"Admit defeat, but I haven't seen enough of the play, what way are you going to persuade me to stop?"

Adult Feiyu sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the thousand-handed pillar standing at the door, and continued to tease him.

Although this guy is in a clear mood, but in the past ten years, he seems to have gradually begun to get used to some things of women, hoping that Xiao Hei will not jump out, otherwise Fei Yu will always feel dangerous.

"Whatever you want, I can give it to you, stop this illusion, I admit defeat..."

The Thousand Hands Pillar took a few steps forward, standing in front of Fei Yu and staring at him seriously.

There's no shame in admitting defeat, because he's never had a chance of winning in front of this guy all along.

It's just that he didn't say it all this time.

"What do I want? What do you think you would be what I want?"

Fei Yu looked at this guy's posture, although he knew that he had admitted defeat, but he always felt that this guy's words still felt good about himself.

This guy actually doesn't have anything, so he gives everything he says....

Isn't that the same as saying that he's not going to give anything?

"I... You're not going to be like that kid who wants a big man to follow you after he turns into a woman... You—"

Senjutsu thought for a moment, and he really didn't seem to have anything.

But this guy knew and asked, that is, he could give some, could it...

Thinking of Naruto, who had been turned into a girl before, Tsuruma's face darkened in an instant.

The kid called Kazama Flying Feather is young, so there's nothing but kissing and hugging every day, but now this one in front of him...

"No, absolutely not! I'll tell you, don't even think about it!" quickly

took a few steps back, leaning against the door between the Thousand Hands Pillar and glaring at the adult version of Fei Yu in horror.

He will never compromise

! Even if he goes to see the death of his clan again, and goes to the future again, he will never agree!

"I'm a pervert who wants everything in your heart?"

Fei Yu was really dumbfounded, he didn't mean that at all...

But now it seems that Senju Pillar is really afraid.

"You are either father and son or brothers, and the ideology is the same..."

, a girl who has been a thousand hands between the pillars for more than ten years, is really a little afraid psychologically.

He even suspected that the guy had sent him to this illusion space for so many years just to have something to do with him.

"You've thought of me as such a person, and it seems unreasonable if I didn't do something, but if I did... Do you dare to see me after you say it?" The

adult version of Fei Yu was a little taller than the Thousand Hands Pillar, and at this time, he stood in front of him two steps forward, and his fingers were about to touch his face.

"What do you dare to do, I'll blow up my soul here, I don't believe that your illusion can be used on a non-existent person!" Raising

his hand and grabbing the fingers in front of him, he glared at Fei Yu between the pillars of a thousand hands, and there was not only resentment but also fear in his eyes.

Although there are no men in this illusion space, he is still a little accustomed to some of the ways of thinking of women.

"Don't worry..."

Fei Yu's chuckle sounded in his ears, but just when Pillar had just thought he had been let go, he suddenly saw the handsome face in front of him magnifying...


"You're going to die!! "

The Thousand Hands Pillar that came out of the illusion was in a trance, followed by a rage.

He didn't remember if he had kissed in the end, and he didn't know if he had broken free from the illusion himself, or if he had actually forgotten something later.

In short, now looking at Fei Yu standing in front of him with a smile on his face, he directly wants to open the Immortal Technique Mu Dun...

"Don't make trouble, be obedient in the future, otherwise I don't mind sending you over to live with me for a few more years, maybe a few children will be born in a few years..."

In fact, he really didn't do anything, and he didn't kiss him, after all, Qianshou Zhuma was still a pure man in his eyes.

However, I don't know, I don't know!

Fei Yu, who is addicted to playing, directly made the Thousand Hands Pillar get stuck for a blank time when he left the illusion space, which is actually a trance in his spirit, but how many guesses can be extended from this unclear moment between the Thousand Hands Pillars...

It's up to the guy's imagination.

After all, he could imagine Madara Uchiha in the illusion space as so cute.

Not really, Madara Uchiha was really cute when he was a kid, right?

Suddenly, some wanted to know...

'Host, host, your thoughts are dangerous, please stop your bottomless imagination, those two guys are not children, if you are really interested, you may always have to worry about the danger of being stabbed in the back. '

Xiao Hei jumped on his feet with a pillar, his host can really play.

Now the Thousand Hands Pillar is just because he doesn't know it, so he can't figure it out for a while.

If he was given enough time to get in touch with Fei Yu, he would surely understand what the illusion was all about.

"I'm just teasing them, you see I didn't kill them, I didn't force them to go crazy, you can't just tease them, right?"

Fei Yu tilted his head and looked at the thousand hands pillar with a stupid expression, and complained to Xiao Hei about the current situation a little helplessly.

If he wants to kill people who are already dead, he has to erase their souls, or else they can devour their souls.

But these are all important people, and he is not brain-dead, how can he really kill.

So at this time, he didn't understand what Xiao Hei was worried about.

Seemingly, there is something that cannot be known to him.

'I'm just afraid you'll play yourself to death, stupid host, whoa... I'm wrong in my calculations, stupid host, you go play by yourself, don't play yourself to death, or I won't give you a cry!'

The system Xiao Hei howled a few more times in the little black room, and then really went to study the analysis of those experimental data on it.


Yu, who felt that he was disgusted, stood in place, his eyes narrowed slowly, and he temporarily gave up on dwelling on Xiao Hei's question.

But for now, he did freak out the Thousand Hands Pillar, and what this guy was going to do after that was really exciting.

"You haven't recovered from the illusion yet?" Fei

Yu took a step forward, looking at the Thousand Hands Pillar whose eyes widened instantly, his eyes slowly opened, and his expression became gentle.

"What the hell did you just do... Did it, did it or didn't do it?"

Even though the body of the filthy earth was reincarnated, the Thousand Hands Pillar still felt a pain in his heart.

He endured the resentment in his heart and asked the question he had been struggling with just now.

"Huh?" The

strange question made Fei Yu successfully take a step back, he thought that Senju Tsuruma was thinking about how to take revenge, but it turned out that this guy was just struggling with whether something would happen in the future?

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