Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1483 Like a God

What is the concept of epic reputation?

Lu Chen has traveled through many worlds, many of which do not have a clear reputation system, but he has basically reached this reputation level.

But the problem lies in time. It took three years for the dragon world to reach the inland area, years for the Aika continent, and hundreds of years for the fox monster world, not to mention the world of Zhetian.

It had only been a few months since he came to the Old Gods Pan-Universe this time, and he had already reached the epic level of reputation.

It's just a bit deviated from Lu Chen's original intention. He originally wanted to gain 10,000 reputation points among the human forces. Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that he chose the wrong starting identity?

How could he, a legendary guardian, have an epic reputation in the Ancient God camp?

Lu Chen didn't pay attention to his menu bar at this time. His continuous violent output forced the two world cores together.

In the process of fusion, Lu Chen didn't have to pay attention to the Weixian Universe because there was no life in it, and he could do whatever he wanted, but he had to pay more attention to the Old God Pan Universe and move those planets with life to remote galaxies.

To take care of the God's Abandoned Land, he ordered Chu Zihang and the old god Krasnir.

Then a strange scene appeared above the God's Abandoned Land. A pink spore that covered the sky was floating in the air, spraying spore mist. The mist formed a barrier to ensure that the God's Abandoned Land was not affected by falling stars from outside the territory. bombardment.

There is also some mist that spreads below, corroding people's spirits.

Don't get me wrong, this time it's not fearful erosion, but Krasnir's use of his ancient god talent to erode people's minds and manipulate them in disguise to make them settle down.

Otherwise, if ordinary people run around impulsively and crazily in a big turmoil, they will cause a lot of casualties.

It can only be said that there is no good or evil in power itself, and the ancient gods are not necessarily feared and disliked by others.

People should not be judged by their appearance, and you should not assume that a creature is an evil villain just because it looks scary.

Well, Lu Chen experienced this very deeply.

"Yamir, go work in deep space to ensure the survival of living things and the smooth integration of the universe. If you don't work hard, I will roast you later!"

Lu Chenchao ordered the final disaster, which was still in a daze.

Finally, the natural disaster trembled, stared in confusion, and quickly flew into the deep space. His strength is the strongest in this world. Exhibiting power in the deep space and controlling the remaining ancient gods is certainly enough to protect this universe.

He had never done this kind of thing before when the universe merged. On the one hand, the life and death of all living beings had nothing to do with him. On the contrary, he liked the cries of those living beings dying before disasters. The negative emotions of despair made him feel extremely delicious.

Moreover, the natural integration of the universe in general is a long and gentle matter. Unless it is a small universe like the Land Abandoned by the Gods, where the big fish eats the small fish, it will be fine for basically hundreds of years. All other universes of large size need at least Millions of years.

During this period of time, Yamir was basically sleeping. He didn't care what the universe would become. Anyway, as long as the energy level of the universe jumped up, it would make him stronger.

But at this moment, under Lu Chen's gaze, he looked at his tentacles that had not yet fully grown, and flew into the deep space tremblingly.

Chu Zihang watched Yamil obediently run to deep space to work according to Lu Chen's instructions, and he could only praise him. As expected of Brother Lu, he could easily do things that the "lawful good camp" could not do.

Lu Chen continued to increase his efforts. After the God Eater Ring was upgraded, the state became very lasting. For half an hour, his comprehensive attributes were as high as 314 points, which was truly a creation-level power.

At this time, there is no so-called huge hole anymore, and the two universes are completely connected, as if they are being roughly spliced ​​together.

In the face of absolute violence, there is no need for so-called skills. Lu Chen is too lazy to wait. If you have repulsion and don't fuse, can I just pinch you together?

The turbulence of the universe lasted for half an hour before stopping. The red mist around Lu Chen began to converge. Only a pure black and white light ball remained in his hand, which was the core of the new world.

"You can't blame me if you don't know what's interesting."

Lu Chen held the core of the new world and smiled and said that he had previously given the old god Pancosmic Will a chance to re-choose the "protagonist", that is, to rely on himself.

In this way, he will become the new agent of the will of the universe and can gain considerable positive gains in the old god pan-universe.

But the cosmic will of the old god Pan-universe was not upright, and in the end he was forced out of Yamil's body, so he simply gave up and directly merged violently.

The new world he created by directly rubbing the meatballs with his hands has nothing to do with the Old God Universe, because the volume of the Fairy Universe is larger. If it is fused, that side is actually the main one. This is the fusion of the universe. Eternal tone, the big fuses the small.

It is like an interesting historical record in the Star Sea Kingdom. There was once a small but technologically powerful star race, which went to deep space to colonize because the old planets were uninhabitable.

It only took them half a day to conquer a source of life, but after thousands of years of colonization, their original race was assimilated by the local race and became a civilization because they intermarried...

Now the same goes for the Strange Immortal Universe and the Old Gods Pan-Universe. Because of the variable Lu Chen, the originally smaller Old Gods Pan-Universe became the winner. However, the fusion of the universe is led by the Strange Immortal Universe.

That land is far vaster than the Land Abandoned by the Gods, and is comparable to the complete fairyland in a perfect world. After the integration, the Land Abandoned by the Gods is just a corner.

The new will of the universe is obviously more advanced. The core of the world flew directly to Lu Chen's chest and merged into it. This means that he is the Kami of the new world... oh no, the agent of the will of the universe.

But even if the newly born fused universe doesn't obey its will, Lu Chen can still find a way to forcefully fuse it.

[Pioneer special mission. Entanglement fusion has been completed, and the reward stays for 319 years]

Lu Chen received a reminder from the origin space. The reward time was stingy enough, and there was an unpleasant note at the end.

[The stay time obtained through special tasks is divided equally among team members. The current team’s comprehensive stay time is: 89.5 years]

However, Lu Chen also knew that this special mission was different from the one in Zhetian World. Killing the ancient supreme being in Zhetian World itself was a hidden mission that was impossible to complete.

But when exploring in the supreme world, the universe may be strong or weak. If the explorer can find the right way to complete the task, the task can be completed continuously, and the team members are spread out and can be completed repeatedly.

If one person completes a special task and the whole team shares it and keeps stacking it, there will be no upper limit for this task and it will seem too easy.

The origin space obviously does not want the explorers who the team enters to have too many bastards.

[The Pioneer has obtained the "identification" of the will of the universe and has become the will agent of the newly integrated universe, and has obtained the following gains: ]

[Luck attribute increased by 15 points (only within the current universe)]

[Get the blessing effect of the universe]

Lu Chen glanced at his dashboard. At this time, the temporary status of luck attribute was as high as 23 points. This was really a value that only Eriyi could achieve in the past.

Lu Chen couldn't help but smile on his face, "I have become the European Emperor!"

Even though it was limited to the current universe, it still made him happy. After being a non-chief all his life, how many more days could he not be allowed to experience it?

Lu Chen wished he could move the strengthening hall in the space now, so that he could strengthen a wave of regicide and experience the power of 23 points of luck attributes.

He stepped down from the sky, his soul swept across the entire continent, and cleared away all the rubble that fell towards the continent.

Only then did Lu Chen have time to check the reputation system, wondering how much it had changed during this period.

[Reputation of the Land Abandoned by Gods: 9103 (Legend)]

[Reputation of the ancient god camp: 50214 (god)]

Because many mysteries of the Old God Pan-Universe were solved by Lu Chen and Chu Zihang, and because of the unification of the God-Abandoned Land continent, the system no longer distinguishes between the reputations of the Star Sea Kingdom and the Holy Kingdom of Dawn, but they are all counted as God-Abandoned Land. Land reputation essentially refers to the reputation of the human race.

The secrets of those forces in the deep space were also figured out by Lu Chen. Regardless of the old gods and the ancient gods, there is only one Yamil in the final natural disaster. Yamil is essentially the first ancient god, so he is calculated as the ancient god by the unified space. camp.

To Lu Chen's surprise, he saw a brand new number and a brand new reputation title, god.

What the hell? My Ancient God camp has more than 50,000 reputations! ?

Are people in the ancient god camp regarded as a god-like existence?

He knew that this reputation word description was an analogy, which meant that he was highly respected in the hearts of the ancient gods and was like a god in their hearts.

Lu Chen really couldn't understand this. He killed a lot of ancient gods, and even pulled out a bunch of the tentacles of Yamil, the final disaster, and roasted them. These guys actually respected him so much! ?

He also remembered the reputation classification at the beginning. His reputation in the Holy Kingdom of Dawn was -500 for indifference, and 500 for the natural disaster camp was friendly. In other words, Yamil was born with a good impression of him?

All masochists! ?

In fact, it was just that Lu Chen couldn't understand the ancient gods' brain circuits. This was an alternative civilization. They extremely worshiped and feared the powerful ancient gods, and regarded madness and chaos as wonderful festivals. For those who looked extremely terrifying, Existence, in their eyes, is a symbol of "beautiful and powerful".

When they see those more terrifying existences, they will also awaken the essential characteristics of living beings, trembling and fearing, but in addition, there is an indescribable emotion called respect.

Lu Chen relied on his transcendent charm and powerful combat power to conquer the ancient gods of the starry sky and became the new final natural disaster... oh no, the legendary guardian.

After Lu Chen landed, Chu Zihang came over and said, "Brother Lu, that's too rude."

"The fusion was successful anyway, wasn't it?"

Lu Chen smiled.

Chu Zihang was helpless, "As long as it's done, our mission is completed. After sorting out the reputation of this world, we can try to explore it."

Although Lu Chen's behavior was relatively reckless, the result still surprised Chu Zihang.

Lu Chen not only quickly integrated the world and completed the special mission, but also gained the recognition of the will of the universe, which means that they can consciously connect with the multiverse and swim in the "ocean" of the multiverse.

Unlike Xia Mi who found a route to other worlds after coming into contact with the World Core, their current situation is much better. If the multiverse is compared to the ocean, Xia Mi just jumps in and swims naked without any equipment. went.

They are different. They now own a large ship. This large ship is controlled by them and can sail in the ocean. It can continue to devour other universes and increase the energy level of the universe. In the process, they can continuously complete special tasks.

With the blessing of the will of the universe, Lu Chen's combat power will be fully guaranteed. As for the 15 points of false luck attributes, Chu Zihang doesn't care, and feels that it is useless.

After all, you are the ruler of the universe, what do you want? The resources are at your disposal, whether you have the fifteen points of lucky attributes or not.

But seeing how happy Brother Lu was, it was hard for Chu Zihang to hit him. There was nothing he could do, brother.

"I have already sensed what we are going to do next. It is indeed strange. It is not in the form of a boundary sea, but a multi-dimensional intersection. It looks very complicated."

Lu Chen asked his military advisor. He had sensed the situation outside through the core of the world.

They were not bubbles in his imagination, but very weird and crazy paintings. The interweaving of multi-dimensional universes made everything look distorted. Before the two universes met, in the critical place, there was no concept of time and space. , which also resulted in them having no sense of direction at all in the "ocean" of the multiverse.

In a sense, this phenomenon of entangled multiverses and the concept of a critical place will make their direction meaningless. Maybe one universe will encounter a weak one, and the next one will encounter a strong one.

This was different from the information Lao Wang told Lu Chen, or in other words, Lu Chen didn't know how to achieve the kind of achievement that Lao Wang said was close to the core of the surface.

Theoretically, the closer to the surface core universe, the more powerful the universe will be, but Lu Chen couldn't find a way.

He told Chu Zihang what he perceived, and Chu Zihang said that he would think about it before going back, so that Lu Chen should not rush to collide with other universes.

Chu Zihang returned to the area of ​​the Star Sea Kingdom and sent out high-tech legions to help the residents of the God-Forsaken Land to immigrate and expand their territory. The continent of the Fairy Universe should be utilized.

The world has just merged, and there are still many mysteries and benefits that Lu Chen has not realized. As the agent of the will of the universe, there are still many mysteries to be discovered. He also realized this, and after saying goodbye to Chu Zihang, he descended on the Holy Mountain. , I am going to first stabilize my reputation in the land abandoned by the gods and break through the 10,000 mark.

As a legendary guardian, how could his reputation in the human camp not be as high as that in the Ancient God camp?

"See the legendary holy king!"

Below, the Holy Guards and Archbishops all knelt down, like fanatical believers.

While Lu Chen was thinking, the sky outside suddenly turned dark. It was the final disaster Yamil who had returned.

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