"You don't have to grow up from a young age, it's a similar way to the innate art of reincarnation, I tried the effect of reincarnation last time, and when the time comes, use your own genes and cells to cultivate, and after the future remodeling, your immortal arts and chakra will not change, but on the outside..."

At present, Orochimaru is still refining the original cells between the columns, which means that his previous body will be completely reduced to nothing.

At that time, just a few cells and genes will become roughly similar life forms after being attached and guided by the soul.

In fact, this method is really not as good as the reincarnation innate technique, but there must be some kind of drawback in the reincarnation innate technique, although Xiao Hei has not given him an absolute answer yet.

"You have a medicine to transform gender, and then you can also reincarnate the innate technique, although that kid said that you can't use it, but I believe you can, so do you want to explain, why don't you use it for me?"

Pillar also felt that this step was too troublesome, they could all be resurrected before, and it shouldn't cost much to change to an adult flying feather to do this kind of thing.

"Because the innate art of reincarnation is guided by the power of the caster, although it is already a real body, there is a big problem, that is, their lives will be fixed, and there will be no genes and cells and other normal continuation and transmission of living people, so..."

Fei Yu's answer was just received from Xiao Hei, although he didn't know why Xiao Hei suddenly understood it now.

It's not going to be the guy who is black. Have you quietly studied the data of the two couples before?

If that's really the case, then....

Inexplicably, my heart is a little stuffed!

"You mean... The question of future generations? It

took Zhuma a long time to react, this guy is talking about pregnancy!

A simple sentence is enough, and it will come out of him in a twist and turn...

"That's probably it.,Tsunade hasn't been able to let go because of his lover's departure.,Your brother was single in the past.,Even if you're interested in women in the future, you won't be able to give birth.,So the bloodline of the Senju family... Of course, if you're not interested, I can't urge you to give birth, I don't have any attachment to future generations. Tilting

his head to look at the pillar that was lost in thought, Fei Yu didn't know if this guy had thoughts about future generations.

And his own physical problems haven't been solved yet, and now even if he wants to live, he really can't help it.

"There's no hurry about this matter, wait until I have a new body first, just do what you want, I'm going to rest, don't make noise with me!"

glared at Fei Yu, grabbed the quilt between the pillars and closed his eyes directly to sleep.

This body is about to be abandoned, and she is beginning to look forward to the future.

As for the children....

Although the soul is an adult, the body of that flying feather is still small after all, and it will be said in a few years if it is born or not.


Yu sat on the edge of the bed, and suddenly felt that he was going to be thrown away if he ran out.

But thinking of Zhuma's current emotional problems, he still didn't get over again.

After all, there is still a gap between the things in the illusion space and reality, and perhaps only after having a new body can there be changes from body to mind.

After such a night, Fei Yu said hello to the pillar in the morning and left, continuing to return to the envoy's team.


"This village looks pretty good, there are few villages like this near the border..."

Kakashi stood at the top of the hill and looked at a small village below the mountain and sighed, there were many poisonous insects and weeds around, and it was close to the border...

Usually passing by this kind of village occasionally, what he sees is basically all kinds of nervousness and panic, and the tranquility here makes him can't help but want to see it for a while.

"Shikamaru, adjust the route, today we are resting near the village, remember to show your forehead protection, and find a reason to go to the village to hang around..."

The Land of the Void?


Anything can really come out, but since Xiao Hei asked him to take a look, let's take a look.

Anyway, it won't be delayed for long.

"Okay, I'll wait and have a look with Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei..."

Shikamaru sighed helplessly, knowing that he was not good as a captain.

Behold, if there is a life, it is his!

"Is this village weird?"

Senju didn't think that Fei Yu would stop here because he was bored, so there must be something in this place that needed their attention.

"Probably, I'm not sure yet, I don't know until I check it first, senior in the door, why don't you go back to the village and let them take precautions first?"

Thinking of the information that Xiao Hei said, Fei Yu always felt that it was necessary to let Konoha prepare first.

Maybe they don't have a chance to wreak havoc, but what can those guys do?

"Do you need the village's support, or do you want the village to prepare for defense?"

Looking at Fei Yu in some surprise, he really couldn't figure out what this small village needed to keep Konoha on guard.

"Probably... It may be that some remnants of the village who were once destroyed by Konoha may be about to take revenge, so make preparations, anyway, there is no harm!

Glancing at the inquiring door, Fei Yu leaned against the tree and didn't intend to say much.

He's just going to take a look at it for Black...

"I see..."

, but he didn't get any sure information, and after glancing at Flying Feather, he raised his hand and left a Flying Thor's mark on Kakashi's shoulder, and then disappeared directly from the place and returned to the village.

And Kakashi was still a little dazed, not understanding why he suddenly had to slap him, what the hell did this mean?

It seems that when he left the village, Mr. Watergate patted him on the shoulder in the same way...

Even, this kid Feiyu, and that one...

It's all patted on his shoulder!

What the hell is this code word, and why has no one ever told him?

"Kakashi-sensei's shoulders are really a heavy responsibility!"

Naruto laughed out loud as she watched from the sidelines, she also knew how to use the Flying Thunder God, so she naturally knew about the sigil.

But now she suddenly hesitated to leave one on Kakashi-sensei's shoulder, so that if something went wrong, she would just go straight to Kakashi-sensei!

When the time comes, everyone will be able to get together without worrying about the meeting place.

"Naruto... What does that mean?

Looking at Naruto, who was smiling at the flying feather, Kakashi felt the need for him to ask, although it seemed a bit embarrassing to not know as a teacher.

"No problem, Kakashi-sensei, you have to believe it, you have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders!"

Naruto took the opportunity to take a step forward and raised his hand to leave a mark on Kakashi's shoulder as well.

This is really in a good mood, she is already in sync with everyone!

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