"Bastard, I'm asking you if you did it, if you did it!" the

Thousand Hands Pillar glared at Fei Yu, he had to know if anything had really happened.

As a man, he naturally knows how to react as a man when facing a beautiful woman, and at that time...

He must have kissed, right?

The last stage of his memory was already so close, it couldn't be just this bastard scaring him, so he didn't remember that part later...

After all, his figure in the illusion space is very good, and this guy can teach such a flowery scumbag, and he himself is definitely not much better!

" Didn't do it... I didn't do anything, so you don't have to have any psychological burden, I'm just scaring you, don't think about it so much..."

Adult Feiyu sighed suddenly, raised his hand and patted his shoulder twice between the Thousand Hand Pillars.

But the more he was so suddenly gentle

, the more he couldn't believe it!"You let go of me, I must kill you!" "

Thousand Hands Pillar resolutely didn't believe Fei Yu's words, especially looking at that gentle attitude, he didn't believe it!

If nothing happened, this guy would suddenly change his attitude?

The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, he was turned into a woman, and then returned...

Even if it's an illusion, even if it's just mental damage, he still can't accept being given that kind of thing by a man... That kind of closeness!"

Don't think about it so much, I wouldn't be looking for you even if I really needed to, after all, you're actually a man, and you're a dead man, so it's impossible for me to have any thoughts about you..."

Fei Yu's explanation was very straightforward, but at this moment, he fell into the Thousand Hands Pillar of strange thoughts, and he took his explanation as disgust.

"Why didn't you dislike me when I was in the illusion space before, why didn't you think I was a dead man at that time, you have become this attitude now, no wonder the child who taught me is also a scumbag!"

But he didn't want to see this man at all now, so he didn't say any more, and after yelling, he flashed towards the place where everyone had gathered.

As for the matter of the illusion space, the Thousand Hands Pillar decided to treat nothing as if nothing had happened for the time being, he was a man anyway.

Even if it's a dead person, it must only be an adult man!


Feiyu stood in place, looking at the Thousand Hands Pillar walking away with a blank expression.

He seems to have taken this first-generation Hokage-sama to the pit, and now he wants to drag him out, but this one lives in it by himself and doesn't leave?

This is really, what kind of miraculous development?

But suddenly I thought of Naruto, this is the chakra reincarnation of Asura, could it be that there will be some divine synchronization in some thoughts, right?"

No, no, I can't think about it, if it's really like what Xiao Hei said, it will be a tragedy, and it's better to ignore this guy in the future. Feeling

as if he had triggered some hidden attribute of the reincarnation of the Asura Chakra, Fei Yu quickly shook his head and directly replaced the shadow clone.

There are a lot of cuties in their own homes.,Some discordant people still don't provoke anymore.,In case it's true....


That's definitely a disaster...

"How are you feeling now?"

Sasuke sat next to Toba, and now when he saw him open his eyes, he immediately moved closer.

"It's okay, it's relieved now, but this chakra of the original Hokage-sama is really terrifying, it almost sent me away with just a sudden outburst, and it's really strong!" Fei

Yu stood up and put his hand on Sasuke's shoulder, looking at the Thousand Hands Pillar at the top of the mountain, his eyes flashed a little unpleasant.

In the case of setting up two identities by himself, Fei Yu can switch at any time, even without revealing any flaws.

These acting abilities, as well as the characteristics and memories that make me remember each of my false identities, are thanks to Xiao Hei's constant supervision.

"Little ghost, my eldest brother has also been troubled, and you still want to continue to trouble him?"

Thousand Hands looked at Fei Yu with an unhappy face, he knew that this little ghost would not expose this matter so easily, but no matter what, he had to stop it.

If he really killed this kid, who knows if that guy would come to trouble the brothers.

Although his brother didn't say anything when he came back before, he knew that it was definitely not good when he looked at that state.

"I'm not looking for it, someone won't let me look for it, huh!"

Snorted coldly, Fei Yu took Sasuke's shoulders and walked to the table next to him.

Today's dinner was made by Kushina with Naruto, Sakura, and Ino.

Naruto was a true novice, so he hurriedly made a dish, but it also looked extremely unsightly.

But at this time, Fei Yu would not dislike it, and tasted it when Naruto looked at it with a little blush, and then reluctantly received it in front of him.

"This is what Naruto made for me, you eat the rest, but don't let Naruto cook in the future, it's still me who cooks..."

In fact, it is not very bad, but there is too much salt, some places are salty and bitter, and some have no salty taste.

"If it's not delicious, don't eat it, why eat it, I know it's definitely not going to work..."

Naruto glared a little confused, he knew that this was really not good, but it would be good to be able to cook for the first time without sticking to it.

"That's Naruto's intention, and it's not completely unpalatable, but you don't want to learn it in the future, I know Aunt Kushina is worried about the future, but I really like to cook, so Naruto just waits to eat. Fingers

ran over Naruto's shoulder-length hair, and Toba comforted him a little helplessly.

Isn't it just cooking?

He really likes it, so some people's worries really don't need it.

But he was so natural and casual, Naruto was taken by Kushina to learn to cook before, and there were some conversations between mother and daughter....

It wasn't until after eating that everyone with doubts focused on Naruto and Toba, they needed to know what was going on!" Toba

, Naruto wouldn't really be a girl, right?"

Shikamaru thought that Naruto was just making a fuss.

But no parent

would make trouble with this kind of thing! Now the four generations of the couple obviously regarded Fei Yu as a family, and he could only think of one possibility in this situation, and it was the one he didn't want to believe!

If it was true, Ino and Sakura would suffer the most trouble.

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