Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 292: : There is no miracle in this world

"The treatment lasted until the third day. It was the most dangerous night."

Ischchel recalled.

And Zero and others whispered science, "Cat thrombosis has a 72-hour life and death period, and more than 90% of cats can't survive it. If they survive it, they can survive temporarily."

Ichchel glanced at Zero and nodded: "Sister Zero is really knowledgeable. The doctor said so. I took advantage of the doctor’s break and borrowed his computer to check the Internet and found out that the doctor didn’t lie to me, even if it’s advertising. No one who sells fake drugs dares to use'cure cat thrombosis' as a case. This is really a terminal illness without a cure."

She laughed at herself: "I used to believe in God very much. In those few days, I stayed by Dudu's side, closing my eyes and praying to God, hoping Dudu could survive these three days, but when I checked the entire network, When I can't find a cure, I feel a little desperate, and I don't dare to be so extravagant for God's requirements. I only hope that Dudu can survive for three days. Even if Dudu becomes a paralyzed person, I will raise it for the rest of my life."

How can you give up when you only have it to accompany you in your life?

"Ischchel is strong..."

Eriya praised, and looked at Dudu again, "Dudu is also very strong."

Ischl shook his head, "Is it strong? I don't know. That night, when Dudu was onset for twenty-four hours and the condition gradually stabilized, I was very happy and thanked every **** I had prayed for. , But in the last hour, Dudu suddenly couldn't breathe, I hurried to call the doctor..."

Speaking of this, the girl’s eye sockets are still reddish even though it’s past, showing how scared she was at the time. "The doctor sighed after reading it and said that the large thrombus had traveled to the lungs. Let me accompany me in the end. Du, saying it should be better than tonight."

Eriya's small hand clenched tightly. She knew the end of the story, but she still felt nervous.

"Because I was afraid that other cats and dogs would be so scared, I asked to change to a separate ward. After the doctor went out, I sat on a stool and took it out of the oxygen chamber according to the doctor's instructions. Then I put it down. The oxygen mask was put on its face, and the doctor said it would be easier to beep like this."

Ischchel’s voice was emotional, "Dudu turned my head to look at me hard, I was holding Dudu’s small paws, it was clear that its pads were once so soft, but at that time it became stiff and cold. , When all the medicines have been used, and I have prayed to all the gods, in the end, only myself is left. All I can do is stay with Dudu."

As if recalling the scene of that night, Ishchel wiped the corners of his eyes without a trace, "I will talk to Dudu, talk about our past, cheer it up, say Dudu cheer, Dudu watch I breathed vigorously into the oxygen mask, and my purple tongue stuck out. Even though my pupils were dilated, they still stared at me closely."

Ischchel is a good tour guide, and a good tour guide always tells stories.

Under the beautiful voice of the girl trembling, everyone seemed to have seen that scene.

In the small single ward, the girl held the paralyzed little paws of Toot, and encouraged Toot again and again. The girl’s voice was dry from crying, and the pupils of Toot who could not see clearly stared at the girl. I want to look at my closest friend before I die, as if I want to engrave the girl's appearance into the soul.

In this way, even if it dies, it will be reborn in the next life...and find the girl again.

"I rubbed my chest for Dudu. Even though I knew that it was useless for the blood clot, I wanted Dudu to feel my warmth. A miracle happened. After half an hour, Dudu's breathing gradually slowed down and the blood clot Passed."

Lu Mingfei listened to the girl’s narration, feeling that whether it is a human or an animal, he must be self-reliant. When external forces could not help him, Dudu survived the half of death with his own willpower at the last moment. Hour.

What a greedy girl... and the cat are not willing to leave each other, even the **** of death has to retreat under this greedy obsession.

"What happened then?"

Eriyi asked nervously. She just heard that Ling said that cat thrombosis could not be cured. If thrombolysis is not possible within 72 hours, thrombolysis is basically impossible. In other words, even if Dudu survived that night, It will also be a paralyzed kitten.

Ischchel recalled, "The morning doctor came to the ward the next day and was surprised to see Dudu was still alive, because he heard that Dudu was going to be bad last night. He also helped me when he saw Dudu survived. Happy, and hesitant to ask me if I want to continue treatment."

"Of course the treatment will continue. Why does the doctor ask such things?"

Lu Mingfei was puzzled.

Ischchel glanced at Lu Mingfei, "You probably haven't worried about money. The cost of treatment in the pet hospital is very high, especially because I have a good treatment environment for Dudu, which takes up the only single place there. Ward, what do you think a pet hospital is? Every pet that is hospitalized can have a separate environment?"

Lu Mingfei is not speechless, he actually worries about money, after all, except for the tuition fees of Shilan Middle School, he usually has very little pocket money.

Ischchel continued: "The doctor is a good person. Pets hospitalized in pet hospitals are usually placed in iron cabinets. A grid is an empty seat. He said that this was the first time I saw a pet who was going to be with him all day. I allocated the empty room for the lowest cost so that I could live with Dudu, but even though I was given a lot of discounts, the daily cost of treatment was still very high. At that time, I dropped out of school and became a tour guide for a year. How much money did you save?"

"The doctor believes that Dudu will not die for the time being, but it is already a paralyzed cat. If he can't be cured, he will only repeat meaningless medications if he stays in the hospital. No medication can be used to dissolve the thrombosis after three days."

Ischchel shook his head, "But I disagree, because Dudu's situation has not completely stabilized, so I borrowed money from Granny Keya and stayed for another week."

At this time Dudu had finished eating the cat food, but as if her belly was always pretending to be dissatisfied, she ran to Ischchel and meowed.

Ischchel touched Dudu’s head, “I thought that the period of death was over. In any case, Dudu can live for a while, and there will be hope when there is time, but in the next few days, Dudu began. If he doesn’t eat or drink, his bright eyes are gradually losing his look. You know, even if it hurts a few days ago, I feed it and it’s very happy to eat it. After all, it’s a super foodie."

"Ah? Why is this?"

Eriya asked with some worry.

Ischl sighed, "So I am selfish. Even though I am free from death, the cat will still have a blood clot in pain, and Dudu will gradually recognize the reality after it stabilizes. It can't move anymore. The cat that can fly over the walls and climb the tree becomes a paralyzed cat. People can't stand the paralysis, and the cat who loves freedom can't stand it even more."

"Dudu usually likes to clean, licking his hair many times a day, but he was paralyzed at that time and couldn't move, he couldn't take care of himself. He couldn't hold it anymore. The first time he urinates on the urine pad, even if I No matter how fast the hand is, the hair under Dudu will still be soaked with urine. After a long time, it will gradually start to smell. At that time, I look at its eyes again, and it loses its expression. It...gradually loses its ability to survive. desire."

Eriyi listened to Ishchel's narration, feeling that the cat who understands and loves freedom can't even take care of herself.

Dudu is so clean, but because of the illness, even the last persistence and dignity are gone. Excretion can only pee on the mat and get it on the hair that it cherishes.

"I looked like Dudu, and it was extremely uncomfortable. It didn't eat or drink. It seemed to be trying to get rid of it. I talked to Dudu and encouraged him. Finally, we both found a way."

Ischchel smiled, "Dudu screamed whenever I wanted to urinate, and then I moved it to the table, facing the outside, I put the urine pad on the floor, and it urinates accurately. When I got there, I wouldn’t get any hair on it. From that day on, Dudu seemed to be in a better mood. I fed it liquid food, it started to eat, and at night, he had a bowel movement for the first time after getting sick."

It was clearly talking about some filthy things, but no one found it disgusting or funny, just subdued by the girl's persistence.

"At that time, I ran out of money. I held Dudu's paw and asked it. If I wanted to go home, Dudu made two spiritual calls. The next day we were discharged from the hospital. After returning home, Dudu was very busy. Happy, because it feels that it’s its territory, and it’s much safer than the hospital."

Ishchel stretched out his hand underneath, and Dudu lay on the ground very cooperatively, licking his stomach.

"Then I still take care of it every day. When the sun is good, I take Dudu to bask in the sun. Just the fifth day after returning home, Dudu's hind legs can actually move."

Ischchel had a touched smile on his face.

Zero opened his mouth and said: "It is self-healing. Animals have a certain degree of self-healing. Although it is only theoretically, it is very unlikely. This is the only way to slowly recover after the thrombolytic period."

"Yes, Dudu is very competitive. Since he can move his hind legs, he refuses to help him go to the toilet. Panting for a long time, he put the front part of himself on the litter box and arched his legs trembling hard. Come, when he finished all this for the first time, he was very happy. He ate a lot that day and his desire to survive became more vigorous again."

"On the tenth day home, Dudu's front legs were able to move. On the fifteenth day, it could stand up on all fours. On the twentieth day, it walked on the ground for the first time. In a month, it could walk smoothly... "

Ishichelton slammed, with a happy smile on his face, "For a month and a half, Dudu can run, and then it gets better every day. Until now, he has become the little fat man who was at the beginning, walking like flying, and the doctor is here. I asked once on the phone, and I said, he still didn’t believe him and came to the village to see it in person. He shouted that it was a medical miracle."

"It's a miracle indeed."

Lu Chen sighed, and he always felt very touched to take care of the paralyzed "patient".

But he did not wait for the miracle.

Ischchel shook his head. "There is no miracle in this world. Cat thrombosis is not a terminal illness, but there are not many owners in the world who are willing to be like me. The owners put the cat in the hospital and go to work. In that cold iron window, in an unfamiliar environment, how scared they are."

"The little guys thought they were sick and it was not good. The owners didn’t want to be themselves, and the cats and dogs in other boxes barked, the crowd walked up and down, and the doctors grabbed them and took pictures and performed heart scans. The owner is not around, they should be so scared and desperate... and the doctor told me that in fact, it was in the same condition as Dudu, and many owners put it in the hospital and stopped picking it up."

"At that time, I felt that I couldn't do this. I wanted to accompany Dudu. From the twelve days after it became sick to when he was discharged from the hospital, I didn't sleep.

Lu Mingfei wanted to compliment the other party after hearing Ishchel's words, but he didn't know what to say. He was afraid that when he opened his mouth, "Sister won't sleep for twelve days, it's awesome!"

Ischchel patted Dudu’s ass, meaning that he hadn’t eaten anything this morning. “The doctor said it was a miracle, but if it’s really a miracle, it’s also... a miracle of love.”

This is a very literary summary, but no one can say that a girl is a secondary or literary.

Even Zero can't explain Dudu's affairs from a scientific point of view, and can only be attributed to Ishchel's perseverance and careful care.

Love is the greatest miracle in this world.

"Sister Ischchel is amazing, Dudu is very happy to meet you."

Eriya secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes,

"Hey, I've talked too much, the rice is almost cold, everyone eat it, I got up early and made it."

Ischchel said with a little embarrassment, and without hesitation, the first one moved his chopsticks and picked up a delicious fish.

"Ischl has worked hard, it tastes good."

Lu Chen ate a mouthful of braised pork. It was not so rich last night. The girl probably got up very early and went to the market to buy it. She charged a high accommodation fee, but she was also very conscientious to the guests.

"Over reputation, haha, I haven't eaten such a hearty meal for a long time."

Ischchel smiled and said that she lived in poverty mainly because she spent a lot of medical expenses on Dudu two years ago and also borrowed money.

If not, she should have saved enough money to go to high school now, after all, she is usually very hardworking.

"Dudu...what did he see that night?"

After being moved, Eriya asked curiously, she also remembered everyone's mission this time, this incident may have something to do with the abnormal event.

Mention this though Ischchel has swallowed the rice, his pretty face is still puffed up, holding his small fist tightly, "I don't know, but if you let me know what is scared Dudu, I definitely want to find him out and give him a big beating!"

Lu Mingfei glanced at Ishchel, and wanted to complain about your delicate figure. If it's a thief, can you beat it?

"Did Dudu be so scared to scream later? For example... this time?"

Lu Chen asked.

He is quite familiar with cats. As a native of China, he has heard some legends.

It is said that cats are psychic and can see things that people can't.

Then, on the night of Dudu's illness, did you see...dirty things?


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