"Don't be really angry, your current health is not very good, although I can treat you, but you have to pay attention to yourself, I don't want to be told by that kid one day, let me go to the Pure Land to bring you back, although I can indeed pass..."

There's no way, if he doesn't find something else to do, he really can't help but want to beat up Orochimaru.

And Sasuke, that stupid man, has already been injured, and he doesn't know how to use senjutsu yet?"

Are you human?"

Uchiha Itachi's attention was distorted again, and the Pure Land was in his perception as the place where the dead went.

It's not going to be this guy, it's actually dead in the future, right?"

Don't ask about it, I won't say it, maybe you'll know later, it's... You should think of it as a forbidden thing. Fei

Yu also realized that he was talking too much.

There are some things that really shouldn't be known to the people of this world, because it's not sure where some guys are hiding.

"You have a lot of taboos, what is the situation now, don't tell me that it is the power of the nine tails, although I have never seen it, but what the power of the nine tails is like, I can still understand.

Itachi Uchiha also knew that he probably shouldn't have asked, but he was just curious about how many strange things this guy really had.

Now the strange aura that gushes from Naruto's body, this obviously does not belong to the Nine-Tails.

"It's just immortal art, it's not a taboo, it's just that they've learned this now, and it's not suitable for too many people to know..."

Fei Yu explained quickly this time.

Naruto, that guy really couldn't help it first.

But even if you have immortal arts, you can't beat the big snake pill violently...

"Sasuke is also because he practices immortal arts, so he can't accept the Eternal Kaleidoscope in advance?"

Looking at the three people who were cooperating again, Uchiha Itachi suddenly guessed what Sasuke's situation was.


Will the immortal magic conflict with the eternal kaleidoscope?"

"In addition to the immortal arts, there is also a technique to unlock the bloodline seal of your Uchiha family, and the immortal arts have no conflict with these, but if the eternal kaleidoscope is directed, some strange things that your Uchiha family has been infused with from the bloodline will never be erased again..."

But strange things in the blood....

It can't be said that it doesn't exist, after all, there was the bloodline inheritance of Indra in the past, and there was a black absolute from it...

"Is it a curse?"

Uchiha Itachi wasn't sure what it was, as he found that after talking to this guy for half a night, he couldn't even read his own chakra and bloodline.

But no matter what, Sasuke doesn't need him to send his eyes up now, and his body is fine.

Then continue to wait and see, if this person is going to hurt Sasuke...

Even if he knows that he is invincible, he will do everything he can.

"I don't understand, let's do it first, do you want to keep watching, those Konoha ninjas are coming soon.

Fei Yu looked at the time, feeling the mark on Kakashi's body approaching, and had to urge Uchiha Itachi to leave first.

If you look at it any further, Kakashi may be put down by Tsukiyomi here.

He remembered that some of the female doctors at Konoha Hospital were still thinking about Kakashi, even if it was just about his wallet.

"I'll go first, Sasuke's business, please, you can come to me at any time if you have something, I know you don't have trouble finding me at all..."

Although he didn't want to admit it, Uchiha Itachi knew that this guy had left a mark on him that could be found directly.

"It's nothing big and it won't bother you, Mr. Itachi, you have to pay attention to your body, I don't want to greet you every time it's a cure. With

a tap on the Uchiha Itachi's shoulder, the flying feather appeared directly inside the house that was still half left.

The shadow clone Feather was picked up from the couch, and then suddenly a juvenile version of Feather appeared.

"Is there an accident?" Fei

Yu, the newly appeared shadow clone, looked at the adult version of himself, asked with some curiosity, and then turned his head to look at the battle not far away.

"Konoha's people are coming, I'll take Orochimaru away first, and you can solve the rest yourself.

After the adult version of Fei Yu finished speaking, he simply appeared in the battlefield, reached out and grabbed Orochimaru's shoulder, and the two disappeared without a trace in an instant.

And the three of Sakura, who were in place, looked at the opponent who suddenly disappeared, and turned their heads to look at the house with some confusion.

"Fei Yu, don't you want to be so sudden, we haven't finished the fight yet..."

Naruto glared at him with an unhappy face, he had already punched Orochimaru several times just now, and now he suddenly stopped fighting...

This feeling is really not an ordinary grievance.

"I can't help it, it seems that the shadow department is coming this way, Uncle Yamanaka has been invited to the Hokage Building for a meeting, and it should be the examiner and Kakashi-sensei who are waiting for the next time, and there are some shadows who are not sure who it is..."

The Uchiha Itachi in the trees in the distance watched this scene and knew that he couldn't delay, so he quickly turned into a crow and flew into the distance.

Tonight is too exciting for him, and he needs to calm down.

And at this moment, the big snake pill on the other side of the forest was looking at the adult version of Fei Yu with an unhappy face.

He was beaten by those little ghosts before, all because his master gave too little information.

"Now you can play by yourself, and the little ones should have a basic understanding of themselves at the moment. The

adult version of Fei Yu looked at Orochimaru's appearance of daring to be angry and didn't dare to speak, and laughed directly.

It's rare to see Orochimaru so unhappy, and sure enough, because of a budget mistake, he was stuffed by Sasuke's heart.

"Can I fight with Fei Yu Kazama next time?"

Orochimaru naturally didn't dare to make a move with Fei Yu, but he didn't know that the two were the same person, and at this time, he just thought that he could find that little one to fight and get angry.

"If you can beat Xiao Hei, you can go to him to try it, self-confidence is a good thing, stick to it!" The

adult version of Fei Yu has no problem with Orochimaru wanting to beat him, and he can't beat him anyway.

Moreover, he was looking forward to Orochimaru going to find abuse, at least not to make a move on anyone else, so he was happy to continue to play this scene.

"You're busy, I'll find a place to rest first. "

When Xiao Hei was mentioned, Orochimaru gave up decisively.

He wasn't stupid, how could he possibly provoke that guy who wasn't sure what kind of creature it was.

An existence that surpasses him in scientific research, and all kinds of information and materials make him look up

to him, even if it is the appearance of a cat? He Orochimaru likes to learn very much, and now Xiao Hei is his teacher who continues to walk on the road of science, can this be beaten?

The adult version of Fei Yu watched Orochimaru quickly leave in an instant, smiled helplessly and shook his head, and in an instant he disappeared, quickly switching with his shadow clone.

Next, I have to face those shadows of Konoha, as well as the examiners and others this time...


The author has something to say:

Meow ~ > ▽ < good noon ~

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