"Feiyu, I'm hungry. The

voice of the pillar came from behind him.

"Just a while... Eat some fruit first..."

Fei Yu's cooking hand paused helplessly.

He probably knew what Blackie's purpose was.

If he really had to understand it after he got married, he might really have a hard time dealing with it all for a while.

"Are you sure you're really hungry?"

Madara stood in the kitchen doorway, looking at Fei Yu's back a little confused.

Before, she was just a little curious, but now she seems to have been taken by the pillars, and she always wants to bully this guy.

She seemed to prefer to see this person in a state of drunkenness and madness in front of her rather than physical feelings.

"You're the ones who kicked me out, and if it's okay, I don't mind keeping the door closed for a few more days.

Fei Yu glanced back, and could only accept and get used to the two of them's behavior of reversing black and white.

"I'm not here to let you stay in your room, you can go out and have a look after dinner, and find a chance for us to go to the national capital to stay, I want to see what peace is like after the unification of the ninja world." Spotted

glared at her, explained her purpose, and went straight back to the house.

Waist sore legs, although I don't want to admit it, but in this regard, she really can't be compared with the column.

That guy's self-healing ability was restored almost instantly.


Madara was in a flared mood just thinking that the guy had said he was going to kill himself in front of her.

As far as that guy's recovery power is concerned, even a few slashes are fine, but she turned out to be...

Forget it, she admits that it was her soft-heartedness at that time that she believed that bastard in the columns!

"What did you lie to her in the first place?"

Fei Yu looked back at the pillars while waiting for the meat to be stewed, and for a moment she didn't know what Madara was doing again.

Obviously it was fine before, but all of a sudden, she had an opinion about Tsuruma?

"Probably my resilience made her think of some of the past..."

Pillar probably guessed what the situation was, but at that time, it was about the two families, and it was even more related to the establishment of Konoha, so she could only do this at that time.

No one knows better than her, Madara has participated in a lot of battles, and there are just as many people killed, but...

Madara's heart, which was originally kind.

She wants to see a peaceful future, and she wants people to stop fighting and dying...

It's a pity that people have too many responsibilities after all.

For the sake of the family, for the sake of relatives, sometimes you have to fight to the death.

Because if you take a step back, you will let the people behind you face destruction.

"Some things have passed, but fortunately, I've brought them back to Izumi and Kazuma, otherwise I'm really afraid that you will meet and fight..."

Regarding the matter between Madara and Tsukima, Fei Yu had thought a lot about it before.

Especially when they were not resurrected, when he didn't know either of them, and thought more about the pain and longing in everyone's hearts at that time.

When the village was founded, Madara Uchiha was the most powerful.

But it was because he was strong and too popular that those families in the village would stop Madara Hokage's proposal.

The position of the first generation of Hokage was not obtained, and the second generation became the door room again, and at that time, even if there was no black absolute guidance, it would not be the same as before after all.

At that time, Fei Yu thought that if it was him standing in Madara's identity and position...

Having lost his brother, losing his trust in his friends, and losing the support of his family, it is likely that he is even angrier than Madara.

That's why he felt that Madara was not hard enough before he came into contact.

It's a bit of a pity that even though he wasn't his daughter-in-law at all, he still wanted to help with the following.

"Don't bully Izuna in the future, we used to have several younger brothers, but the war made us lose them, and in the end I only have one younger brother in Kazuma, and Madara is the same, the last time you threatened Izumi, Madara is going to have a psychological shadow now..."

Leaning against the wall, the pillar suddenly wanted to tell Madara about Izumi.

That time he said that he was going to turn Izuna into a woman, and he still felt a little relieved in Madara's heart.

"At that time, I teased her, and besides, it is impossible for Izumi to become a woman, and his soul state has been completely fixed after that accident, even if he can become a woman in the door, it is impossible for Izumi to change..."

But he was just playing, and if that guy turned into a woman, he really couldn't imagine that picture.

But it had scared Madara before, and now it was okay to tease Mazuma in reverse, after all, Madara was angry and might need some new fun to amuse her.

"Even if a woman changes in the door, it will be impossible to enter the door of our Uchiha house!"

Madara's voice sounded outside the door.

She was actually bored in the room, but she didn't expect to hear this kind of thing when she came out to move.

The younger brother will not become a younger sister in the future, and she is naturally satisfied with this.

But if that guy becomes a woman, and then he comes back to his brother...

No, no, she definitely can't allow it!"

"What is there to do with your Uchiha family, Kazuma can't look down on that Izuna guy, and his defeated generals will definitely not be able to get into his eyes!"

Next, the two of you and I will say a word, and gradually the topic will be crooked....

"Eat first, when you are full, you will slowly quarrel, I will go to the national capital to see the conditions of accommodation, since it is a peaceful world, then let's communicate with them in a peaceful way..."

It's just that when talking about the national capital, Fei Yu thinks a little more than them.

The ninja world is unified, peaceful, tranquil....

Without competition, the first problem is that there are fewer people who are trying to grow, and the strength of ninjas is already low, making them feel too small.

But peace....

Is there really absolute peace?

People's hearts are greedy, and under the appearance of calm, there is likely to be a turbulent dark river.

"You said before that there would be decades, and you don't need to be too anxious to move in, the pace slows down a little, and the most important thing is to let the pillars heal that scar for you, but now it looks like an eyesore, ugly..."

And when she was close before, her hand stroked over the scar many times, and she was more worried than before.

The peace in this illusion is very similar to the moon reading space she once planned, it is just false, but it is not particularly important.

If you really want to talk about it, it is probably to fulfill her dream.

"It won't be very troublesome, I'll leave this matter to me, the two ladies just have to wait for my good news..."

Fei Yu smiled and said that they didn't have to worry about this matter, after dinner, he went to Kyoto, quickly completed the check-in procedures, and bought a luxurious mansion in Kyoto as a wealthy businessman.

I arranged for someone to pack up quickly, and I was able to officially move into Kyoto after three days.


The author has something to say:

Good evening~(*^-^*) Thank you for the inspiration capsule rewarded by 'Miss Love'~~ Thank you readers for the milk tea, likes, love letters and power generation with love~~~|. ・㉨・)っ♡

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