Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1603 Goal, perfect world

When Lu Chen heard this, he couldn't help but laugh, "Then where does he have the confidence? He is not the number one in the Void Arena, but he still dares to talk about being invincible?"

Leng Yue shook her head, "You can't say that. A discussion is always just a discussion. If it's a fight to the death in the mission world, I can't beat him."

"Oh? Do you have any explanation?"

Lu Chen wondered, it seemed that Rhine's information was wrong. After all, he had only fought against Tianji Martial Saint once. Tianji Martial Saint was afraid of the circus' back-up, and probably just wanted to force Rhine away, and did not use his full strength.

"His ability is special. Contrary to Mr. Lu, he uses Taoism to enter martial arts. Therefore, in the real big world, his strength will be even stronger. The Void Arena is just a reference. In fact, a real life-and-death battle will take place in the nine spaces. The top ten on the ninth level ranking list is a matter of life and death.”

Leng Yue explained, "I have fought against him more than ten times in the mission world, and every time I have been at a disadvantage. In addition, he is probably not acting alone, so he can only be driven away."

"Kill you, and he will be the number one person in the void arena in the origin space."

Lu Chen touched his chin and said, just as he wants that title, I believe Tianji Martial Saint also wants it.

For that kind of person, the title is probably secondary. What he needs is stronger prestige to recruit more powerful people and fulfill his ambition to unify the origin space.

"That's right. Whether it's in terms of reputation or because I once mocked him, he will definitely kill me. In fact, it did bring me a lot of trouble. There were several missions where the world was invincible. Return with success.”

Leng Yue said, "The most important thing is that he cannot accept that as the most special first-class person, he failed to kill me, a second-class special person, in the same place."

Lu Chen understood what Leng Yue meant. Tianji Martial Saint should be the pioneer, while Leng Yue was just the judge.

The current number one person in the Void Arena in the Origin Space is actually a judge, not a pioneer like him. Of course, Tianji Martial Saint cannot accept it.

It's not that the current origin space pioneers have become weaker, but that Leng Yue has become stronger.

Lu Chen could see that Leng Yue had received a lot of guidance when she was by his side. Now after years of experience, she has really become a completely different person. Her identity as a judge has not changed, because this is the contract she signed when she entered the space. , there is no change.

In fact, in terms of strength, Leng Yue is probably not inferior to any pioneers of the same level. This is a burst of potential for latecomers to catch up.

When it comes to getting stronger through cultivation, Space cannot just look at it at a glance. It can only say that Leng Yue may not be as good as the Pioneer in terms of potential initially observed, but in the end he worked hard and became stronger, and Space cannot say anything like, "Let's change the contract."

In fact, some Pioneers also died at low levels. The Judges can live to the ninth level, which is really not much worse than the Pioneers.

"Now Mr. Lu is back. Although he only met Lai Yin and me, as we walked along the commercial street at the bottom of World Tree today, news will probably spread. He will know your information, and I am afraid that the remaining respect will also disappear. It’s all gone.”

Leng Yue said again.

"That's true. I'm afraid he's quite disappointed in me."

Lu Chen smiled and said that he just felt that an eighth-level peak powerhouse walked in the Adventurer Bar. After seeing him, cold sweat continued to fall from his head, and then he used special detection tools on himself and checked his body. Attribute, he must be the person from the origin adventure group.

This kind of behavior is a big taboo in space. If you use investigation skills or props at will, even if everyone can't do anything in the space, a strong person may find a way to liquidate you in the mission world if he is weak-minded.

So it was usually just Lu Chen, old friends like Leng Yue and Lai Yin, looking at each other, and no one would use their investigative skills on strangers.

The explorer who was at the peak of the eighth level just now came and went in a hurry. After getting the information, he slipped away. Lu Chen did not stop him and pretended not to know.

"Big Brother Lu's comprehensive attributes do not seem to be very high, so Tianji Martial Saint will probably have several emotions, such as disappointment, exaggeration, thinking that the legend is nothing more than this, and then with his magnanimity, I am afraid he will find a way to eliminate it in the next world. Drop you because he can’t be sure of Mr. Lu’s growth rate.”

Leng Yue analyzed, but she did not dare to underestimate Lu Chen. She knew that even if Lu Chen's overall attributes were not high, no one knew the upper limit of his actual fighting power.

"Today's young people really don't care about martial ethics. Why do you still want to treat an old senior whose attributes are not as good as his?"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "If it were me, I would only wish for a strong person to come up and challenge me."

Lu Chen actually didn't have any objections to the Tianji Martial Saint's origin adventure group. Regarding their many provocative behaviors towards him and their disrespectful behavior towards his legend, he didn't feel any anger at all. He just felt that they were a group of junior children messing around.

As he said, he was actually happy about the rise of new strong players in the space. It was better than having no opponents, which would be too boring.

If the Tianji Martial Saint wanted to get rid of him, then in Lu Chen's eyes, the other party would have no ambition to be strong at all.

"His structure is smaller and far inferior to that of Mr. Lu."

Leng Yue said expressionlessly, not knowing whether he was flattering or not.

"But whether he is planning to get rid of me or not, the Origin Adventure Group and I are about to have a collision. According to Rhine's intelligence, they are preparing to attack the perfect world and penetrate the perfect world zone, which is where I have established Target, I still have some things to do and I can’t let go.”

Lu Chen took a sip of tea and said, "Do you want to come together? This is a good opportunity for revenge."

Lu Chen personally has no objections to the Origin Adventure Group. It's just a conflict of interest, but it's a matter of course.

It doesn't matter to Lu Chen that the younger generation of explorers look down on him, the former Martial Emperor, but you are wrong to hunt down my old friend because of various things.

"Of course, I have heard a little bit about this matter. I know that Mr. Lu will not give up on the perfect world, so I came to you to discuss it. I just want to go with you in the next world."

Leng Yue nodded and said, she was actually worried that Lu Chen would suffer in the next world because he had been disconnected from the origin space for too long and his comprehensive attribute realm was stretched.

As an old friend, I always want to help, because I want to be Lu Chen's bodyguard for the whole world.

But you can't say this clearly, otherwise it would be an insult to Mr. Lu.

Lu Chen couldn't tell anything from Leng Yue's paralyzed face, which was similar to Chu Zihang's. But regardless of whether Leng Yue had the purpose of revenge or not, it was a good thing that he was willing to go with him. At least the safety of their All-Heaven Sightseeing and Adventure Group could be guaranteed. Assure.

However, because he spent five free exchange opportunities to help Hui Liyi exchange for the treasure of destiny, Hui Liyi's combat ability is also extremely strong. Although they are all one-time means, if someone really attacks Hui Liyi, I'm afraid He will die miserably.

"Then it's settled, let's apply."

Lu Chen said with a smile, he was in a good mood after receiving strong support.

Leng Yue checked the records on the team application list and found that there was actually only one record. She had only temporarily joined the Zhutian Tourist Adventure Group.

The application was initiated and Lu Chen approved it in seconds, so Leng Yue became a temporary member of the Zhutian Tourist Adventure Group and could enter the mission world with them.

In a place like the Perfect World, in fact, if you directly rank it randomly, ninth-level explorers cannot be ranked. Although the interval span there is very large, early ninth-level explorers will be beaten to death, but ninth-level explorers are there. It is too easy to leave legends behind and obtain world positioning props, and there are many subsequent benefits in that world, so the opportunity to rank into a perfect world will not be given to ninth-level explorers in vain.

But if there are advanced world positioning props, it will be different. As long as it is used by the team leader, it will be fine to bring a group of people in, regardless of rank.

World positioning props are also divided into levels, and generally there are some restrictions. For example, in world zones such as the Perfect World, people whose strength exceeds the Immortal Emperor level are not allowed to enter through ordinary props.

Only extremely rare high-level world positioning props have no level restrictions. For example, Lu Chen's Legend of Martial Emperor can still go there even if he reaches the ninth level peak, although I'm afraid he won't need the world positioning props at that time.

If the Origin Adventure Group wants to capture the perfect world, it shouldn't be something that happens overnight. With the strength of their team, they can easily obtain ordinary world positioning props, but for the rare and advanced world positioning props, they may have prepared thousands of them. Years ago, an outstanding eighth-level peak pioneer obtained a rare world positioning item in that world and presented it to the group leader.

"I will stay in the space for a while and will contact you before departure."

Lu Chen stood up and said that he was going to take a look deeper into the streets of supporters.

"Then I'll wait for news from Mr. Lu."

Leng Yue also stood up, knowing that Lu Chen was leaving.

After the two parted ways, Lu Chen arrived at the dilapidated street not long after and saw the old man lying on the rocking chair smoking a cigarette.

What is different from the past is that there is not only one person here today, but also a young and beautiful woman who is squeezing Lao Wang's shoulders in a very filial manner. This woman is naturally Wang Ling.

"Hey, have you remembered to come see the old man?"

Lao Wang raised his eyes and looked at Lu Chen who was saluting. Wang Ling also greeted Lu Chen, "Brother Lu."

"It's time to disturb the family happiness of seniors."

Lu Chen laughed and said that he thought Wang Ling was a rebellious girl, but she was so filial.

But in fact, Lu Chen had a misunderstanding. Wang Ling came here today just to "gnaw at his old age", so naturally he had to be a good girl.

After taking a trip to the Supreme World, Wang Ling was filled with countless doubts. He wanted to ask his grandfather everything, but he stayed here for several days.

When she was little, her grandfather was so attentive in telling stories, but recently he rarely confides in her.


Lao Wang waved his hand and looked at Lu Chen, "Good guy, you are even more perverted than that kid Joker when he was young."

Lu Chen didn't feel that he was swept by the detection skills, but it seemed that he had been completely seen through, and he could only lament the gap in strength.

He is now completely sure that Lao Wang is by no means an ordinary supporter. He must have been the strongest ninth-level man in the past, but he retired for unknown reasons. The Lao Wang he usually sees may not be Lao Wang in his true form.

"Senior is so complimentary."

Lu Chen said modestly.

"Tell me, old man, come to my place. If you have any needs, since the Supreme World has brought my granddaughter well this time, I will satisfy any request that is not excessive."

Lao Wang slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said.

"Actually, there are a few pieces of equipment that need a little upgrade. I also want to ask the seniors..."

Lu Chen glanced at the cigarette rod in Lao Wang's hand and made a smoking motion with his hand, " there another source of all calamities?"

Lao Wang was stunned for a moment, then laughed and cursed, "You are addicted to smoking the source of all calamities, aren't you!?"

Lu Chen was a little embarrassed, but he also knew that it was something that normal people couldn't do.

"Don't think about it, that's all I have here. Old man, I have to remind you that if the source of all calamities absorbs too much, even your secret blood of God may cause hidden dangers. You'd better take it easy. If If you want to smoke it, for your current state, the dark and unknown substance in the perfect world is good. As long as it is pure enough and the amount is large enough, it will have some improvement effects. "

Lao Wang said angrily, "I can help you upgrade the equipment. It's free this time. It's an extra reward for taking my granddaughter to the Supreme God's Land."

The last time he helped Lu Chen rebuild his equipment, he had already estimated it. He knew that Lu Chen would undergo changes after coming out of the Supreme World, so there was room left. Lu Chen's armor suit and scabbard could be upgraded, and other equipment could be upgraded. There is nothing we can do.

"Thank you, senior."

Lu Chen was overjoyed when he heard this. He originally thought that there would be a huge expense, but he didn't expect that Lao Wang actually said that he would be exempted from the bill.

He handed the war mad suit and the scabbard to Lao Wang. After his attributes reach the limit, the effect of these two pieces of equipment will be weakened to varying degrees. If they are not upgraded, they will affect his peak combat power.

Lao Wang took the equipment, took a puff of dry cigarette, and said: "Your next world is probably going to the Perfect World. You'd better pay attention, those brats have quite luxurious equipment."

"Very luxurious?"

Lu Chen was a little confused.

Lao Wang smiled and said, "I made it."

Lu Chen was a little speechless, but after thinking about it carefully, Lao Wang was a businessman and had cooperated with the circus all year round. As an emerging super-large adventure group, the Origin Adventure Group would naturally find legendary blacksmiths like Lao Wang. Lao Wang could not always Customers are turned away.

"Senior, then I..."

Lu Chen paused, then grinned and said, "After you kill them, will you still recycle their equipment?"

Lao Wang was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, "It depends on the degree of damage to the equipment. Also, with your luck, can you explode the treasure chest of the dead?"

Lu Chen was choked and muttered: "How many can we produce, right?"

He thought to himself that Eri's presence would give him temporary luck and prevent him from exploding the treasure chest. Isn't that a bit unreasonable?

He changed the topic about luck, "It seems that the seniors are not optimistic about the origin adventure group?"

Lao Wang shook his head, "That's not the case. They are high-quality customers. Unlike you who want to get equipment at cost every time. If they were placed in the past space reincarnation, they would be considered an outstanding adventure group, but if they are with you It’s hard to say what the outcome will be.”

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