Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 270: :Yanling. Fudo Mingwang

This is a thoughtful place in Origin Space, just like the anger bar in the game is full, or the CD is finished, the skill icon will light up.

   Of course, this kind of prompt sound will feel annoying if you listen to it too much, and you can also choose to turn it off in the system menu.

   Lu Chen excitedly checked his new skill, which is the second word spirit.

   [Blood Skill: Yan Ling. Fudo Ming Wang]

   Skill level: lv1

Skill description: After opening, it consumes the explorer's soul value very quickly. According to the level, when the skill is turned on, the explorer's physical attributes are greatly improved, the physical defense power is extremely high, and the magic defense power is higher. .

   The current level can increase physique by 8 points. The increase in physical defense power and magic defense power should be based on the combat situation and cannot be accurately quantified. Please test it by the explorer.

   Cooling time: None

   Activation condition: No need to chant

   Evaluation: The king of all kings is actually the king of all kings.

Lu Chen has also heard of the title of King Fudo Ming. He used to watch a lot of movies with Fingel before and watched King Kong vs. Godzilla, so he named himself Godzilla and subconsciously thought King Kong was that one. "King Kong"

   But now it seems that I have misunderstood. The name of Yanling is mostly taken from ancient myths and legends, how could it be a new movie.

   King Kong is also related to Buddhist mythology and is a tantric term.

The Sanskrit of the word "Vajra" is "Budriluo" and "Vazelluo". It originally refers to a weapon in mythology. The definition of Tripitaka is broken: "Vajra, the strongest in gold." The made pestle was a vajra pestle, an ancient Indian weapon, and gradually evolved into a tantric instrument.

   In the Buddhist Tantric Buddhism, the vajra pestle represents a magical instrument for damaging the devil, breaking the troubles, and strengthening the wisdom.

   Of course, Lu Chen is not a Buddhist disciple. He just went to the monastery to learn from the master, but the abbot did not accompany him to fight, but instead pulled him to talk about a bunch of Buddhist classics.

   It's just that he didn't understand until the end, the master abbot had always taught himself that killing is not good, but in the end he took the whole temple with him on the battlefield.

   The master abbot was shot through the abdomen by a sniper cannon. Before he died, he took his hand and said something incomprehensible to him, "The donor will understand what a great good is someday."

   Before that, Lu Chen didn't have a good impression of the sects that came from the foreign domain, but later he also showed respect to the monks, of course, if he was a real monk.

   Lu Chen looked at the evaluation of Origin Space, or it was also a reminder to himself, combined with the black scales that appeared on his body after the violent blood, he might understand the origin of the blood that Space gave him.

   The king of kings, the emperor of monarchs, the black emperor, Niederhogg!

Master abbot once said that the King of Fudo Ming is also called the messenger of immobility. "Fudo" refers to a firm compassionate and unshakable. The "bright" is the light of wisdom, and the "king" is the one who controls all phenomena. According to the classification of the three chakras of Esoteric Buddhism, Fudo Ming is the order chakra of all Buddhism, so it is also called the king of the kings of the Ming, and the main deity of the five kings of the Ming.

   From this perspective, he feels that this language spirit does not resemble the language spirit of the Black King.

   After all, he seems to have something to do with Norse mythology. Moreover, from the history of the Secret Party, the black emperor is extremely cruel, and there is no such thing as "wisdom and light" and "compassion."

   Of course, with such a long history, the secret party cannot even test the specific era of the black king's fall. He is not sure whether the other party left any legend in Buddhism while he was alive.

   He is not a person who likes random thinking. Doing research and doing academic reasoning is an area where Brother Chu is good at.

   But after his bloodline was improved, he was excited after awakening the Xinyan spirit, and he also became worried about the final battle in this world.

  Fudo Mingwang is a very powerful language spirit. The ten-point increase in physical attributes alone is equivalent to nearly twice his original physical strength!

   It is hard to imagine how other monarchs killed him after the black emperor used this word spirit to bless the unmatched dragon body.

And I don’t know whether it is because of the special blood of the Black King, or whether he is the explorer's speech spirit, which is classified as a skill, or the reason why he has experienced two Nibelungen plan enhancements and is now regarded as a "little hybrid monarch". Can be opened at the same time!

   This means that he can try to open the seventh step... King Kong.

   Nearly 13 times the power increase!

There is also room for general descriptions of skills, and the terms are generally appropriate, saying that it is an "extremely high" improvement, that is, an "extremely high" improvement, which means that when King Kong and Fudo Mingwang are turned on at the same time , His physical defensive power is likely to reach an extremely terrifying level.

If you think about it, try it. The two spirits are activated at the same time in the state of third-degree blood violent. The muscles around the body suddenly bulge, as if to break through the shackles of the black scales. The sudden increase of the power of the seventh-order diamond made Lu Chen inadvertently I stepped on the floor of the bathroom, which was an unsuitability caused by the sudden change in power.

   Under the effect of Fudo Mingwang, he did not feel a strong sense of squeezing and tearing, and he could withstand it!

   If it weren't for the Diamond Word Spirit being limited by his current pedigree, he even wanted to test how strong the Eighth Tier King Kong would be.

   At this time, Lu Chen's originally dark armor was enveloped with a layer of golden light. The ferocious violence was integrated with the sacred, like a devil who had captured the kingdom of heaven and claimed to be a god.

   He scratched the long nails on his hands towards the black scales on the skin, bursting out a spark, leaving only a slight white mark.

   He felt that in this state, he didn't need to hide in the face of anti-material sniper rifles. It was estimated that only white spots could be left on the black scales, and only the violent attacks of the first generations could cause him harm.

   But if it's in this state, he can't easily let the enemy injure himself.

  Like Constantine, if he were to fight now, no matter whether his mood was turbulent or not, he would be able to kill him with absolute power...recklessly.

   After the experiment, Lu Chen shut down two more Yan Ling and exited the violent blood state.

   The origin space describes "extremely fast", which is really extremely fast, and his soul source value is rapidly declining.

  Obviously, he has become stronger and stronger, but how did his peak battle time become...shorter and shorter?

   He increased the water pressure, washed the dragon scales peeled off from his body into the sewer, then came out, put on the new clothes he prepared in advance, and walked out the door.

   "How do I feel, you are more and more like a monster."

   The night watchman watched Lu Chen walk out of the house and complained. Now even he feels a little pressure in front of the boy.

   The strange thing is that it doesn't seem to come from blood, but because of a kind of "potential" on the opponent and the biological instinct to judge the difference in strength between the two sides, which brings him a sense of oppression.

   "I have troubled the vice principal these days, thank you."

   Lu Chen thanked the night watchman. The vice principal is indeed not easy. It is estimated that the work of the past many years has been done in the past few days.

   "Don't, if you really thank me, Tu Long will tidy it up for me next time to make my work easier, I'll thank God."

   The night watchman waved his hand. Not all local transportation is as troublesome as Lu Chen's hometown. He wants to remind this reckless boy to chop the dragons as neatly as possible in the future.

"I try my best."

   Lu Chen nodded. This is no guarantee. Who knows the situation on the battlefield.

   "If you don't feel tired, go to the old man in Angers in the afternoon. He seems to have something to look for you."

   The night watchman yawned and left. He was going to have a good night's sleep.

   And Lu Chen went to the training ground for a walk, then returned to the dormitory, ready to take a nap.

   He doesn't need to sleep at all, and now he is in no rush, and he will go to the principal’s afternoon tea after he has a good rest.

   "Junior Brother, Junior Brother!"

   As soon as he entered the door, Fingel took off from the stool and flew towards Lu Chen, kneeling and licking with flattery on his face.


   After getting acquainted, Lu Chen was not so polite to Senior Brother Fingel, and he knew that there was nothing good by looking at the other person's expression.

   "I have encountered a major event that has confused my life."

   Finger said with a serious face.

   "Which junior sister has been complained about for sneak shots?"

   Lu Chen looked at Fingel suspiciously, just as if he had something to say, it was so literary.

   "No, that's also called a matter?"

  Finger felt wrong after speaking, and changed his words: "No, I haven't secretly photographed the younger sister."

   "So, what's wrong with brother's life."

   Lu Chen took a bottle of "Fat House Happy Water" from the refrigerator and filled it with one mouthful. He was very happy, but it was not a Fat House.

   Back to the topic, Fingel showed a vicious expression on his face, "The professor in the course of Magic Machinery wants me to suspend the course! Obviously, he is embarrassing me!"

Then he changed into a look of self-pity and sigh, "Brother, I have been through it for seven years, and finally graduated soon. In order to graduate, you went to the North Pole to kill the Dragon King with you. I can’t accept dropping a subject and continuing to repeat a grade!

   Lu Chen was stunned, "Our last mission should have been counted as S grade points for brother, right? You still can't graduate?"

   When I mentioned this, Fingel was a little embarrassed on his face, "It's sloppy, I thought the grade points were enough to fill the gap, but I filled up the grade points in alchemy chemistry and found that the magic mechanics class was not enough..."

   "Senior brother, aren't you good at math? It is said that these things in science can't trouble you."

   Lu Chen was surprised, and it became more and more strange why Brother Fingel did not graduate. He felt that it shouldn't be difficult for him to graduate.

   The principal said that Brother Fingel had a problem with his brain, but he heard Brother Chu said that Fingel was faster than anyone else in checking the maze in the Bronze City. It was a top-level mathematics, and it could be called a humanoid computer.

   Finger scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "Um...actually, I did a good review this semester, but there were a lot of absenteeism, and the professor cancelled my exam qualifications."

   "Then how do you want me to help you? Do you use the authority of the school manager to directly let you graduate?"

   If Fingel really wants to graduate, he will do it in one sentence.

  Finger heard Lu Chen's words and shook his head repeatedly, "How can you make you so corrupt? We are not a privileged class. Just get me qualified for the exam. Believe me, I will pass the exam this time!"

   After finishing speaking, Fingel said somewhat flatteringly: "But just in case, Junior Brother, if you cut the Dragon King next time, can you take me to another point?"

   Lu Chen felt a little funny, "You haven't mixed enough last time? Playing with the first generation is very easy to die."

   "I'm on the periphery, so I can cheer the juniors and sisters!"

   Fingel looked hard and serious.

   Lu Chen was a little speechless, "Where are there so many Dragon Kings who asked me to hack, the world has been very quiet recently after Constantine, and it will be an exam in two more days, and you will not have time."

   Finger collapsed, "Well, starting from today, I will try my best to review Magic Machinery."

Then he looked at Lu Chen who was lying on the bed and asked tentatively: "What if...I mean in case, if I haven't taken the exam, you live with Junior Brother for another year, Junior Brother, don't you mind? "

   "Let's read your book."

   Lu Chen replied, and then he closed his eyes and calmed down.

   He doesn't hate living with Fingel. Although this brother is a bit shabby, he has helped him a lot in terms of prestige, and he is surprisingly loyal at critical moments.

   After closing his eyes for three minutes, he heard the sound of Fingel starting to tap the keyboard below. Hearing the frequency of the mouse click, he should be playing a game.

   Brother, you... don't want to graduate at all.


   At four o'clock in the afternoon, the hot sunlight shot into the blinds, leaving a mottled projection on the Nanmu desk.

   The old gentleman in a white shirt slowly poured black tea into the white porcelain cup.

   Different from the past, this huge Nanmu desk still has a lot of food on it.

   is basically all high-calorie food, and there is a rice cooker next to it that keeps warm, which perfectly interprets the large amount of food.

   "Principal, you are surprisingly generous today."

   Lu Chen expressed shock after sitting in the position.

   Ange smiled and shook his head, "It seems like I was stingy in the past. What do you say about me in private? Say I am not the real afternoon tea here?"

   Lu Chen didn't just showed a harmless smile, "Today is the real afternoon tea."

   After saying that, he was not polite, and directly took up a large porcelain bowl and started to dry.

   He went straight back to the dormitory at noon today. He didn't eat lunch, but he was really hungry.

   "Soy, Xiaochang, your **** are looking for me, is there anything wrong with me?"

   Lu Chen asked vaguely while eating, expecting the principal to tell him that he had found a new Dragon King.

   "I know what you are thinking. The Dragon King doesn't, nor is it coming to you to talk about the Baidi City mission. After all, the Dragon Bone Cross has already entered your body."

Angers picked up the white porcelain teacup and took a sip of tea elegantly, feeling that this child can really eat it, but compared to the girl who was still playing the hypersonic drone in the mountains behind the college at this time, Lu Chen was really good to feed. Of it.

   "I am looking for you to tell you about that S-grade freshman in your hometown."

   This is not an etiquette class. Angers doesn't care about Lu Chen discussing with him while eating. He is an old English gentleman with a good etiquette, but etiquette is useless on the battlefield.

   "Lu Mingfei?"

   Lu Chen wiped his mouth with a tissue and looked up at the principal. He almost forgot about it if the other party didn't mention it.

   "Yes, now your hometown's college entrance examination scores are all out, but we have not received his reply email, he seems to be still hesitating."

   Ange spread his hands. He also had a headache about this. The academy had already begged the boy to come to school, but as far as he understood, Lu Mingfei was entangled in chasing "true love" or coming to the academy.

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