"It's good if you just say it, Sakura and the others are still waiting for me to help... Unless any of you go and help, they won't be able to do it..."

Naruto sat in place and wasn't going to struggle.

Since it was for Sasuke's safety, she definitely couldn't move.

But now there are three people here, and they are in the mountains...

"I'll do it. The

pillar glanced around, and three clones quickly separated from him, and after the wooden clone was completed, it quickly merged into the interior of the mountain.

"Don't worry, the wooden clone of the seniors in the pillar is already by the side of those girls, you just have to wait now.

Orochimaru glanced at his feet, the mountain was no longer in danger, and the strange beast in the mountain also had no possibility of resisting after the attack between the pillars.


In the middle of the sea, a storm began to blow on the surface of the sea below the flying feathers.

The ball, from blue to purple and now to pitch black, has been waving in place with the spray of the waves.

But no matter how much it moved, it was still in place and never left for half a minute.

Outside the space that was blocked by the flying feathers, the sea water had been raging wildly, and the phenomenon of the water flowing towards the sky had already emerged, but fortunately, there were no bystanders here.

"It's useless, Sasuke is already mine, it's too late to change now..."

Fei Yu sat on top of the sealed space, his fingers turning the water rushing towards him into a wall of ice, and a sigh did not alleviate it, but only made the sea more crazy.

But no matter how crazy it is, in the end, all the sea can do is envelop his sealed space, forming a tall waterfall in the middle of the sea.

The only oddity... "

I made it!" After

a long time, there was a shout from the black thunderball, accompanied by a crackling sound, and at the same time as the thunderball exploded, the surrounding sea water was wiped out.

It's gone, and it doesn't exist completely.

"The end of thunder, annihilation..."

Fei Yu looked at Sasuke, whose long black hair was floating behind him, and then smiled before reaching out to her.

I want to become a god, I want to be based on divine power.

Now Sasuke has not become a god, but his thunder of silence is a kind of divine power.

In other words, as long as Sasuke keeps cultivating, it will only be a matter of time to reach the god level.

This is a different direction from Madara and Pillar, those two have strength and combat power, but lack qualitative change.

It's hard to say which one can enter the god level faster, because the qualitative change can be an instant, or it can be a long time...

And quantitative change will inevitably take time.


Feather..."Sasuke stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Flying Feather's neck, and the seven turns were completely completed, and she was free after breaking free from the restraints.


She's grown up!

"How does it feel?" Fei

Yu looked at Sasuke in his arms, and suddenly wondered if she had done it on purpose.

In Sasuke's case now, clothes are just a matter of thought, but she just didn't wear them...

At the level of an immortal, Sasuke is already a complete adult, and now that he is in his arms, it is inevitable that he will be a little moved.

"It feels weird, your clothes are a little in the way..."

Sasuke is not in a hurry at all about the experiment with his own strength.

What she wants is very simple, that is, after growing up, she will determine the flying feathers.

Although he blushed a little, Sasuke had a hunch that as long as there was a brief relaxation, people would inevitably get ahead of her.

"Are you sure you're in the way, Sasuke?" Fei Yu's

eyes narrowed slowly, he seemed to underestimate his daughters-in-law too much.

Compared with Naruto's first talk and then action, Sasuke's direct action now is really emotional.

"I'm sure, if you don't take me to another place, I wouldn't mind being here..."

Sasuke's fingers grabbed Haba's clothes, and the corners of his eyes lifted with a defiant.

"Okay, let's change places first..."

The other things were thrown aside, and Fei Yu carried Sasuke and went straight back to the big bed at home.


' There was a cracking sound of cloth, and Feiyu's coat was directly partially damaged.

He didn't need to do anything for the rest, and the Chakra Shredding Technique was used, and he didn't need to have the slightest hesitation to be honest with each other.

"The skin is so good..."

Sasuke's fingers stretched out, and Toba's shoulder was pinched a few times, and in addition to the skin, there was also a small scar near the collarbone.

This is the mark that was once bitten out by Sasuke, and Fei Yu deliberately left it when he reshaped it.

There have been many questions about the obviously strange source of the scar by the columns and Madara before.

But now that Sasuke looked at the mark, the smile in his eyes no longer converged.

"I'll have another one, and I'll deepen it in this place..."

, putting his head up, Sasuke opened his mouth and bit down on the previous scar.


The teeth bit through the skin, and Feather let out a soft snort, controlling her skin from hurtful repulsion.

"Mine is the mark I left behind—"

Sasuke's eyes stared at the spot for a moment, then moved his red lips, which were still bloody, up to Toba's lips.

"Hmm... Don't, don't worry..."

Fei Yu was pressed directly on the pillow by Sasuke, and then Sasuke's clumsy light kiss fell.

For himself to always be countered, Fei Yu already had a good understanding before, who made him always afraid that he would hurt his daughter-in-law by using too much force.

But now Sasuke is also learning from those two without a teacher, but Feiyu is a little reluctant.

At this time, it is better for him to come, and his daughter-in-law just needs to experience it well.

"Flying Feather... I'm competitive, so... You're going to win over me—"

Sasuke slowly spoke her request after being suppressed.

She didn't know anything about it, but now she wanted Fei Yu to teach her all about it...

If she still had the strength to fight back after Fei Yu's teaching, then she wouldn't be polite.


Fei Yu, who looked helpless, sighed, carefully hugged the person tightly, lowered his head and touched his lips...

Red candle incense tears began to fall, and mandarin ducks played in the water and whispered.

The waves are rough, the wind and rain are wet.

Jin Wu fell in the west and rose in the east, and the Jade Rabbit slept in the moon again....

...... Meow's ellipsis....

"Bastard Sasuke, you come out for me!" Early

in the morning, Naruto's roar rang out outside Sasuke's courtyard, and there were several helpless figures behind her.

"Idiot, don't disturb me to rest, or I'll throw you in the water!" Sasuke's

lazy and somewhat hoarse voice came out, not loud but clear to everyone.

In particular, Kazuma and Madara immediately widened their eyes when they heard the anomaly of this sound.

In this case, that bastard actually brought Sasuke back to make a move?

Especially Orochimaru, a pair of snake eyes were already narrowed.

I said that I would get pregnant and give birth to a baby after I came back, but now I let Sasuke, the stinky girl, snatch it first, worthy of Sasuke, and really will find a chance to make trouble for her!


The author has something to say:

o(=·ω·=)m early~~Happy holidays~~

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