Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 369 Godzilla, I’m so hot

Chu Tianjiao's words woke everyone up.

This is an absolute blind spot, and no one has thought about it before!

Lu Lincheng is S-level, and Lu Mingfei is also S-level. As Lu Lincheng's biological brother, how could Lu Gucheng be an ordinary person! ?

"I remember that Junior Brother Lu is also from a dragon-slaying family. He seems to have mentioned that his father is also S-class."

Chu Tianjiao's words cut off the possibility of a final explanation.

Fingel frowned slightly, "That means that Junior Brother Xiaolu's uncle should be at least a B-level hybrid..."

What he said was already very conservative. Chu Tianjiao is an example. The children he gave birth to with an ordinary woman could barely reach A level.

The dragon bloodline is very domineering, far stronger than human genes. When the father's bloodline is very high, the dragon bloodline cannot be recessive. In other words, if an S-class child is born, even if it is with an ordinary person, it will be at least It will be a B-level bloodline!

But as far as everyone knows, Lu Mingfei's uncle is really an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary.

"One more thing, Junior Brother Lu should indeed have participated in the battle to encircle and suppress that boy, and then he disappeared. But according to Zihang, Lu Mingfei still lived with his parents when he was a child, right?"

Chu Tianjiao raised doubts one after another.

Chu Zihang analyzed: "What dad means is that whether Uncle Lu was alive or dead at the time, he should have immediately joined the doomsday sect and disappeared from there. Even if he brought Lu Mingfei with him, Lu Mingfei's childhood memories should be It is also in a safe haven, not in our hometown..."

His eyes were changing, "... there is something wrong with Lu Mingfei's memory... too!"

Problems appeared one after another, and everyone was a little shaken.

Lu Chen didn't expect that Lu Mingfei, who seemed a bit useless in the past, would actually hide so many secrets.

He had previously suspected that the other party was the Dragon King, and it seemed that his intuition was correct.

Even if Lu Mingfei is not the Dragon King, he definitely has a big problem.

Otherwise, why would so many major events and doubts surround him?

"We are very familiar with the power of modifying memory. Not only Lu Mingfei, but also the memories of his uncle and aunt's family have been modified. Originally, they may not have anything to do with Lulin City, but a new Lu Mingfei was added to the family."

Chu Zihang continued: "So, Junior Brother Lu, where did you live when you were a child?"

Everyone fell into silence. Rather than where Lu Mingfei lived when he was a child, everyone was actually more curious about how virtuous and capable Lu Mingfei was, worthy of Odin's intervention in modifying his memory.

Even like Lu Chen, modifying memories worldwide and reversing cause and effect.

Xia Mi was also thoughtful. She now felt that Lu Mingfei could no longer take the blame for her.

Lu Mingfei's problems have indeed been exposed now, but it has also proved in disguise that he cannot be the king of the earth and mountains.

Otherwise, Odin would have been stabbed to death by him long ago, so there would be no need to wait until now.

Modifying his memory and fostering him in an ordinary family is completely treating him as a useful "chess piece".

"It's not necessarily Odin's modified memory. Didn't Lu Mingfei forget Junior Brother Lu before?"

Fingel said, he felt that this conjecture also had contradictions.

Zero was secretly frightened as he listened, feeling that if everyone continued talking, they might pull off the boss's pants.

Lu Mingfei's situation was indeed not Odin's fault. Although Odin was strong, there was one person in the world whose memory he could never modify, and that was Lu Mingfei.

"Anyway, junior brother, I guess there is something wrong with my memory. It could be Odin or someone else, or it could be the boy who was crucified."

Lu Chen said, not that he was extremely smart, but the only two great gods who could connect with Lu Mingfei were Odin and that boy.

The other Dragon Kings either did not have this power or had no connection with Lu Mingfei.

If the boy who was crucified by Gangnir had a dream-like power, then it should be possible to modify his memory.

"Now I just want to know what Odin wants to do and whether He will show up next."

After analyzing for a long time, Lu Chen was most concerned about when he could kill Odin.

"He will come."

To Lu Chen's surprise, the answer was Zero.

Zero's face was expressionless, but his eyes seemed a little shaken, and he repeated again, "He will come..."

As the boss's subordinate, she was a bystander and had already guessed Odin's true intention.

Odin made a completely opposite decision to his boss. He may start the final trial for two people at the same time, so he will definitely show up.

Lu Chen looked at Ling thoughtfully, and finally smiled, "It's best this way."


Another three days passed, but the committee did not give Lu Chen a reply, and Lu Chen and others found no new clues to determine the fate of Lu Mingfei's parents.

In the dark night, in the cozy cabin, there were only Lu Mingfei and Qiao Weini at the dining table, and Lu Lincheng was working late at night again.

"Fei Fei, you don't need to listen to your father. No matter what monsters and monsters you have, you are still your mother's son. If you don't want to undergo incision, your mother can send you out."

Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei's absentmindedness and said.

Lu Mingfei smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm not worrying about this. At worst, just go find Senior Brother Lu."

He knew that his story had reached the ears of the committee, which had shown a strong interest in him as a man associated with the Nibelung builders.

If Senior Brother Lu hadn't been here, he might have been dragged into research even if his father was protecting him.

After eating, he sat on the sofa, put the mask that Senior Brother Lu had given him in his breast pocket, and tucked the pistol behind his waist.

For some reason, he felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart.

He was sure now that he didn't want to get rid of the little devil.

Putting everything aside, out of the purest kindness in his heart, he didn't want to "kill" a boy, not to mention he was very kind to himself.

But he felt that his father seemed to be in a hurry. He didn't know whether it was because of Senior Brother Lu's desire to take Gangnir, or because of the little devil in his mind. When he saw him in the past two days, he had already mentioned it several times, secretly or openly, to get rid of it. Planned.

Dad said that he hoped that after he became "normal", the family could live together again forever, and that no matter what the outside world, they would not be harmed.

But Lu Mingfei was a little resistant. He also wanted to spend more time with his parents.

But what he couldn't understand was that the home he wanted to return to the most in his heart was actually the home of his uncle and aunt?

He always felt that his current happiness was a little... unreal.

He listened to the sound of his mother washing the dishes in the kitchen, calmed down slightly, and prepared to get up and help his mother wash the dishes.

But the moment he stood up, he suddenly felt like the world was spinning, and everything around him was tingling like an old TV with poor signal.

Then, the things in front of me began to change, twist, and spiral, as if there was no end.

He held Kodachi tightly with one hand, took out the mask strap from his chest with the other hand, and rushed towards the kitchen in his memory, "Mom!"

But when he stepped forward and sprinted, he felt that his feet were empty. When he found his feet on the ground again, he was no longer in the house, but on the road outside.

Looking up at the night sky, the bright moon exudes an unusually blue light, barely able to illuminate this space.

The houses and roads were constantly shifting and twisting, as if there was a bug in the scene in the game, or as if he had entered a twisted maze.

"Mom! Dad!"

Lu Mingfei shouted, and the surrounding buildings shifted, but there was no echo.

He shouted that it was not the child who was afraid of calling "Mom", he was just worried that something would happen to his mother.

All abnormalities told him...the enemy was coming!

At the same time, Lu Chen swallowed the remaining half of the apple into his mouth and chewed it a few times.

He held Regicide in his hand, turned his head and spat the core to the ground aside, revealing his white teeth, and looked up at the sky.

"Is it finally here..."

He stood on a twisted street, and the buildings on both sides were dark, as if empty.

A moment ago, he was still at the dining table, receiving half of the apples that Eriyi had peeled for him.

Now there is no one around him, the dream is distorting, and everyone is separated.

At this time, he not only wanted to fight Odin, but he was also worried about Eri Yi who was separated from him, and he was also worried about his junior brothers and sisters.

He carried Regicide and ran quickly on the road, gravel splashing up and flying under the moonlight.

But no matter how far he ran or how many turns he turned, he couldn't see anyone, even if he entered the building.

Lu Chen walked into a Khrushchev Building. According to the number on the building, this was the building where they lived.

When the situation is unclear, give priority to meeting everyone.

After entering the building, the voice-activated lights came on and actually worked.

Regicide dragged on the ground, making a sizzling sound, which echoed with Lu Chen's footsteps. The building was quiet, like a forgotten world.

The light tube at the top made a flickering sound, flickering on and off.

After going up to the fifth floor, at the corner of the stairs, Lu Chen paused because he heard another footsteps.

He calmed down, prepared to attack, then stepped forward with a strong step, turned sideways, raised his hand, and then... put it down again.


Eliyi said in surprise, and stepped forward to give Lu Chen a hug.

Lu Chen patted Eli Yi's back gently, "Eri Yi is fine, but where are the others?"

Lu Chen wondered, was he the only one who was "teleported" away?

"Everyone is gone, and I just came back here."

Eri Yi took Lu Chen's hand and walked towards the room.

Back in Lu Chen's room, Lu Chen sat on the bed and thought deeply. Is this Odin's fault?

Even if there are problems in the Nibelungs here, weird things like this won't happen every once in a while. Otherwise, how can the "people" here "live"?

"Godzilla, let's wait here, everyone will find it again."

Eriki suggested.

"Let's wait and see."

Lu Chen did not refute. He felt that what Eryi said made sense. Instead of running blindly, it was better to wait at a landmark building.

If there is any big movement outside, such as Brother Chu releasing Jun Yan, he can determine the location.

Eriyi sat next to Lu Chen and took off her windbreaker, "Why is the heater so hot right now?"

Because of her good health, she didn't wear winter clothes in the haven, just a windbreaker over her shirt.

"Want me to go down and take a look at the boiler?"

Lu Chen also discovered that the temperature in the room had risen to 27 or 8 degrees.

Eriki shook her head, "I want to stay with Godzilla~"

As she said that, she unbuttoned two more buttons of her shirt, which seemed to make her feel cooler.

Lu Chen looked sideways slightly. With the neckline slightly open, the fair skin above the beige bra was looming.

The unbuttoning of the buttons seemed to have lifted some kind of restraint, and the mountains expanded wildly.

Eriyi leaned slightly closer to Lu Chen, lying next to Lu Chen's ear, exhaling like blue, which made people feel a little itchy, "Isn't Godzilla hot?"

Lu Chen was wearing sportswear, which was very elastic and contained only a single T-shirt.

"It's... not bad."

Lu Chen had an inexplicable feeling that Eriyi was horny at the moment. He was originally not hot, and his body could adapt to temperature changes within a hundred degrees without feeling uncomfortable.

But's a little hot.

"It feels like it's getting hotter and hotter..."

Lu Chen didn't look at Eli Yi, but suddenly he heard a rustling sound next to him, and then felt a huge warmth, which made him extremely hot.

Lu Chen felt a pair of delicate arms wrapped around him, the girl's chin was touching his shoulder, her red lips were close to his ear, "Godzilla, everyone is gone, I'm scared, can you hold me tight?" "

Lu Chen felt the heat coming from the right side spreading to his whole body. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and realized that Eri had actually taken off her shirt!


Seeing that Lu Chen didn't move, Eriyi pressed her closer to him and said doubtfully.

But Lu Chen suddenly stood up suddenly, looked back at the girl with charming eyes, and said coldly: "Who are you?"

Eriyi sat on the bed, holding her chest with her hands, a little confused, "I am Eriyi... Godzilla doesn't recognize me anymore?"

Lu Chen did not waver, closed his eyes slightly, and calmed down.

Opening his eyes again, "Eriyi has defeated me many times with her favorite Kula?"

Eriki was stunned for a moment, "Twice? Or three times?"

"Get out of here, I don't want to chop you."

Lu Chen said coldly that Eri's favorite female character in The King of Fighters was not Kura at all.

"Eli Yi" heard this and disappeared like a bubble.

"So that's it..."

Lu Chen said to himself.

He somewhat understood what was going on in this Nibelungen.

Mentally strong people will experience subconscious illusions to some extent.

He had seen Odin before, and when he thought about it carefully, he saw that the descriptions of Odin and Junior Sister Xia Mi were exactly the same.

It is obviously against the rules to come riding a horse through the air, and there should be no sound of horse hooves.

The reason why he saw Odin in that form was because Xia Mi had described it to him before, and he was anxious to have a fight with Odin, so he saw Odin's phantom at night.

In this case, it may be that you want to see someone, or you may be afraid of seeing someone. In short, it must be some strong idea in the subconscious that will distort this dream.

But because they are not the masters of dreams, they can only appear for a moment and then disappear like bubbles. It is a personal conjecture.

So Chu Zihang didn't see Odin that Xia Mi saw, nor did he hear the sound of horse hooves.

Then there are two questions...

One is, does Junior Sister Xia Mi really want to see Odin, or is she afraid of meeting Odin?

No matter what it is, she seems to have... something wrong, right?

The other is that he was anxious to see Eri when everyone was separated, so he saw Eri's "phantom"

No... this is no longer on the same level as the previous "Odin". Because of the "Rampage" of the Nibelungs, people's subconscious has become clearer and more tangible. "Eriyi" can even talk to himself. , perform certain behaviors.

However, judging from the failure of "Eriyi" to answer the questions correctly, dreams cannot completely read the thoughts in his mind in real time.

But the problem is...

Lu Chen looked down at himself, "Have I ever thought about that kind of thing subconsciously?"

He doesn't admit that he has such a wretched subconscious...

This is definitely Odin's conspiracy, manipulated by Odin to test me!

Besides, Eri Yi is underage, and Uncle Chu gave him an example a few days ago.

Calm down and think about it carefully. This "Eriyi" seems to have a certain degree of autonomy. Could it be a disguise of some special creature?

Are there mythical monsters that sneak into dreams and disguise themselves as acquaintances of the dream owner?

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The cold wind blows the fine snow and cuts through the girl's burgundy hair.

Eliyi sheathed her sword, and the "Lu Chen" in front of her was chopped into two pieces by Judgment. When it fell to the ground, no blood flowed out.

"Lu Chen" looked in disbelief: "Why, why? How did you find out?"

Eriki said seriously: "You and Godzilla have different smells."

"Lu Chen" looked confused. He didn't expect that he would be found out for this reason. He was not perverted enough to study the smell of Lu Chen's body carefully...

But it didn't expect that this girl would be so cruel as to kill herself.

Eriki walked past "Lu Chen" expressionlessly. Godzilla had vaccinated her before and said that if she saw a suspicious guy in her dream, she would be judged directly.

Eri Yi is much simpler than Lu Chen. She will not be disturbed by factors such as appearance. She only has one Godzilla, and it has nothing to do with appearance or other factors.

What's more, she felt that this person looked nothing like Godzilla. He looked a little vulgar when he smiled. Godzilla was much more handsome!

Humph, you actually want to come up and hug me, so I won’t let other boys hug me!

In another dream space, Xia Mi sat alone next to the basketball court, thinking about what to do next.

Suddenly she heard footsteps and turned around to find that it was Chu Zihang.

"Junior sister, are you okay?"

Chu Zihang said with concern.

Xia Mi didn't say anything, just smiled.

Chu Zihang pulled Xia Mi up, "But I'm so anxious. I feel relieved when I see that my junior sister is fine."

He looked at the distorted space with a melancholy look on his face, "Oh, I didn't expect that we would be the only two left now. This is the first time for us to be alone in this kind of environment."

He looked at Xia Mi again and said caringly: "Junior sister, don't be afraid. I'm here and I will protect you."

Xia Mi smiled and said nothing.

A trace of hesitation appeared on Chu Zihang's face, and he said: "Actually, I have something I have been keeping in my heart for a long time, and I have never dared to say it. It's just that the Nibelungs are going crazy now, and the situation is very critical. I'm afraid if I don't say it, something unexpected happens later. , there would be no chance.”

He seemed to be struggling for a long time, looking at Xia Mi affectionately: "...Junior sister, I want to say, I like you, no... I love you! Can you date me, the kind that requires marriage!"

Xia Mi couldn't hold it any longer. He held his stomach and showed no concern for the image of a lady. He laughed up and down, and finally stopped, with a pair of dazzling golden eyes lighting up.

She was obviously the lower one, but she seemed to be looking down at the person opposite. Queen-like majesty filled the world, "Just Mengling, for the sake of making me laugh, if I don't kill you, go away."

"Chu Zihang" was stunned for a moment, then tremblingly disappeared.

Xia Mi looked at the place where "Chu Zihang" disappeared, and said to himself with a smile: "It would be great if a real person could be like this..."

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