"My dear host, what are you playing with again?"

System Xiao Hei suddenly appeared in front of Fei Yu, the kitten's paw was raised and swayed, and finally jumped onto Fei Yu's lap and became a ball.

It's finally done for the time being, and the rest of the things can be cleaned up, so in order not to let Fei Yu worry about it, he is in a hurry to come back.

But when it came back, the picture it saw turned out to be this guy sitting cross-legged, absorbing these two different divine powers...

If it weren't for the fact that the body remodeling on both sides was still continuing, Xiao Hei would have wondered if the two of them had rebelled, so that its host had made a situation of obliteration.

"They dislike that these divine powers used to be the things that were mastered, so they are currently working hard to cultivate, seeing that they are so diligent, I am embarrassed to tell them the truth..."

The divine power was devoured by him, and the remnants of those two divine thoughts had long since run out of power to borrow, and now they were still kept to dispel them, just waiting for them to check them when the pillars and Madara came out.

If they had known that they would have made this choice, Fei Yu would not have needed to be entangled in the first place, and would have directly drawn his strength to erase the divine thoughts, and the pillars and Madara would not have been suppressed.

But what he wanted was to make these two gods directly in terms of strength...

"Wouldn't that be nice? They rely on their own strength to become gods, so they don't need to bear those past grievances, and the gods of the year are almost dead, and after the new gods are born, they will be more free..."

Xiao Hei raised his claws to hold Feiyu's hand, and rubbed his little head on his fingers, talking about its expectations for this future.

Although it worked a little harder this time, it had more freedom, and if you work hard later, you might be able to covet that somewhat nasty position.

Although it can't do it unless it has to, it doesn't mean that it can't prepare in advance!

Whoever let its host have left too many ties in this world, and the premise of not leaving is naturally to work harder and be stronger.

"But it's going to be a hard process, they're... Maybe they prefer to harvest the fruit after hard work..."

Fei Yu also knew that Xiao Hei was right, but he was just a little entangled, and he would definitely not obstruct the choice between the pillars and Madara.

I just don't know how long this process will take, although the time within those two magic circles has been accelerated many, many times, but his soul is there, and it can also be felt.

"It's good to wait, anyway, it's an immortal body at worst, and when you reshape your body, that's what really takes time..."

Its host is hooked by some lovely girls in this world, which is a good thing but also makes it a little sad.

There is always a sense of helplessness that the pigs raised by themselves do not go in other people's cabbage fields.

Sure enough, it is still necessary to turn the cabbage field into your own to rest assured, otherwise who knows if the cabbage will be shoveled and replanted.

What a sudden sense of responsibility!

"Xiao Hei, what did you mean by the look in your eyes just now, why do I think you are complaining about me again in your heart, huh?"

Fei Yu stretched out his hand to pick Xiao Hei up, looking at Xiao Hei's little expression that quickly closed his eyes and played tricks, and was sure that he had been slandered by this little guy in his heart just now.


Xiao Hei is still as cute as ever.,Cute so cute that I always want to bully....

"Meow, host, let go!"

The four little paws were pinched together and shook a few times, and Xiao Hei's eyes were dizzy and helplessly begged for mercy.

"Hug for a while, you've been too busy to pay attention to me lately..."

Seeing Xiao Hei's big eyes widen, Fei Yu sighed softly, and picked up Xiao Hei and hugged him tightly in his arms.

Xiao Hei's sudden outing before made him worry a lot, but fortunately, he came back safe and sound....

"Okay, okay, for the sake of you needing company so much, this system will reluctantly make a pillow for you, you relax, this system will change positions with you..."

The small size grew in an instant, and although it was not comparable to the size of the statue in Konoha's house, it was also more than three meters tall.

"Then you're welcome!"

Fei Yu looked at Xiao Hei, who had grown bigger, and pounced on him with a smile in his eyes.

After so many years, Xiao Hei's strength has finally recovered somewhat, it's good!

"Sleep, I'll watch them don't let anything happen..."

Xiao Hei, who was half-lying on the ground, stretched out his paws directly and took Fei Yu beside him.

Its host hasn't been able to rest completely in all these years, so give him some benefits now, and only after relaxing can he have time to meet the next challenge.

"Then you're welcome..."

Leaning on Xiao Hei's body, Fei Yu showed a somewhat sleepy smile, slowly closed his eyes, and completely gave up all perception of the outside world.

With Xiao Hei here, he doesn't need to worry about anything....

After he fell asleep, Xiao Hei's eyes looked at the two magic circles, and two clouds of light flashed, turning into two little black cats and running in.


The pillar was cultivating, and when she opened her eyes when she felt something abnormal, she saw a black cat about the same size as her staring in front of her.

"He's not in a good state, I'll teach you to cultivate for him!"

Xiao Hei slapped the soul incarnation of Feiyu back with one paw, wagged his tail and went to the stone next to him to lie down, staring at the pillar with his eyes and slowly looking.

At the same time, it's the same result on Madara's side, but Madara doesn't know Xiao Hei, and he doesn't know if this guy can be trusted.

"What the hell happened to that guy?"

Madara's strength had increased a lot, but she still couldn't catch Feiyu and beat him.

At this moment, seeing that Fei Yu was slapped by a black cat with a paw, she was not only angry, but also worried in her heart.

"Why, don't you hate him very much? Isn't this just right now, and I won't do anything to you..."

Xiao Hei lay on the rock, his eyes full of disgust when he looked at Madara.

It's actually quite fond of Madara Uchiha.,This temper is very good....

It's a pity that its host has been teasing people for so long, and if it doesn't do something, it doesn't know how long it will have to wait for the next grinding and chirping.

"I hate what he has to do with you, if you can't hand him over, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Madara's hands clenched, she hated that bastard who always took advantage, but that didn't mean she could allow that guy to be bullied!

I haven't been able to catch that guy and beat him up, and this cat has come to grab her?

She would never agree to say yes!

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