Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1311 The strongest eighth-level team in history

It has to be said that this is the first time Lu Chen has experienced the benefits of team fighting.

The people around him are all very powerful and are absolute elites in their own fields, which is enough to give him an excellent fighting experience.

As the main tank, Hei Tian "draws monsters and gathers them", and his taunt control is top-notch. He can gather several vine monsters at once. Lu Chen can finish the battle with a single strike of his sword.

Lu Chen would only use his sword when facing vine monsters including offenders, so as to ensure that his death echo superimposed state would not drop.

Echo of Death retains the strongest slash from the last time it was unsheathed. In theory, it will not eliminate the return point, but in reality it is not the case.

Lu Chen studied it and found that under the layers of power he had superimposed, even if the sword was not used, it would still be a kind of durability wear on the scabbard, because it was almost reaching the limit of its endurance.

At the same time, the energy in the scabbard was slowly slipping away, as if it was expending all its suppressive energy in order to lock in that power.

Once he fails to receive energy collection and replenishment when he uses the sword, the power he accumulated by stacking the sword before will be dissipated, because Death Echo no longer has the power to maintain that state.

Lu Chen had a premonition that he might encounter some powerful enemy next, so he reserved the most powerful sword as his trump card, and used his fists to solve problems that could be solved with his fists.

The little golden dragon ate so much along the way that he became visibly fat, which was a sign of overnutrition.

Its digestion ability is very strong, and the secret to the strength of the true dragon clan in the hometown lies in the word "eat", but it also takes time to absorb.

The little golden dragon ate a lot of food in the Immortal Realm of Zhetian, and it took him a long time to digest it before his attributes surpassed Lu Chen's.

Although he is overeating now, his attributes are only 276 points. This is already the little golden dragon using all his secret skills to refine it.

If you want to wait for it to reach the eighth level, it will take at least a thousand years of digestion time.

"Brother Lu, you brought it out, why is it getting fatter and fatter?"

Mo Yu looked at the little golden dragon curiously on the road. As a beast master, although she was a different kind, she was always curious about high-level pet beasts.


The little golden dragon glanced at Mo Yu and was very dissatisfied with what this female bipedal primate said. What does fat mean? This dragon is obviously Xiongwu, right?

"Eat more and move less. It's natural."

Lu Chen said while killing the vine monster in front.

Although he has the lowest attributes among the forwards, he is the easiest.

Because after his regicide is improved, it has the effect of absorbing the enemy's life source to restore physical strength, and his spirit has been tempered in the world of Zhetian. As long as he has sufficient physical strength and is not killed, he can continue such a battle for tens of thousands of years.

In short, Lu Chen is a perpetual motion machine on the battlefield. It is impossible to kill him by relying on soldiers.

At this point, Lao Hei looks similar, and I don’t know what kind of talent it is. Even if his life source value drops, it will slow down very quickly. It is not the recovery effect given by the Holy Soul Man, and he has been Fighting, there is no sign of fatigue.

Pilgrim is worse. After fighting for a while, he will paddle a little underwater to maintain his physical strength and condition. However, his profession is a holy soul warrior. He mainly focuses on bursting out and attacking difficulties. Protracted battles are not his specialty.

That's why the pilgrims were shocked by Lu Chen's previous performance, because he was already a representative of explosive enhancement, but his performance was not as outrageous as Lu Chen's.

Chaihun in the team is the most powerful at this time. She rarely takes action because there are no rewards even if the vine monsters transformed from ancient trees are killed. She is known as a scout from the commanding heights, observing the surroundings. The situation was laid out openly.

[Arcane Space ‘Charles’ has been killed, please be vigilant. 】

At this time, space prompts came again, which was not good news.

Because according to the information Mo Yu had given before, Charles should also be a pioneer, and he was probably the first pioneer to die on this mission.


The entire Desolate Demon Mountain was trembling. Everyone raised their heads and looked into the distance. Even under the suppression of such a world, they still saw the forbidden magic circle that covered the sky and covered half of the Desolate Demon Mountain.

The nine-layer dark black magic circle is interlocking and points to the ground in an inverted cone shape. It is covered with complex runes, which is the supreme mystery of arcane magic.

The next moment, people saw dazzling purple-black light pouring in from outside the area, converging in the nine-layer magic circle, and then flowing downwards.

"That lunatic Charles, you idiot!"

The pilgrim cursed. Although he was not a priest, he had never been a civilized person.

Chaihun also changed his expression, "Get ready for the impact!"


In the southeastern sky, after the purple-black light pillar descended, a huge mushroom cloud rose, and the entire Desolate Demon Mountain was shaking.

This was a pioneer's deathbed counterattack. Lu Chen felt that even if he was at the center of the explosion, he would be dead.

Hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers were shattered, rivers and forests were swept into the sky, and the vines that surrounded Charles were instantly wiped out by that supreme blow, including those vine monsters with extreme attributes.

Super level forbidden technique. The heavens fall!

"I'm going to fuck you, Charles!"

Not far from the center of the explosion, a plain-looking woman yelled angrily. Although the spell barrier was opened, it was still shattered in an instant.

[Arcane Space 'Merlin' has been killed, please be vigilant. 】

Lu Chen and others heard another prompt from the space. They didn't know whether Merlin was killed by the vine monster or was affected by Charles' forbidden death spell.

"It's troublesome. It doesn't matter that this lunatic, Charles, works hard on his own. He also affects another mage."

The Saint Soul Man frowned slightly. In the current situation, if they want to "fight in a group" next, the mage is a very useful turret. With her assistance, they can complete super firepower strikes without blind spots.

But now that the two powerful men in Arcane Space have fallen, this will cause them to lack long-range coverage firepower.

"The waste will cause trouble to others even if it dies."

Zhuihun said coldly, the pioneers were not the kind of people who would grieve over the death of a rabbit or a fox. No one would sympathize with Charles because of his lack of strength and bad luck.


Large tracts of woodland rolled back, and the speed of the shock wave was extremely fast, which could not be judged based on common sense of physics on earth.

Even though they were hundreds of millions of miles apart, each of the powerful men was blown away to stand on the ground and retreat, which shows the power of this super forbidden technique.

So far, the number of casualties in various major spaces has reached five, and there are also pioneers among them.

For space, it is definitely a heavy loss.

This ugly appearance has probably never appeared in many hunting missions. Their lineup is luxurious enough, but the pioneers of the major spaces are too proud.

Does Space want to tell everyone something? Is it driving them to unite?

At the price of...blood.

Lu Chen didn't know if Arcane and other spaces would bleed from the inside, but if the spaces had self-awareness, in order to avoid this happening, they should be forced to unite within the rules from the beginning.

This violator organization may indeed be inferior to the violator alliance, but it is not that there are no strong people among them. Just one strong person with strange abilities has made them disgraced.

The terrain of the Wild Demon Mountain is completely a natural battlefield for the opponent, and the pioneers have met their opponent.

After everyone regained their composure, they continued to head north, which should be the violator's lair.

Chaihun sent out a cloud-penetrating arrow to send a message to the other pioneers scattered in the Great Wilderness Mountain. They must meet in the middle line area, otherwise they will fight on their own. Sooner or later, the violator will use the natural battlefield here to consume them. die.

"Sister Chaihun, where is the big boss in your space?"

Mo Yu smiled and approached Zhuihun and asked.

Everyone else was also attracted, curious about what the strongest Silk Maniac was doing.

It's been a day and a half since the war started. I'm still missing Si Kuang, and he hasn't killed any of the violators yet. Aren't I afraid of being wiped out?

When he mentioned that I was crazy about silk, the corner of Zhuihun's mouth twitched, "That person... is sick."

She seemed to have a big head, and she felt that even if she spread the news, I would not come after seeing it.

She sighed and said: "That guy is probably trapped at this time. His weakness was exposed and he was caught by the enemy."

Some pioneers who had heard the legend that I was crazy about silk were a little surprised, and they guessed that I was being held back by being crazy about silk.

In fact, I was sitting on the ground because I was crazy about silk, my head was blown as big as a chicken coop, and my face looked decadent.

He looked at the garden in front of him that was destroyed by the storm, feeling a little lost.

He had just finished pruning it with great difficulty, and it was about to be perfect. However, the super-position forbidden technique in the arcane space exploded, and the shock wave hit, blowing the garden into chaos.


He held his head in his hands, looking extremely painful. His supreme masterpiece was ruined.

After calming down for a while, he took a deep breath and stood up, "Hold it, hold it, I can't get sick again, it's time to do my job well."

He told himself this, and then moved towards the northern center line.

But not even half a quarter of an hour later, he saw another semi-symmetrical vine maze, with vine sculptures standing on both sides. At first glance, it looked symmetrical and perfect, but upon closer inspection, there were too many flaws.

Judging from the appearance of the soil on the ground, it is obvious that this has just been created. This is an obvious "trap"

I gritted my teeth madly for the silk, and then... I waved the silk thread in my hand and started trimming.

The vegetative person who saw this scene through plant perception was also happy, "This guy is really very ill."

He had not expected to rely on such a funny method to hold back the strongest person in Hongmeng Space. After all, the opponent might be the legendary eighth-level strongest pioneer. Even if it was unreliable, he had penetrated countless worlds.

In this way, he has delayed me for a day. In order not to affect my intoxication in gardening crafts, he deliberately let the vine monsters fight elsewhere and drove the pioneers away from that area. area, so as to ensure that this strong man does not join the battle.

But he didn't expect that I Wei Si Kuang would be tripped up when Chaihun had already shot arrows to notify other hunters that there was an obvious battle movement in the Desolate Demon Mountain.

Anyway, this is a good thing for him.

The people in this group of dimensions are very strong, and most of them are the legendary pioneers. Otherwise, they would not be able to exert such great pressure on the offenders at the same level.

But he is not an ordinary violator. He was originally a member of the violator alliance and was considered a middle-level and high-level person. He came to support the violator organization here after accepting a certain task.

It was hoped that he could pick a few good ideas and bring them over when the time came. Unfortunately, the middle road collapsed before he started his business. The backbone of the organization was killed, leaving a mess. He still had to clean up the butt of these people.

It’s not a pity that the Scavenger and the Soldier Eater died. Although these two people have reached the eighth level, their combat power is actually not strong. Among the existences of the same level in the Violator Alliance, they are not considered strong. By.

What really caught his attention was another violator who was still in seclusion. That was the person named above for him to take away. As long as the other party succeeded in breaking through, they could return to the sea of ​​​​the world, and then they would naturally return to the true powerhouse. in the camp.

You can become stronger by eating weapons, you can become stronger by eating corpses, these abilities are only considered trivial among violators, they are very restrictive, and are not in the eyes of vegetative people.

Don’t you see that he is now causing great trouble to the pioneers by taking advantage of the venue?

And his army of spiritual seeds is still being born continuously, stripping away the pockets of a kind of violator. His endurance is now very strong, enough to fight a protracted battle with the pioneers, and the strong one he is optimistic about It's almost successful. If it takes another day and a half, the game will be over.

When the ninth-level strong men come out of seclusion, no matter how strong the pioneers are, they are nothing more than ants.

Half an hour later, the pioneers continued to meet at the center line. It can only be said that the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed their magical powers. Although those vine monsters are extremely powerful, the ability of each pioneer to save their lives is not limited.

The Gulansha from the chaotic space came out from the southwest alone. When he met up with the large army, he was also chased by a vine monster with extreme attributes. Although he was injured all over his body, his life was safe.

The arrival of Gulansha made the Holy Soul people somewhat relieved. Although the pilgrims were unhappy with each other, they also knew that this was probably the only long-range magic firepower turret left among the nine major space teams.

The Holy Soul people did not skimp on the soul source and treated Gulansha, and everyone began to defend the enemy in the middle line.

They did not rush to the base camp of the offenders because they wanted to wait for more pioneers to join forces. Only by twisting together could they have enough power to break through.

One after another, the pioneers of the fairy space also arrived. It was the black man named the coffin bearer. When he came over, he opened the coffin and dumped out the body of a violator. The body burst out With amazing combat power, he temporarily blocked a vine monster with extremely high attributes.

The mechanical pioneer in the Tiandao space was full of sparks and lightning, baptizing the earth like a bomber and reaching the rendezvous point.

The pioneer in the final space was also very arrogant. He was covered in blood, and with a heavy sword without an edge, he swept through several vine monsters and broke through the siege.

Then there is Brother Tai from the origin space. Brother Tai is the most ferocious and has turned into a real giant tiger. His body is covered with frightening white scales, criss-crossing the jungle, and his sharp claws are covered with meat scraps and vine tissue. .

In the giant tiger state, Tai Ge's comprehensive attributes reached an astonishing 279 points, but Yazi, who didn't look very smart, rushed into the Pioneer team camp and bit everyone he saw.

It was the reminder from the space that woke up Brother Tai and saved him from the danger of being punished. In this mission, anyone who actively attacks teammates will be wiped out.

So far, there are one person in the Hongmeng space, two people in the origin space, two people in the final space, two people in the heavenly space, one person in the fairy space, one person in the ancient space, two people in the divine space, and one person in the chaotic space. A total of twelve pioneers are here. .

As for the missing person, I was crazy about silk. Chaihun said there was no need to wait for him, that guy was sick and would probably not make it.

I'm afraid there has never been such a powerful team in history. Not only are all professions fully equipped, but they are also the strongest in each space.

To use Lu Mingfei's words, what can't be beat by this lineup?


There was a thundering sound from the mountains in the distance, and it was Zhuihun who shot an arrow, "Let's go and ransack their home."

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