Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1450 The quality of this batch of newcomers is really poor

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and was a little embarrassed. It is true that Luo Hongchen is a pioneer, but the income in a perfect world may only be one or two hundred inheritance crystals. If it is complete, it is borrowed by Kaka, doesn't that mean there is no improvement? .

Because the Pioneer's world has a long gap, the more than nine thousand years he spent in the perfect world, which is twenty or thirty days in space, happened to be stuck before Luo Hongchen was about to start his next mission in the world.

"How much did Kaka borrow?"

Lu Chen asked.

"One hundred and fifty."

Luo Hongchen spread his hands. He had earned a total of two hundred inheritance crystals in the perfect world. It was already an astonishing profit. As a result, he just came back and after reminiscing with his sister, he took a nap and woke up to hear his sister. He called out from outside, saying that he was in the Void Arena and was named to challenge.

He wasn't interested at first, but thinking that he had to go to the Void Arena to fight and improve his ranking, he went over to take a look.

It makes me happy to see this weak little mage who doesn't originate from the space. He is the little lolita who always follows Lu Chen.

Luo Hongchen naturally knew that Kaka could not really be looking for him to fight, but just hoped to contact him through the Void Arena. There was no comparison in strength between the two.

As a result, Kaka opened his mouth to borrow money. She was a little confused in the world of mortals, and she didn't want to borrow money.

In a peaceful society, people often have scruples about borrowing money, let alone in space. Even if the money you lend is guaranteed by a contract, you may lose everything because the person who owes you money It is very likely that he will die in the next world.

But Kaka, who looked innocent, said, "Big Brother Lu wants to ask you a favor."

What else can I do if I fall into this world of mortals? Let me borrow it.

Anyway, he didn't believe that Lu Chen would die in the mission world. If that guy didn't break through the world, he would be considered gentle.

But that guy Lu Chen stayed in this world for too long. Luo Hongchen was about to enter the next world, and it was very dangerous. He didn't know what to do, and the money hadn't been recovered yet. What could he do?

Fortunately, in the last day or two before Lin entered the world, Lu Chen contacted him.

"You are quite rich."

Lu Chen was surprised, because Luo Hongchen was not an Immortal King. He was able to produce so many inheritance crystals. In a perfect world, God knows what kind of efforts he had made.

"I'm extremely poor now, and I'm about to enter the highest world. I feel so confused."

Luo Hongchen smiled bitterly and said that he was both eager and afraid of that world, but the stupid sister at home still wanted to follow him. He didn't know that going to that kind of world was not a good thing at all when he was not strong enough.

He also received the reward of the Supreme Ticket. Rather, this time many eighth-level pioneers received the reward of the Supreme Ticket, including ninth-level pioneers.

The storm is about to come, and the space really seems to be preparing for war. Luo Hongchen feels that he is just one of the welfare recipients. He will definitely not be willing to accept this reward if he does not take it.

But after he selected the reward, before he could improve his strength, he was borrowed money and ran out of funds.

"Don't worry, your account will arrive soon."

Lu Chen said, using the email function to conduct transactions, and transferred a batch of inheritance crystals.

It has to be said that the transmission efficiency of space is very high. Luo Hongchen received it directly and said in surprise, "Two hundred and five?"

"Nine out and thirteen back. I didn't lend it to you in vain. Thank you very much for this help."

Lu Chen thanked him. Without Luo Hongchen's investment, Kaka would not have been able to redeem that batch of things, so there would be no military assistance for Hui Liyi and the others, let alone the huge profits Hui Liyi and the others would receive later, and they would return safely. More important than anything else.

"Huh, it seems you are really rich in a perfect world, wait a minute..."

Luo Hongchen was sighing and looked at Lu Chen suspiciously, "You can't break into the ninth level, right?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "No, I still have the eighth level mark."

"Oh, that means you, like me, are really brave enough to plan hard and make a lot of money."

Luo Hongchen nodded, thinking that Lu Chen got involved in Shi Hao's relationship and made a fortune.

"That's not true. I just bulldozed the foreign land."

Lu Chen said with a smile.

Luo Hongchen was silent for a moment, "Brother Lu... you can always do it in Versailles."

He now understands that Lu Chen may have accomplished a rare feat in the history of space. He was the first to reach the ninth level of strength without breaking through the mark level.

And what kind of strength does it take to bulldoze a foreign land? He didn't dare to think about it anymore. He could only say that the loan this time was a good one!

After sufficient funds were obtained, Luo Hongchen also had the confidence to plan for the next world, and he was ready to be more armed.

"You also received the Supreme Ticket? Do you know anything about that world?"

Lu Chen changed the topic and started gathering information.

Luo Hongchen shook his head, "It is estimated that many people have received these tickets. It is estimated that there will be no one who will not choose. However, the information about the Supreme World is very vague, or it has no reference significance. I only heard from the seniors in the space, Every time you go to the highest world, what you see may not be true.”

Lu Chen was thoughtful. He remembered the description on the ticket. What do the surface world, the inner world, and the real world mean?

"Will it be a multiverse?"

Lu Chen guessed.

"I don't know, it might be more complicated than that. We probably won't be sent to the legendary Supreme God Land, but to other places. The rulers of the Supreme God Land basically don't accept outsiders, and the Lingxu Palace is just there. Just a law enforcer."

Luo Hongchen explained, "I asked Senior Soul Chaser. She had been to the Supreme World once. Until she returned, she didn't know which level she was in. She only said that the laws there were chaotic and there were many things you couldn't understand. It has nothing to do with strength or attributes, many people will die directly from some weird concepts."

"So mysterious? Why does it sound a bit ominous? Shouldn't the supreme world be sacred and peaceful?"

Lu Chen didn't understand why it seemed like a ghost story.

He knows that Chasing Soul is a veteran eighth-level pioneer in Hongmeng Space. He once hunted violators with him in the Wild Demon Mountain. He doesn't know what his strength is now. He has perfected the world for 90,000 years. If the pioneer It's the regular world, and it's already nine years ago, so maybe the other party has advanced.

"Who knows? There are some ninth-level bosses who know about it, but I can't get in touch with it. Moreover, major events did happen in the space that we don't know about. I went to the ninth-level Cangtian Island in Hongmeng Space. There was no one there. Almost everyone All the ninth-level explorers disappeared, and I only saw Senior Soul Chaser in the trading market. She seemed to know something and didn’t tell me.”

Luo Hongchen's words shocked Lu Chen. He hadn't visited the origin space yet, but he thought something might have happened.

Thinking that in a perfect world, the violator arrived with great fanfare and stopped Emperor Huangtian, and the space did not send out pioneers to hunt him down, I am afraid that something serious has really happened.

Now Luo Hongchen says that almost all the ninth-level explorers in Hongmeng Space have disappeared. This makes people think, have those ninth-level explorers died?

Or was he sent out by space to perform some special mission? If this is the case, what exactly is this special mission? Is it related to the reason for the existence of space?

What are the giant offenders afraid of? They have such strength. Even if they hang around in space, they should be very nourished and less constrained. Why did they determine the space? What is the conflict of ideas that caused some strong people to part ways? ?

Lu Chen still remembered that Magician and Joker seemed to be old teammates. Magician's defection was not due to the small interests of low-end violators, but because of different philosophies, so he left the space.

Lu Chen calmed down and said, "We'll find out when we get there. If we're lucky, maybe we can meet again and be together then."

"I hope so. Luck has a lot of bonuses after all."

Luo Hongchen smiled. He was very satisfied with the luck bonus on the ticket. He could finally experience the pleasure of European Emperor. His luck attribute itself was neither high nor low, but adding five points would make it different. It was definitely a small one. European Emperor.

Lu Chen cut off contact with Luo Hongchen. It is estimated that Luo Hongchen will not know more, but he can go to the circus and ask.

Kaka borrowed more money than expected, which also showed in disguise that the specialty equipment of Perfect World was really difficult to sell and the income was not high, so a lot of exchange funds were needed.

He still has a few Grandmaster-level Pioneer Medals on his body, which can be exchanged for high-rated Chaos-level equipment, but he is not in a hurry to check the store. They will be refreshed after a while anyway, so he might as well go out first to understand the current situation in the space.

Eryi and Xia Mi have already gone on an expedition to vent their anger in the Void Arena. The little golden dragon doesn't know where to go. Lu Chen's home is empty and he doesn't need to say hello to anyone.

He walked out of his house and appeared on the World Tree. Lu Chen was in a different realm now. Looking at the World Tree again, he was even more shocked.

Because this tree is really solid, immortal, and endlessly vital, and is more powerful than any vegetation creature he has ever seen.

That is to say, within the space where it stood, there was no harm done. Otherwise, Lu Chen felt that the tree might have the ability to destroy all realms in one shake.

Why is the place where they live so solid and immortal? A single leaf can have infinite internal transformations. If the explorer is willing, it is possible to design it as a small world. However, the speed of time in the space is slow, and the world opened up is not enough to give birth to life. .

In other words, the explorer cannot live that long, and everything in the leaf will be recreated after death.

Lu Chen felt that this tree was alive and a supreme being, probably capable of reaching the ninth level!

He traveled through the World Tree and soon arrived at the bottom of the World Tree, where he met Lain, whom he had contacted before, at the Adventurer Bar.

"Brother Lu... what are you..."

Lai Yin was surprised when he saw Lu Chen, because Lu Chen looked so unfathomable. Even in space, the intensity of the evil aura was shocking.

Because it was a natural aura, not a substantive attack. Space could not help Lu Chen with plastic surgery or conceal his aura, it could only be said to suppress it.

Even with the buffer of space, as soon as Lu Chen entered the bar, a group of explorers below level three fell down and were stunned.

Lu Chen frowned, "The quality of this batch of newcomers is really poor."

After saying these words, Lu Chen felt as if he had become old-fashioned, but he was now considered a senior space person, right?

He sat at the Rhine table, and the people at the nearby tables stopped drinking and quietly left.

Rhine was speechless. He actually liked the excitement and he was a carefree person who loved to make friends. However, when Lu Chen came, he cleared the Adventurer Bar without saying anything.

Among the several bartenders at the front desk, except for a well-dressed white-haired old gentleman who was calmly wiping his glasses, the other female bartenders could not help but tremble when Lu Chen's eyes glanced at them.

It's strange to say that although attacking and hurting each other is not allowed in the space, they still feel scared.

"This charm attribute... I'm afraid it's below minus 100..."

A female bartender lowered her head to wipe the glass and muttered.

Lu Chen didn't care, just get used to it.

He raised his hand and said, "Bring me a glass of the strong drink you recommended."

Then he looked at Rhine, "Brother Lion, it seems you are almost reaching the ninth level."

After all, Rhine is an adjudicator. It is better to say that many people in the circus are adjudicators. Naturally, his strength is improving slowly. After many worlds, he has already reached the peak of the eighth level.

"Difficult, the advanced mission failed once, mainly because some big bugs caused trouble."

Rhine shook his head and sighed. He was in a dilemma in the last world. He had to hunt down the violator and complete the advanced mission. In the end, he was disgusted by the violator. Although his hunting mission was completed, he failed to complete the advanced mission.

As he said that, he looked at Lu Chen, "Brother Lu, have you made a breakthrough?"

Rhine was a little suspicious, because he felt that Lu Chen looked too extraordinary, not in terms of charm, but in terms of deep-seated power. Even if he was suppressed by space, he could still sense it, and because he was familiar with Lu Chen, He didn't hesitate to use investigative skills, but the result was a row of question marks.

Only when the strength gap was too large, the attributes he saw would be question marks, and he could only judge that Lu Chen had made a breakthrough.

"I barely passed the threshold. I came to see Brother Lion this time to find out what happened in the space."

Lu Chen went straight to the point.

Lai Yin was shocked, but seeing Lu Chen's understatement, he also knew that Lu Chen was here to ask for information, so he stopped talking about Lu Chen's strength.

"Something big happened in space. All the ninth-level explorers were transferred away. I heard a few words from the deputy captain. It seemed like there was some kind of war and they wanted to suppress something."

Rhine said.


Lu Chen was confused and felt that it was a circus, and he wanted to be more informed.

"I'm not very sure. Before the trainer left, he once said that if Senior Elephant comes back, he will be the new leader of the circus. The matter seems to be very serious. No one as powerful as the deputy leader has come back alive. grasp."

Rhine sighed, for circus members, the leader is a myth and almost no one has seen it. The deputy leader is more kind, has taught them, and has given them a lot of help when they were low-level.

The deputy leader, the trainer, is the strongest person in the ninth level. Even such a person is not sure to come back alive. He even said that he would name the next leader. This made some people in the circus who heard the news very pessimistic.

"Where's your leader, Joker?"

Lu Chen asked why it was the animal trainer's turn to take charge? Also nominate the next leader?

"Captain... I don't know even more. He seems to have disappeared before the incident happened. We have never seen him before. When the space was turbulent, he didn't know where he ran. Only the deputy commander came out to speak. , so that everyone doesn’t have to worry, just do what you need to do, and continue to improve when you need to.”

When Rhine mentioned this, his face was full of doubts.

Speaking of the circus leader in the origin space, the Void Stalker Joker, he is a famous existence in the nine dimensions and is a super strong man. Such people have disappeared inexplicably. Where will they go?

Lu Chen finally understood why no one took care of the violators, because all the space bosses were gone.

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