruto with a smile on his face.

In view of the return of part of her consciousness in the gossip seal, Kushina is afraid that her stupid husband will say something unpleasant.

"I'm practicing immortal arts, and so far it's not bad. "

Fei Yu chased after him through the mark on Orochimaru's body, and at this time, watching Naruto's parents get along, he suddenly felt that he might be very happy in the future.

Yes, this violent mom will have a lot in common with Sakura, such as how...

'Heh, hehe... Host,You actually expect Sakura and Kushina to have a communication.,You're really a bad brain.,The picture of Kushina beating the water gate.,If Sakura sees too much.,That violent Sakura...'System

Xiaohei took the opportunity to complain.,Its host is too stupid!

It seems,After the relationship is active,More and more stupid.

"It's that you think too much.,Violent Sakura is just external.,Now Sakura-chan is cute and sweet.,It's absolutely impossible to shake a fist at me.,At most, it's occasionally when you're shy...'For

the daily distortion of the system, Fei Yu wanted to learn to deal with it calmly, but it's a pity....

It seems that it can't be calm, and sure enough, it's a few more layers of pillars in the small black room.


The author has something to say:

Good evening~~>▽< Meow Meow is here again~ Thank you for the inspiration capsule of the 'Uchiha ~ Madara' reward, reminder charm, milk tea and love letters, etc....| ・ᄌ・)っ ♡ I like your ♪ love letter to thank all the bigwigs.,Like and generate electricity with love~~(〜^ᄌ^)〜

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