Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 281: : Xia Mi enrolled (thanks to the leader for being very cooking and showy)

Lu Mingfei was soaked in the wooden barrel, unbearably hot, painful and happy.

   Under the constant high temperature, he felt almost fainted, but Senior Brother Lu said that if he didn't want to short-lived, he would have to soak for two hours.

   The medicinal bath that Lu Chen asked the vice principal to prepare, in addition to using a little bit of the residue from his previous "bath", also added many tonics. It was a formula he gave, which can effectively relieve the body's overdraft.

Their training in the barracks in the previous life was also very difficult. For the general blood secret warrior, the secret medicine was used only once, because every time the secret medicine was used, there was a risk. Lu Chen now felt that it was a bit like this world mixed blood. The critical blood limit of the species.

   Among the people he knows, only he and the instructor who brought him back have a high degree of compatibility, and he has used secret medicine many times to strengthen without losing himself.

   Repeated use of secret medicine, according to his current understanding, is equivalent to using bloodline items, as long as he can bear it, of course it will become very strong.

   The instructor who was kind to him used to be the strongest fighter in the East, but the instructor was relatively short-lived, and he was "dead in old age" at the age of nineteen.

   Therefore, ordinary secret blood warriors still need basic training if they want to continue to grow stronger after using the secret medicine.

   But high-intensity overload training, even if a person can break through the limit and stimulate the so-called potential, it will overdraw the potential life.

   Secret blood warriors have a short life, and they will live shorter if they consume it blindly, so they must cooperate with the medicated bath to make up for the overdrawn part.

Lu Chen felt that his upper limit of lifespan had fallen because he had overdrawn his potential by violent blood. He also tried the formula of the medicated bath in the previous life, but it may be that he is too strong as a living entity now, and the overdrawn part is difficult to use. The medicine in this world was refilled, and he gave up after taking it for a few times and feeling no effect.

   Lu Mingfei's speech spirit is very good, but blindly overdraft potential, impossible without cost, speeding regeneration and his rapid recovery in the blood state have the same thing, absolutely life-saving.

   He wants the nanny that may be used in this team to grow up quickly, at least not to be killed by the aftermath on the periphery of the battlefield, but he does not care about the future of the younger brother, so the medicated bath is a must.

   "Soak for two hours, and come back by yourself after the shower. If you want to be short-lived, you can also sneak out."

   Lu Chen is not interested in watching Lu Mingfei take a bath, and he is ready to return to the dormitory after reminding him.

   When Lu Mingfei returned to the dormitory, it was already ten o'clock. Senior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Fingel were playing Warcraft. This was the normal university life he used to know about.

  If it was normal, he would definitely say add me happily, but today he felt tired and became a dead dog.

   After greeting the seniors, Lu Mingfei walked to the window and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

   Is this the college life he is looking forward to? It feels like a dream...It's just a nightmare.


   The sun at the end of summer still spares no effort to exude heat, the figure running on the track is so vigorous, so vigorous that I can't believe it will be me.

   Lu Mingfei wore a new sportswear that he bought with the overdraft credit of his student card. After finishing the last lap, Senior Sister Milana on the side pressed the timer.

   "Nine minutes, forty-two seconds, thirty-seven, one second faster than yesterday. Congratulations to Junior Brother for making further progress."

   Milanla looked at Lu Mingfei from running to walking down. The short sleeves of the short-sleeved sports shorts of this former bad boy showed clear and solid muscles.

   Lu Mingfei unscrewed a bottle of energy drink specially provided by the equipment department, took a sip, and took a breath, "Thanks to the urge of the brother and sister."

   The world record for the five-kilometer long-distance race is 13 minutes and 05 seconds, but he ran to 9 minutes and 42 seconds. In just two months, he had to run for 25 minutes, shortening the time by more than half!

   Although this achievement is not very good at the Kassel College where the genius is not as good as the dog, it barely reaches the level that the A-level mixed breed should have.

   Lu Mingfei often turned off the fire when he saw the zero in the dormitory next door when his sense of accomplishment was just rising.

  Zero's petite body can run into six minutes and forty seconds, and a sprint of one hundred meters and eight seconds can run five kilometers, making Lu Mingfei particularly curious about the opponent's body structure.

   But in any case, his changes are huge, from a waste that is not as good as a D-class hybrid, and barely have the physical stamina of an A-class hybrid.

   After running, he will continue to take unarmed combat classes, cold weapon melee classes, and firearms proficient shooting classes. Of course, these courses are not taught by Senior Brother Lu.

  Senior Brother Lu is very busy, except for occasionally coming to urge him recently, he has been in the back mountain to give special **** training to better people.

   On the other side, behind the Kassel College.

  Eriyi just hit a hypersonic drone with five times the speed of sound with a trial. This poor drone did not fall well, and was melted by Jun Yan released by Chu Zihang.

   If Minister Akadullah sees this scene, he will definitely feel distressed. After all, the trial cutting drone is very neat. There are many parts and even the engine can be used, which can save new production costs.

  In the jungle, two figures, one high and one low, rise and fall intertwined, and the same dazzling blond hair flashes in the sun.

  Caesar has been a little skeptical of life recently. It's better to say that since he joined this special training, he has been a little confused.

   Originally, he was a very confident person. In terms of combat, Brother Lu was definitely incomparable, but he felt that he and Chu Zihang were in the same position.

   Before he wanted to completely defeat Chu Zihang, his competitor, and then look up to Brother Lu, but after he joined the special training, he found that something was wrong.

   For example, why could Chu Zihang hold Brother Lu's heavy killing of the king for knife practice? When did he get so strong?

   For example, Chu Zihang, why can he release Jun Yan at a super long distance, and the power and scale make him a little bit incomprehensible.

   There is nothing to do in his free time. After the training, he even discussed with Chu Zihang once.

   Doubt about life...

   Especially after Chu Zihang slashed him into the air, the emotion of "mistake, exposed!" flashed in his eyes, made Caesar unacceptable.

   What happened to Chu Zihang when I didn’t know it?

   Is this an A-grade mixed breed?

   The feeling that Chu Zihang gave him now was like the first time he saw Brother Lu fighting, as if... as if he were not a species.

   "Brother Chu, what's the matter?"

   In the end, Caesar couldn't help curiosity and asked.

   He knew that Chu Zihang was not like this at the beginning, otherwise they would not have played so hard in Japan that time.

   Chu Zihang didn't know how to answer. Although everyone's relationship was good, Brother Lu said that he couldn't let others know about his ancestry.

Lu Chen walked over and gave Caesar a vague explanation: "Brother Caesar, haven't you read our martial arts novels? Then you should know what chance is. The last time Brother Chu went to the Arctic with me to slay dragons in the North Pole, he was in Nibo in Norton. There was a little chance in Longgen, and it became like this. After all, he is also of the fire system from the line of blood."

  Caesar doesn’t doubt he has him. It’s normal to have some chances in the first-generation Nibelungen. In the martial arts novels, you can still meet the old master Chuan Gong.

   It's just that he secretly remembered it in his heart, thinking that if the King of Sky and Wind appeared in the future, he must go with Brother Lu.

   "By the way, Brother Lu, school starts tomorrow, have you read the exact rules and regulations of Freedom Day?"

   After training, Caesar chatted with Lu Chen about official business.

   "Don't you just hit it casually?"

   Lu Chen didn't look at it, anyway, he felt that he won in the end.

   "Of course it is not casual, otherwise even the principal would not pass our proposal."

  Caesar explained: "First of all, the precepts of the night watchman will still cover the whole school, so the use of Yan Ling is prohibited..."

   He paused, looking at Lu Chen, Chu Zihang, and Eli Yi who was in a daze, and added, "Brother Lu, you are the same."

   In his opinion, the spirit of the night watchman may not be able to suppress these little monsters now. When playing games, everyone must abide by the rules of the game.

  Although...Caesar still feels that the game experience is extremely poor. Even if everyone doesn't have to say anything, Brother Lu is a real monster. He hasn't thought about the winning strategy of the Student Union yet.

   "Can I only use a gun?"

   Lu Chen asked back, marksmanship is the only thing he hasn't practiced, although he should be able to shoot very accurately with the super-high-speed reflex nerves.

   "Of course not, that's boring, everyone can fight knives in CS."

Caesar shook his head, "Students with perfect scores in melee classes can also use melee cold weapons. Except for being knocked into a coma by Friega bullets, everyone will send a patch to represent themselves based on their student number, which can be glued to their clothes. When the patch is under certain pressure, it will be activated and bright red, indicating that it has been eliminated."

   There is a requirement to use melee cold weapons. This is to prevent people who are "not good at learning" from not knowing the importance of starting. However, after the rules of patching are actually added, the final means of winning or losing in melee combat is basically unarmed combat.

  The outcome of a cold weapon battle is basically just a tacit understanding. Either your weapon is blown off, or you feel that your skills are not as good as others, so you consciously give in. The quality of a student at Kassel College still has this quality.

   Otherwise, no one can guarantee to defeat the opponent without hurting the opponent at the same time.

   "It's quite reasonable. Don't worry, we won't use words."

   Lu Chen nodded, but in fact, he was already thinking about the second match.

   Student Union... It seems there is nothing to fight.


   September 16th, the weather is fine and the breeze is cool. It is a rare and not so hot time. As a large-scale event, it is indeed a good day.

  In the early morning, at Chicago Railway Station, many people gathered their eyes in one direction of the lobby.

   That is a Chinese girl holding a suitcase, her black hair dangled casually, her face is so clean and suffocating, she is like a perfect artwork that can only appear under a master's knife.

   She is wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with light coffee-colored hot pants underneath. Her slender and straight legs are elegant, with even flesh and blood, and she is white and smooth.

   The girl looked left and right with a pair of smart eyes, as if looking for something. When she turned in one direction, she smiled on her face and rushed over with her suitcase.

"You are late."

   Chu Zihang faintly spoke, The Python of the World is ready to leave, and the junior sister who is going to school has just arrived at the train station.

   "Hee hee, aren't you late yet, brother, why are you alone?"

   Xia Mi looked left and right, and saw no other new students, only Chu Zihang was here.

   "Other people have already boarded the car. If you are two minutes late, no one will pick you up. You have to wait for the afternoon car."

   Chu Zihang is taking a task to pick up the new students. This is a routine activity of the Lionheart Club and the Student Union.

   And today is the last batch of freshmen, and the school will start tomorrow.

   The student union also sent someone, it was the head of Brother Caesar’s lace dance troupe, the senior sister named Seraful.

   The competition within the academy is so tense. The Lionheart Club and the Student Union compete for freshmen, always starting to compete at the step of picking up freshmen.

   At present, it seems that Brother Caesar's tactics are more effective.

   Maybe Chu Zihang himself was not conscious, but compared with the cruel killer brother, the beautiful and gentle dancing sister seemed to be more likely to arouse people's favor.

   "Wow, the college is so rich, is this a private train?"

   Xia Mi got in the car, sitting still uneasy in her position, and looking out the window.

   "This is the public property of the college and serves everyone, not a private train."

   Chu Zihang faintly explained that the compartment was already full, so he could only sit with Xia Mi.

  The students in this compartment are basically preparatory students from all over the world. They don’t need training because they already know the truth about the Dragon, they only need to take an accurate assessment after enrolling in the 3E exam.

   "But I heard that Brother Lu is temporarily mobilized for him when he travels, isn't it?"

   Xia Mi looked innocent, and silenced Chu Zihang for a few seconds, "Brother Lu... tasks are generally urgent. Where did you hear about this?"

   "Night watchman forum, after receiving the admission notice, I spent money to buy a new mobile phone. In order to establish a good relationship with the seniors and sisters in advance, I have been diligent in water stickers recently."

   Xia Mi said with a painful expression on her face, "I spent all my subsidies."

   "Junior sister’s house is very hard?"

   Chu Zihang turned to ask.

   "Of course it's hard work, no father or mother, but also to take care of my brother. Enrolling in Kassel is the first step in my life to change!"

   Xia Mi clenched her pink fist tightly, her expression struggling to move upward.

   Chu Zihang was a little confused, "But I saw on your resume that you went to Shilan High School, and the tuition fees there are very expensive."

   It was not Chu Zihang's gossip or serious suspicion, but the point where he felt contradictory when he saw Xia Mi's resume.

   It is said that Xia Mi, who only lives on social welfare, cannot afford the tuition of Shilan Middle School.

   And he felt that Xia Mi was a little familiar at first, but when he saw that the other party had gone to Shilan Middle School, he was even more surprised that they might indeed have an intersection.

   But he doesn't remember this junior girl. If he has seen it, he should remember it clearly. After all... the other party is pretty pretty.

   Xia Mi sighed, "Brother, you just don’t understand the suffering of the people!"

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