"It's not that I can't say it, it's just that no one has asked..."The

Grim Reaper shrank his neck a little tangled, and felt a little embarrassed when he looked at Fei Yu.

But he won't admit that he concealed it, after all, he can't take the initiative to say so much if no one asks!

"You talk slowly, I just came back and have to go home to accompany my daughter-in-law, so I won't bother you here!" Fei

Yu looked at the sudden aggrieved state of death, threw two baskets of spirit fruits to them before leaving, and then hurried to leave the Pure Land.

He didn't have time to delay here, his daughters-in-law were still waiting for him to come home.

Moreover, he wanted to see what the Akatsuki organization was tormented into now, Sasuke and Naruto...

I hope the members of the organization are okay!

"Sasuke, why did you lose the corpses that you beat again, and you said that you would exchange it for a bounty, and now that it's like this, you'll have to talk about it again when you go back..."

Naruto stood on the tree, dumbfounded when he saw the pile of black charcoal in front of Sasuke.

She knew that Sasuke shouldn't have run over first, and another corpse was destroyed, and thinking about Kakuto's money fan, she suddenly didn't want to go back.

"The current Xiao organization is not short of money, and that guy in Kakudu is addicted to saving money..."

Sasuke tidied up the Xiao robe on his body, and the target's eyes were too much just now, so she sent him a thunderbolt after kicking and shattering one of the guy's bones.

As for the question of whether the money is or not....

There is no shortage of money in my own house, as for the Xiao organization...

As long as you don't let the woman who likes to pick up the explosive charm and fold her wings continue to toss, the Xiao Organization will not be short of money.

"I know he's addicted to saving money, but other people's plans are also very good, let's go and send the mission items over, and then we can go back to rest, I heard that Deidara has been imitating your Brontosaurus recently, and said that I want you to check whether he is up to the mark..."

As soon as he returned to Rain Hidden Village, Naruto began to tell Sasuke about a news she had just heard recently.

But before she could finish speaking, Deidara, whom she had just mentioned, appeared in front of the two.

"Naruto Naruto, help!"

Deidara's robe was not properly dressed, one sleeve was fluttering, and the expression was even more frightened.

After seeing Naruto Sasuke, he shouted for help and hid behind the two of them.

"Why did you mess with him again?"

Sasuke glanced behind him with a look of disgust, he had been beaten too many times before, and although this guy still couldn't break this habit, at least he knew to stay away from a safe enough distance.

"I... I just, I just cut a small section of his hair with a little care..."

The strand of black hair in Deidara's hand was taken out and shaken, which he had quietly cut while Hinata was sleeping just now.

"What are you doing with your hair?"

Naruto looked back at the small strand of hair and was speechless, she didn't understand, can this Deidara not challenge the limit of life and death every day...

She's already saved her life many times, and she really doesn't want to care about him a few more times!"

"I want the scorpion senior to make a puppet doll of Ningci, but I don't dare to take his blood..."

He had wanted a Ningci version of a puppet doll before, but Ningci had never cooperated, and now he had finally found an opportunity, and that must be to fulfill his wish.

"It's hopeless, let's go, this guy still let him die..."

Sasuke shook his head, grabbed Naruto's hand and left directly.

This guy who is always slow to die, he still has to die to settle down.

I don't know how the scorpion guy endured this guy's nonsense, but he can still play together...

"Naruto, remember to save my life later!"

Deidara watched as everyone left, and didn't forget to shout before running away.

But as soon as he turned around to run, he saw Hinata Ningji in front of him, with long hair scattered and staring at him angrily.

"Run, you run again, I'll take a look!"

Hinata Ningci's fingers clenched, he just slept for a while because he was a little tired from the previous task, this bastard dared to cut his hair

? and make it a puppet doll

? Bastard guy, is this the guy who wants to learn to fly to curse him?

" Ning, Ningci... Ning Ci, don't go too far, if you dare to take another step forward, I will let you see what real art is..."

Deidara's legs couldn't help but tremble, he was actually blocked by this guy, this time it's going to be over!

" "Eight Gate Dunjia, Sixth Gate, Jingmen Open

!" "Bagua Sixty-four Palms!" "Bagua Empty


A series of angry shouts came out, in addition to Ning Ci's attack and Deidara's wail.

But this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, since Deidara shouted for help just now, a roof in the distance has been full of people eating melons.

"It's miserable!"

Naruto shook his head and sighed, not forgetting to eat the fruit bowl in his hand, and at the same time feeding Sasuke two pieces.

"The guy who doesn't have a long memory, I've been staring at Ning Ci for the past two years, and I don't know how to change the target..."

"It's not that he hasn't looked for it, the provocation to find Naruto was chopped up by Feng Dun, and then he was blown to ashes by Lei Dun, if he hadn't been able to resurrect him, he would have been there for a long time..."

In fact, Deidara is not the only one who likes to provoke and die, but every time they can't grab Deidara, they are exempted from the opportunity for others to try to die.

"It seems that a lot of things happened when I wasn't there, and I just came back and heard such an interesting thing..."

Fei Yu's hands were closed, and the moment he appeared, he directly hugged Naruto and Sasuke in his arms.

He had just returned from the Pure Land, and he had teleported along Sasuke's tracks, and before he could show up, he heard Konan's words.

The two little ones in his family seem to have become a little more ferocious than he thought.

But it's still very, cute!

"Toba, I miss

you!" "Bastard, you know to come back!"

Naruto and Sasuke's voices rang out at the same time, but the attitude was really different.

As soon as the fruit bowl in his hand was thrown, Naruto directly turned around and hugged Fei Yu and kissed it, this anxious look made the melon-eating crowd instantly shift their targets.

But Sasuke on the other side was not so good-tempered, and after glaring angrily, he suddenly raised his head, opened his mouth and bit on Fei Yu's arm.

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