"That's pretty much it..."Fei

Yu woke up after a long sleep, and came to this space of thought after being fused by Xiao Hei with some helplessness.

Now Tsuruma and Madara have already completed their body remodeling, but the more they fight, the more addicted they become, and it seems that they have forgotten to go out.

At this time, he had to appear here, holding Xiao Hei and continuing to watch the battle between the two.

"How long has it been outside?"

Pillar kicked the approaching Madara away, dodging the next blow while asking Fei Yu about the outside world.

"It's been nearly ten days since the outside world, and now the danger has been basically lifted, and that guy Orochimaru is having fun, and he's about to be regarded as a god who saves the world..."

Those filthy earth reincarnators have been basically wiped out, but the people behind the scenes have been deliberately left behind by Orochimaru to hold a welcoming ceremony for the return of Tsuruma and Madara.

After all, at some point, strength needs to be compared.

And the big barrel wood clan who has not yet appeared in front of people is obviously a reference for the ninja world to carry out a division of strength.

"Madara, be my neighbor in the future, I see that you don't go out to do bad things, and you stay and see that I won't be deceived, how about it?"

The pillars suddenly erupted when their bodies were staggered again, and they directly pressed Madara into the river.

The palm of his hand pressed on Madara's shoulder, and the pillar suddenly retracted his strength, and suddenly brought up the matter that she had been thinking about in a serious manner.

Take this idiot home, look at it, don't get fooled by those guys in the big barrel.

But thinking of Madara's temper, Pillar is still a little embarrassed to say that she also needs Madara's care.

Just like when the village was first built, they could only seriously discuss things after a fight.

"You bastard has a man, and I'm your neighbor? Listen to your corners?

Madara Uchiha lay in the river, staring at him and wishing he could punch Tsuruma two more times.

This bastard, such a sudden outburst, is definitely because of the guy sitting on the sidelines!

Before, it was obviously evenly matched, and no one would take advantage, but as soon as that man came, it was as if he suddenly had a little more strength.

"I can listen to you..."

, a few evil smiles suddenly appeared, and with a strong finger between the pillars, he grabbed Madara and stood up from the river.

Without giving Madara a chance to react to what she meant by what she just said, Madara's hand was forceful and threw Madara out.

Target, in the arms of Flying Feather!


Madara didn't react until he was hugged, and that bastard in the pillar actually meant that.

"You have a few years to think about, I'm not in such a hurry..."Fei

Yu chuckled helplessly after hugging the person, if you want to dig a pit, it has to be stronger between the columns.

It's clear that he brought home another daughter-in-law, but in fact, it's Zhuma who is expecting her to stay.

"Don't say it's a few years, it's ten years and a hundred years, and I can't take a fancy to you!"

He didn't get out of the arms twice, but Madara wouldn't say yes so easily.

The strength is still too weak, and her goal in the future is to cultivate, immortals, gods...

No matter which one is stronger, he will go all the way.

As for the pervert whose taste seems to be a little peculiar, she will definitely not have an idea!

"Feel free, as long as there are no problems with cultivation, a hundred years and a thousand years will not be far away, as long as you don't have a crush on my daughter-in-law, I really have no opinion on the rest..."

Fei Yu shook his head with a smile, and suddenly lowered his head before letting go of Madara, and landed a light kiss on the center of her eyebrows.

Without any desire, just a gentle kiss, Fei Yu placed her on the ground and took her hand with the pillar at the same time.

The body has long since been reshaped, and the combat training here is not much meaning.

It's time to go home, too!

"Where's the clothes?"

The surroundings changed suddenly, and Madara looked at the pillars on the other side before remembering that this was the space they had been in when they had been resurrected.

But at this time, looking at the pillars who were completely unclothed after the body was reshaped, the next moment he looked at himself.

After looking at it at a glance, Madara's face darkened in an instant.

"The clothes are ready, do you wear them yourself or will I put them on for you?"

Fei Yu took out the two sets of clothes, which were the styles of clothes that the two of them had in the previous consciousness space.

Carrying the set that belonged to the pillar in his hand, Fei Yu glanced at Xiao Hei who was lying on his shoulder, and he was indeed looking forward to it.

It's just this set of spots.,Black system!

Probably not bad, right?

"I'm not going to know how to wear clothes!"

Madara put it on after seeing that Tsuruma had easily removed her clothes, and she didn't feel like she needed to worry about it.

But to put it lightly, this woman's clothes were really in trouble after she held them in her hands.

"I'll come..."

Fei Yu looked at Madara staring at the clothes in her hand in a daze, and stepped forward to adjust it for her and buttoned it up.

Although it's different from Sasuke's style, the cute reaction when I first wore this kind of clothes is really a basic copy.

"Looks like

she's dressed the girls..."Madara's face was a little red, but she would never admit that she was shy or annoyed.

But there will be no less complaints....

"It looks like Sasuke and Madara are really similar, but it's still a little worse than Izuna, when Izuna became a woman..."

Tsuruma got dressed and walked straight over, and after reaching out and touching Madara's face, she suddenly mentioned Izuna.

Especially when she was first resurrected, Izumi's expression was even more interesting than Madara.

And she suddenly remembered that she only felt like Sasuke at the beginning of Izuna, but now it seems that she is more similar to Madara.

It's a pity, Izuna's kid has turned back into a man, otherwise...

Her brother, who is not very good-tempered, seems to be being managed by some people now...

"What? Izumi Naya... You bastard, you don't even let Izumi go! That's

how it was to become a woman, but when she thought that her brother was also pitted, Madara's anger suddenly surged, and he raised his hand and slapped a palm full of anger at Fei Yu.

"The strength is good, almost at the level of immortals, and when the six immortals appear in the future, I can hand it over to you..."

But the strength is good, but this guy actually hit him directly...

It's really upsetting, very, very much....

It's infuriating!

"I don't care about anything else, I just want to know how Izuna is doing now!"

Madara looked at Fei Yu, who easily suppressed her, she knew that she couldn't beat her, but she would never allow her brother to be harmed by this guy...

"Izumi Nai is a man, and he has a good relationship with Kazuma at the moment, if you are still going to be so unbehaved, I don't mind letting him be the daughter-in-law of Kazuma in the future, do you believe it or not?"

Fei Yu's fingers suddenly forced, and he directly pulled Madara forward, hugged the person with one hand, and raised his hand to touch her face...

I really didn't want to do anything, after all, the twisted melon is not sweet.

But now this guy is so ruthless, if he doesn't do something, it seems that his temper is too good...



Meow has raised a flock of geese, and if you are interested, you can...



The author has something to say:

early (*^-^*).

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