Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1602 The Red Moon

After Lu Chen walked into the hall, there were a group of drinking explorers who were so frightened that they spat out the wine in their mouths, and some even coughed before they could swallow it.

These are the explorers who will come here to spend money. Most of them are not first- or second-level newcomers, otherwise there may be mass syncope.

In the space, it is absolutely not allowed to attack each other, but the natural emanation of temperament cannot be blocked. There is no substantial harm anyway. Being stunned in the space is nothing more than sleeping a little longer. For low-level people, It can also be regarded as a 'novel experience' for level explorers, which can enhance some mental resistance experience.

Therefore, Space did not give Lu Chen a warning in this regard. After all, the strong always have priority.

In fact, ninth-level explorers rarely come to the bottom of the World Tree, so most explorers may never see a ninth-level explorer in their entire lives.

The unwritten rule in the adventurer bar is that explorers of all levels drink in their respective locations. The place with the best environment in the deepest part is where the eighth and ninth level explorers are.

At this time, the area was very empty. There was a woman sitting there, as if lurking in the shadows. Her invisible aura kept people away. No one in the seventh-level explorer area was willing to sit.

Well, obviously, Leng Yue's charm isn't that great either.

After all, this guy is the one who can scare children to tears when he adventures with him in the land abandoned by the gods.

Not seen for many years, Leng Yue's figure seemed to have changed a little, and she actually seemed to have grown a few centimeters taller, reaching the height of 1.55 meters.

In addition, her hair has grown a lot longer. She used to wear a single ponytail, which only hung down to her neck. Now it has grown to her waist. The single ponytail hangs down, which not only does not make people feel cumbersome, but actually makes it look a bit more... elegant.

In terms of appearance, there is no change, but her face has gained a bit of age, and her eyes have become deeper. A pair of originally blue-purple pupils have now turned into calm black. This is not because she has lost her core ability, but because she has lost her core ability. The performance of deeper mastery.

Without the suppression of space, I believe her body must be full of blood evil energy. Even though she was in the origin space, Lu Chen could still see the faint red energy rippling on her body. She must have killed many people over the years, and No wonder it’s called the Red Moon.

In terms of can tell she is Leng Yue at a glance.

Lu Chen walked over unhurriedly. Leng Yue sensed something, put down the tea cup, stood up quickly, and said with standard courtesy, "Boss Lu."

Although Lu Chen's charm was terrible, and many explorers were frightened and wanted to leave as soon as he entered the door, he was still too eye-catching, because someone with such a temperament must not be an ordinary person, so many people still looked at him. Looking in the direction where it is.

The high-level explorers present were all huddled far away from Leng Yue, and they obviously knew who this person was.

At this time, they were shocked when they saw the legendary female evil spirit, Red Moon, acting like an ordinary ninja subordinate. She respectfully saluted the new mysterious man in black and called him boss. Everyone's eyes.

what's the situation?

In the Void Arena of the Origin Space, the ninth-level man ranked first, the theoretical strongest man, was actually saluting others respectfully and calling himself boss! ?

Could it be that before they knew it, a new strongest person was born in the origin space, causing the rankings to change?

But even if Scarlet Moon fell from the top of the list and became second, wouldn't it be so respectful to the first place?

"Miss Leng Yue is still so polite, please sit down."

Lu Chen replied with a smile and sat down with Leng Yue, "Why are you meeting here?"

Leng Yue is now a ninth-level explorer, so it stands to reason that he should also have his own house in the ninth-level area.

"I didn't move to the top of the World Tree, I still live in the leaves, and Kaka went to my place yesterday and is now very drunk, so I abandoned her at home."

Leng Yue explained, her tone still cold and emotionless.

"I see, that's Kaka's style."

Lu Chen smiled. He knew that Kaka and Leng Yue moved around frequently after they met. He didn't expect that their relationship would be so good after so many years.

Kaka is lucky, he can hug his thighs, and with Leng Yue taking care of him, it is normal that he has not died after so many years.

In the past two days, Kaka broke through the ninth level and returned to the ranks of explorers. He probably celebrated with rare friends in the circle. You can imagine Leng Yue looking at the drunk Kaka with disgust, and then put her away The scene of leaving it on the sofa and going to the appointment by yourself.

Leng Yue basically doesn't drink. She is a qualified assassin who pursues staying awake at all times, so even in a place like the Adventurer Bar, she just orders a pot of good tea.

"After all these years, are you still alone?"

Lu Chen took a sip of tea and asked.

"Rhine from the circus came to recruit me, but I am used to performing tasks by myself. In fact, even in the circus, tasks are performed separately. I don't think it is necessary."

Of course Leng Yue would not misunderstand Lu Chen's words and understood that Lu Chen was referring to whether she had joined or created an adventure group.

"Before I returned, I didn't expect that so many years would pass in the space. I thought I was invincible."

Lu Chen laughed self-deprecatingly, "But it's a good thing. It's better than having no one to cut."

Leng Yue was silent for a moment, not knowing how to evaluate Lu Chen's last sentence, "... Mr. Lu is really as enthusiastic about martial arts as ever."

"Only by fighting against the strong can you become stronger. After truly standing at the highest point, I'm afraid it will be boring."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Also, don't call me Brother Lu. Your overall strength is stronger than mine now. If you still think highly of me, just call me Brother Lu."

Leng Yue shook her head, "Boss Lu is different from us. There is still a gap between the strength that has been improved through time and the real invincible. I think respect is the key to making oneself aware of the gap. Only when you know the gap can you have a goal to work towards.”

When Lu Chen saw this, he didn't say anything more. Leng Yue was such a stubborn person.

"I have gone to Rhine to understand some of the situation. Let me tell you, there seems to be a new force that has emerged in space in recent years, and it seems to be quite strong."

Lu Chen asked, getting to the point.

When mentioning the Origin Adventure Group, Leng Yue remained expressionless. She didn't seem to have any emotional fluctuations because of the other party's repeated pursuit of her. She had already reached a state where she was not affected by external objects, and she was getting colder and colder.

She said calmly: "The Origin Adventure Group lacks respect, whether it is life or death, or the powerful people in history. They lack respect. They are too arrogant."

She glanced at Lu Chen and continued: "Boss Lu, some of your group of explorers who entered the supreme world have returned after hundreds of years, but you have not come back. As time goes by, the history of space changes. , many people think that you have been buried in the supreme world and become the dust of history.”

"In fact, after I entered the Supreme World, I knew that the tickets were issued with additional special tasks, and the maximum limit was a stay of ten thousand years. Then Boss Lu could not have fallen in the Supreme World. Time has passed and I haven’t returned yet, maybe I’ve found a way to go to the Supreme God’s Land.”

Hearing this, Lu Chen smiled and said, "You are quite confident in me. When Brother Lion saw me, he looked like he had seen a ghost. He might have thought I was dead."

Leng Yue said expressionlessly: "Rhine also has normal thinking. After all, it is not easy to change the time in the surface world. If you enter alone, there is no multi-world information exchange between teammates, and it is easy to encounter the time change. The bottleneck, as for reaching the core and going to the supreme divine land of the real layer, that is even more difficult to do when entering the supreme world for the first time.”

Speaking of this, even Leng Yue was a little curious and asked: "Has Mr. Lu arrived at the Supreme Divine Land?"

"It was quite troublesome in the past. It took decades. After that, I practiced in the Supreme God Land. The academic forces there have many avenue-level skills that can be obtained for free. It is a good place to collect skills."

Lu Chen said.


Leng Yue was also stunned for a moment, thinking that even if Lu Chen could reach the Supreme God Land, it would still take him nearly half of the stay.

If it only took a few decades to arrive, then Lu Chen's improvement in the Supreme World would probably be much greater than outsiders imagined.

After regaining consciousness, she continued: "That's why I said that the people in the Origin Adventure Group lack respect."

"What specifically?"

Lu Chen was curious.

"Thousands of years after Boss Lu left, Tianji Martial Saint entered the space and became a rising star. He advanced all the way and reached the peak of the eighth level in only seven or eight years. He founded the Origin Adventure Group and gathered together A group of powerful people are all special explorers at the same time as him, or at a similar time, and they are all in the limelight in the space. "

Leng Yue said, "At that time, there were quite a lot of legends about Mr. Lu in the nine dimensions. Many people called you Martial Emperor, and he called himself Tianji Martial Saint, because he believed that his advancement speed was not as fast as Boss Lu is slow, and he thinks he can do the records you have set.”

"Of course, at that time, he was still somewhat respectful. After all, Mr. Lu, you are the senior. It is said that your strength broke into the ninth level when you were in the eighth level mark. This is a rare situation, and explorers in all major spaces are afraid of it. With your strength, he didn't dare to say that he was the strongest at the eighth level, but then he went to the Emperor's World and also achieved a breakthrough to the ninth level when he was at the eighth level of the Explorer's Mark. From then on, he It’s already starting to expand.”

Lu Chen listened to Leng Yue's narration, which was much more detailed than Rhine's description. As an assassin, Leng Yue's intelligence investigation ability was obviously top-notch.

He said in a complimentary tone: "Isn't this pretty good? A motivated young man."

Leng Yue shook her head, "I'm afraid he feels that he is the son of destiny. Because of the lack of ninth-level powerhouses, in a short period of time, he almost became the number one powerhouse in the origin space. It was not until I returned that he became faintly He was overwhelmed, and the Tianji Martial Saint was not very high-profile at that time. He really started to let himself go five thousand years ago. "

"At that time, Mr. Lu, you had been away for four thousand years. In a place like the Supreme World, anything could happen. Since you haven't come back for so long, many people began to think that you had died. After all, explorers in space There is no way to obtain information about the supreme world. Even if we use tickets to enter, we will only be on the vast surface, and the chance of encountering it is very small. "

"The Tianji Martial Saint's origin adventure group was already very large at that time. They started to compete with the circus for people, and conflicts continued to break out in the mission world. Once, I also had a conflict with them. When they were surrounded by calculations, I laughed at them. He said.

When Lu Chen heard this, he was a little curious, "You actually still mock people?"

Leng Yue put down the teacup and said expressionlessly: "It's nothing. I just think the way he calculated against me was too dirty and slandered the title of Martial Saint. I said at the time, 'A real Martial Emperor would never use this kind of method. "You're not even close to the means," and then he seemed to get angry, and then he chased me for several worlds. "

Lu Chen asked with great interest: "What should the real Emperor Wu be like?"

Leng Yue looked at Lu Chen, hesitated and said, "Shouldn't we be upright and just go over there?"

Lu Chen was speechless. He didn't know whether it was a compliment or a mockery.

Seeing Lu Chen's silence, Leng Yue also changed the topic, "In short, because of this incident, the matter of Mr. Lu became popular in space again for a short time. Many explorers discussed whether Tianji Martial Saint and his former brother Of course Tianji Martial Saint would be displeased with which Emperor Slavut was stronger, because he believed that he was the new king of space. Even if he looked at the nine major spaces, there were only a few who could compete with the Origin Adventure Group, so he probably wanted to prove it more. own ability."

"Someone once heard in the Adventurer Bar that members of the Origin Adventure Group said that Emperor Wu had already fallen in the Supreme World. Even if he could return, he would be eliminated by history after too long a gap and would not be the opponent of their leader. . The so-called Emperor Wu is invincible because he has not met them. The undead of the old era are no longer worthy of being on the stage of the new era. "

Leng Yue said, helping Lu Chen add new tea.

"Huh, why do you think the more you talk, the more I feel old? Why am I becoming an undead from the old era?"

Lu Chen smiled and took a sip of tea, "Obviously I'm only over 700,000 years old."

Leng Yue's hand holding the teapot froze. She had already checked Lu Chen's comprehensive attributes when Lu Chen came. Although she had known about it earlier, she was shocked when Lu Chen said his age so straightforwardly.

Compared with explorers who have experienced so many years in space, Lu Chen's real age is still very young. Compared with Tianji Martial Saint and her, he is really much younger.

"This is not what Tianji Martial Saint said personally. The team atmosphere is like this. It can be seen that he should have said this in the group. In short, he seems to think that Mr. Lu's invincibility was blown out by the passage of time, but he did not Just meet him."

Leng Yue spread her hands, "But in the arena, he can't even beat me one on one."

There's more at noon

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