Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 291: : Girl and terminally ill cat

The night is getting deeper and deeper, the bright moon hanging high in the sky exudes shining brilliance, and the stars are shining.

The row of candlesticks in the lonely ancient village are dotted with lights, and the evening breeze blows across the buildings, as if something is whispering.

Lu Mingfei started up at night in a daze, but when he returned, he found that there was no one in the hall, and Senior Brother Lu was not there.

"The president has gone out to investigate. Since you are awake, don't sleep, change shifts with me."

Chelan yawned and they took turns to watch the night.

Lu Mingfei patted his face, walked to the window, opened the curtains and looked out, feeling that there was something ghost hiding in the dark night, which was inexplicably chilling.

At this time, Lu Chen was wandering in the village. He wanted to see what wicked things would happen at night, and he went to see the pyramid during the period.

Finally, he sat at the top of the pyramid, watching the rising and falling dark tides, and found nothing unusual.

He took out his mobile phone, clicked to confirm, and the light was cast on his face. The picture was the command room of the executive department.

"Anything to find?"

Schneider asked, the headquarters of the academy has been paying attention to this task.

"Except for this pyramid, which shouldn't exist, no abnormalities have been found so far. I patrolled around at night and no dragon creatures appeared."

Lu Chen asked, "About this pyramid, what do the tenured professors of the college's headquarters say?"

Schneider said: "Tenured professors are more inclined to this is the back projection of Nibelungen."

"Back projection?"

Lu Chen didn't quite understand this statement.

"To put it simply, this pyramid originally existed in a Mayan village. I asked Norma to collect aerial photos of this neighborhood after the 1970s. After comparison, this pyramid was more than 90% of the time. The pyramids are all there, it is real."

Schneider continued: "On the contrary, because this is a small place, satellites do not often take pictures here, so we had neglected a little bit before. When we saw that it was an open space, the commissioners had no doubts, after all, even if the recent aerial record was adjusted. , The pyramid is not there, so no one doubted it at first."

Lu Chen felt the pyramid underneath him thoughtfully. The instructor made sense. If what you see here is an empty cliff, the Mayans would not take the initiative to mention that there was a pyramid here. No one of the commissioners would take the initiative to mention that there was a pyramid here. Have a question about this place.

"So... only when the commissioners came the last two times, the pyramid was not there, but what we saw was normal?"

Lu Chen confirmed.

"Probably this is the meaning. The tenured professors speculate that when the pyramid disappears, it is the Nibelungen illusion that shines into reality, and the pyramid is erased. That is to say, the former commissioner may be in the Nibelung after entering the village. In the cracks between the roots, it's just that everyone didn't notice it."

Lu Chen was a little puzzled, "But there is no problem with daily communication. If it is in the cracks and in the force field of the dragon family, the electronic equipment should be invalid, right?"

He and Brother Chu were trapped on the northern ice sheet together. At that time, even the strong signal satellite phone was zero, and it was a maze that could not be walked out. There was no problem with the access to the village. He just tried to sneak on the beach. In a circle.

Schneider was silent for a moment, "... the words of tenured professors can only be used for reference, we still know too little about the dragon clan."

Lu Chen smiled, "Think about it carefully, the professors always cheat me."

As he said, he got up and said, "I will stay here for a few days. If there is no result, let the executive department spend money to clear the place. Turn this place upside down."

"Already in communication with the local government, we will buy that piece of land."

Schneider nodded. Lu Chen is a precious combat power of the secret party. Even if it is to train new students, the war practice class can't delay Lu Chen's time for too long. If the Dragon clan disappears, they will use the strongest means.

Lu Chen cut off the communication and returned to the house. With a few hours left, it was dawn and he could rest for a while.

At very early in the morning, Yangguan pierced into the wooden house through the curtain woven by vines.

Lu Chen opened his eyes, nothing happened all night, and nothing unusual happened.

The previous two groups of commissioners had disappeared on the first night, and he thought it was uneasy every night.

But the surprisingly quiet last night made Lu Chen feel even more boring.

The villagers left at dawn and basically went to the beach to do business to make money.

Like last night, they had breakfast in Ischl’s large room.

"Everyone, how was your rest last night?"

Ischchel greeted everyone as he served the dishes.

"It can be regarded as an experience of the Mayan national customs."

Lu Chen replied, in fact, no one had a full sleep last night. Both boys and girls were vigilant in taking turns to watch the night. It's just that the mixed races are energetic, so a few hours less sleep will not affect it.

The freshmen at the dinner table didn't speak. They spent the night that was rumored to be the "Night of Missing", but there was no real clue.

During the meal, a gray-brown striped cat walked in leisurely from the door, and looked at its original bag that was drooping under his stomach, and he knew that this guy is usually well-nourished.

When the little fat cat saw Ischl, he trot over at a cheerful pace, napping on Ischl’s leg affectionately, not caring that there were many strangers in the house.

"Wow, what a cute cat."

Eriri's eyes lit up, and Kotono and Grace looked at them more.

"It's called Dudu."

Ishchel squatted down and touched Dudu's head, Dudu also raised his head to the palm of his hand, enjoying it.

The morning sun shines on the girl and the cat, with endless warmth. It is hard to imagine that this village is undergoing a sensational disappearance.


Seeing that the master had finished touching herself, she got up and continued to serve the meal, Dudu was a little anxious, and yelled next to the master, vowing to ask for something to eat.

"Dudu, didn't you get up early to feed you? You should lose weight."

Ischchel was indifferent, kicked and kicked, trying to drive Dudu away and don't pester her.

Seeing that those people were all sitting at the dining table, Dudu sprinted around the dining table, seeming to want to see if any kind stranger could give it something to eat.

As an original stray cat, after passing the low-level jungle predation and trash can stage, it has mastered a higher-end skill, which is to sell cute beggars.

Dudu turned around, everyone was indifferent, and finally it ran to Eliyi's feet, rubbed the girl's calf with its round head, and meowed.

Eriya leaned over and touched Dudu's head cautiously. Dudu did not resist, making her very happy, so she squeezed Dudu's face.


Dudu looked up at Eriyi longingly, hoping that this beautiful human girl could add a meal to it.

Eli Yi couldn't hold it, so she picked up a piece of chicken breast in the bowl with chopsticks, put it in the palm of her hand, and put it down carefully.

Tooted his nose and sniffed, feeling that this thing seemed to taste good, opened a small mouth and prepared to take it away, but was interrupted mercilessly by the other hand.

Eriya's hand was patted, the chicken breast fell to the ground, and Ischl's nervous voice came, "Can't give it to eat!"

Eriyi looked up at Ischchel feeling a little at a loss, thinking that she had done something wrong and shouldn't feed someone else's cat.

The atmosphere of the scene became awkward for a while, and everyone focused on Ischl.

Ischchel first put the rice bowl on the table, then picked up the chicken breast, and then smiled apologetically to Eriyi: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, Dudu can't eat these things. of."

"Doesn't cats like to eat chicken breast or something?"

When Lu Chen was a child, there was also a stray cat in the village. He knew what cats ate. Although the food cooked by humans is not good for cats, it is better than starving to death.

Under Dudu's disappointed gaze, Ishchel threw the chicken breast into the trash can, took a paper towel and wiped his hands, sat down in her position, and touched Dudu's head.

"We eat too much seasoning. The average cat occasionally eats a little as a snack and it's fine. Toot it...can't eat it."

Ischchel explained that it is harmful if cats are involved in a large amount of human seasonings, salt, etc. "Toot it... it is terminally ill, and it is easy to get sick by eating these things."


Eriya looked at Dudu, somewhat puzzled, Dudu looked healthy.

Ischchel touched Dudu's head and sighed: "Dudu has congenital myocardial hypertrophy. Because of this stress, he had pulmonary edema and cat blood clots."

"Ah, so serious?"

In fact, Eriyi didn't quite understand what it was all about, but it sounded terrible.

Zero glanced at the floor and enjoyed the toot of the master's touch, "Isn't it dead?"

The atmosphere in the court suddenly dropped to a freezing point, and the students felt deeply that they deserved to be the Queen of Icebergs, and they were not euphemistic at all in questioning.

She seemed to perceive the strange gazes of the students, and Zero explained: "This is indeed a terminal illness, and the three-day mortality rate of cat thrombosis and pulmonary edema is as high as 99.7%, and cases of cat thrombosis cured... the world Is zero."

She is not cursing, once a cat's thrombosis is onset, even if she does not die, she will definitely be paralyzed for the rest of the time, and if there is no one who can live for a year, the next time she gets sick will be absolutely fatal.

But the cat now looks lively and without any inconvenience, just like a normal cat.

Ischchel picked up Dudu and smiled, "Then it's not zero now."

"How did you cure it?"

Lu Mingfei asked curiously. It's better to say that everyone is very curious. Does the Maya have any mysterious medical skills?

Ischell put Dudu on the ground, stepped aside, took a jar, and poured some of her homemade cat food, and Dudu went over and slammed his head in joy.

Ischchel sat back in his seat, "It’s not something that can’t be said. It’s probably two years ago. Dudu didn’t know what he saw at night. I was shocked and screamed terribly. After I got up, I went to appease it, but I didn't see any thief and didn't care much. As a result, when I got up the next morning, Dudu couldn't walk anymore, which frightened me.

She picked up the wooden spoon and helped everyone to fill the rice, "Then I hurried to ride a bike to the tutu to the pet hospital in the city."

"Pet Hospital?"

Lu Mingfei was a little puzzled. He thought it was cured by Granny Keya, who looked like an expert wizard.

Ischchel put a bowl of rice in front of Lu Mingfei, "Why not? Granny Keya knows a little bit of medicine, but they are all local methods. It's hard to cure people's diseases, let alone cure me. I can only go to the city to find a vet."

No one interrupted, she continued: "After I was sent to the hospital, the doctor took a look and called me to his office and handed me a piece of paper..." The girl's voice trembled a bit, even after two years, She can also recall her feelings at the time: "...the critical illness notice."

Eriya covered her mouth, worried, "Ah, what should I do?"

"You can only sign. If you don't sign the doctor, you won't be able to treat it, because they are afraid of disputes. Simply put, they will treat after signing. If Dudu fails in the end, I can't be held accountable."

Ischchel filled a small basin full of rice and placed it in front of Lu Chen, "The doctor used a lot of medicine on the first day and let Dudu live in the oxygen chamber, but at night, the doctor called me out and asked I recommend……"

Ischchel trembled, his hands holding the wooden spoon very hard, "...euthanasia."

She turned her head and glanced at Dudu who was heartless eating cat food. "Because the doctor said, this is a terminal illness and there is no cure. But Dudu is affected by cat thrombosis and pulmonary edema every second. It was extremely painful, and I could also see Dudu's painful shaking. The doctor said that in this case, they would generally recommend direct euthanasia, but I was very fond of Dudu, so I didn't say anything in the morning."

She smiled miserably, "Maybe the doctor saw me as a Mayan girl from the village. She didn't have much money. He was also kind. He received top treatments there. Every day is astronomical for me."

"But you didn't give up."

Lu Chen looked at this Maya girl.

Ishchel nodded, "Of course I did not give up. How can I give up? I was with Dudu when I was a child. Except for Granny Keya, Dudu is my only relative in this world. It was when I was sad. It will make me laugh. It will lie on my feet to warm me in the cold winter. I can't imagine what kind of day it would be to be alone in a big house on a cold night... How can you give up Dudu?"

"Maybe I'm too selfish, and I'm not willing to Dudu to leave me, obviously it's so painful when it fights against the"

Ischchel filled the rice for everyone and sat in a seat, "I went back to the separate ward where I had applied for a high price, opened the small opening of the oxygen tank, and put my hand in, Dudu turned his head and looked at me with great difficulty. It hurts and is very weak, but it still tries its best to open those watery eyes and look at me."

The rice was ready, but no one moved the chopsticks, and was attracted by the heavy stories of Mayan girls.

Eriya imagined what it was like. The fifteen-year-old girl and Dudu looked at each other through the oxygen chamber, and the eyes of the man and the cat were all looking at each other, and they were full of dismay.

One was reluctant to leave, and the other tried his best to stay.

Ischchel continued: "I can understand what Dudu means. Dudu doesn't want to die. It is painful, but it still persists. So I tore up the euthanasia documents in my hand and went out and said to the doctor, I want Continue to rule."


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