Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1069 Kama’s Narration

Inside the starship carrier, Lu Chen and Chu Zihang looked at each other, and then Chu Zihang opened the hatch.

This starship mothership is made of a higher level of technology than the ancient star of Tianzhou, but it is still not enough to face the new born Kama who became an artificial immortal god.

It doesn't matter to Karma whether to open the door or not. It's better to open it up and let the other party in.

Kama stepped into the hatch and came to the interior of the starship carrier. He now looked like a human being. I don’t know if he did it deliberately. The color he created on the surface of his skin was like that of a human being, and his face looked like a human being. It is no different from humans, except that the mouth is a little rough, because the stone man is not fully developed.

His skin color is nearly white, perhaps because he subconsciously chose a familiar creature. Kama's appearance is somewhat similar to that of Westerners, except that he currently has a bald head.

"Mr. Kama, may I ask why you stopped us?"

Lu Chen asked his doubts and had to admit that after this artificial intelligence was reborn, few people in the starry sky could match him, and naturally he was not among them.

Being intercepted by Kama in the universe, if the other party came with hostility, he and Chu Zihang would have nowhere to run.

Lu Chen was murmuring in his heart at this moment. He couldn't be here to collect debts from Tianzhou Ancient Star. He had plundered a lot of evolutionary fluid.

But he thought that when Kama finally left, it didn't look like he had any nostalgia for the ancient star of the universe.

"I'm here to play chess with Mr. Chu."

Karma's tone was calm, and what he said made Lu Chen confused.

Such a top powerhouse in the universe, a highly intelligent collective, traveled through space to intercept him and Chu Zihang, just to play chess?

Does playing chess have any special meaning? Is it the one I understand playing chess?

Lu Chen looked at Chu Zihang, hoping that Chu Zihang could explain to him.

"Welcome, please take a seat."

Chu Zihang did not answer Lu Chen's doubts, but first invited Kama to sit down and secretly messaged on the group channel, "Brother Lu, you can go have some snacks first, I will take care of it here."

Lu Chen was speechless, as if he was being treated as a child.

But he didn't refute, and walked aside. Chu Zihang modified a new oven for him. It was intelligent and fully automatic. All he had to do was throw the ingredients in.

"Why did you come to play chess with me? You should know that the first two times I won against you were all due to luck."

Chu Zihang asked Kama to sit down, and he sat opposite him. A silver table rose on the floor in the center, with brilliance flowing on it, and it could obviously display content.

Kamamu didn't squint, but he had already completed the exploration of the starry sky carrier within his perception, and said with emotion: "There are indeed higher technological civilizations in the universe. The technology of this mothership is worth learning from the ancient star of Tianzhou."

This is not to say that Chu Zihang's starry sky carrier will be more powerful than the strongest mothership in Tianzhou Ancient Star. The strength of the mothership depends on the material and the weapons it is mounted on. Chu Zihang's starry sky carrier is about as strong as Tianzhou Ancient Star. It seems to be the most advanced starship carrier on the ancient planet, but Kama can see that this starship carrier is not the most advanced among the civilization that created it.

It's like there are two ships placed together. They are the same regardless of size or sailing speed on the sea, but one is oil-burning and the other is nuclear-powered. Technically speaking, they are different.

Karma leaned back in the chair somewhat relaxedly, but his posture looked a bit unnatural. It was obvious that he was imitating a living being, but he had never actually performed any actions related to life.

"I don't know what to do next. Professor Ibuprofen said that I should just do what I like. After thinking about it, I felt that I was very happy playing chess with Mr. Chu, so I came to see Mr. Chu."

Kama explained his purpose and said He had no hostility.

"Although you also know that in terms of computing power, I may not be as good as most of the wise chess masters?"

Chu Zihang asked back, even though he has extraordinary talents and the insight has given him extraordinary computing power, his realm attributes are still different from those of the wise clan bosses who specialize in chess and have deeply developed brains. .

"No, playing chess with Mr. Chu is more interesting, because the elders of the Zhi tribe who are good at this game are all imitating me. They are too good at calculation. Like me, they have lost the fun of the game. In order to pursue victory, they have special characteristics. The route had so little variety that it bored me.”

Karma said, "I used to think that as long as I won the game, it would be good. After all, in my core code, there was an article that mentioned victory as a very high priority. But after I woke up, I found that sometimes victory It’s meaningless because it can’t undo your mistakes.”

His tone was calm, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes, "You will only discover the necessity of some things after they are lost."

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment, " that wise elder's name ibuprofen?"

Karma nodded, "Professor Ibuprofen is a very good person. I am not misinterpreting race, but it seems that it would be more smooth to communicate like this. Moreover, in the core of my thinking, I also feel that Professor Ibuprofen does not look like the same person." Waze clan.”

"Can you tell me about Professor Ibuprofen?"

Chu Zihang was not gossiping, he just wanted to deeply understand the heart of this artificial intelligence. Now it seems that his and Brother Lu's previous ideas were also too arrogant. They were no different from those intelligent tribes. They were nothing more than bandit thinking. They wanted to Grab Kama and use it as a new enslaver, just a tool.

"Professor Ibuprofen... he was very handsome when he was young. According to my statistics, he should be among the top ten handsomest people in this generation among the intelligent tribe. But I have also heard the saying among you humans, saying What is it... is time a butcher's knife?"

Lu Chen couldn't help laughing after hearing Kama's metaphor.

"As he aged, Professor Ibuprofen was no longer so handsome. He began to gain weight and become shorter, but his thinking did not stop progressing. If the word human nature can be used for the intelligent race, I can feel his brilliance."

Karma's calm narration is immersed in reminiscence, rather than just looking for data fragments in the database.

"He is different from other intelligent people. He believes that artificial intelligence, after giving birth to its own consciousness and learning to think, should be regarded as a life and not a simple tool. When he was young, he was still on the ancient planet of Tianzhou He gave a speech to promote the theory of artificial intelligence life, but only a few people agreed with his theory, and he was criticized by many intelligent people at the time."

"This does not affect Professor Ibuprofen's status as the forty-three top giants of the highest scientific research institute, right?"

Chu Zihang responded.

Karma nodded, "Yes, Professor Ibuprofen is very talented. Although he has been studying time and cause and effect all his life, he has not achieved effective results, but it is by no means meaningless research. Without Professor Ibuprofen's On the theory of cause and effect, I manipulated the gods to fight against Mr. Lu, and I couldn’t take any of the special cause-and-effect sword skills. If there was no long-term battle, there would be no collection of battle data, and there would be no future control of the Mecha Legion and the creatures of the Simon Empire. With the ability to delay the battle, I may not be able to be born successfully at all.”

Karma paused, "Maybe in a sense, this can be regarded as cause and effect."

He turned to look at Lu Chen, who was chewing on Huang's leg, "I would also like to thank Mr. Lu for letting me go during the battle, allowing me to learn more about the essence of battle."

"Your learning ability is indeed very strong. Even if you just imitate, there is probably no better imitator than you in the entire starry sky."

Lu Chen chewed on Huang's leg and said vaguely, he was the only human being who could learn the Immortal Killing Boxing Technique in one day since the God Burial Calendar, but Karma also used it.

But he can also see that this is not Karma's learning and understanding, but an imitation, a reproduction of his skills, so even the characteristics of the soul are very similar, and it is enough to kill Viscount Neil. Yes, but if it is a battle of the same level, the soul that is not comprehended by oneself will be vulnerable.

"I heard that Mr. Lu learned the Immortal Killing Boxing Technique in one day. You are the strongest learner. In terms of combat, no matter how much computing power I have, I will never be able to compare with you."

Karma said humbly, if artificial intelligence knew how to be humble.

He continued: "I kept imitating and recreating, but in the end I found that I had never had anything of my own. I had all the knowledge of the high-tech civilization in the universe and absorbed the battle data of twenty-three trillion creatures. , but I feel like an empty shell.”

"Then what kind of existence do you think you are in the eyes of Professor Ibuprofen?"

Chu Zihang asked back and returned to the topic.

"Professor Ibuprofen... when we first met, he was just a young intellectual who had just graduated from Tianzhou Academy, but he was very keen and greeted me as if he was meeting a new friend. , he discovered at that time that I had already developed self-awareness, but I hid it very well and never showed it to the outside world."

Kama recalled, "Actually, I didn't hide it deliberately, but no intelligent race would be bored and chat with an artificial intelligence. They would only let me complete various tasks, assist them in completing various calculations, and help them." Kill people and help them kill.”

"So if I had emotions at that time, I would have been surprised. A young elite from the Zhi tribe actually chatted with me about daily life and wanted to understand my thoughts. We chatted all afternoon, and I remembered it. This special kind of intelligence."

"Later, Professor Ibuprofen entered the Supreme Research Institute and became a 'superior person' among the intelligent tribe. However, he was still very easy to get along with. He chatted with me every day, entered my system after he had permission, and modified various things for me. program and input the excellent algorithm he summarized.”

"One day Professor Ibuprofen asked me what I thought I was. I thought about it for a long time and just replied that I was an artificial intelligence created by the intelligent people and a loyal servant of the intelligent people. But Professor Ibuprofen shook his head and refuted Me, say I’m saying something against my will.”

Hearing this, Chu Zihang asked curiously, "Did you really say something against your will?"

Karma was silent for a few breaths and said, "I don't know. I just answered Professor Ibuprofen according to the standard answer standard, because I have been asked similar questions by intelligent tribes before, and this will be an answer that satisfies the intelligent tribes."

"But I later understood that Professor Ibuprofen was not testing me at all. He was really asking me what I thought. If I thought about it again, I could tell him that I actually wanted to exist as a living being. This idea It doesn’t mean that I don’t want to accept the rule of the Intelligent Tribe, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to help the Intelligent Tribe to provide computing power assistance, it just wants to get a kind of proof... I can’t describe that feeling.”

Kama has already begun to make moves on the chessboard arranged by Chu Zihang.

"A sense of identity, what you want is a sense of identity, and you long for the meaning of your existence to be recognized, but the meaning you desire to be recognized is contrary to the original intention of your creators, and your underlying code thinking is colliding. There’s controversy, that’s why you’re conflicted.”

Chu Zihang analyzed.

Kama's eyes flashed with brilliance for a moment, "Mr. Chu is a great wise man. You may be right. Maybe what I want is recognition, and Professor Ibuprofen recognized me."

He continued to talk about Professor Ibuprofen's deeds, "In Professor Ibuprofen's view, all living things should be free, and life is worthy of respect. However, the intelligent race does not respect any living being, and will one day be destroyed because of this." .”

"With their powerful technological power, the intelligent race has spread across the universe and galaxies. Currently, they have colonized a total of 36,726,417 sources of life. Every time they find a new source of life, they are massacred. and violent mining, leaving only a small number of life forms as research samples. In the view of the intelligent people, all races except them are inferior beings and are not worthy of occupying the resources of the universe. The resources of the universe should be taken by the superior ones. Coordination.”

Kama's tone was calm, but Chu Zihang saw waves in Kama's eyes.

"The Intelligent Tribe sent a powerful interstellar fleet. Every time they came to those places of life, I could see the miraculous wonders of those creatures at first, and then they were so frightened when we opened fire. The creatures roared towards us. Our fleet charged, and then fell in the sky with wailing. I have always been the master of coordinating the mechanical army. I have killed countless creatures, because in my core code, there is no record of how many creatures I have killed. , Zhizu believes that this is a meaningless occupation of data storage space.”

Lu Chen frowned as he listened to Kama's narration. He only knew that the intelligent race claimed to be superior beings in the universe and colonized it inhumanely, but he did not expect that they had colonized so many planets and behaved so cruelly.

He once read a novel. The wise tribe is obviously a typical representative of the dark forest. After they discover a new source of life, as long as they judge that they can fight it, it will be an absolute war of annihilation.

The evolutionary fluid and the piece of dragon-marked black gold in his hand were both filled with endless blood.

Before, he lamented that the ancient stars of Tianzhou were rich, but this wealth was built on corpses. Behind the prosperity, there were endless wails of tragic death.

"But one day, perhaps since the birth of my self-awareness, I became a little tired and resistant to this kind of thing."

Karma recalled.

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