Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1484 The so-called multiple legends

Many strong men looked at the sky nervously, with fear in their eyes. This was the ultimate natural disaster. Just looking directly at it would drive people crazy.

But after Yamil landed on the holy mountain, his figure quickly shrank, and he fell into the holy pool with a plop, turning into an octopus only three or four feet in size, swimming around.

Lu Chen glanced in the direction of the holy pool without saying a word. Yamil actually came back obediently, saving him the trouble of going to the deep space to catch people again.

He originally planned to make Yamil into sashimi and eat it, but after thinking about it, Yamil was too small to advance his secret blood of God, so it was better to keep it, which would also facilitate his research. The transformation history of the nature of the universe at its birth.

The people on the holy mountain looked at this scene with shock and confusion. Some people took the lead first, kneeling and shouting, "The legendary holy king created the world with great power, and finally the natural disaster bowed his head. He is truly the supreme king!"

It can only be said that these people on the Holy Mountain are all old masters, and they flatter each one very smoothly.

Lu Chen didn't care about this and let them go. On the contrary, he really needed these old magicians to help him improve his reputation in the human camp.

If he wants to penetrate his own legend into other universes, legendary reputation alone may not be enough. He needs higher efficiency.

"Irina, prepare the Holy Guards and settle the people's livelihood."

"Michelle, open up a new continent and prepare to arrange immigration."


Lu Chen followed Chu Zihang's instructions before leaving and ordered the members of the Dawn Holy Cult to maintain the national system after the chaos.

After doing all this, Lu Chen came to the top of the holy mountain and fished out the cuttlefish.

"Lord Legendary Holy King, what do you need me to do?"

There was a tremor in Yamil's voice, but it was no longer as strong as before. Instead, it was a kind of reverence for power.

Seeing Lu Chen's eyes glancing at his tentacles, Yamil shuddered again, recalling the unpleasant scene before.

"How many ancient gods are there in the starry sky?"

Lu Chen asked. It would be more direct to ask Yamir directly than to find it himself.

Although he has become the agent of the will of the universe, the old god's pan-universe is originally very large, and it is difficult for him to say that his divine thoughts can sweep through all places.

Now that the two universes are merging, the Old God Pan-Universe will not expand, but will shrink due to the characteristics of the Fairy Universe.

This does not mean that the universe has become weaker. The strength of the universe is not measured in terms of size, but in terms of energy levels. Although the scope of the entire world will become smaller, the spiritual energy resources will become more abundant, and more energy will be born. Powerful creatures.

Lu Chen violently pressed the two world cores together to accelerate the fusion of the worlds, but the transformation after the fusion is still a long process and does not happen overnight.

Lu Chen originally wanted to purge all the ancient gods here like the Fairy Universe, but he unexpectedly discovered that the ancient gods could also communicate with each other. They were not inoperable, so there was no need to kill them all.

Anyway, he has killed most of them, and the remaining ancient gods are not enough for Dusk and God Eater Ring to advance, so he just let them go.

Although Yamir does not look very smart, he is still the original ancient god. His birth must have special factors. Lu Chen wants to understand the source of the birth of the ancient god and the core essence of the divine substance. .


Time flies, two weeks have passed, and after the merger of the Land Abandoned by the Gods and the Fairy Continent, people finally began to realize the disadvantages and benefits.

The disadvantage is that people feel that their bodies are getting tired more and more easily, and their mobility is not as good as before. The advantage is that in this environment, they feel that their physical fitness is slowly improving and they are adapting to the changes in the world.

And if after adaptation, new offspring are born, they will become stronger and stronger each generation.

Not only in terms of physical fitness, I believe that people's lifespan will also become longer. It is not an empty lie that ordinary people can live for thousands of years.

Lu Chen observed the changes in some mortals and discovered an interesting point. During the process of cosmic fusion, there are many types of energy created by cosmic collisions. One of them is more subtle. If he does not observe carefully, even he can easily ignore it.

But which kind of special factor enters the body of a living being, which will accelerate the transformation and evolution of the living being and cause a jump in power.

People in the Land Abandoned by the Gods felt that they were changing slowly, but in Lu Chen's eyes, they were actually changing very quickly.

Because normally, if the gravity of the environment in which a person lives suddenly doubles, then it is not as simple as saying that the body feels twice as heavy. The blood supply may be insufficient, and even survival becomes a problem.

But the people in the Land Abandoned by God have no other negative symptoms except that they run a little slower, jump a little closer, and feel tired more easily. This means that their bodies have adapted to the new world almost as soon as the universe merged. density environment.

The same phenomenon also happened to Yamil and Krasnir. Yamil is not obvious yet, because his own strength is already high enough, and his attributes have not changed. Because he has lost the core of the world, he is just the same as before. .

Krasnir's progress has been great, and his comprehensive attributes have exceeded 300 points, more than twice as strong as before.

Chu Zihang also felt the effect of this power on himself, but he still failed to break through the ninth level. Breaking through the ninth level required extreme power assistance. It was just an evolutionary factor under the power of world fusion, which was not enough for him to break through.

The overall attributes of the little golden dragon have been slightly improved, which makes this fat dragon roll happily on the holy mountain.

Only Lu Chen, the person who personally led the fusion of the world, did not feel any changes, because he found that after those mysterious evolutionary factors entered his body, they were swallowed up by the secret blood of God, and it seemed that they had no effect.

But in any case, merging worlds does seem to bring great benefits. If several large universes can be fused continuously, Chu Zihang may be able to break through, and the little golden dragon can also grow a lot.

In addition, Lu Chen still had many tasks to complete, so he felt that he needed to take further action.

[Main mission: The secret on the surface. The first ring has been completed, and the reward is inheritance crystal. Complete*100]

[The next link of guidance has now been opened, please check it out as a pioneer. 】

Lu Chen received a reminder from the origin space. The first link of his main mission had been completed, because he had also observed other universes through the core of the universe during this period and confirmed the method of traveling.

As long as he activates the core of the world and controls the direction of the universe, he can connect with other universes. As long as the universes of the two sides connect, a tunnel like a huge hollow will appear, and Lu Chen can travel through there.

Normally, to complete this task, most explorers would find the core of the world, and then observe through the core of the world, plus their own reputation and influence in the world, to penetrate outwards, connect to other universes, and then travel through the passage when it appears.

This process is more troublesome, because they cannot gain the recognition of the core of the world, even if they kill the spokesperson of the will of the universe, and generally speaking, they cannot achieve that level.

Lu Chen is now relatively simple and rude, and directly convinces the core with reason. The core of the world is with him, and he can control this big ship at will and sail in the ocean of the multiverse.

He looked at his updated mission menu.

[Main Mission: Secrets on the Surface. Second Ring]

Mission content: Travel through the multiverse and continue the integration of the universe until the core end of the surface.

Mission Difficulty: Difficult~Death

Success reward: Start the next mission, inheritance crystallization. Complete*100

Failure penalty: -1 point for all attributes

The tasks in the new level actually have penalties, and all attributes are -1. It's not that all the main attributes are reduced a little, but it includes the luck attribute.

This meant that Lu Chen had no way out. He had to complete it, otherwise his luck attribute would basically return to zero.

It seems that he has fused and controlled this universe and has been taken into account by the space. The second ring mission of other explorers should not be so difficult, requiring them to reach the surface end point.

The closer you get to the surface core, the larger the universe will be and the stronger the creatures will be. This is too harsh for ordinary explorers and even pioneers.

You must know that the people who enter this time should only be the top eighth-level space figures, either pioneers or adjudicators. However, due to their rank, it is unlikely that their strength will reach the ninth level.

Of course, some strong people may have achieved a breakthrough after gaining opportunities after entering the supreme world.

Lu Chen was probably the only exception, with his eighth-level mark and ninth-level strength, he easily won the first world.

"How are you doing now?"

Lu Chen contacted Eri Yi and Xia Mi on the team's public channel to confirm their status.

"I am in a small world under the soil of the Supreme God. The cultivation environment is very good. I am practicing in a sect. There will be a sect competition soon. It is said that the winner can get an elixir, which should help me break through to the ninth level. ”

Eriyi replied that she was living a very leisurely life now. She practiced in this sect every day and looked at the flowers, plants and spiritual beasts. She felt carefree.

Her start was so good that she didn't need to worry about finding the superficial end point, and was directly taken to the real world by her seniors.

"Pay attention to safety. If there are no good development opportunities, just wait for us to go over and make peace."

Lu Chen warned, but he felt that Eryi should be much more comfortable than the few of them who were still working hard in the surface world. Lu Chen had also taken a look at the Supreme Divine Land before.

He really felt like that place was like, if you throw a pig there, you can become an immortal. The environment is so good.

"I have completed two rounds of my main mission. Now we are in the third universe. Brother Lu, you are not efficient enough."

Xia Mi's laughing voice came from the group frequency. Since she conquered the world of Hades, she has found a way to travel through several universes. Not all universes are powerful, and some of the strongest people in the universe are just Only at the sixth or seventh level, Xia Mi used to be invincible and was regarded as a god.

In this case, the reputation naturally rises very quickly, and the reflection of the legends in the universe is reflected in the nearby universe. That is, before the explorer arrives, there will be legends related to the explorer himself in that universe.

That kind of legend may be embodied in the form of myth. For example, some ancient tribes believe in the dragon totem and say they have seen the dragon god, but in fact there is no such creature as a dragon in this universe.

People from other tribes would laugh at the tribe with the Dragon God as its totem, saying that their beliefs were fictitious, but in fact everyone was just half-hearted. Most tribal beliefs were fictitious and just a kind of illusory worship.

The leader of those tribes that believe in the Dragon God did not make up this totem out of pure fantasy, but saw it with his own eyes. He may have seen the phantom of the Dragon God, or some kind of cosmic phenomenon, which led him to think I really saw the Dragon God.

In the face of the power of heaven and earth, or some kind of mirage-like illusion, primitive civilization could only think that it had seen God, and it turned into faith.

So the legends of other worlds were reflected in other universes, forming a medium.

Through this medium, explorers can travel through and gain a new identity.

"Brother Lu has taken control of the world. We need to determine your location in the universe and move forward after reuniting."

Chu Zihang said in the group channel that they have not been without action in the past two weeks. They have begun to move towards higher energy levels in the multiverse. Lu Chen did not bother to collide with those scattered small universes.

"Then I won't be able to catch the bus, right? The energy level of my world here is not high."

Xia Mi worriedly said that the initial world she came to was not as good as the old god pan-universe. After traveling around several worlds, she found that they were all weak worlds. It really gave her the experience of being revered as a female dragon god. pleasure.

"You try to move towards the high-energy world. When you stay, pay attention to the legends and myths of that world. If there are any related to Brother Lu, it means we are close."

Chu Zihang said.

"Is this okay? We may be far apart. If we are in front, how can we meet?"

Lu Chen said puzzledly.

"The multiverse is not network-like or linear. There is no concept of time and space in the gap zone. We are also walking in the direction of high energy levels, which may not necessarily mean that we are really close to the core. It is just that the probability is higher, and high energy levels The universe can always radiate the influence of legends to low-energy universes. As long as we pass through some universes, there will be legends about Brother Lu.”

Chu Zihang explained: "I want her to follow those legendary routes and keep up with our progress. Maybe if we are lucky enough, the intersection of the universe will change, and it is not certain that we will meet her in the next world."

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