"I'll let Orochimaru move faster, and when you have a new body, you don't have to worry about some problems..."Fei

Yu hugged the person and lay down directly on the bed, completely ignoring Xiao Hei who was laughing distorted in the small black room, even if Xiao Hei didn't peek, it made him a little embarrassed.

Regarding the fact that the pillar is so psychologically acceptable, he asked Xiao Hei if he had found out in advance, but Xiao Hei didn't even know...

Not only that, Xiao Hei also laughed at him for being stupid....

Laugh if you want, anyway, if he wasn't worried that Zhuma would be angry now, he would also want to hug someone and laugh for a while.

"There's no need to worry about the new body, anyway, your current body is still small, even if you have a new body, you can't do anything..."

And Feiyu, who was holding her next to her, originally just wanted to familiarize the pillar with the new state first, but was directly stunned by her.

"So... Are you trying to get something going on? Suddenly

letting go of his hand, Fei Yu pulled away the corner of the quilt and put his hand directly on the waist between the pillars.

This guy is inviting him, right?

After all, he had already said that even if the body can't be touched, the communication above the soul can be done.


The pillar who was still in her own thoughts suddenly stared, what did she just say?

"Didn't you say that my body is still small? But my soul is not a teenager, can I think that you want to try it? "

Feiyu's fingers slowly moved up, open a meat, it should be okay, right?

It's not normal for something to happen between adults!

"Don't mess around... Come... I wanted to heal your wounds here, not to talk to you... Hmm..."

Raised his hand to push the person away, but the pillar found that this guy's face was already so close.

At the moment when the hand hesitated, this handsome face pressed down directly, and the lips had already touched.

"Hmm, hmm..."

From the initial light touch, to the gradual deepening of this kiss...

By the time Pillar realized it, her hand, which wanted to push people away, had turned into an embrace.

One hand is on his back, and the other hand is already on the back of Fei Yu's head, and this state is already preventing the other party from leaving.

"Will it work?"

When he felt the two hands between the pillars retract, Fei Yu also stopped.

Raising his head to look at the beauty who was already flushed, he confirmed again that he could really eat tonight.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Zhu Ma thought about it seriously, and it really felt good just now.

As a mature soul, he used to have other women besides his wife, so he looked more straightforward in this aspect.

Comfortable, then you can continue.

It's just that as a woman's feelings, she is still a little stranger now.

"That's good, you'll feel better later..."

Chakra's shredding technique was activated, and Feiyu's scar was once again displayed in front of the pillars.

Unlike before, this time when the pillar reached out and touched the scar, she directly crossed it, and now she wants this flowery scumbag to serve well...

...... The ellipsis of Meow....


"You told me you hadn't touched a woman before?"

Zhu Ma, who didn't know how much time had passed, lay on the bed, tilted his head and glared at Fei Yu, who was still smiling at her, treating him with one hand while not forgetting to ask him to explain something clearly.

She's not a little girl, and if this guy's skills aren't battle-hardened, it's absolutely impossible.

At least there was a lot more variety than when he was him, and....

It was the first time she knew that women could have so many different ways to experience

itInexplicably, I want to beat this guy again!

"Probably... The talent is better, you really don't need to take a break?

Fei Yu looked at the refreshed pillar, and wondered if there was something wrong with his strength.

According to the time of this illusion space, he has been working hard for a day and a night, but why doesn't this guy have a tired reaction?

"What do you think the wooden chakra is for, as long as I don't want to get tired, even if it's ten times more... Don't do it, I'm tired! I'm tired!

Pillar instantly confessed when he saw that Fei Yu's hand was about to return to her.

She's sore all over now, and she knew she wouldn't fight with this guy....

It is true that her body recovers extremely quickly because of the dual effects of wood chakra and immortal arts, but some things can come infinitely without recovery.

Outside of the negative direction of injury or fatigue, it is not possible to recover from all of them.

"You don't rest when you're tired, I'll talk about healing your injuries when you're rested, you're now..."

Fei Yu looked helplessly at the slender palm at the scar, this guy turned out to be just a change in shape, but his height was still the same as always, and he didn't know if it would be the same when he had a new body.

Fortunately, I am a little taller than her, otherwise I would definitely be under a lot of pressure.

But this guy is obviously tired, and he hasn't rested at this time, and his injuries can't be healed in a day or two...

"Don't... If you lie down, I can be treated while I fall asleep, and if I really rest, I guess I won't be in the mood to heal my injuries..."

Pushing the person down directly, he lay in the crook of Fei Yu's arm between the pillars, and fell asleep directly when he put his palm on his wound and slowly healed it.

She knew exactly what she was like, so she couldn't wait until she got tired...

Anyway, there is no one else here, so naturally we have to do something comfortable first.

At that time, he must not be tired and will not let this guy go, so the matter of healing the injury can't wait.


Yu, who was sure to hear what Pillar had said clearly, lay on the bed, and suddenly began to wonder what the days after himself and Pillar would be like.

This illusion space will probably come in once and then go out after about a year, which is still a setting he prepared because he was worried that he would be tired from treating the wound all the time.

In this case, it doesn't matter if the closet of this illusion space is empty...

Because only the soul and consciousness exist here, the pillar woke up after a long sleep, dragged Fei Yu and went directly to the bathroom, and then...

A year has passed in the illusion space, and Fei Yu has habitually fallen asleep in his arms after coming out.

As for whether it was a body reincarnated in the soil, he didn't care much about it now.

Anyway, I will be able to change to a new body soon, but in reality, I finally don't have to be pushed back by this guy every day...

Wood chakra, the body of an immortal, and this guy's own magical healing power...

"Are you going to get a body for me to live in, or are you going to grow up while I'm going to reshape?"

Lying on the bed, Zhu Ma pushed Fei Yu away in disgust, staring at him and starting to plan for the future.

Some of the experiments of the big snake pill guy are quite pitiful, if you get someone else's body to use it at that time, then it is better to continue to reincarnate in the filthy earth, anyway, the two of them can often go to the illusion space to live for a year...


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