"Sure enough, Madara is also used to it..."

Pillar looked at the one person and one cat that had already fought over there, and shook his head helplessly when he looked at Xiao Hei, and the appearance of the original child also changed.

The body skyrocketed in an instant, and in an instant, it grew from a child to a girl, and then to an adult...

A long black hair hung down to his thighs, and after glancing at Xiao Hei, the white arms between the pillars lifted and tied the hair in two in front of him.

The original floral skirt had also become a pure white long skirt at this time, but after looking at the Madara who was still fighting over there, she still reached out and changed the clothes that were condensed with energy.

"This figure is still a little not so smooth when fighting, but it will definitely not be delayed!"

A black combat uniform replaced her previous skirt, but she still felt awkward, so she condensed a layer of light armor on top of the combat uniform, hiding this fiery figure in it.

"I'm not human, so it doesn't matter if you're in shape or not, as long as you adapt to it yourself..."

Xiao Hei looked at the movements between the pillars, and once again felt that he really couldn't understand this guy's brain circuit.

"I can't just plant flowers at home in the future, I'm asking you to help me see

now, if it's appropriate to go out like this..."Zhu Jian glanced at Xiao Hei with strange eyes, she naturally knew that this cat wouldn't care about her figure, but now that she adjusts it, when she goes out to participate in the battle in the future, she doesn't have to worry about it every time.

Otherwise, what would she do for a long time?

If she really wants to be trained by Xiao Hei, she only needs a set of combat clothes, and she doesn't even have to worry about walking away, because there are no outsiders here at all.

"I suggest you add a coat to your combat suit, the armor doesn't fit..."

Blackie's paw lifted and slapped twice on its own head.

Sure enough, I can't think of which direction the brain circuits between the thousand hands will go...

But since it's asking for its opinion, I have to mention a direction that is more in line with the aesthetics of its host.

"Coats? This... Or..."

With Xiao Hei's opinion, the pillar continued to change clothes here.

Except for the black ninja battle uniform, which has not been changed, the coat has been changed dozens of sets under Xiao Hei's shaking of his head again and again...

On the other side, Madara was slapped directly to the ground by the cat's paw after his strength was exhausted.

And then....

"Pillars, what are you bastards doing?!"

Madara, who was slapped on the ground, finally saw what was happening across the river at this point.

The woman who was listening to the black cat's opinion and changing her clothes...

That bastard in the pillar is so familiar with this black cat that he even needs a cat to make decisions about getting dressed?

"Blackie, I think I hear someone calling me?"

Originally, she couldn't hear the sound transmission, but at this moment, Tsuruma was sure that she heard Madara that stupid person scolding her.

"Well, I'm removing the middle layer of separation, so you can cross the river now..."

Xiao Hei wagged his tail, very satisfied with the current image of the pillars.

Skirt tightened bodice, jacket long white trench coat, knee-high boots, hair scattered behind the back...

And a cold and unparalleled face when he doesn't speak....

It was in a good mood, and after that, it directly removed the barrier in the center of the river, and prepared to let the two of them move together.

"So, my current opponent is the stupid Uchiha Madara, right?"

Pillar looked at the other side excitedly and waved his fist at Madara.

The image of the royal sister, who was originally considered beautiful by Xiao Hei, was instantly shattered after he spoke...

"Yes... Go ahead, you two play slowly, I'm not feeling good right now..."

Lying on the rock, Xiao Hei felt a little sorry for his host...

Obviously, he has already shaped his appearance so perfectly, but as soon as he opened his mouth, his image collapsed.

It really tried, alas....

"What's wrong?"

The footsteps stopped, and Pillar looked back at Xiao Hei, leaned over with a worried expression, and squatted in front of it to see if he could treat it.

Although she thinks it should be useless...

"I kind of understand what he likes about you... Go, go, go, play with you, Lord Ben is just angry with your stupid appearance..."

Xiao Hei looked at the pillar in front of him, this guy was really good when he got serious, but it was absolutely thorough when he collapsed.

The guy on the other side was pretty much the same, he didn't have much hope now.

As long as these two work hard, even if they can't become gods for the time being, and regain the immortal level, it can let these two out.

Anyway, there are a lot of women around its host.,If you commit two, you can commit two.,Stupidity is also an attribute.,For example, I'm Ailuo's cute....

"Stupid pillars, you really became a woman, and after becoming a child, you reached out and asked for someone to hug you..."

Madara came directly after discovering that he could hear the sound of talking on the other side of the river, and at this moment he looked at Xiao Hei and said that the pillars were stupid and cute, and instantly remembered what the pillars were like before.

But her laughing appearance not only didn't make Pillar angry and beat her up, on the contrary, Pillar also laughed together.

"Madara... You were also cute when you were a child, and the way you fried your hair after being kissed is not ordinary stupid! "

This kind of thing, Pillar can say a lot more than Madara...

She watched a lot of dramas here before, and when she couldn't break free after holding her waist, Madara's face was red with anger at that time...

"Bastard! You can see it all the time, you lied to me!

Madara, who was still greeting warmly, widened his eyes at this time, and raised his hand to open Susa.

I thought that I couldn't see this side of the column, so sometimes she just thought that the people on the other side of the river didn't exist.

But now it seems that this guy is having a lot of fun watching the show, and he is still waiting to tell her...

"It's like you didn't lie to me, believe it or not, I let you have two hands, and I can also press you to the ground and rub it!"

Tsuruma looked at Madara Uchiha, and suddenly remembered what this guy had lied to her about in the first place.

I thought I was killed by my own hands, but what happened?

Madara Uchiha, this bastard, actually bit her flesh and then faked his death to deceive him?

After thinking about it, I was depressed, and I ended up depressed in self-exile...

Zhu Ma is sure that if she doesn't abuse Madara severely, this breath in her heart will be uncomfortable!

"Then let's fight, if it weren't for your black hand, I wouldn't be like this, there are more accounts between us, and now I have time to settle with you slowly!"

Madara knew what Tsuruma was talking about, and she did have a calculating mind at that time.


Now that she's become a woman, and she's bullied by that guy every day, it's all because of this bastard in Tsuruma!

She always thought that this guy in the pillar was the least likely to do bad things, but now she was sure that this guy was simply bad!


The author has something to say:

o(=·ω·=)m Good noon~

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