Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1469 This system is not cheating enough

It's like a twenty-two-year-old kid who has just time traveled and was caught. Then an indescribable demon god in front of you pats your shoulder and tells you the tricks of time travel...

How much psychological harm is this!

Song Rentou's heart was trembling, and he was trembling. As a time traveler, the most important thing is not to reveal your golden fingers under any circumstances.

But now he lost his mind. The other party had exposed all the time-travelers' tricks, and he heard that the monster in front of him said that he had visited many earths. He could only speak tremblingly.

"I...mine is the system."

The conversation between the two was all in Chinese, so Irina and others could not understand and could only look at Lu Chen suspiciously.

"Oh? Tell me, what function it has. If it's interesting, I can consider saving your life."

Lu Chen said this just to scare children. In fact, the Dawn Holy Cult usually does not directly kill the traversers, but will carefully consider their abilities before deciding whether to kill them. There are many times. They were all recruited and used as thugs of the Dawn Holy Cult.

In fact, most of the time-travelers in history have been mixed, and not many are reliable. Even if they have golden fingers, they are not strong enough to reach the top of this world.

Those who thought they were chosen actually got here and that was it.

Is there any hangup? Then you have to see if it is good enough, and you have to live up to your expectations.

In fact, most explorers, after time travel, only relied on their little tricks to live a rich life, with wives and concubines, happy and comfortable, and did not accomplish anything big.

"My, the name of my system is... the fourth natural disaster system, but I haven't had time to study it yet, and it's hard to say its specific functions."

Song Rentou said hesitantly that he was extra cautious. In fact, when he was imprisoned, he had already gone through the system functions in order to escape, but he did not want to reveal everything at this time.

Even at this time, he still firmly believes that all those who travel through time are destined to be destined, and they will not be led away so easily. He must keep some trump cards of his own.

But who is Lu Chen? With his understanding, facing the weak Song Rentou, he basically knows what Song Rentou is thinking.

He wrinkled and felt a little dissatisfied, "You're an unqualified time traveler. Since you haven't even figured out the function, it's useless. Let's get rid of it."

Hearing this, Song Rentou shivered in fright. He didn't know what "handling" in Lu Chen's words meant, but he thought that "handling" coming from the mouth of such an indescribable ghost must not be a good thing.

"I, I, I... I understand, my system is used to mass-produce high-tech weapons and buildings."

Song Rentou could only reveal his worth quickly, fearing that Lu Chen would deal with him if he took one step too slowly.

Lu Chen looked at Song Rentou with interest, "It's interesting. What does it cost? The system also follows the principle of equivalent exchange. It may be something insignificant in your opinion, but it is useful to it."

Lu Chen is now in a good state, so he naturally has certain opinions on many things in novels. In his early years, when he first entered the space, he read many novels and watched many TV series.

As for the theme of time travel to another world, whether it is a novel or anime, it is a waste of time.

However, for system novels, he later concluded that the existence of the system must be created by people, and the people who create the system must have a purpose.

Some novels are not so dark, and most of them end up explaining that the person who created the system just needs help, or to train a strong person to inherit his mantle.

However, the settings of some novels are relatively dark. The existence of the system is mostly a kind of restraint, and it may even devour the master in the later stages.

All in all, there is nothing special about time travellers. Not every time traveler is a protagonist.

And if I have to say it, explorers are actually special time travellers. They can not only travel through one world, but also run around various worlds. However, many explorers die every year.

Lu Chen feels that whether a person can time travel is not directly linked to his luck attribute. In other words, it does not mean that a person who travels through time must have the aura of a protagonist.

On the way here, I heard from Irina that there were no less than fifty "awakened ones" who died at the hands of the Dawn Holy Cult. The other awakened ones had a cooperative attitude and made some contributions to the church. , ended well.

" system is that as long as I consume influence...oh no, reputation points, and rare metal materials, I can create technological products."

Song Rentou said with a grimace, he had just come to this world, he had no reputation, he was just an unknown aristocrat who was down and out.

As for rare metal materials, they require funds to collect. He has nothing around him now, but the iron railing in front of him is a special metal. He can use the system to smelt it and turn it into a material reserve.

However, Song Rentou did not use this ability when he was imprisoned before, because he was not that stupid. Originally, he might have been able to clear the suspicion. If he showed his supernatural ability, he would definitely not have escaped.

Moreover, there were several guards standing outside. Each of those guards looked very powerful, and they were not something he could beat.

Even if he smelts the metal of the prison bars, he cannot produce high-tech products without having something called influence within the system.

This made Song Rentou feel very miserable, and complained in his heart, "The fourth natural disaster system is really rubbish. It also requires materials and influence. In the game, it only needs one click~"

"Can it be done now? In what form has the material been transformed?"

Lu Chen asked with interest. Song Rentou wanted to thank Saint Irina for being here, otherwise Lu Chen would have dismantled the little white for inspection. Anyway, it would be nothing to protect a mortal's true spirit with his cultivation. question.

"I...I don't know."

Song Rentou said tremblingly, he really didn't know, he was arrested as soon as he got the system, and he didn't know how the function was actually used.

He has no influence now, and although making things consumes very little influence, it's not zero.

"It's really useless..."

Lu Chen stood up with a sigh.

This made Song Rentou panic, and he quickly knelt on the ground and prayed, "Sir, I am a time traveler. I will definitely rise. I will be your powerful help when the time comes."

Lu Chen was speechless. This generation of time-travelers were really spineless. They knelt down when they saw him?

He really didn't need the help of this time traveler. First of all, his quality was not very good in all aspects. Secondly, the other party's so-called fourth natural disaster system was just like that in Lu Chen's opinion.

Of course, he would have to ask Brother Chu to do experiments to find out what the actual situation would be.

He ignored Song Rentou, walked out of the cell, and looked at Irina.

"Sheng Envoy Lu, how are you going to deal with him?"

This is where Irina is smart. The Church of Dawn has always made the final decision in dealing with the ‘Awakened Ones’. They have to go through the trial of three red archbishops and make a decision with the Holy King before they can make a decision, either to reuse them or to execute them.

But she directly let Lu Chen make the decision today. The reason was that she saw Lu Chen communicating with this awakened person. She felt that this person might be useful to the legendary guardian, and he actually had a common language.

In this case, it is most "appropriate" to let Lu Chen handle it, which can be regarded as giving Lu Chen a face.

The monster Lu Chen can have special communication with the 'Awakened Ones', speaking in a language they don't understand, which is quite suspicious in itself. Coupled with their past calculations about the origins of the Awakened Ones, Lu Chen's awakening in the holy pool is also very problematic. .

Irina may not have thought of it before, but would His Majesty the Holy King, who has lived for thousands of years, also not think of it?

But this is people’s reality. The ‘Awakened Ones’ may be in trouble, but there has never been a powerful Awakened One in history that can counterattack the Dawn Holy Cult. Lu Chen is different. His current strength is enough to subvert the entire continent.

Therefore, although the Holy King was afraid, he never mentioned this matter at all. He only said that when people in the church see Lu Chen, they should respect him as they would the Holy King. In terms of authority, Lu Chen also has the supreme judicial power of the Holy See. , equal to the Holy King.

When traveling, Lu Chen was not only given a full guard of honor, but also a contemporary saint to accompany him, which showed the Dawn Holy Cult's respect for the legendary guardian of the previous era.

"How do we usually deal with it?"

Lu Chen did not rush to a conclusion, but asked Irina.

"First, he will be judged by the cardinals, and then the Holy King will examine his heart, and finally determine whether it is usable. If it is usable, he will be accepted and cultivated. If not, then..."

Irina glanced at Song Rentou, who shuddered.

He could understand Irina's words, and he had never thought that a beautiful woman who looked as holy as an angel could have such cold eyes.

"This man may be of some use to me. Let's keep him for now. I probably understand what kind of ability he has awakened. I am going to send him to the Star Sea Kingdom and let the people there study it."

Lu Chen said.

Irina frowned slightly, "Technology?"

People in the Holy Kingdom of Dawn do not reject technology, but they basically do not use technology. Now every household has things like electric lights, but that's all. This is a convenient technology that came from the Star Sea Kingdom many years ago.

They firmly believe that faith is the most important thing. Under the grace of God, they must cultivate themselves every day and reach the peak of their holy power. That is the fundamental power to conquer the stars and resist the mysteries.

The strange thing about this world is that two countries with completely different beliefs and concepts are actually in peace with each other. The Star Sea Kingdom has not occupied the land of the Holy Kingdom of Dawn and expanded their territory.

The Holy Kingdom of Dawn, a religious country, did not launch a holy war to annihilate the group of heretics in the Star Sea Kingdom who dared to say "How many divisions does God have?"

On the contrary, the population of the two countries is still constantly flowing and there is trade. Talents in the Kingdom of Dawn who yearn for science and technology will also move to the Kingdom of Star Sea. On the contrary, those in the Kingdom of Star Sea who want to experience the secular world will also move to Holy Kingdom of Dawn.

On the surface, the relationship between the two countries seems to be lukewarm, but in fact, no friction has broken out in 700,000 years. This can only be said to be a miracle.

Lu Chen felt that it was definitely not a harmonious and friendly alliance between the two countries. There should be a deeper reason for this. The lost ancient monument did not mention it, but the top leaders of the Dawn Church and the Star Sea Kingdom must know what was going on.

Chu Zihang initially deduced that because of the threat from foreign enemies, that is, the ancient gods, old gods, and natural disaster forces from outside the territory, the people on their continent could no longer continue fighting among themselves.

The separation of technology and cultivation systems should not be a differentiation of the historical process, but something that happened at a certain node in the past, and it was intentional.

"If Holy Envoy Lu has this intention, you have full authority to deal with him, as long as he does not lose control."

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't reply, Irina realized that she had overstepped her bounds and quickly added.

After many days of traveling together, she seemed to have forgotten who she was next to. The person in front of her was said to be a legendary guardian, but in fact, he looked more like the legendary final natural disaster!

Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction. He didn't want to explain to these people at all. Anyway, if his prediction was good, disaster was coming soon, and the Dawn Holy Cult couldn't stop it. No matter how they looked at him, they would still kneel down and lick him.

Lu Chen took a breath from the source of all calamities, and the miscellaneous breath he exhaled dissolved the iron bars of the cell. He glanced at Song Rentou and said, "Follow me."

Song Rentou felt a lot of reluctance in his heart. It was a good thing to survive, but he really didn't want to follow this master. It was too scary.

But he didn't dare to disobey Lu Chen. The beautiful woman in front of him was the country's saint. The next saint king had to bow down to such a man. Who was he?

Lu Chen took Song Rentou away and placed him in a hotel. During this period, Song Rentou's sister Song Renfei came to visit relatives. After seeing Lu Chen, she walked in and left lying down.

"Sheng Envoy Lu...can you restrain the evil spirit in your body? The people don't seem to be used to it."

On the way, Irina tactfully advised that the reason why their entourage was okay was because they had the support of holy magic energy and a strong physical foundation. The residents in the city were all ordinary people.

"It's really troublesome..."

Lu Chen said helplessly that he actually didn't like the ability to suppress himself, because evil spirit and charm were also his main abilities in combat, so he preferred to stay there, and he was actually very restrained.

But when he saw people on the street screaming in terror and running away, and some people falling straight down, he knew that going on like this was not an option.

So Lu Chen connected with all the gods, used his soul to control his body, and completely restrained the evil spirit. In this way, he returned to his original nature. He looked like an ordinary handsome man. Except for his temperament, which was a bit majestic and fierce, he was pretty good. .

He took Irina and Song Rentou to explore the ruins in various places. On this night, a special guest was welcomed into the camp, a robot.

He looked like an ordinary human being on the surface, but that was just bionic skin. After Lu Chen spoke, the Holy Guards outside let him go, and the robot entered and clasped its fists at Lu Chen, "Brother Lu, I'm here to pick you up."

Lu Chen knew that this was a robot controlled by Karma and it was absolutely reliable.

He pointed at Song Rentou, "That's him, take him away and let Brother Chu study it carefully. Take it easy and don't spoil it so quickly."

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