Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1470 Eli Yi: I started in Rome

Lu Chen said, and showed a kind smile to Song Rentou, "Don't be afraid, we are not good people, so if you want to do anything to it on the way, I will crush you to death."

He knew that Song Rentou's ability could smelt various rare materials, but he didn't know what the upper limit of this ability was. Smelting advanced materials also requires energy. With his understanding of the system, it was impossible to let Song Rentou do whatever he wanted. It would be fine if it was just to smelt some ordinary steel. Smelting such high-end robots owned by Karma would definitely cost something like "prestige".

Regarding the "prestige" resource that Song Rentou mentioned, Lu Chen initially understood it as the system currency that the time traveler could obtain as long as he showed off his coolness. However, Chu Zihang said that this may not be the case and he wanted to study it. .

"Don't worry, sir, I will definitely obey you."

Song Ren threw his legs and swayed, thinking to himself, take a look at what he just said, he said that he is not a good person anymore, can I not be afraid?

Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction. Song Rentou was just a tool to him and Chu Zihang. If he behaved well, he would be kept alive. If he wanted to cause trouble, he would naturally be crushed to death.

They feel that this world is becoming more and more interesting. Various forces are entangled, the secrets of the multiverse are buried deep, and they are connected to certain key points of the supreme world.

He had been sorting out his thoughts in the past few days, because he had excavated the relics of the Morning Embrace era and had completely determined that this was the world he had been to.

Then some terms in this world's historical documents are easy to understand. For example, the old god is not the definition of people when he last came to the land abandoned by the gods.

At that time, the ancient gods and the old gods were actually the same kind of beings, that is, the four ancient gods. Because they each ruled an era, the ancient gods of the previous era were called the old gods.

The current Old Gods refer to those gods who once abandoned the God-Forsaken Land and went to other worlds. The so-called Old Rulers truly deserve their title.

In the legend, the old gods were glorious and majestic at first, and this continent was abandoned by the gods. Later, it is unknown whether it was due to the arrival of the ancient gods that they failed in the struggle and escaped, or they passed some way in order to pursue a higher realm. Travel to other worlds.

But in the dawn era, one day, the former gods returned, but they were also contaminated by the unknown. They lost the glory and majesty of the past, and turned into things that made people crazy. They were called old gods by the people at that time. .

As for the ancient gods, they have always been there.

It is recorded in many unsearchable documents that there was once a legendary guardian who ended the era of the ancient gods, killed all the ancient gods in the land abandoned by the gods at that time, and restored the purity of the world, allowing this continent to recuperate for a long time. time.

But the ancient gods still came from outside the territory later, and it was also at that time that the continent of the land abandoned by the gods began to expand rapidly, the life levels of the creatures on the continent also jumped, and the entire universe ushered in a sublimation.

According to Chu Zihang's speculation, it should be the process of the God's Abandoned Land being merged into the Supreme World after they returned to space. The fusion of the worlds produced unpredictable power, turning the God's Abandoned Land that was once just a corner into a world. It became a big universe.

Knowing the land abandoned by the gods, Lu Chen felt that the starry sky was not as wide as the dragon world. He could reach the end just by running around. The stars were like false decorations, and he could count them all.

Therefore, the later ancient gods should not have been originally in the land abandoned by the gods, but encountered them when they merged with the vast universe of the Supreme World.

Strictly speaking, the basic volume of this universe is larger, and the land abandoned by the gods can be regarded as a later outsider. It cannot be said that the ancient gods invaded them, but they invaded the territory of the ancient gods.

The appearance of the ancient gods and the old gods are indistinguishable, and their characteristics are the same. The name of the old gods is more importantly a historical concept. It can only be said that the people in the land abandoned by the gods are quite vindictive. They only remember that the gods abandoned them.

As for how those people could tell that those old gods were the majestic gods that once ruled this continent, Lu Chen didn't know. Chu Zihang's preliminary analysis was that those old gods should still retain some of the distinctive characteristics of the past. , can make people distinguish.

It is worth noting that when Lu Chen entered the world, there was an introduction to the space. The name of this universe was "Old Gods Pan-Universe". Why not "Old Gods Pan-Universe"?

If you think about it carefully, it is somewhat intriguing.

In addition, this world also has the legend of the final natural disaster, which is another force.

According to legend, a natural disaster will eventually come and destroy everything. Whether it is the ancient gods or the residents of the land abandoned by the gods, all living creatures in this universe will be liquidated until the fire of the universe gradually extinguishes. Turn into eternal silence, quiet and peaceful.

Coupled with the phenomenon of time travellers, as well as the strange immortals in the erosion of the multiverse described in the world view, Lu Chen felt that it was even more complicated, so complicated that he didn't want to think about it at all.

Come on, whatever comes, I'll chop them all to death.


But in the real spirit world, Eriki’s classmate surprised the Holy Lord of the Holy Spirit Kingdom because she used the “Elf Ball”.

"That is the legendary divinely sealed secret treasure. Are you the descendant of that level?"

The female Holy Master looked at Eri Yi in surprise, and was shocked in her heart.

"That floor?"

Eryi was confused. This was the first strong person she met who was easy to communicate with after coming to the true spirit world. He was also the Holy Lord of a sacred land. Naturally, he needed more information.

"Layer of reality."

The female Holy Master said with a solemn expression, and the words she said made Eri Yi's expression change.

"His Royal Highness the Holy Lord knows...which level you are on?"

This is what Eryi is confused about. She doesn’t know where she is on the surface, but the people in this world are indeed very strong. The two countries are just a small part. The strongest people in this world may have Immortal Emperor level strength.

Eri is not a big-hearted girl. When she entered the world, she also took a good look at the difficulty limit. It was level 86, which was probably very close to the surface core area.

"Of course I know, we are in a two-story passage."

The female Holy Master said with a serious expression, "Going down means returning to the spirit, and going up means moving towards the true spirit. This is the meaning of the true spiritual world."

"Ah this..."

Eriki was stunned. She knew she was lucky, but it seemed like she was born in the core area at the beginning...

She leisurely informed Lu Chen and others about the matter through the team channel, leaving Lu Chen who was sharpening his sword and getting ready to start, Chu Zihang who was trying his best to figure out how to get out of the world, and Ye Meng who was doing summer running in the world of Hades. Gad's classmates were stunned.

How hard are they trying?

All roads lead to Rome, but Eri was born in Rome.

After calming down, Lu Chen and the others still did not let Erika use the team assembly scroll directly because their respective main missions had conditions related to the multiverse.

Reaching the core area was their goal, but the process was indispensable, so Eriki was asked to explore first and wait until they completed their basic tasks.

A few days later, Eryi was taking the Taoist source given to her by Lu Chen to understand and practice. When the female Holy Master of the Holy Spirit Kingdom saw it, she was even more surprised. Her words had the aura of reality.

Since then, she has grown more respect for Eriki. In addition, Eriki's cultivation at such a young age makes her feel even more unfathomable.

Yes, even counting the time in the world of the First World, Eri is still less than a million years old, and is considered a very young monk in the true spirit world.

The Holy Lord of the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit has lived for two eras. One era here is a constant counting method. One era is one hundred million years. Compared with the Holy Lord, Eri Yi is still a baby.

At this time, Eriki still didn't know that the news of her using the divine sealed treasure had been transmitted to the real layer.


In the land abandoned by the gods, a week had passed since Lu Chen handed Song Rentou over to Chu Zihang, and Chu Zihang gave a detailed test report.

It's just a pain for Song Rentou. In Song Rentou's eyes at this time, Chu Zihang, a handsome man who made people like him at first sight, is a more terrifying devil than Lu Chen.

What did Chu Zihang do?

Oh, he didn't do anything. He just played through Song Rentou's system, helped Song Rentou gain the influence he said, and provided him with a lot of rare metal materials for his creation.

It's just that this process is not very friendly to Song Rintou.

Not to mention, this fourth natural disaster system has some tricks. Although it consumes a lot of resources and Song Ren invests in specific system currency, it can create fleets and other high-tech products in seconds!

"Brother Lu, this system is not a good thing. It is the same thing as space, but it is just a little fussy."

Chu Zihang said in a private chat with Lu Chen in the team channel.

"Oh? How to say it."

Lu Chen asked curiously.

"The reputation that Song Rentou mentioned is not what Brother Lu thought. I asked him to show his sage in front of others. There was indeed a certain amount of system currency received, but the amount was not large. But I asked Song Rentou to read the taboos of the Star Sea Kingdom. The so-called 'prestige' of the Secret Code of History has increased too much."

Chu Zihang said that the results of this experiment were within his expectations.

"That means..."

Lu Chen thought thoughtfully, "Actually, the base currency that the fourth natural disaster system he mentioned requires is not pretentiousness, but..."

He seemed to have grasped something key in his mind, but he couldn't put it into words.


Chu Zihang answered.

"Yes, yes, that is to say, what kind of system wants the source of the world?"

Lu Chen was able to figure it out with just a few clicks, and felt that this system was really interesting.

"Almost, and I discovered that although this system can create things, not to mention the reputation it consumes, only a very small part of the materials used can create things."

At this time, Chu Zihang was forcing Song Ren to help him build a high-end robot. On one side, materials were delivered from the assembly line, and on the other side, an army of high-tech machinery came out.

"What do you mean? Where are the remaining materials?"

Lu Chen wondered, isn't it an equal exchange?

"It must have been swallowed up by the system. I asked Karma to calculate it. If expressed in numerical units, Song Ren invested one hundred units of materials and could only produce thirty units of products. The consumption was huge."

Chu Zihang explained.

"Huh, this is the fourth natural disaster, it's obviously a plunderer from another world."

Lu Chen figured out the tricks of this system.

To put it simply, there may be many time travelers like Song Rentou, who were selected by the makers of this system and sent to all the worlds.

They claim to be the chosen protagonists, but in fact the time travelers don’t know that they are just workers.

Moreover, the treatment is extremely poor, and there is no halo of the protagonist. If you encounter a world like God's Abandoned Land, you may kneel down at the beginning.

The purpose of this system is similar to that of space, but it has a sneaky feel, and its functions are too limited and too greedy.

As explorers, Lu Chen and others are also workers in the space, but their treatment is definitely generous, and the proportion of rewards allocated by the space for their contributions is definitely much higher.

Moreover, the space strategy world has a domineering feel. In other words, it is equivalent to releasing a large number of cutting-edge time travelers into a world at once, and setting clear goals for them to achieve the purpose of space.

Song Rentou's system is a bit rough, and the security function doesn't seem to be very good.

Chu Zihang was already thinking about how to get the system out, so he had to play with it himself.

"It can be foreseen that if there is no restriction and Song Rentou can develop again, it will indeed plunder a lot of resources for the system. In the end, he will become the ruler of this world, and he will be able to gather a lot of resources and act unscrupulously."

Chu Zihang commented, and then began to ponder Song Rentou. Song Rentou was extremely scared, because he felt that Chu Zihang's eyes were trying to dissect him.

"Don't rush to mess with his system yet. Investigate it clearly. We need to find the source of the system. You must know... before the land abandoned by the gods was merged into the supreme world, there were time travelers."

Lu Chen said, he thought of Sistine the Morning Embrace, the first pope of the Morning Embrace Church, who was also the monarch of the empire. He was a time traveler.

It's just that compared to Song Rentou, Morning Embrace. Sistine was obviously more successful. He made great progress all the way, created his own dynasty, and completely dominated the land abandoned by the gods. That is, he was finally defeated at the hands of the ancient gods. .

What he regrets now is that he shouldn't have been pretentious back then and should have asked more about Chen Yong's abilities. How he traveled through time and what kind of system he had after traveling through time was unknown now.

Chu Zihang now has two guesses. One is that the spread of the system is related to the Supreme World. The final ownership of the God's Abandoned Land is counted under the Supreme World, which is inseparable from Chen Yong and other past generations of time travellers.

Another guess is that the system is a real outsider, a bold person who is testing the Supreme World in this way and secretly plundering the resources of the Supreme World.

No matter which possibility it is, it is worth digging for them. There is no exploratory degree in the Supreme World mission, but the space will not turn a blind eye to their actions. It can increase the overall evaluation. If a big head is dug out, there may be more Unexpected rewards.

When Chu Zihang was taking Karma and studying how to get out the system in Song Ren's body, Lu Chen felt something in his heart. He looked at a place in the land abandoned by the gods and whispered with a smile on his face, "Are you here?"

There's more at noon

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