"Mute... Now the second generation of adults can't solve this problem, if you can do it, can you go and invite the first generation?"

Kakashi glanced at Mute, and this time he just lay down on the table.

He now knows where those two are, so he can't feel better.

If it weren't for any other problems, the two of them wouldn't have shown up for such a big thing, but they haven't appeared until now, and he doesn't want to guess the reason behind this.

"The first generation... I don't even know where the first adults are... Besides, there seems to be some unresolved issues between Tsunade-sama and Hatsune-sama, and I can't ask Tsunade-sama for help..."

Shizune handed the information in his hand to Kakashi, and then took two steps back with some confusion and lowered his head.

There's really nothing she can do about that person.

It's been two years.,Tsunade-sama still has emotions about the original thing.,Before the child was born, it was only after the second generation of adults to hold it.,And then I haven't taken the initiative to contact it....

"Forget it, I'm just going to say it casually, don't really tell him about it, I'll just wait for this matter, if it really can't be done, Fei Yu will also help, his guy is hard-mouthed and soft-hearted..."

He didn't want to get involved in the internal contradictions of the Thousand Hands family, let alone provoke any trouble.

"Kakashi-sensei, is there anything special that I can play with lately?"

Naruto ran in after a while, looked at Kakashi's lazy appearance, reached out and snatched the materials from his hand.

"Naruto, Fei Yu just came back, why didn't you stay with him?"

Kakashi looked at Naruto with some curiosity as he watched Naruto come here on his own, but didn't take the information back.

The things on this information were originally meant to be arranged for Sakura to check, but now Naruto would be more troublesome than Sakura if he wanted to.

"Fei Yu took Sasuke out to play, and told me that he had been practicing hard recently, and he was going to go on vacation alone with Sasuke..."

Naruto pursed his lips and snorted twice in displeasure.

He's not happy to be left behind, so he needs something to keep her busy, and....

It's best if some hapless guy comes up and gives her a beating.

"Then you take Sakura to deal with this task, the situation here is a little strange, don't play too much when you go, if there are clues, bring them back to investigate..."

The data is one of the strange areas that have been investigated, although no traces of the big barrel wood have been found, but after the investigation in the past two years, several strange ruins have been found, as well as the owners of some special powers.

"Okay, I'll go find Sakura, this time I can take Ino and Tian with me, but it's a pity that Hinata has to take care of the family and her sister, she can't go to this kind of thing..."

She had seen this kind of thing in the information materials of the Xiao organization, and it was not difficult at all.

"Stay safe—"

Kakashi didn't care about a few people going, he wanted to know when those two would come back.



this the right place?" Sasuke looked at the island below, she should ruin this place later, right?

This side is not particularly far from the land of water, and it would not be good if it really caused any trouble.

"Over there, it's one of the test bases for the big barrels, and when you complete the transformation smoothly, you can test the strength of them.

Fei Yu pointed to the island in the distance and showed it to Sasuke, here for transformation, and that for practice, the distance was just right.

"Alright then, I hope nothing goes wrong..."

Sasuke came out of Flying Feather's arms, and after taking a single step, he directly spread his wings and fell down.

As her feet stepped on the island, a dense thundercloud quickly condensed in the sky.

The rolling thunderclouds condensed above his head, and the momentum on Sasuke's body also increased in an instant.

"Black, untie it for Sasuke.

Fei Yu watched in the air as Sasuke's clothes were destroyed by the ravages of thunder, and at the same time sent a message to Black.

Sasuke's strength is almost the same now, and the last two turns should be carried out at this time.

"Host, you look around, I'm going to stare at Naruto's side, there is a resonance between the two of them, maybe this world consciousness is coming to make trouble for me..."Xiao

Hei quickly left the system space after unlocking the seal, and after looking at Naruto, he didn't feel at ease, so he directly woke up Pillar and Madara, and at the same time took Orochimaru to Naruto's surroundings together.

And Sasuke on this side was also completely free at the same time, and after the power of thunder fell on her body, his skin was coated with a layer of purple-blue light.

"Flying Feather, wait for me to come back!"

Sasuke looked up and let out a soft sigh, his entire body twisting and changing in an instant.

Thunder swam around her, and a powerful mass of thunder enveloped her.

At this time, she has long been accustomed to being a girl, and these six transformation men are not wanting to be seen, especially not wanting Feiyu to see them.

Six turns followed by seven turns, the process is not as simple as doubling the pain.

The ball of thunder shook with the waves on the surface of the water, and the original island was destroyed long ago.

Just when Sasuke's side was immersed in the last moment, Fei Yu stood in the air, and the power of his body turned into an invisible net, sealing the power of Sasuke and the surrounding thunder, as well as the space of this small area.

And on a mountain near the sea in Konoha, Naruto looked at the three people and one cat who suddenly appeared and then sealed her in the formation, only to feel that his mind was full of question marks but he didn't know how to speak.

"You guys—"

Naruto was genuinely dumbfounded.

She's just here to check if there's something strange in this place, how could it be sealed by a few beings she is familiar with?


"You woke up and didn't deal with those guys on the island, and you came to seal me? I haven't done anything lately, you... Orochimaru, what the hell are you going to do!"

Sitting inside the formation, Naruto looked at Orochimaru with an unhappy expression, waiting for this guy to give her an explanation.

"Sasuke can't move her at a critical moment, and it's likely that she will come over and attack you..."

Orochimaru explained rarely.

She couldn't help it, if she let Naruto stay quietly by her side, she wouldn't be able to say that this guy would have some other accidents.

They really knew a lot about Naruto's constant troubles.

So, for safety, it's better to seal Naruto before some beings come to make a move on her.

After this time, it doesn't matter how she wants to play.


The author has something to say:

o(=·ω·=)m Good afternoon~

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