"Between the columns... I didn't think you would be like this..."

Madara was a little stunned.


when she saw that the clothes between the pillars had been taken off, only the last bit remained...

Although he has no experience, if he doesn't understand this, he is an idiot!

This guy is actually saying this...

"Don't pretend, you bullied him like this, didn't you really mean it?"

Tsuruma's gaze drifted to her leg, and that look instantly made Madara's face redden.

"I—I'm not—"

Gaze followed, Madara's legs slowly moving away.

She said how she felt panicked just now, she used to only focus on ninjutsu and fighting, and she really didn't know much about this kind of thing.

"You two are almost fine, is it really impossible for me to lie down like this and be bullied by you?"

Fei Yu stretched out his hand and hugged the two of them in his arms, this one stared and the other blushed, but can your hands and legs not move.

This is the fantasy space, and for decades, if it gets out of control, I don't think I have to do anything else next...

Although he has not yet found out what else can he do other than treat his injuries...

But Xiao Hei shouldn't just let him come here to accompany his daughter-in-law on vacation, right?"

"Before, you said that your body hasn't recovered, and I don't mind waiting for it, but now that your body has been reshaped, when do you want to wait?

So what the hell is this bastard struggling with, I haven't seen him so cowardly when I was in her soul before!

" "There will be decades here, and the wedding may be owed first..."

The daughter-in-law is worried, how can she not work hard as a husband

, but now that the two daughters-in-law are here, this is really a bit of a test of his skills...

But this matter doesn't have to be entangled in Fei Yu, just after a deep kiss, the pillar directly pressed the red-faced Madara into Fei Yu's arms, and her hand took the opportunity to try the feel on Madara's body.

Although it's a little smaller than myself, this feel is really good.


Madara was still confused, and the kiss with a strong smell made her a little addicted, even though she knew that some bastard was watching...

But in the fluctuating and jumping fingers of the flying feathers, this beautiful movement was still played.

Although the novice is always a little flustered on the road, the instinctive reaction can still be easily brought into the rhythm.


Occasionally, she would feel that something was wrong with some approaching hands...

"Bastard, Pillar Room, you go away..."

When he woke up from his intoxication again, Madara looked at Fei Yu, who was still struggling, and just wanted to give a kiss, but accidentally saw Pillar Mazuma's hand that crossed her shoulder with a wicked smile...

"Hmm... Don't move..."

Fei Yu's rhythm was interrupted, and he stopped to look at Madara's angry eyes, and lowered his head a little helplessly to block her vision.

At this time, how can his daughter-in-law look at other people, even another daughter-in-law...

"You take care of her..."

, the breath was disrupted, and Madara raised his hand to slap Fei Yu's back when he finally got a chance to breathe.

She was bullied by that bastard, Fei Yu didn't care, it was his daughter-in-law!

"Tube, just wait..."

The diligent and hard-working Fei Yu was beaten, so he could only work harder.

The daughter-in-law has to take care of it, but she has to take care of it one by one, and he can't use the shadow clone to take care of it separately!

" "It's really ruthless, I didn't expect it to be so cruel, and if I grabbed it, it would be a blood stain..."

At this moment, he watched Madara's ruthless hand because of the loss of control, and only after they both died down did he raise his hand with a little tenderness...

"Pillars, I won this time!" Madara

, who had a lazy face, turned his head and suddenly showed a smug smile when he looked at Pillar.

This time, she got the first prize!

"Cut... What's the big deal, I've been with Feiyu for decades, and this time it's just you, otherwise... As far as you don't know, you don't know when you will have to wait until you will be able to eat!"

After all, soul blending is a completely different concept, Madara was confused about some reactions just now, and now that he is full, he wants to start playing tricks? or is

it a little tender!

"Anyway, it's mine now, and you can only be second!"

Although he knew that what Juma said was the truth, Madara would not admit it.

To say that to take it is to take it, and....

Just now, this bastard in the pillar quietly made a black hand, and she will find it back later!

"Good girl, I'll take you to take a shower first, even if you're in good health..."

In the warm water, Madara's sleepiness gradually hit, and by the time Fei Yu came out of the bathroom with her in his arms, he had already slept soundly.

"It's dawn, you're really tired

of her...", Zhu Ma put on a nightgown, stood on the edge of the bed and looked at the sleeping Spot, raised his hand and poked her face lightly, and then smiled and threw himself into Feiyu's arms.

That guy is so well-behaved when he is asleep.

"It's okay not to eat for a day, it's time to serve you..."

Fei Yu reached out and picked up the pillars, and carried her away from Madara's bedside and returned to the large bed that had been rebuilt.

"It's not so easy for me to be satisfied, if I don't qualify, I'll have to come by myself next time..."

There was a little depth in Tsuruma's smile, but soon she didn't have time to think about it.

"Sure enough, there's a difference, right, dear?"

For the new body, Fei Yu is now more familiar with it and more motivated.

When Madara on the other side of the bed was woken up after a good night's sleep, Fei Yu was still fighting with the pillars.

"Terrible woman—"

Madara sat on the edge of the bed, and gestured twice with her fingers, finally confirming that she had underestimated the ferocity of the pillars.

At this level, she doesn't want to compare at all, and she probably can't hold it with both hands...

"Madara... You take it away... Fei Yu, take care of your daughter-in-law's stinky hands!" "

Pillar finally realized Madara's feelings now, and his hoarse voice let out a helpless call, but at this time, Fei Yu didn't have time to care about what Madara's hand was doing, how could he be distracted when he was invincible for a long time...

"I don't have to eat tonight, I just don't get hungry, I'll wait..."

Madara's hand swiped around, she kind of liked the game now, so...

Wait a while, be sure to keep playing...

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