"Whether you can believe it or not, but I really didn't want to hurt his life..."

Senju Zhuma felt quite aggrieved, he was just trying to test it, and it was definitely impossible to let that kid die directly.

Since it's a ninja, whose child didn't grow up being beaten, why can't he get to that kid?

I didn't see the nine-tailed little girl and the Uchiha little ghost, and they also had to risk their lives to grow up in the battle...

"He's never been hurt since I found him, and you're the first to attack him..."

The adult Feiyu's fingers raised, and his palm pressed directly on his forehead between the Thousand Hands Pillar.

The reason is that he is so perfectly prepared, so it shouldn't be a big problem to bully this first Hokage, right?

Even if there is some kind of causal relationship between this guy and the protagonist!

"You... What the hell are you doing? Without you raising a child like this, if he is not polished, he will always think that he is the strongest, and not everyone will dare not do it in the future because of your relationship, you will only raise him in this way..."

At first, the Thousand Hands Pillar was still very panicked, after all, there was likely to be a strange attack on the forehead.

But he found that this man had done nothing at all, except that he could not move, and he was not even forbidden to speak...

So he took this opportunity to give this person a good talk about education.

At least let that kid experience it, so that in the future he will understand that the village is actually very good, at least the current Konoha is already holding him.

"Long-winded! I was about to arrange some punishment for you, but you just interrupted my train of thought, so let you have a good experience of the idea I just wanted to throw away, I hope that when you come out, you can still discuss education with me with a smile, by the way, you must stay sober, this is an illusion..."

After the adult version of Fei Yu let go with a smile, the strange magatama in his blood-colored eyes turned around, and successfully brought the spiritual power between the Thousand Hand Pillars into the moon reading space.

At this time, in the moon reading space, Senju Tsuruma returned to his childhood, but he is now a girl!

This first generation of Hokage, who has been a man all his life, no matter what the people around him are, hurriedly ran home and stripped off his clothes, stood in front of the mirror and looked at it carefully for a while...

"Bastard, you come out for me!" Thousand

Hands Pillar knew that this was an illusion, but he couldn't solve it!

And this illusion was not harmful, could this guy be planning to do something after he became a girl?

If so, then he might really have to fight to blow himself up and break free from this illusion.

"Don't worry, it's not just that you've become a girl, go out and see, this world is very beautiful, I won't do anything obscene, good luck!" Fei

Yu stood beside the Thousand Hands Pillar, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

This is really just an illusion, and the moon reading space can be shaped according to his ideas, so now it's not just the guy in front of him, but everyone else is the same, and this place has become a daughter country.

But the time spent here in the Thousand Hands Pillar is different from the three days of Uchiha Itachi's moon reading space, here only Fei Yu takes the initiative to stop, otherwise...

"You, you, you go out!" When

he was a child, he was still a cute type, and at this moment he looked at the girl in the mirror, and instantly blushed and looked for clothes.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your little body, you can call me when you miss me, or one day you take the initiative to beg for mercy and let me let you out, it's all up to you to perform!"

Fei Yu didn't know how this space would develop in the future, because all the pictures here, except for him making the people he saw between the Thousand Hands Pillars become women, the rest was based on the memories of the Thousand Hands Pillars.

It's similar to Naruto's dream, but the pillar here is still the little boy with the pot lid in Fei Yu's eyes.

Next, Fei Yu watched the pillar go out, and then he saw the door, and at this time, the little door was also a little girl in his eyes.

Walking around the street did the same, and finally he chose to go to the river.

He's going to see if Madara Uchiha has become a woman too!

"Really... Cute and harmonious picture, you must stay, and keep it for him to show him when Madara Uchiha is reincarnated in the future..."

Fei Yu quietly recorded the picture of the two little Loli staring at each other, and then living in harmony, and when Pillar returned home, he also took a few photos to Pillar to see.

"Let me out, even if you do it to my soul, please don't use this way again!" Xiao

Zhujian glared at the adult version of Fei Yu with a smug face, and raised his hand to snatch the photo from his hand.

The two cute little girls in the photo made him feel depressed, and he must not let this kind of photo be taken out.

"Little girl should be gentle, it's just that I didn't expect that in your heart, Madara Uchiha would be so cute, much cuter than you..."

It's a bit boring to always bully children or something, so let him grow up a little bit.

Seeing Feiyu's figure disappear, Zhuma didn't dare to go out again.

Even if he has talent, even if there is still war, he only likes to study ninjutsu at home, watch more people go out to fight, and then bring back the corpse after dying in battle...

Time passed, and Xiao Zhuma grew up and became a sixteen-year-old girl.

Every day he watched his familiar brothers around him, and even all the clansmen become women, and the torment in his heart became more and more, until one day he saw the corpse of his sister...

He remembered that it was at this time that his brother had been killed.

In addition to Kazuma, he has two other younger brothers, and now one brother has been killed, and the other is dying....

Unable to bear to watch his relatives being killed again and indifferent, Tsuruma went to the battlefield and led his people to fight against the surrounding clans...

But later, his other brother died.

Although he looked like a girl, he knew that it was

his younger brother, and both of his younger brothers were dead, and his father seemed to be too

"Come out, come out, I'll admit defeat..."

Senju didn't dare to face those scenes again, and he remembered everything that followed, his father died, and the battle between Senju and Uchiha became more intense, and then...

More people would die, and it wasn't until he and Madara Uchiha became strong enough to control the people of the family that Konoha was established.

But it will take many years in this period, and he will need to watch it again.

He now finally understood that the illusion was not about transforming into a woman, but about going through the process of losing it all over again.

Now that he had grasped the point, he decided...

Throw in the towel!

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