"Sure enough, it's a peaceful illusion, and he actually used his strength to seal himself directly after taking revenge!" Madara's

excitement turned into disappointment a few days later.

The boy had the power to take revenge, and then he did take revenge, and the enemy's entire family was killed, and then...

The boy didn't do anything, so he found a place where no one was and sealed himself for the rest of his life...

"His concern is only that girl, now that everything is gone, it's not strange to give up, now pass on the news of that seal, make a treasure map for people to explore, and you put this in that seal..."

But this psychic beast may not be willing to listen to orders, so things after that will naturally develop slowly and make this world 'live' again.

After seeing Madara's disappointment with the world, Fei Yu has already understood what Xiao Hei means.

The pillar is here to treat his scars, but at the same time, he also puts the spots in, which is not as simple as getting used to married life.

Whether it's the original plot or the present, Madara Uchiha had a desire for peace as a child.

Madara doesn't need to think about that anymore.

But her previous desire to read the world of infinite moons still needs some stimulation to make her completely change this idea.

So, the same world of peace he wants, and let Madara break the so-called peace himself.

"Can this world last until a few decades from now?" After

Madara left again, Pillar sat next to Fei Yu, his eyes filled with curiosity.

Now that Madara has been reminded that he doesn't need to do anything more with Fei Yu, the world will be in chaos.

"Yes, before we leave, we promise not to disappear..."

Fei Yu didn't tell Pillar that this place was actually fake, but he believed that Pillar and Madara had actually seen it.

Because as long as we are human, how can we not have desires?

When the people of this world have a heart, then the world will come alive.

"That's good, I'm only worried about whether your injuries can heal in this time, and the rest has nothing to do with me. "

Pillar continues to increase the intensity of treatment, and the treatment she has given Fei Yu has improved a lot in the past year, although it may really take decades, but this is already a very good change.

For the rest of the day, Fei Yu researched and wrote some recipes every day.

At the same time, he complained about how unreliable the plan was, and of course, Madara would tell them how it was going when he came back every night....

More than ten years have passed, and the original peace has been broken, and even Kyoto is in chaos.

The people of this world gradually have a heart.

Madara was very satisfied with this result, and began to observe everywhere every day, and also specially cultivated the leaders of several forces, so that they could fight each other and lead more people.

The troubled times officially began more than ten years after they arrived in this world.

Force value, wealth value, power control, etc....

There was a scramble for a while, and it soon turned into a similar chaos at the end of the year Madara and Tsuruma were born.


When war breaks out, time passes in fighting and killing each other....

"Now, what are you going to do?" Standing

on the top of a mountain, Fei Yu looked at the forces fighting below, and turned his head to look at the obscure Madara, wanting to see what she thought.

"Those two teenagers, very similar to me and Tsuruma at the beginning, I want to see their choice..."

Madara looked at the teenagers below, two of whom he had been arranging since ten years ago, so that these two teenagers had a friendship of life and death.

Now, the families of the two of them are in the crowd of people, and the benefits they thought they had obtained through difficulties together are now also the pillars of the family.

"Those two guys are much more stupid than you, are you sure they can be like us back then

?" Pillar stood aside and watched with disgust, these two teenagers were so valued by Madara?

"You can treat it as a simplified version that is more than ten times weaker, anyway, it's just watching a show, what are you doing so seriously, you are tired of treating Fei Yu every day, so you are grumpy?"

Glaring back at Tsuruma, Madara is in a really good mood now.

So in this matter between the pillars, she is very, very interested.

"Who the hell is too serious? It was obvious that you were taking this matter too seriously before, and now you are actually saying that I..."

Every time she sees Madara showing a tsundere expression, she wants to pinch this guy's face until she makes her blush and stare....

"You're enough! Bastard, don't think I dare hit you now, Feiyu's injuries are almost healed, and when I fully recover, I'm going to break your hand!" Madara's

face was pinched red, but she would always be bullied by this hand unless she stayed far away.

But the body dodged away, and it seemed as if he was afraid of her...

"They have to make a decision, if you want to fight, you can wait until we are about to leave..."

In the midst of the scuffle below, the two chosen by Madara made the decision to go back and get the clan out of the battle, setting the final battle between the two of them.

When this battle began, although the strength of Fei Yu seemed to them to be barely able to reach the shadow level, it was already a myth in the eyes of the people of this world.

In the end, both sides were defeated, and they were ordered not to fight again, and they were carried back to recuperate from their wounds.

But neither of them saw the sun the next day after they went back.

He was not killed by serious injuries, but by his own family who needed a reason to fight the other side again.

Both sides are the same choice.

On the second day after the armistice was declared, the two families attacked each other's family stations, and because the main forces left their homes and went to each other's place, they were slaughtered without even resisting.

The final result was that the remaining combat power of the two most powerful families converged again in this place, and they fought until the last few dozen people remained, and they were annihilated by the other families who were waiting for the rabbit.

"It's stupid..."

Tsuruma stood at the top of the hill, looking at the battle below with disgust.

"They can't even control the family, they're really stupid!" This

time, Madara's thoughts were directly synchronized with the pillars.

But after all, it was just an experiment and a farce, and now it is about to come to an end.

Then they just watched and waited for the day when the world would end.

And the scar on Fei Yu's body, under the uninterrupted treatment between the pillars, only a little shallow trace attached to the skin remained.

In another year or so, it will probably disappear completely...

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