Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 280: : Stand up, what's the matter with your expression!

"Hoo-hoo-hoo -"

   The scorching sun was high in the sky, and the young man on the ground was panting violently.

   Lu Mingfei swayed on the track, feeling the breath that he exhaled with a **** smell. There was no pain in his throat, lungs, or legs.

   was forced to do a hundred push-ups and two hundred squats, and now he was asked to run a 5,000-meter long run.

   If he can't run for 16 minutes, he has to run again.

   Sixteen minutes! ?


   Lu Mingfei thinks he will never finish running in twenty minutes!

   Then isn't he going to run till dark and run to death?

   "Run faster! Not as good as a D-class hybrid!"

   Lu Chen’s roar sounded from the side, making Lu Mingfei who was in a trance aroused, and he quickly increased the speed a bit.

   He didn't finish his push-ups before, but he was "helped" by Senior Brother Lu to finish them. He didn't want to do it again.

   "No way, I'm going to die!"

   Lu Mingfei put his hands on his knees, and the sweat immediately wetted a piece of the ground.

   Lu Chen took a makeup mirror from Milanra next to him. The girl did not go home during the holiday.

   He put the makeup mirror under Lu Mingfei's lowered head, "With words, continue!"

  Lu Mingfei finally understood what Lu Mingze meant. The spirit of this speech was really not for Brother Lu and the others, but for... his own use!

  Without this word, he feels that he is about to hang up today.

   "Lu Mingfei,."

   This was an ancient Hebrew word that he checked before entering school. It was more like a spell in ancient Hebrew. It barely pretended to be a normal language. Fortunately, Senior Brother Lu didn't hear it.

   In an instant, the muscle soreness on the body gradually disappeared, and new physical strength was constantly emerging.

   He just discovered this new function of Ling Ling after push-ups, not only can heal his injuries, but it also seems to be able to squeeze his potential to restore his physical strength, which is a comprehensive recovery.

   At first, he was very happy and thought that his speech spirit was quite good, but when Senior Brother Lu found out, he showed a kind smile and said: "This speech spirit is good, you can continue training."

   Lu Mingfei wanted to cry without tears, but under the stern and terrible expression of Senior Brother Lu, he did not dare to scream, so he could only grit his teeth and continue training.

   He is afraid of hardship and suffering, but he also knows that Brother Lu is doing him well.

   No one has ever wanted to focus on him and spend time on him.

   It's summer vacation, but Senior Brother Lu is willing to spare time to train him. No matter how hard he is, he has to grit his teeth and persevere.

  ...... Two more hours passed, and the sky was already dark.

Lu Mingfei was lying tired on the grass in the track. Excessive fatigue made him gradually lose control of his body. The pain in his muscles was far above the level of pain in the last fight with Zhao Menghua, and his lungs were not like his own. Every breath is full of blood.

However, he was pulled up by the collar, and the energy drink provided by the equipment department was poured into his mouth. He was choked by accidentally failing to drink it. With the pain on his body, Lu Mingfei sat on the ground and coughed. , Snot and tears.

   This is how people live!

   Brother Lu, you really don’t treat me as a human!

   "On the plane, didn't you still say that you want to become a real S-class and become a dragon-slaying hero?"

   Lu Chen said coldly, this is only the first day. Under the regular physical training, Lu Mingfei can't stand it a bit. If there is no word, this guy can't even hold it for an hour.

   Lu Mingfei panted and wiped his face with his arm raised.

   "Stand up, what's the matter with your expression, what's the matter with your tears, can your tears keep you from being bullied? Can your tears kill the dragon!"

   Lu Chen exclaimed.

   Lu Mingfei gave a jealous shot, and quickly took out the small mirror from his pocket, "Lu Mingfei!"

   The pain gradually disappeared, but his physical fitness did not seem to have recovered much, and his potential was at its limit, but under the eyes of Senior Brother Lu, he gritted his teeth and stood up on the track and continued to run.

   "President, is it too strict?"

   Milanla handed Lu Chen a bottle of water, watching Lu Mingfei, who was gradually running away, this kind of intensity training, even if the body is already very strong, the A-grade mixed breed is difficult to handle.

   After all, it has been five hours since two o'clock in the afternoon, and there is a limit to the physical stamina of the mixed race.

   Of course, just change to an A-level hybrid, and run five kilometers in 16 minutes. It’s very easy...

   Milana is very strange, the S-level freshman brought back by the president is also...too weak.

   Lu Chen shook his head, "I'll go over there to take a look, you look at him."

   Halfway through, he turned around and said: "Let him run another three kilometers. Today's training is over. Prepare high-calorie, easily absorbed food for him in the cafeteria. If he can't eat anymore, prepare a liquid food for him."

   He is very accurate in judging Lu Mingfei's state. In addition to training Lu Mingfei today, he is also trying to see to what extent Lu Mingfei's speech spirit can achieve.

   The other party’s voice is stronger than he imagined. It can not only restore the body's injury pain, relieve muscle fatigue, but also stimulate potential and squeeze physical strength.

   But he also saw the limit of Lu Mingfei. Just after using his words, the opponent was still very weak, and training can be over here. He didn't want to torture Lu Mingfei to death.

   The benefits of such training are also significant, because Lu Mingfei is equivalent to stimulating potential again and again and breaking the limit. After today's rest, the opponent's physical fitness can be significantly improved.

   He greeted the vice-principal and used the residue from his bath to prepare a medicated bath for Lu Mingfei, which can restore fatigue and strengthen his body.

   Of course, this kind of scum thing is also useful for people with poor physical fitness, and the B-grade mixed breed will not improve if it is soaked.

   is regarded as waste utilization.

Coming to the quarantine area in Houshan, Eliyi has completed today’s training mission. Chu Zihang is still working **** the release of Jun Yan. Brother Caesar is not here today. What will he do after the holiday? Home, it seems to be related to Nono.

   And Ling is also practicing stride hard, her advantage is lightness and dexterity, rather than head-to-head with the enemy.

   She believes that as a tool, she should always pay attention to maintenance and upgrades.

   When everyone has finished work, gather in the cafeteria and start today’s dinner.

   Lu Mingfei is lying on the table like a dead dog. As a foodie, he should be full of interest when he sees the table full of luxurious meals, but it is really hard to sit up and has no appetite to eat.

   A big bowl was placed in front of him, and there was something mushy in it, and Lu Chen's voice sounded, "Eat, if you don't eat, there is no strength to train."

   Lu Mingfei gave a sharp shot, immediately sat upright and held up the bowl, and asked nervously, "Brother Lu, is there any training at night?"

   "No, I'll take you to the equipment department later, you can go by yourself in the future, and you can use your card to open the elevator."

   Lu Chen swallowed a whole steak. He didn't have any physical training himself, but he didn't stay idle all the time. Refining blood lineage also consumes physical strength and energy. He needs food to supplement.

   Lu Mingfei nodded, and then he took a big bowl and poured it gurgling. Liquid food was not delicious, but the special food was rich in nutrition, and he had no intention of tasting it now.

   After finishing the meal, Lu Chen took Lu Mingfei to the equipment department by swiping his card, and was graciously received by Minister Akadulla.

   Well, the people in the equipment department are all dog thieves. They admire the vice principal, but they are also afraid of his iron fist...

   "Mr Lu, the medicinal bath is ready, please come with me."

   Minister Akadura took Lu Chen and Lu Mingfei to the familiar small room, and then backed out.


   Lu Chen said lightly.


   Lu Mingfei was stunned, and took two steps back with his arms folded, "Brother Lu?"

   "Ink marks, hurry up."

   Lu Chen walked aside and fired on the console. The deputy principal had already preset it.

   Lu Mingfei glanced at the big wooden barrel, and then understood the meaning of Senior Brother Lu, and was startled, thinking that he would be taken to the small black room for "special training".

   Lu Chen set the temperature to 50 degrees. Lu Mingfei was no better than him, so he had to "simmer it slowly".


   At the same time, on the other side, in the 1305 dormitory.

   The Erika, who just came out of the bath, was wrapped in a thin bath towel, her face was pink, and the water droplets on her hair fell, exploring the deep ditch like a ruins.

   After a zero meal, I finished digestion and went out for a run again.


   There was a knock on the dormitory door, and Eriya walked to the door and looked outside through the cat's eyes.

   This is to tell her that she should not open the door to strangers casually, especially when she has just been out of the bath and has not put on her clothes.

   glanced, outside was Milana wearing a beige short nightdress.

   She remembered that this is their daily best friend and best friend time.

   Recently, she has often visited Milan to get to know each other and discuss topics. She can always hear more interesting things from each other.

   "Erii just took a bath."

   After Milan pulled in, she apologized. She seemed to have come at an untimely time, but everyone was all girls, so there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

   "Are there any new pictures?"

   Erii asked curiously, her eyes gleaming, she had collected the whole set, but she was still not satisfied.

  Milanara shook her head, "Brother Fingel has been warned by the chairman, so he dare not shoot anymore."

   After all, the two girls were almost at the same time, sighing softly.

  Eriyi thinks Brother Fingel's shots are very good, and they are very handsome.

   "Eriyi's skin is so good, she doesn't need makeup for her natural beauty."

  Milanla praised that as a girl in college, even if Milana is a type who loves fighting, she usually wears some light makeup. Girls, who doesn't love beauty.

   Kehui Liyi never puts on makeup. The natural and flawless beauty seems to have no room for the embellishment of foreign objects, just like superfluous.

   "Sister... also very beautiful."

   After interacting with people, Eriya gradually learned how to compliment each other with friends, and Milana is indeed a beautiful French girl.

   The two sat on the bed, shoulders leaning against the shoulders, their white thighs pressed together, and they looked extremely intimate, and the game on the projection began.

   "Have Eriya ever been to the Night Watchman forum?"

   The two chatted while playing.

   Eriyi gently shook her head, "Said that the Night Watch Forum is messy, so I don't want to wander around."

   Milana chuckled softly: "The president is guilty, because there are many posts about him on the forum, both good and bad, but most of them are excessively bragging and interpretation, so he doesn't want you to read it."

   In fact, there are still some things that Milana didn't say, and I can see confession posts every day on the forum.

   Such as: "Sisters, please cheer me up. If the floor is over a thousand, I will confess to President Lu!"

   "Chenbao discussion posts, only used for photo communication, Chenbao hobby study..."

   What kind of posts, there are a lot of posts, it is better not to read Eriya.

   Main Milana is also a little worried, because she can feel that although Eriya is innocent and kind, she is actually a girl with a strong desire for monopolization.

   It can be seen from the fact that she has labeled all her toys, but the labels now read ";amp;绘梨衣のXXX"

  Under this situation, if Eriya knew that there were so many people thinking about her family, would he bring Tiancongyunjian to try those who dared to shoot her?

   "Is there anything on the night watchman forum?"

   Eriyi curiously said, since the senior sister mentioned it to herself, she just wanted to say something.

   "Erii needs to know one thing."

  Milanla helped Eriya stroke the burgundy hair that had been messed up because of turning her head, showing a petting smile: "After school starts, Kassel College will hold a free day activity."

   "Freedom for a day?"

   Eriya tilted her head, pondering this word.

  Milanara explained: "That means the students were free to do anything that day, and this year the college’s project decided by the Lionheart Club and the Student Union is a real-life CS, and the winner is king."

   "Real CS? Are you afraid of injuries?"

   After teaching, she can also distinguish reality from games. She has also played CS. It seems to be a game of killing people with a It's terrible.

   "Don't worry about Eriyi, the guns prepared by the academy are all Friga bullets, which are narcotic bullets. Generally, there is no danger."

  Milanra patiently said, but in fact...Friega's bullets are also dangerous.

   If this bullet hits the eyes and other weak parts, the kinetic energy will cause harm to students, even fatal.

   "Well, that seems very interesting."

   Eriyi also has some expectations. She feels that the celebration of this school is more interesting than that of Shilan Middle School. It is more fun than the cultural festival in the animation. The Kassel Academy is great, and everyone can play games together.

"The more interesting thing is yet to come. After the Lions Heart Club and the Student Union camp are divided, the only winner must be decided. The one who can stand last in the event, the final winner, can get a special reward. ."

   Milana smiled bewitchingly.

   "The reward is not important. It’s fun to play games with everyone."

   Compared to the desire to win and lose, Eriya and I look forward to playing games with many people of the same age, and she feels that the desire to win and lose is very strong, so it is better to be happy.

   Milana leaned close to Eriri’s ear and whispered: "The winner can get the right to confess to other people. The person who is confessed cannot refuse, and must date for one month."

   is like a demon whispering.

  Eriyi is not so ignorant and ignorant now, and instantly understands the meaning of this reward.

  In other words, if someone wins and confession, in order to abide by the rules, don't they have to become someone else! ?

   Erii's eyes suddenly became sharp.

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