"Flying Feather, I'm going to do it too..."

Naruto watched Sakura being picked up and placed on the sofa, and by the way, he also treated the wound on his back, and aggrievedly exposed the wound on his body.

Although he opened the immortal technique to fight with the Great Snake Pill just now, he was the most ferocious, and the injury was naturally the heaviest.

Now Fei Yu obviously only knows how to take care of girls, he...


Naruto, who was in an unhappy mood, suddenly used the transformation technique, and his aggrieved little face was pitiful and cute under the long golden hair.


Naruto..."Sakura has basically been cured, and looking at Naruto's transformation technique at this time, he felt as if his whole body was starting to hurt again.

It's too much for this bastard to turn into a beautiful girl and ask Fei Yu to help him heal!


Sasuke sat down on the couch by himself, he wasn't in a hurry to ask Fei Yu to help, and he also deliberately left himself with some serious injuries.

Waiting like this can also make people believe that Orochimaru took the initiative to attack him...

But that doesn't mean he can be willing to see Naruto, an idiot, turn into a girl, and it's the kind of appearance that obviously attracts flying feathers.

"Flying Feather, look at Sasuke, he bullies people!" Naruto looked at Flying Feather

who walked in front of him, and didn't care if his body was still in pain, so he pounced directly.

He just deliberately wanted to get closer to Fei Yu, who let Sakura always use the identity of a girl to do whatever she wanted.

If it weren't for the fact that he had to stay the same for some reason, he would have wanted to take medicine directly and become a real girl.

"I'll show you the injury first, don't mess around with your current situation, it's not like I won't treat you..."

Fei Yu looked at Naruto in his arms, and suddenly had some understanding of this guy's thoughts.

This guy, do you feel left out?

"That's different, you only take care of Sakura first every time, and don't care about me..."

Raising his head, Naruto put his hands on Fei Yu's neck, he was just not happy.

Although he had known it for a long time, he still felt sour in his heart.

Girls or something....

Just because I'm a boy now, I have to rank second to Sakura, which is clearly discrimination.

"It's all going to be robbed... It's really time for you to have a longer memory, you didn't have to suffer so many injuries before, but you didn't pay attention to yourself..."

It's not that I deliberately want to teach Naruto a lesson, it's just that the previous battle was really unreasonable, and both Naruto and Sasuke were deliberately letting themselves create some injuries that looked more serious.

He knew the reason for this, but that didn't mean he wanted to see it.

"I'm so badly injured, you still have to teach me a lesson, can't you comfort me, I need you to coax me now..."

Naruto raised his head, his big eyes were full of tears, and he clearly told Fei Yu that if he continued, then he would really cry.

"Okay, coaxing you, it's really a little grinder..."

Fei Yu hugged the person very cooperatively, and quickly adjusted Naruto's injuries with a ball of medical ninjutsu in his hand.

On the couch, Sakura glared at Naruto for a moment with an angry face, but thinking about the current situation, she still walked to Sasuke's side, and raised her hand with a somewhat pale face to stop the bleeding on his shoulder with medical ninjutsu.

As for the two people who were still hugging each other intimately, Sakura, like Sasuke, could only choose to ignore it temporarily.

Anyway, when someone came, it wasn't them who saw the entanglement.

"Flying Feathers..."

Kakashi rushed anxiously, and after seeing the blood on the ground, he jumped onto the wooden house to see who was injured.

But at this glance, he suddenly felt that it was not the right time.

Or rather, the timing of the interruption is not right.

"Kakashi, isn't that little ghost..."

Mitarai Azuki and a few other shadows quickly arrived, and followed Kakashi into half of the wooden house, but the picture in front of him was indeed a little too much.

"Bastard little ghost, you usually step on a few boats, but now at this time, you still dare..."

Mitarai Red Bean is very disgusted with Kazama Feiyu, since she heard about this boy who can't be provoked before, she has also heard people discuss it out of curiosity.

But this guy actually hugged left and right in front of the candidates in various villages, and he didn't look at her as an examiner.

Now that he has arrived in the Forest of Death, he still has a girl in his arms all the time, what does this kid

think of the exam? Do you really think that the people behind him can protect him at all times?

I really wonder if there is something wrong with the upper echelons of the village, this kind of kid has to take care of a lot, it really ruins the reputation of the Konoha ninja.

"He's treating Naruto.

Kakashi stopped Mitarai Azuki who wanted to step forward, and although he didn't know why Naruto was the way he was, the hair color couldn't be wrong.

"Healing, what kind of healing ninjutsu needs to be held in your arms, and... I remember there was only a pink-haired girl in their team, where did the blonde girl come from, who the hell is this?"

was stopped by Kakashi, Mitarai Azuki's anger increased instead of decreasing, she just didn't understand why these guys were protecting this little imp who didn't look like a ninja.

Is it so great to have someone behind it?

"That's Naruto Uzumaki..."

Although he didn't want to admit it, Kakashi still felt that it was better to make things clear at this time.

And Naruto's transformation technique has also been used many times, which shouldn't be strange.

"Naruto Uzumaki... You're really good at playing.,Normal girls can't be satisfied anymore.,So now even boys don't let go.,It's really worthy of the legendary Kazama flying feathers that the Hokage-sama wants to let go.,It's really..."

Mitarai Azuki did stop and didn't continue to bother after hearing that it was Naruto, but what she said sounded very unkind.

"Examiner, the person we met is Orochimaru, if you want to chase him, you may be able to find traces of him now, and of course you have the courage to chase him..."

Sasuke sat on the sofa, endured the injuries on his body, and looked up at Mitarai Red Bean, reminding her who was the culprit who caused all this.

"Orochimaru? What is he here for?"

Mitarai Azuki had mixed feelings about the name Orochimaru, and after hearing that it was him who had come, he was not in the mood to bother with the matter of Fei Yu and Naruto.

"It seems that I was looking for Sasuke, saying that it was because of the writing wheels..."

Sakura withdrew her hand next to her, exhaled a breath and rested for a while, and then continued to treat Sasuke.

Because this examiner was targeting Fei Yu again, they really wanted this to meet Orochimaru now.

"I see, I'll report the matter this time, since you all have no problems, Kakashi should go with you, you as the leading teacher shouldn't have been in contact with them at this time.

Mitarai Azuki glared at Sasuke and turned to look for Orochimaru's traces.

But when she saw that Kakashi was still standing here and hadn't left, she suddenly felt that this guy was in the way.


The author has something to say:

Meow ~ > ▽ < good evening ~~~ Meow came to ask for collection, praise, and all kinds of tips to feed~~~o(=·ω·=)m

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