"Orochimaru, this damn guy..."

, was taken to the Forest of Death, and the Uchiha Itachi was about to strike the moment he saw Orochimaru.

Fortunately, he still has Fei Yu by his side, so he didn't go directly to throw the moon or Amaterasu...

"Orochimaru is actually okay, now it's just for Sasuke to test his strength, it seems that the battle has only lasted half of the battle, so you can take a look at Sasuke's strength first. The

adult version of the flying feather stood beside Itachi Uchiha, with his palm pressed against his shoulder, to prevent the guy from accidentally getting involved.

This guy is a real brother, and it's okay for him to do it himself, but I watched Sasuke being beaten by others....

Orochimaru is going to be targeted again.

"You let Orochimaru come here?" Uchiha

Itachi's mood calmed down a little, although seeing Orochimaru's natural reaction was to make a move, but he looked around again, and he could be sure that Orochimaru was practicing with a few imps at this time.

Let's just say that the house, if you really want to destroy it, there will definitely not be a part of it left, and that guy's psychic skills are not just that simple.

So in this situation now, it can only be that this guy is looking for Orochimaru to show these little ghosts the gap between them and the strong.

"Yes, I asked him to come, but Feiyu's kid actually slipped out, wouldn't he really protect his future parents-in-law?"

Moreover, the Uchiha Itachi who said this was a little embarrassed.

"That kid's future parents-in-law, aren't they're yours... How many parents-in-law do you have

in the future?" Uchiha Itachi chuckled in a low voice, he found that this guy was really strong, but sometimes he complained and didn't even let go of himself, although he and the current him are not one, but the future will be the same after all.

Speaking of the future at this time, Uchiha Itachi is also a little curious, how many girls will this guy attract, won't there be trouble at home?"

"There aren't many, it's just... It's not necessarily all alive, it's quite happy every day..."

Fei Yu chuckled, he wouldn't tell this guy, it was very likely that he would also be one of his mother's family in the future...

Sasuke's three turns, after the last game of the middle ninja exam, should almost begin.

I hope Sasuke doesn't turn three times earlier this time, otherwise...

Amaterasu was probably about to greet him.

"Joy, it's a pity I shouldn't be able to see it, otherwise I'd really like to see it..."

Standing on the tree, Uchiha Itachi looked at Sasuke, who was fighting with Orochimaru not far away, and he knew that it wouldn't be too long.

It is already a three-hook jade, even if it has a special cultivation method that cannot be destroyed, it can only be dragged until adulthood at most.

"Maybe there's still a chance, you see Sasuke working so hard, I don't have any feelings, the three hooks are also low, and it's not stimulated, it's just normal cultivation and development..."

Wait, when Sasuke thinks it's okay, he can make this guy forget everything.

Of course, it depends on what Sasuke means.

This guy bears the memories of the night of the extermination every day, and may also recall the feeling when he was close to the sword...

Such an Uchiha Itachi, if he doesn't erase that part of his memory, he will go crazy sooner or later.

But it's all assumptions, and who knows how, this guy is the first person to tell his true identity so far.

Although this is true, it is still mixed with a certain amount of water.

"What about the kaleidoscope? Can it also grow directly

?" Uchiha Itachi thought again, if all of them can be developed without stimulation, then are all the previous records of the Uchiha clan fake?"

"Who knows, if it really doesn't work, then just give him some stimulation, anyway, the moon reading is not your patent now!"

But the truth is that he can read it in the month.

And as long as he wants, he can use it at the same time as the Uchiha Itachi, and then turn it on himself and go in to make a soy sauce.

But the use time of Tsukiyomi is too short, and as long as he is not standing in front of Uchiha Itachi, it is almost impossible for him to enter synchronously.

"Beware of being jealous!"

Uchiha Itachi's eyes were fixed on the front, and he now seemed to understand a little bit why Ah Fei was so excited to see this guy that he twisted.

That's not happiness, it's probably hatred and toothache.

"It's okay, I'm just looking for a few copies of your Uchiha family to play, you see I'm not interested in the Hyuga family at all, there are so many corpses in their family, I don't care..."

But this Sasuke was beaten, it seems to be a little miserable!

The more he was beaten, the more crazy he was laughing, this is really...

Turning his head to look at Uchiha Itachi again, Fei Yu wanted to confirm whether this Uchiha wild laugh would really be passed down in their family's bloodline.

"I'm not happy about your interest, I believe Sasuke is the same..."

Uchiha Itachi also saw Sasuke's laughter, and raised his hand to cover his face with some confusion, he now suddenly felt that his younger brother's education was still a little worse.

In front of this guy, I actually saw Sasuke's twisted smile together, or after being beaten, it was just...

When you're a brother, you're going to have no face to see people!

Anyway, you hit the other person and then laugh, and now it's like this...

My younger brother was so excited because he was abused, and I was so sad as an older brother...

"Actually, I suddenly understand a little, is there one of the pride of your Uchiha clan, that you can't cry in front of the enemy?"

But he really, just suddenly wanted to make a joke....

"As a ninja, you can't cry in front of your enemies, whether you're Uchiha or not, that's the basic..." Uchiha

Itachi's mind was taken in a magical direction, and he found that it really made sense.

But he won't admit it, because it would make Sasuke look stupid...

"Okay, that's not your family's tradition, it's a common feature of ninjas, so you can't cry when you're in pain, so you can only hide it with laughter, don't worry, I can probably imagine that situation, and I won't laugh at you because of this..."

"That's pretty much it, I know you haven't been beaten, in fact, I really want to tell you that I never wanted to know you, whether it's you when I met for the first time, or you now!"

Although he didn't want to say it so directly, Uchiha Itachi was really uncomfortable.

He hadn't been beaten before, and as a ninja, he hadn't been beaten since he was in school? That's

it, but he still showed off again and again, and even used these to hit him, and he still talked about it when his stupid brother was beaten...

If he wasn't sure he couldn't beat it, he really wanted to send this guy to read it for a few months!

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