
Toba looked at Orochimaru with a smile that narrowed his eyes, and he probably guessed how good Naruto really was.

Akatsuki Organization, a place where S-class rebels are concentrated, and the leader Nagato is bent on making the world feel pain and then creating peace...

Now, after Naruto Sasuke joined, it turned out to be a mercenary ninja group that maintains world peace...

"Naruto is very cute, although sometimes it is too unexpected, but she is really very cute, and my fun in the past two years has been made by her..."

Orochimaru is more and more appreciative of Naruto, especially when Naruto is serious and tricky.

It's Sasuke's girl, Orochimaru has taught a lot in the past two years, but the more she dislikes it.

It's not that he's slow learners, it's because Sasuke learns too fast.

That arrogant pretty little face is cold every time she faces her, and as long as Sasuke gets the opportunity, he will complain about her in turn....

"I'm going to the Pure Land first, and this time I've brought a very good gift to the Grim Reaper, and I'll be back later.

After listening to Orochimaru's complaining compliments, Fei Yu suddenly remembered that he had a guy related to the Pure Land here.

And I haven't sent fruit to the Grim Reaper for two years, and I don't know if that guy will pretend to be pitiful again.

"Go ahead, don't worry about the affairs of the two ladies, with me, I make sure that no one hurts them. "

Although I don't know what the gift is for the time being, since it has something to do with the god of death, Orochimaru doesn't bother to care.

Now the two of them were asleep, and she had to stay by them just in case.

No one knows if those guys from the Big Barrel Wood clan will come out to make trouble again, it's been two years, and the patience of those guys is estimated to be at the limit.

And on the Obito side, judging from the recent news, it should have been in a state of preparation for war on a daily basis.

"I'll be back soon..."Fei

Yu finished speaking and went directly to the Pure Land.

His current body was completely able to walk in the Pure Land, but when he arrived here, he still temporarily adjusted himself, and went to the place where the god of death was in the form of a spirit body.

"Hmm, where have you been in the past two years, I have shaken the bell for you a few times and have not received a response, and I thought you had been captured by the big barrel of wood..."The

Grim Reaper looked at Fei Yu who was slowly walking from a distance, stood up and grabbed the bell and shook him again.

said that this thing was used to contact, but when I wanted to look for him, I couldn't find anyone at all.

"I had a problem with my body before, and I went to solve the trouble, what happened to you?"

Looking at the bell in Death's hand, Fei Yu explained helplessly.

He had told Orochimaru before that if something happened to the Grim Reaper, he would come and take a look, but Orochimaru didn't care...

It must be because the Grim Reaper has nothing to do with him here.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that the Six Dao Immortals you have been paying attention to before, he has left a few times before, and he left for more than a month some time ago before coming back, and I can feel that his body is also contaminated with some other breaths, and he has been in retreat since he came back..."

I've been observing it before, and I wanted to talk to Fei Yu when I found an abnormality, but unfortunately I couldn't contact it, so he could only continue to stare at it.

"Recently, there is going to be a war in the ninja world, you still don't go out in the Pure Land, and for fear that you will be lonely, I have prepared a good gift for you..."

"What is this?"

stared at the black ball curiously, and the Grim Reaper's hand reached out to take it.

He rarely received gifts, after all, everyone was afraid of him, even in the past he had no friends...

"Enter your powers, and the surprise will appear.

Fei Yu took a step back, ready to let the Grim Reaper open the surprise on his own.

But whether this is a surprise or a fright, Fei Yu is actually not sure, after all, who knows what the Grim Reaper will think.

"I'll try..."The

Grim Reaper fed his divine power into the orb, originally a cautious temptation, but the next moment he actually felt the resonance.

The stronger the resonance sensibility, the more he looked forward to it, and the input of power continued to increase.


There was a crisp sound, and the ball suddenly split in half, and a black-clothed figure appeared from it and fell to the ground, standing there with its back to death, actually sorting out clothes?

Is it a soul?"

Death felt his heart break.

He's all over the place, and he's tired of watching it every day, and he even gave him one, and the clothes look the same as the ones he wears...

"Look again, don't you feel familiar with this guy?" Fei

Yu watched the Grim Reaper's eyes change, thinking that he already knew what the new one was.

But now that it's happening, it doesn't look like Death's mind is spinning so fast.

In other words, the induction is not so strong.

"Familiar? It's familiar, he's imitating me?

He wears the same clothes, the same hairstyle, he wears one of my favorite bracelets, and...

Hey, it's exactly the same as me, where did you get it, it's really good, even if it's a soul, I like it..."

The Grim Reaper first found the familiarity behind him, then grabbed his hand and looked at it, and then dragged the person back to let him see the face.

But even so, he thought that Fei Yu had dressed up and sent him to play with him after meeting this person.

"He's the god of necromancy, the lord of the netherworld..."

Fei Yu felt that if he didn't remind him again, the god of death on his side might say something powerful again.

The strange brain circuit is really not something that ordinary people can understand.


understood now, but the Reaper was even more dazed.

This is the god of necromancy, so what is it?" "I am the god of necromancy

in another world, and the world is destroyed, so I was brought by him, saying that there will be someone here who can be my friend and companion..."

With such a way of thinking and brain holes, it is a miracle that this Pure Land can still exist.

"So, you told him who you are?"

the Grim Reaper finally relented now, staring at the Necronomicon with strange eyes for a long time.

After thinking of some of the key points, he suddenly turned his head aggrievedly, and a little tangled aura appeared when he looked at Fei Yu.

I was finally able to play it, but now this guy knows everything, and he won't even have to rub the spirit fruit in the future.

"Can't you say that?"

The god of death was at a loss, the identity of the god of death in this world was concealed

? So, he had completely exposed the secrets of the god of death in front of him?

Does that mean that he was already hated as soon as he arrived here...


The author has something to say:

Meow~>▽< Good evening~~~ Meow is going to rest, and I'll continue tomorrow Yo~~~

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