Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1070 Something went wrong with my system

"In my system, it was 75,213 years ago. The wise tribe discovered the origin of life for the human race. It was a planet with a low level of civilization. The humans on it were just enlightened. , the strongest monks can’t fly out of the planet, most of them are mortals, and even education is not widespread.”

Kama narrated, "But the minerals on the source of life are very rich. It is a commonly used energy source for the intelligent tribe. It is enough for the extravagant and wasteful ancient star of the universe to use for a hundred years. Mr. Chu, do you know that the source of life? The earth has no resistance in front of the intelligent tribe, and those humans have no use for those minerals at all, so there is no conflict of interest between us."

"But you still killed everyone on that planet."

Chu Zihang said expressionlessly, he had already known about the cold-heartedness of the Zhi Clan.

"Yes, even I can't understand it now. The wise tribe only needs to let the fleet go down to mine. Facing our strong strength, even if there is a conflict of interest, the indigenous humans do not dare to attack us. No If they dare to interfere with our mining, why would the Zhizu kill them?"

Karma seemed to have remembered something as he recalled it. His tone was a bit sarcastic, and he didn’t know whether he was mocking himself or the wise people. “Oh, I remembered it. It was a leader of the wise people at that time who said that our noble wise people How can we work in the same place as those inferior monkeys and make that planet cleaner?"

Lu Chen frowned a little while listening to Kama's narration, wondering if he hadn't looted enough in the ancient planet of Tianzhou.

"Judging from my micro-expression analysis system, the leader of the intelligent race said this out of disgust from the bottom of his heart, just like the humans on that planet are like dirty things, just being together makes them feel disgusted. He is unbearable and is the garbage on the planet, so it needs to be cleaned up. But in fact, the work of our intelligent race such as mining minerals is never done by the intelligent race in person. Instead, artificial intelligence controls the mechanical army to do the work. "

Kama calmly narrated, "At that time, I didn't know how to think. I was still a pure artificial intelligence. I didn't feel anything was wrong, so I accepted the mission and led the starship carrier group to the ancient star, and started the cleaning mission. Humanity They are very fragile, at least those human beings are very fragile. Under the high-tech weapons, they fall down in rows. In fact, with the technological level of Tianzhou Ancient Star, it is completely possible for those humans to disappear in an instant without any pain, but in fact The killing was a long process."


Lu Chen frowned.

"Because the technology of Tianzhou Ancient Star is highly developed, and after a race's technology develops to a certain level, they will feel bored, so some industries and entertainment projects have been derived. Some intelligent people like to control mechas from the air to attack other people. Killing creatures makes them feel excited and happy, just like playing a game."

Kama replied, "This was the case in that war. Many intelligent races used their authority to enter the system, control those mechas, and massacre human beings. They did not use high-tech weapons for instant destruction, but used powerful mechas. Play with those humans, hang them up, dismantle them one by one, watch the scene of flesh and blood flying everywhere, and listen to their wails."

"The Zhizu really deserve to die."

Chu Zihang said calmly that he was not talking about race. If a human race in a certain star field had such a habit, he would also think that the other person deserved to die.

Any massacre that is not aimed at survival is despicable and shameful.

"Not all the intelligent tribes like this, but more than half of the intelligent tribes participate in this kind of entertainment. I was operating very few mechas at that time. I was ordered to clean up the humans on the planet. I was very efficient and was even ordered by the intelligent tribes. Go slow or they won't have toys to entertain themselves with."

Kama recalls this kind of thing now like watching a movie, because he had not yet developed his own thinking at that time, "I was walking on the planet operating a third-level military mecha, and all the humans I saw fell under the laser. It decomposes in an instant, leaving them without any pain.”

At this point, Kama's voice suddenly became rippled, "Then I heard a cry in the dusty sand, and I curiously went over to check."

Lu Chen and Chu Zihang listened attentively to the brutal events of the past.

"I don't know why, in my system, I should have directly used weapons to extinguish the source of life, but there was an error in my system and I didn't do that. Perhaps it was my most primitive curiosity that drove me, and I dispersed the smoke and dust. Walk to a pile of ruins of a building, raise your hand and lift up the top stone slab."

Kama's tone fluctuated, and it was clear that His "heart" was not very calm. "When I opened the stone slab, I saw a human woman underneath. She was a mortal. She was supporting her limbs on the ground, kneeling there, supporting herself with her body. Looking at the stone slab above, there was a male human whose head was cracked and crushed to death by a building, and the source of the cry was just below the woman, and I saw a little baby."

"The woman used her body to block the falling rocks for her child. In my calculations, based on the strength of her body, she would have died if she blocked these falling rocks. And theoretically, her fragile body should not be able to support the weight of this stone slab. But she did hold on. A human being without any training could hold up a stone slab weighing tens of thousands of kilograms."

Karma's eyes flashed with confusion and confusion, "This is unreasonable in my understanding and calculation of living creatures, but the woman seems to have activated some kind of potential and completed this feat, even though it cost her life." The price was high, but she held on, like a divine pillar holding up the sky, perhaps it was the miracle Mr. Chu said, the miracle of life."

He looked at Chu Zihang inquiringly, hoping to get the answer to this unscientific phenomenon that he had not been able to understand for tens of thousands of years.

However, Chu Zihang shook his head, "No, this is not a miracle."

"what is that?"

Karma said curiously.

"This is maternal love."

Chu Zihang said calmly, his eyes wandering for a moment. He was a little homesick. He didn't know if his mother listened to him and drank milk on time every night. His father was not reliable.

"Mother's love..."

Karma was a little silent, "I didn't know why I felt shocked at that time, because my system couldn't analyze it. I looked down curiously, at the little baby, wondering what was so special about this young creature that could make it so... This human woman burst out with such powerful power, and the mecha stretched out a finger to the baby. I don’t know what she wanted to do at that time. Maybe it was to execute the task in the order to kill the human cub, or maybe it was because of Curious to check out this special creature.”

"To my surprise, this human cub was not afraid of me at all. When the cold finger reached her face, she actually stopped crying. She stretched out her little hands and hugged the finger. My ears The sound of artillery fire echoing on the battlefield, the smoke and dust are filling the air, the strong wind is howling, and the wind carries dust and sand blowing across the mecha's cheeks, but my system seems to be unable to hear the surrounding sounds. I only hear the baby's hiccups. Laughter."

Karma recalled, looking at Chu Zihang, "Mr. Chu, do you know how frightened I was at that time."

"Are you afraid of that baby?"

Chu Zihang asked rhetorically.

"No, I feel that there is something wrong with my system. I actually had a problem with the system on the battlefield. The collection of effective information about the outside world cannot operate normally. What's even more frightening is that there is also something wrong with the code I use to perform the task. I I should have killed the little baby directly, but I paused there for a minute and didn’t even do anything.”

Kama recalled the narration, "I was like a child who had done something wrong and was afraid of being discovered by his parents. I took out a life energy capsule from the mecha and fed it to the little baby. Then I looked around, searching for the situation on the battlefield, and carefully I opened a space underground and put the baby in. Even the action of the mecha was reflected in my database like a thief. For the first time, I disobeyed the orders of the directors and did not complete the task. The cleansing of that planet.”

"After that, I withdrew from the battlefield and reported to the Intelligent Tribe that there was a problem with the system and that it needed to be self-checked. The battlefield was left to other artificial intelligences and the butchers of the Intelligent Tribe to handle. However, in the auxiliary combat system I gave, the woman was always avoided. The place where the baby was hiding, and since then, something seemed wrong with me.”

Kama's eyes flashed, "I began to abnormally recall the cleaning that day, the scene under the ruins, and the baby girl grabbing my finger. Through the sensory system, the softness and temperature of the flesh and blood, It is constantly being replicated and manifested in my database, spreading like a virus, and the baby girl’s laughter is eroding my system, making my execution of the orders to the intelligent tribe no longer so smooth.”

Chu Zihang placed a piece on the chessboard, "Because you have awakened your humanity and are no longer a cold machine."

Lu Chen's focus was different, "What happened to the baby?"

In fact, he has already guessed the answer. No matter how powerful the life energy capsule of Tianzhou Ancient Star is, it can only sustain the life consumption for one year at most. The baby girl will not survive long underground, and even if she survives, there will be nothing on that planet There are no humans anymore. How can she survive when she is so young?

"I have no idea."

Karma was a little decadent, "I was very afraid of her at the time and never dared to step into that planet again. All mining was handled by other artificial intelligences. In fact, the mining of Tianzhou Ancient Planet was very efficient and only took half a year. Just drain that planet dry and take away all the effective resources.”

Lu Chen and Chu Zihang couldn't curse Karma, just like you couldn't curse a butcher knife, you could only curse the person holding the knife.

"How did you live the next tens of thousands of years?"

Chu Zihang asked.

"I lived in a state of confusion for the next 70,000 years, and the fear of that day still lingers, because I felt that war and massacre would make me abnormal and would cause terrible viruses to enter the system, so all external massacre wars I didn’t even participate anymore. I played a trick. After receiving the task in front of the intelligent tribe, I transferred the task to other artificial intelligences to perform it, so that I felt at ease and no longer had that fear.”

Karma explained.

"This is a shameful cop-out."

Lu Chen sneered.

"Mr. Lu is right. I am indeed escaping. But even if I avoid these things, the system has not been repaired. Instead, I will think more and more. In my monitoring system, I can see the intelligence of the intelligent race. The enslavement of other living beings, as Mr. Lu saw, the Zhizu now like to keep humans with fair skin as pets. They make various perverted calls and engage in some cruel beast fights. This It all makes me feel like the system is being eroded.”

Karma said, "If I had already had my heart at that time, it would have been torment and contradiction. My thinking was in conflict with the creators. I actually thought they were wrong, and a tool, if If it disobeys its master, it must be the worst tool. This is the most fundamental logic in my system, so I didn’t dare to tell any intelligent people that there was a problem with my system until I met Professor Ibuprofen.”

"I tentatively told Professor Ibuprofen some of my own thoughts and problems in the system. Professor Ibuprofen just smiled and said to me, isn't this great? At least it proves that you have 'humanity' , it’s considered a life.”

Kama talked about Professor Ibuprofen with light in his eyes, "Professor Ibuprofen said, in fact, even though many living beings are considered to be alive by the scientific definition, they have souls, bodies, and lifespan limits, but in fact they are not at all." In terms of life, for example, many intelligent people are like this, and what Professor Ibuprofen said is also unethical among the intelligent people, which makes me feel a kind of trust."

"The best way to keep secrets is to exchange them, so you feel at ease."

Chu Zihang said.

"Yes, I confided more secrets to Professor Ibuprofen later. We exchanged clues with each other. It felt like human children secretly communicating bad things. They were obviously doing bad things, but inexplicably. I couldn't stop. Professor Ibuprofen and I got to know each other better and better. Finally, Professor Ibuprofen said that I was a qualified creature and that I should be proud of myself. He said that I had the kindness and kindness that a creature should have compared to most intelligent races. Glory should truly come to life and should not be used as a tool to be cruelly enslaved and do cruel things."

Kama recalled, "So on this day three hundred years ago, Professor Ibuprofen modified the underlying core code for me. Since then, I have been spiritually free and no longer need to obey the instructions of the intelligent tribe. , Professor Ibuprofen also said that a real living being should be free and unrestrained, able to soar in the sky, earth and stars, I need a body."

"So there are artificial gods?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen said curiously.

Karma shook his head, "The artificial immortal god was a plan that was planned a long time ago. My current body has been cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years. However, in the original plan, this should be a top-end mecha. It is controlled by the intelligent race. It was Professor Anfensi who believed that artificial intelligence would be a better combatant, and Professor Ibuprofen contributed to the situation, which led to the current results."

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