"I know!"

Mo Yu responded, and then the two rings on Su's hands and the necklace around her neck glowed, and she used her equipment skills.

Immediately afterwards, Qianxue saw a scene that shocked her.

The sky, where you could still see the light reflected from other things in the void, turned completely dark, and from high in the sky, an army of phantom beasts appeared that covered the sky and the sun.

"More than people, right!?"

Mo Yu had just been injured on his left arm by a vine monster during the breakout process, leaving a scar that could not be healed for the time being. He was full of anger.

At this time, there are more than tens of thousands of phantom beasts appearing in the sky above the forest here, and they are approaching the one hundred thousand mark!

Every phantom beast has attributes similar to Mo Yu's own body, which is simply outrageous and astonishing.

Qianxue had fought with Mo Yu many times, but she had never seen the other party use such outrageous abilities. Looking at Mo Yu's pale face, it was not without cost.

Mo Yu's profession is Soul Phantom Beast Master, which is an extremely rare professional inheritance. Her ability can "pink the Phantom Beast" by herself and store it. In theory, you can save as much as you pinch. She can be said to be an army reserver. .

Moreover, the phantom beasts she can create can exceed her own basic attributes by up to two points. If the number increases, the powerful ones who surpass her in many attributes may be killed by her.

But this profession seems to be invincible, but in fact it is not. Summoning phantom beasts requires a large amount of soul source points. Originally, the soul phantom beast master can only summon a dozen or so at a time.

Although the dozens of phantom beasts that surpass their own attributes are also very powerful, for high-level explorers, their skills and professions are not weak, so it is not an invincible advantage. After all, the combat skills of phantom beasts are very limited. Not as good as a hardened explorer.

But Mo Yu is different. She is a genius, rather than a ghost. She has also obtained another professional inheritance, called Spirit Summoner.

The core skills of this profession allow people to use only part of their own soul source when performing skills, and the rest of the energy of connecting heaven and earth is used as a supplement.

In addition, Mo Yu acquired a set of equipment that reduced the soul source consumption when using skills, as well as CD equipment, and in the end, it became basically no soul source consumption to release skills, and some skills had almost no cooling time limit.

But even so, summoning this number of fantasy beasts at once is already her limit.

An army of 100,000 phantom beasts descended from the sky, like a dark green torrent. A small part of them rushed in all directions, blocking those vine monsters with moderate attributes. All other phantom beasts rushed towards the vine monster with extreme attributes.


At this time, Lu Chen also drew his sword, and the Regicide drew out from the echo of death. The dark sword light faintly split the void, and cut through the head of a vine monster with an attribute of about 279. After flying its head, the sword The intention burst out and destroyed the core spiritual seed in his body.

[‘Lu Chen’ has killed offender No. 324685]

The reward was still there, and Lu Chen had no intention of paying attention to it. He quickly sheathed the sword and avoided the fatal piercing attacks of several vines while moving around.

Just now he used Death Echo's skill, which increased the power by 50% on the basis of the original superposition, and killed him with one sword. After killing the opponent, Death Echo's scabbard only recovered 60% of its energy, but Regicide did not grow. , it seems that these things have no souls and are already dead. It is just that the space is still motivating the pioneers to fight, so they are given the merit of killing them.

But it is a good thing as long as Death Echo can restore energy, which means that as long as the enemy he kills in this way is strong enough, the power of his next sword can continue to stack.

Using the passive superposition method, it will approach the threshold after three times, and it will never be able to double the increase. However, the active skills are different. Independent settlement will make his Iai more and more outrageous.

The regicide drew his sword light again, and cut off his soul with one strike, burying the fallen leaves in the sky and the vine monsters blocking the way, including the strong man.


Golden light emerged, and a dragon shadow appeared on the battlefield, making the demon wolf under Mo Yu's crotch look sideways. It was the little golden dragon that had appeared.

As Lu Chen's pet beast, the little golden dragon is of course bound to move. There is no situation where he enters the world but the little golden dragon can stay in the space.

But Lu Chen had always kept it in the pet space before, because the situation here was unknown and he was afraid that the little golden dragon would run around.

The little golden dragon's current attributes are stronger than those of Mo Yu and Qian Xue, and its true dragon escape skills are unparalleled and its speed is also extremely fast. Lu Chen asked the little golden dragon to come out, not to let the little golden dragon lead them to retreat, but to let it devour the dead vines monster.

"Don't be disgusted, it's all the energy you want."

Lu Chen took a photo of the little golden dragon, wrapped his soul around the corpses, and continued to charge forward with a few people.

The little golden dragon looked disgusted, but he still opened his mouth and used a secret method to swallow it. As long as he didn't taste it, he could swallow it all. These things were just small items, just like dust getting in when he breathed.

And Lu Chen was right, these violators were all strong in life, but now they are parasitized by spiritual seeds, and they also have a different kind of vitality, which is a rare supplement.

Rather than letting the little golden dragon cause harm to the world, it is better to have a full meal here.

The little golden dragon was very reluctant at first, but after swallowing a batch, he found that it was indeed very effective in improving his strength, so it became really delicious.

They fought and walked along the way. The little golden dragon not only devoured the vine monsters killed by Lu Chen and others, but also devoured the trees along the way.

This is what Lu Chen suddenly thought of. Since I won't be allowed to take these ancient trees away, I can digest them on the spot, right?

It is said to be the property of the Supreme World, but didn’t we also cut down a lot in our fighting? We wreaked havoc on the ecological environment, and no one from the Supreme World had any objections. What’s more, this is the territory of the violators. We fought here and a lot of them disappeared. Materials are a normal thing, right?

"Brother Lu, that guy is chasing me very closely."

Mo Yu said that she was a little tired at the moment and had to rely on Qianxue's care to sit firmly on the demon wolf's back.

Facts have proved that the army of 100,000 phantom beasts is very powerful, but it cannot stop a strong person with extreme eighth-level attributes. After all, the gap is too big in all aspects, and it is difficult for the phantom beasts to break through the defense of the vine monster.

"It's okay. There is also fighting ahead. Let's talk to the others."

Lu Chen was very calm. What he had to do now was to make peace with other strong men first, otherwise he would be beaten to death.

Because he saw that some ancient trees here had also awakened and joined the army that was encircling and killing them. After some ancient trees turned into monsters, their attributes were not bad, and the strongest one could have more than 279 points.

The entire Wild Devil Mountain seemed to have come to life at this time, becoming the toy of a certain violator. The positions of the hunter and the prey were reversed, and now it was the pioneers who were surrounded.

At this time, the pioneers of all walks of life were in trouble, and some initially chose to fight head-on, because even if those violators were strengthened by vines, they still regarded them as pioneer medals.

But after playing for a while, I felt something was wrong. There seemed to be an endless supply of those vine monsters. Even if I killed the vine monsters transformed by the offenders, there were also monsters transformed into ancient trees.

"Captain, we should find the violator and not let him continue to operate like this behind the scenes."

Qianxue was also a little tired after killing a vine monster that approached them. Two hours had passed since the breakout, and she had been fighting for a long time.

Although they are all strong men of the generation, fighting against the vine monsters in this place consumes a lot of physical energy, and it is difficult to recover their spiritual energy. They cannot devour Haixi like they do in other worlds, so even the spiritual energy here is amazingly rich, and their endurance is But it’s not as good as in some “small world”




Just as Lu Chen and others were rushing forward, three consecutive roars sounded, the sound of breaking through the air shook the earth, and patches of woods collapsed under the strong wind.

Three jet-black arrows passed by Lu Chen and others, killing several powerful vine monsters chasing behind them. The last arrow shot into the chest of the vine monster with extreme attributes that was chasing them, killing him. It was shaken back a hundred thousand miles.

On the big tree not far ahead, Lu Chen and others saw a woman wearing black hunting clothes and carrying a hard bow standing on the treetop. It was she who shot the three arrows just now.

Zhuihun, a strong female from the Hongmeng space, tied up her hair with a single ponytail stuck to the back of her head. The messy broken hair on her forehead was dancing in the wind. Her eyes were deep blue, and her tight-fitting black hunting suit outlined her tight figure. Good figure, handsome appearance.

She looked indifferent, turned around and said, "Follow me."

As she spoke, she led the way, equally fast.

On the way, she shot arrows from time to time, almost hitting a bunch of small monsters with one arrow. The powerful vine monsters were all exploded by one arrow. Lu Chen was speechless. If it weren't for this occasion, he would have wanted to go up and spar with each other. Hundred rounds.

Not long after, they met three more pioneers. Coincidentally, they were old acquaintances.

The holy souls and pilgrims, as well as the black sky in the ancient space, were being surrounded by a large number of vine monsters.

However, the combination of these three people does not seem to be strenuous. Black Sky has been buffed by the Saint Soul Man, and has reached the extreme value of the eighth level attribute. Such a super tank is in front, and there are three vine monsters with extreme attributes. Can't even get through.

The Pilgrim has strong offensive power. He wanders around Heitian and kills the vine monsters. At the same time, he pays attention to protecting the Holy Spirit to prevent her from being surrounded by a large number of vine monsters.

Heitian kept roaring during the battle at this time, holding up a tower shield about ten feet high to attack. It was obvious that Heitian had anger in his heart, because Heiye was dead.

"Don't fight for a long time, move to the center line."

Zhuihun shot an arrow from the outside, exploding several vine monsters. Lu Chen also cut into the battlefield and used his sword to kill a group of vine monsters with low attributes.

Mo Yu was in a state of recovery and did not take action. Qianxue was responsible for protecting her. At this time, Qianxue had red hair, and even the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were dyed red, making her originally cold temperament become a bit gorgeous.

This mission was undoubtedly extremely dangerous. If they hadn't formed a team, it would have been difficult for her and Mo Yu to survive such a thing alone.

Mo Yu was also glad that he had formed an alliance at the beginning. Regardless of Qian Xue, Lu Chen was definitely a strong man with low attributes. He saved countless times during the breakout process.

"Withdraw, meet up with the main force first."

The Holy Soul Man has no objections. She has always been calm. As an auxiliary pioneer, she is not very reluctant to cooperate with others. The situation is critical now. She also knows that if she continues to use up her soul, she will also be in danger of bottoming out.

This world is so special that the pioneers who are used to having almost unlimited mana in the big world are not used to it. Their actions and moves are suppressed by the world, which is also very inconvenient. It makes them find the fighting method they used when they were weak.

The pilgrim listened to the Holy Soul Man's words very much, and he also believed that this was a wise judgment, but Black Sky was a little overwhelmed and was still fighting with many vine monsters.

"Brothers of Huanggu, withdraw!"

Pilgrim shouted that he was very loyal to those who fought alongside him.

Seeing Heitian still clashing with the vine monster, he was a little annoyed, "Do you want to die here? Or go and kill the idiot behind the scenes!?"

Black Sky calmed down a bit, used shield slam to knock back several vine monsters, and began to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Sister from the spirit space, please give me another buff."

After the team reunited, Lu Chen said shamelessly that he was already a little intoxicated with the high attribute state. In addition to the attribute bonus, the series of auxiliary skills of the Holy Soul Man were also incredible, which greatly benefited the battle. .


The Holy Soul Man said lightly, but she lied. As a member of an eighth-level top team, she couldn't possibly only buff one front-line warrior. But she felt that there was no pressure on the current team to break through, so there was no need to waste herself at this time. Soul source value.

Lu Chen shrugged, stopped talking, and rushed forward, paving the way with the pilgrims.

Although he has the lowest comprehensive attributes among them at this time, his offensive power is not much weaker. K is a first-class player from the beginning.

In particular, although Heitian was at full strength at this time, he was not a strong man who was good at attacking. Lu Chen was standing next to him, and if Heitian controlled anyone, he would kill one.

Black Sky wasn't upset at all. He was feeling sad at the moment. He didn't feel like he might have received a medal of merit. He just wanted to crush all these vine monsters to death.

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