Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 271: :0: Do you want to hitchhiker?

Lu Chen recalled his last interview with Lu Mingfei, "I have already told him in a showdown, and gave him the right to choose. If he doesn't want to come, we can't tie him?"

   Anger jokingly said: "If he really doesn't come, I do have this idea."

   Lu Chen glanced at the principal's eyes, he felt that the other party did not seem to be joking.

"I just value him so much? I didn't see any special points in him. To be honest, I think his strength and character, if no one takes care of him, let alone kill the first generation seed with me. Any dead waiter can arrange him. NS."

   Lu Chen looked at the principal a little puzzled, feeling that this matter was a bit tricky.

   The old man in front of him is not a fool. The principal of Lu Mingfei's situation cannot be unclear, but he still has a deep obsession, as if he had let Lu Mingfei go to school, as if he had a Dinghai Shenzhen.

   "Because it was a phone call last time, there were other people around us, so I didn't tell you."

   Ange stood up, and the next moment he kindly sat beside Lu Chen, and the chair was also pulled over.

   "It seems that there is something special about him."

   Lu Chen smiled and understood a little.

   "Yes, that kid looks weak on the surface, even any freshman in Kassel College can knock him down, but he is very special."

   Anger said, and looked around cautiously.

   Lu Chen felt a little strange. The principal's action was carried out in time and zero, but he can see clearly now that he doesn't know what the principal is being wary of. There can be no people outside of them in this space.

   "I shouldn't have told you about Lu Mingfei because it violated my agreement with someone."

   Anger picked up his teacup, and saw that there was nothing unusual, and his heart relaxed slightly.

   "His parents?"

   Lu Chen also received a letter from Qiao Wei Ni, Lu Mingfei's parents are also S-class.

However, Angers shook his head, "No, it's another person. I can't say his name, or I don't know what his real name is, but he is very special. I made a deal with him, and the content of the deal is to give way. Ming is not enrolled."

   Anger did not intend to mention this to anyone. He would abide by the agreement until the dragon slaying was completed.

   But now the scales in his heart have begun to change. Although that person is also very magical, even he guessed that the other party is a Norse deity other than the Dragon King, but no matter how amazing the other party behaves, it is not as good as the reality before him.

   The child Lu Chen has killed two first-generation species, and the Dragon King of Bronze and Fire has been completely removed from the world!

   If you don’t clarify Lu Mingfei’s particularity, it is estimated that Lu Mingfei will be arranged for a mission with Lu Chen in the future, and Lu Chen will probably not agree.

  Angze knew very well that Lu Chen was not their soldier, they were just a cooperative relationship.

   You want a partner to help you slay dragons on the battlefield, but you don’t make it clear why it’s so burdensome.

   Lu Chen thoughtfully, "So mysterious? It sounds like the devil is bewitching people to trade."

   Ang Hot nodded, "Your description is very appropriate. He may really be the devil of hell. Let's not mention this, let's talk about Lu Mingfei."

   "Does he have anything to do with that devil?"

   Lu Chen asked.

"I don't know, but there seems to be some kind of contract between them, and Lu Mingfei itself hides terrible power. We just need to stimulate that power. Believe me, it is definitely the power of the Dragon King. At the critical moment , Will help you."

   Anger also had a little knowledge of certain things, but he knew that Lu Mingfei had an unusual power hidden in him.

   "It's a bit vague, but since you haven't lied to me, the principal, just believe it."

   Lu Chen felt that it sounded very unreliable. Even if Lu Mingfei had power, it seemed to be an unstable power. It might be a majestic hair in the first second, but withered in the next.

   "So I still have to trouble you to run. Anyway, we will have summer vacation in two days. You can go home to rest and enlighten the child."

  Anger said what he wanted Lu Chen to do.

   "Huh? Let me pick it up?"

   Lu Chen felt that he was not a suitable candidate, "If I enlighten him, I'm afraid it will scare him even harder to come to the academy."

   Ange was stunned and hesitated: "...It really doesn't work...You can just tie him back."

   Lu Chenxin said, Principal, you were not joking just now, but it is easier to tie people.

   "So why doesn't he want to come? I remember his poor grades, Kassel College should be quite high in the eyes of Shilan Middle School people."

   Lu Chen asked in doubt.

   When Angers mentioned this, his head was even bigger, "He... seems to be reluctant to go abroad because he likes a certain girl."

   "It turned out to be because of this, so the executive department of this kind of gossip is going to dig?"

   Lu Chen suspects that the domestic executive department commissioner is not doing his job properly.

Anger shook his head and smiled: "No, this is not secret information, because the basic Shilan Middle School, everyone in the school knows that he likes the girl named Chen Wenwen... Only he did not know that he had exposed his secret love. ."

   Lu Chenxin said that Lu Mingfei was really nervous, his gossip was spreading throughout the school, and he himself thought that his secret love had not been exposed.

   Originally, he heard from the principal that Lu Mingfei didn't want to go abroad because he liked a certain girl, and he wanted to say that he shouldn't let people come at all. It's really wicked to hit a mandarin duck.

   But if you have a crush, it’s hard to say, everyone in the school knows that the girl named Chen Wenwen naturally knows, but Lu Mingfei still has no results.

   Even with his ultra-low EQ, he can still feel it. If it's a happy relationship, it wouldn't be the case.

   Emotional matters are quite complicated, and Lu Chen is not ready to make a final conclusion, so he can only go over and talk about it.

   Anyway, there is Chu Zihang, an inner gossip emotional master beside him, and the enthusiastic brother Caesar from the remote area helps to analyze it, which must be thoroughly read for Lu Mingfei.

   "Wait until the exam is over. After the holiday, we will return to China to rest for a while, and then we will come back to continue training."

   Lu Chen accepted this task and combined work and rest after the special training.

   "I heard that your training is quite effective, but you don't have to be so eager. There is no news about other Dragon Kings for the time being.

   Ange felt a little strange to see Lu Chen. He felt that the child was very anxious, and he was even more anxious than himself in killing the Dragon King.

   But Lu Chen is still very young, and according to the prediction, they still have at least two years.

   "Sweat more in peacetime, and bleed less in wartime. This is all set. If there is news from the Dragon King, please feel free to notify us to come back."

   Lu Chen does not have much time, but it hasn't been as long as the principal thought. He is not afraid to fight the Dragon King now, just afraid that the other party will hide his head.


   June 27th, the upright summer.

  The scorching sun is sky, the trees on both sides of the roasted road are a bit wilted, and the cicadas around are constantly crying, which is annoying.

   Lu Mingfei walked on the road carrying the toilet lid, looked up at the dazzling day, sweating on his forehead.

   The toilet seat at home broke again. Under the urging of his aunt, he had no choice but to run to the market under the scorching sun to buy a new one.

   Maybe because of exhaustion, maybe because of the heat, the teenager's posture on the road is getting more and more sluggish, but in fact, the influence of the external environment on him is only a small part.

   He is mainly in a down mood. The scores of the college entrance examination came out a few days ago.

   Unsurprisingly, he dared not let his uncle and aunt look at the score.

   And the QQ group of the class is unprecedentedly popular these days, either:

   "Ah, Zhao Menghua's score is so high, this is enough for Tsinghua University."

   "Brother Zhao is a peerless fierce man!"


   Then Zhao Menghua would reply "humbly", "The admission score of colleges and universities has not been released yet. I dare not fill in the report blindly, brothers, don't milk me."

   or this kind of dialogue:

   "Oh, I failed in the performance, only 639 points in the test, only a general 985."

   "Who isn't it, I only took 623, which is barely enough for 211."

After   , the following group of people started the battle of Versailles, so that the diving Lu Mingfei hurriedly cut out the group page, played a star, and calmed his envy, jealousy and hatred.

   This kind of Versailles battle finally ended with the little goddess, "The exam is not very good, the family also needs help, and may have to go back to inherit the family property."

   Then everyone turned off, and the Palace of Versailles finally collapsed in front of a stronger queen.

   Lu Mingfei had heard Xiao Tiannv say before that if her results were not satisfactory after her hard work, and she could not go to the ideal university, she would go back and inherit the family property.

   What a great inspirational!

   Just like a director said that if I am unsuccessful in the circle, I will be forced to go back and inherit hundreds of billions of fortunes, leaving fans with moving tears.

   When it comes to Lu Mingfei, he has neither luxury scores nor mines at home to let him inherit.

His unreliable parents have been doing archaeological research all year round... He originally thought so, but his mother actually wrote to the principal of Hogwood College, and he began to wonder what his parents were doing outside. NS.

   In short, the eighteen-year-old Lu Mingfei is facing a major crisis in his life and is caught in an unprecedented entanglement.

In the class group, when the classmates were in Versailles, he also wanted to grit his teeth and reply to the mail box left by Senior Brother Lu Chen, wait for the notice from Kassel College to arrive, take a picture, and send it to the group. Here, enjoy the "gaze" of the classmates admiring and worshiping

   But he was entangled, and he made the ultimate plan for himself to confess to the girl he liked at the class reunion in the next two days.

  If he succeeds...No, he believes that he has a high chance of success. He has been preparing for this plan for a long time. The old man of the cinema has already been arranged by him.

   When the romantic atmosphere is in place, he believes that his probability of success has risen sharply.

   This is the routine he learned in TV dramas and novels. Once the affectionate BGM was released, he felt that if he was the heroine, he would definitely not be able to stand it.

   And he thinks Chen Wenwen has some good feelings about herself.

   "Lu Mingfei?"

   A quiet female voice sounded, Lu Mingfei originally lowered his head to look at the road, immediately raised his head mentally, and looked to the side, it turned out to be Chen Wenwen!

   Chen Wenwen is wearing a white printed dress today, the skirt is knee-length, revealing the slender legs, the dress is simple, looking at the supermarket bag in the other's hand, she should just come down temporarily to buy things.

   What a coincidence! ?

   When he came out to buy a toilet, he could actually meet Chen Wenwen on the road! ?

   is almost as if the **** of fate is leading him!

   Lu Mingfei subconsciously hid the toilet seat behind him, feeling a little unsightly with this thing, "It's such a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

   The summer wind blew slightly, causing Chen Wenwen's hair to become messy. She lifted her hand lightly, and lifted her hair behind her ears, "What are you?"

   "Oh, the toilet at home is broken, and I am idle, I will buy one and change it myself."

   Lu Mingfei knows that such a big thing cannot be hidden, so it is better to be open.

   Chen Wenwen felt a little awkward, but still said in a complimentary tone: "You still repair the toilet."

   "Men, I always need more life skills. I can fix water pipes or something."

   Lu Mingfei feels a little happy. I didn't expect such an embarrassing thing to be a good topic.

   Chen Wenwen looked at Lu Mingfei sweating profusely, his short-sleeved shirt was almost soaking wet, lifted the bag and smiled quietly: "I have ice cream here, do you want to eat it?"

"is it okay?"

   Lu Mingfei paused, then said nervously: "...Then I want an old popsicle."

   He can see the kind inside through the plastic bag. Old popsicles are the cheapest. He can't be so cheeky.

   "Here, here you are."

   Chen Wenwen took out an old popsicle from the plastic bag and handed it to Lu Mingfei.

   Lu Mingfei was a little nervous when he took the old popsicle. His hand accidentally touched the opponent. The warmth and softness made his heart throb.

   Chen Wenwen also quickly withdrew her hand, her head lowered slightly, and she said nothing.

   Lu Mingfei felt the blood surge in his heart, and the deer bumped into each other indiscriminately, wishing to leave the plan confessed on the spot.

   But he opened his mouth, "I...I..."

   Finally, when Chen Wenwen looked up, his words became "I didn't mean to."


   Chen Wenwen replied softly, lowered her head again, and took out a Nestle chocolate sandwich from the bag, and the two continued to walk on the road.

   Lu Mingfei felt very embarrassed at first, but time passed, and the two quietly ate ice cream. He secretly watched Chen Wenwen licking the cream, and suddenly felt as if there was nothing embarrassing.

   It's better to say that the atmosphere now is great!

   Across this road, the two of them walked along the riverside. The refreshing wind on the riverbank could not cool Lu Mingfei's restless heart.

   In the eyes of others, will we be a couple walking?

   But good times will eventually end.

   "My house is over there."

   The two walked to the intersection, Chen Wenwen said goodbye to Lu Mingfei, "Goodbye to the classmates gathering the day after tomorrow."


   Lu Mingfei didn't know how sad he was smiling, and waved goodbye to Chen Wenwen.

   Looking at the road home again, he felt that it was so long. Obviously he felt that the road just now was so short.

   looked up at the scorching sun, "Oh, I'm exhausted, I still have to go home."

   But at this time the wind blew by his side, a three-row business Benz stopped in front of him, the window rolled down, and he knew the man in the back seat.

   is actually zero!

   "Want to hitchhiker?"

   The blonde girl spoke lightly.

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