Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1451 Things are different and people are still different

Lu Chen chatted with Lai Yin for a while, feeling a little emotional that the first adventure group in the origin space was now confused about everything.

With the disappearance of a large number of ninth-level explorers and the presence of the strongest figures in the circus, the circus has no advantage over other eighth-level super large adventure groups because there are very few people.

It can be said that the eighth-level explorers are all extraordinary. The explorers who have made it this far without dying in the mission world will not be some idiots. They each have their own methods and are among the elite. Even compared to those adjudicators, they will not be like idiots. How much difference.

No matter how good you are as a judge, can you beat ten explorers with the same attributes?

Oh, except for the Pioneers.

As far as Lu Chen knew, Pioneers had always been quite perverted, and their superficial attributes could never be used as a reference. Each one of them was outrageous when they exploded.

"Alas, there are very few new recruits now. Some people in our group have also died. That guy Fox died in the mission world last time. Bell and I are the only ones left in the eighth level of the circus."

Rhine sighed. There used to be a lot of people in the circus. On average, there were two people at each level, and there might be three people at the lower level.

Many people are well aware of the criteria for joining the group. In the past, it was the deputy leader's animal trainer who recruited new members.

Now that the animal trainer is gone, several worlds later, the circus is full of dead and injured, but there are no new members to replace it, and some of the underachievers have died without successfully advancing.

It’s not that the current offenders are more powerful, but that Rheinland Feeling Space has become more aggressive in its delivery of the mission world.

He will feel strong pressure every time he tasks the world, and sometimes there will be judgment tasks. It is really difficult to mess around, and he is in danger of falling at every turn.

Of course, as an eighth-level adjudicator, Space will not kill him even if his mission fails. After all, he is a rare resource, and Space is reluctant to kill him directly.

The low-level adjudicators were not so lucky. For some reason, the origin space was rolled up along with other spaces, and they were frantically eliminating the weak. If they couldn't complete the task, they would be directly wiped out, and resources would no longer be used.

"Bell...that bear who loves honey?"

Lu Chen had the impression that he had met him once in the Land Abandoned by the Gods, but he had not seen him again since then.

"He set off to the Supreme World a few days ago. Because he had a ticket, he felt it would be a bit of a loss not to go. He probably hopes to break through to the ninth level."

Lain said and looked at Lu Chen, "Brother Lu should have tickets too. When are you going to go?"

The Supreme Ticket is a reward prop, not a limited-time prop. In other words, you can go to it whenever you want, as long as you wait to use it before the mission world opens.

"When you are ready, go next time you enter the world."

Lu Chen said that he had no intention of procrastinating. A series of visions in the space showed that something big had happened, and he didn't want to be so passive when it really happened.

No outsider is reliable. In the end, the only people you can rely on are yourself and your most trusted relatives and friends.

"As expected of you..."

Lai Yin admired and clinked glasses with Lu Chen, "I won't go. The circus needs someone, and I have to send a message to Senior Elephant."

From what Rhine said, it was obvious that he had also received the Supreme Ticket, but he was not planning to go, or he was not planning to go in the near future.

“Where did the elephant go?”

Lu Chen wondered. He was quite curious about the elephant in the circus. The other party seemed to know him and had made some arrangements, but by chance, he failed to meet him several times.

When he came to his senses, he found that the other party was already at the ninth level, and he didn't know which world he had gone to.

Rhine shook his head, "I'm not sure. The deputy leader should know. I just said that Senior Elephant has gone to perform an important task. It is an opportunity and a danger. He will not be able to come back for many worlds. But I think, since The deputy leader said that Senior Elephant probably won’t die.”

Lu Chen felt that there was a huge amount of information. The circus leader and deputy leader disappeared, and he did not know where he was going. Before leaving, the deputy leader told Laing like "entrusting him" to wait for Elephant, the only ninth-level strong man left in the circus, to return. Just hand over the position of group leader.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like an arrangement made by the trainer and Joker because they felt that they would never come back.

What kind of enemy and what kind of dangerous mission could make these two strongest men so pessimistic?

"Brother Lion, take care. Thank you for your information. If you use the Supreme Ticket to enter that world in the future, if I am still here, I will definitely help you."

Lu Chen clinked glasses with Lai Yin and prepared to say goodbye.

He walked at the bottom of the World Tree, looking at the unfamiliar faces, and felt quite emotional. He had not experienced many worlds, but a lot of time in space had passed. The low-level explorers changed batch after batch. The familiar faces of the support staff are basically gone.

The first circus member he met in his early years, Fox, did that fox also die...

It can only be said that things are unpredictable, and few people can win all the time. Maybe Fox has exhausted all his mechanisms and will still lose to the general trend in the world. Who knows.

Lu Chen wants to win until the end.

"Boss Lu!"

While Lu Chen was sighing, he suddenly heard a call. He turned his head and unexpectedly found a familiar face in the unfamiliar store.

"Is it you? Why did you change places?"

Lu Chen was puzzled. He had walked through a familiar road and saw that the furniture store was gone. He thought that the owner of the old store he often went to had finally died in the mission world, but he didn't expect that the other party had just changed the front room.

The girl in sailor uniform smiled and said: "Thanks to Mr. Lu, I am rich now. I also changed my location to a better location and expanded my store."

Lu Chen walked over and found that the store was indeed much bigger. Because of the laws of space, it was as big as a football field after walking in. It was just that it no longer sold furniture, and was filled with various mid- to low-end accessories. Class equipment, it can be regarded as a specialty store.

There are still many explorers shopping in the specialty store at this time, picking and choosing. They are all low-level explorers, and the highest ones are those who have just entered the fifth level.

These low-level accessories have good attributes, characteristics and skills, and are very practical for low-level explorers. Lu Chen looked at the price tags and found that they were all average prices in the trading market, which is quite fair. With the various categories gathered, they are suitable for everyone. The zones for each type of explorer are clearly divided, which greatly improves the efficiency of the explorers in finding equipment.

“It seems it’s easier to make money selling equipment.”

Lu Chen lamented that the girl in sailor uniform used to sell furniture. Every time she went there, the store was empty, as if she was too poor to open the door. Now the other party is glowing and the store is very big. It is obvious that she has made a lot of money.

How should I put it? He still remembered that the girl in the sailor uniform liked to make furniture. Her philosophy was that people should not sink into endless fighting after entering the space, but should remember to enjoy life and retain their own humanity.

But in the end, it seems that no one can help but give in to life. The girl in the sailor suit used her crafting skills on the "righteous path", but it is true that she may not have very high equipment crafting skills, so she can only do low-level things. jewelry equipment.

You must know that back then, the sailor uniform girl could even make immortal-level furniture for Lu Chen. Now, the most jewelry made and displayed in the store are sacred objects.

Seeing that there were many explorers in the store, Lu Chen knew that the girl in sailor uniform was following the route of small profits but quick turnover.

"Oh, who says it's not the case? When I sold furniture, almost no one bought it except for Mr. Lu. Without money, it was difficult for me to improve. Later, I felt that even mining in the mission world was difficult, so I had to consider changing careers. "

The girl in the sailor suit sighed, she is now a seventh-level supporter, and her strength is enhanced by taking medicine. When fighting at the same level, she is a garbage fighter. However, as an excellent blacksmithing talent, Space rarely sends her to dig directly. Mine.

Generally speaking, in a place like Lu Chen's home world, level six supporters are enough to dig. After all, mining itself is not dangerous, as long as you don't go to the Jedi. Even if there is danger, the space will assign people like Lu Chen , clearing the way for them.

What Space wants is their mining skills, not for them to fight.

It is normal for a supporter like a girl in sailor uniform to be killed by an elite explorer across several points of comprehensive attributes.

If I have to make an analogy, Lu Chen has played World of Warcraft. Assume that he and the girl in the sailor suit are both level 70. The girl in the sailor suit is a blank slate with no skills and equipment, while he is wearing a divine outfit with full skill points...

"It seems pretty good now. Are there many new explorers now?"

Lu Chen took a look inside and saw that many explorers left in a hurry, their bodies trembling.

Lu Chen learned the lesson he learned in the tavern and allowed his aura to blend into his body. It could be said that his aura had been weakened, but it only allowed him to walk on the road without anyone fainting.

The girl in sailor uniform looked at this scene and was dumbfounded. The guests were all scared away. How cruel are you, Mr. Lu? ?

However, when she first stopped Lu Chen, it wasn't because she recognized Lu Chen's face, but because she saw a black-red indescribable evil energy coming from a long distance away. She thought to herself that except for Lu Chen, there was no one in the world here. Where else can such a character exist?

The low-level explorers were afraid of Lu Chen for no reason. First, his temperament was very scary, but he also showed some slight abnormalities in space. They had never seen such a person before.

Thinking about it, you know that someone who is extremely powerful may be hanging out on the ground floor, so it's better to avoid it.

They are said to be low-level explorers, but many of the third- and fourth-level explorers have experienced more than a dozen worlds and cannot be considered newcomers. They know a lot about the space calendar.

Do you really think that if fighting is not allowed in the space, you will be fine if you offend the boss?

If the top boss really wants to kill you, there are a hundred ways.

But generally speaking, there are no high-level explorers who are so free. Unless they have endless hatred, who is willing to spend so much time targeting a low-level weakling? Now that the world of space missions is so huge, you may not even be able to take care of it. .

Lu Chen walked at the bottom of the World Tree, like a moving natural disaster. Wherever he went, almost no one was willing to walk alongside him.

"Boss Lu...have you broken through to the legendary ninth level?"

The girl in the sailor suit swallowed and spit. This meant that she was familiar with Lu Chen and knew that Lu Chen, although he looked a bit fierce, was actually a very nice person. Otherwise, she would probably not be able to speak to such a vicious person.

"Roughly the same."

Lu Chen nodded, "Sorry to scare away your guest."

He glanced around the store and unexpectedly discovered that there was a small area in the corner that no one had noticed before. There was a display cabinet, and the cabinet was filled with small toy model-like furniture.

"That's my last intention, and it can be regarded as a service reserved for people like Mr. Lu."

The girl in sailor uniform explained with a smile.

Lu Chen walked over and found that there were still the familiar furniture inside. Some of them were even from the first time he came to the sailor uniform girl store, but he had never been able to sell them.

The girl in sailor uniform followed Lu Chen without making a sound. She didn't care that Lu Chen scared away the customers. Anyway, she was following the route of small profits but quick turnover, and a dozen orders were nothing.

Epic-level equipment was only worth a few dollars, and it wasn't even enough for her to buy some high-end materials.

"Is the craft still there?"

After a moment of silence, Lu Chen spoke.


The girl in sailor uniform's eyes lit up, but she was a little confused, "Didn't Mr. Lu order an immortal-level bed before? Could it be..."

Lu Chen shook his head, "It's not broken. The quality you made is very good and it's very comfortable. I have a friend who also wants to order one. I'll place the order for him."

"Oh...that's it, but I can't do Chaos level. It's not a matter of materials. Furniture skills have been stagnant for a long time."

The girl in the sailor uniform looked astonished. She had seen through it, so why not say it out loud?

"Are these materials enough?"

Lu Chen took out some fairy materials, which he brought from the perfect world. They were good materials for forging jewelry.

In the perfect world, there is no chaos-level fairy material. Just like the Zhetian world, what he brings out is still immortal-level, because fairy gold is the top-grade main material for forging, and it is only immortal-level.

What really made those equipment become Chaos level was that the master's sacrifices and the imitation of the rules of the avenue were not just about turning mortals into immortals. Even if Lu Chen held a piece of grass, he could still kill the giant Immortal King.

Of course, the value of immortal-level items is hugely different from that of chaos-level items, but Lu Chen couldn't resist taking more. He raided foreign lands this time, and with the receipt of goods from Boundary Sea, the amount of immortal gold was not the same as in the world of Zhetian. .

Chu Zihang took the items exchanged by the team to recycle funds, while Lu Chen used his existing inheritance crystals to exchange the materials first.

It can be said that even if the Space Sect's supporters mined the super-large world ten times, they might not be able to bring out as much immortal gold as Lu Chen brought out this time. He really hollowed out several worlds.

There are immortal kings in the local area who are confused and don't know what they need so much immortal materials for, because he has his own Taoist weapons, and refining any Taoist weapons does not require so much immortal gold.

When Lu Chen was searching for immortal gold, he also thought about whether it would be his own fault that it would be so difficult for future emperors to find some immortal gold.

"Is it still... an immortal-level bed?"

The girl in the sailor uniform was delighted. A single business from Mr. Lu was equal to her shop's monthly income.

"Yes, for my friend."

Lu Chen emphasized.

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