"Now that Kyoto has completely fallen, there is no peace in this world anymore..."

Tsuruma sat on the sofa, his head resting on Fei Yu's arms and reading the new cookbook that had been written.

It was almost time for them to leave, and the terrifying scar on Fei Yu's body had completely disappeared yesterday.

For decades, she and Madara have become a little accustomed to being here, but they have to go back after all, and after they go back, it should be the time when Feiyu has completely completed the body shaping.

Thinking of that time, a group of little girls rushed around....

I suddenly felt a little headache.

"Do you really want to fight Madara?" Fei

Yu sorted out all the recipes, which were going to be taken back for people to study.

Although the recipe seems to be of little significance, it is necessary for people to eat three meals a day, and this thing can be regarded as benefiting the people when it is circulated.

It's just that now he is a little worried, if the two ladies of his family really fight, if they can't hold back and hurt themselves, it will be distressing.

"Let's fight, we can't do it easily after we go back, we are always a little short of becoming a god at present, maybe we can make a breakthrough in a fight. "

Pillar has long been looking forward to being able to fight with Madara again, their current strength is already the peak of the immortal level, but the god level...

After giving up the original inheritance of divine power, they can only rely on their own efforts.

"It's okay, let's do it when she comes back, after you fight, there is no way for this world to continue to exist..."

Fei Yu thought of the possible result, and shook his head helplessly and chuckled.

These two could have moved mountains and seas with a fight, but now the world is almost collapsed.

But it's just this world, and when they return to the ninja world, if they want to do it, they can try to do it in space.

The moon can be just a seal, and it's really not strange to have a fight in space.

"I'm back... What do you want to do with your strange eyes?" Madara

came back after seeing the destruction of Kyoto, only to be met by Tsuruma's eager eyes as soon as he said hello.

"What else can you do? Fei Yu's injuries have all been healed, and you personally checked the smooth skin last night, so let's have a good fight and determine who is stronger at the moment..."

Zhu Jian came out of Fei Yu's arms with a wicked smile, she has been busy treating Fei Yu all these years, and she has been teased by Madara that she has become a family person.

Now, she wants to let Madara know that she can still beat her up at home!

"Just you, I'm afraid that if I accidentally hurt you, Fei Yu should coax you in distress!" Madara's

tone was full of disgust, she had bullied Tsuruma all these years, and finally eliminated the unhappiness of being deceived by this bastard many years ago.

I'm really looking forward to a real fight now, this time she will definitely not lose to this bastard again!

"I'll let you easily beat you down with both hands, don't talk nonsense here, let's hurry up, time is running out in this world now..."

But until then, she can still have a good fight with Madara.

"I'll go with you, don't worry about anything else, I've been there.

Fei Yu carried the two of them and left directly from this temporary residence, and put them down when they went to the valley where they were often asked to fight by the powerhouses of this world.

"Fei Yu, don't help her secretly, I want her to know what a protracted battle is!" Pillar

kissed Fei Yu's face and glared at her with a little warning.


Madara was disgusted by the audience, and he grabbed the hand between the pillars and jumped down from the top of the mountain.

At the foot of this mountain is already a sacred place for covenant battles, and now there are still some people here who are engaged in small battles, but when they react, they only feel the tremors of the earth, and...

"Pillars! be careful!" Madara

, who was fully suited, roared at Pillars after landing on the ground, she would definitely not be polite this time.

"Madara, I won't be ruthless, don't worry!" Mu

Dunzhen's thousands of hands on the head, the smile between the pillars gradually deepened, but the words he said made Madara even more unhappy.

With the appearance of two behemoths, this valley became a little inadequate in an instant.

"I said you should have two hands, so now you take my 998 hands and try it first!"

Tsuruma's smile was too flamboyant, and he had already begun to punch as he spoke.

One by one, huge fists fell, and they didn't show any weakness when they smashed into Madara's place.

However, she did keep two of those hands from moving...

"Now, if Madara doesn't get angry anymore, it won't be her..."

Fei Yu disappeared from the top of the mountain, standing high in the air and watching the battle between the two of them.

For this obvious provocation between the pillars, he really couldn't do anything other than smile helplessly and wait for Madara's counterattack.

"Bastard... Don't think you're so powerful, I'm going to get rid of your hands today!" After

a series of attacks from his wooden hands, Madara's Susa grew much taller again, carrying a long knife with the power of fire in his hand, and looked angrily at the pillars.

She was really angry.

This bastard obviously doesn't need to fight this way anymore, but the way she is doing it now is a reminder of how the battle was fought in the first place...

Then cut off her arm, and then settle the score with herself!

" Flying

Feather shook his head and sighed as he watched the battle below him in the air.

Madara's anger was stimulated, and the knife turned into the power of fire was cut down again and again, and finally she really cut down the thousands of hands between the pillars.

However, Juma seems to like this development, and instead of being angry about it, he is happy to see it happen.

After the thousands of hands turned into destroyed wood, Tsuruma officially fought Madara.

Madara's power of fire is perfect, but the power of the wood between the pillars is also on par with hers.

The fire overcomes the wood, but the power of the wood between the pillars does not fall into the wind.

The original valley soon vanished, and the surrounding mountains were shattered by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

When the power of fire and the power of wood collide to a certain limit, the world begins to collapse...

This was an illusion, and as the world collapsed, the battle between the two of them was transferred to a cosmic starry sky.

But these two are addicted to it, and they don't care about it at all.

The battle lasted for a long time, until their strength was exhausted.

"It's been a long time since I've played so comfortably!"

"This time you lost, you lost a little bit..."

After being hugged back by Fei Yu one by one, Pillar looked satisfied, but Madara didn't forget to confirm the question of winning or losing.

But after the two finished talking together, after looking at each other, they suddenly laughed together.

They have fought many times before, and this is the first time they have fought completely without reservation, and they have even fought the last bit of strength cleanly.

Because this time someone is waiting, even if they use up their strength, they don't have to worry about any other dangers in the future.

It's a really pleasant feeling.

As for winning or losing....

The pillar is very sleepy now, so she doesn't bother to fight with this guy.

Let's see who has more serious injuries in this matter, so let's wake up.


The author has something to say:

Meow ~ > ▽ < good noon ~

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