Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 370 Shutoku Mai and Fingel

On the dim road, the man paused.

He looked at the building at the corner and grabbed the long, oily knife with one hand.

He held his breath and stepped cautiously, his muscles all tense, ready to explode with force at any time.

A strong wind hit, and when the long sword was halfway out of its sheath, both sides stopped.

"It's you!?"

The woman opposite had released her speech spirit, with a look of surprise on her face.

Fingel also stopped, but his vigilance did not diminish, and he pretended to be frightened, "What the hell, why are you here?"

The woman standing opposite him was wearing a black tights, and the dim light could not hide her exquisite figure. Her long legs made even a supermodel feel ashamed.

Mai Shutoku took back the dagger in her hand, looking embarrassed. She originally thought that behind the corner was the deadpool sent by Odin into the dream.

"Same as usual, come here and deliver the letter."

Mai Shutoku said lightly that she didn't catch up and entered the Nibelungen a little late. As soon as she came in and repaired it, Odin started to take action.

In her memory, Lu Chen certainly didn't have a role in slaying the dragon in Arctic Bronze City, but she also went there. Now that she thinks about it, it was just her memory that was wrong.

"Junior sister, you don't have to be so disappointed when you see me, right?"

Fingel complained.

After the surprise, Mai Shutoku did show a trace of disappointment in her eyes. She was originally going to find Lu Mingfei, or Lu Chen. In her impression, Fingel, besides being better at mathematics... still seemed to be good at math. A useless dog?

"Senior brother, did you see anyone else on the way here?"

Mai Shutoku went along with the flow and continued to call her senior.

Fingel looked at Likudoku Mai and suddenly took two steps back, "I suddenly remembered that Junior Brother Lu said that this Nibelungen might be the place where the person he wanted to see could appear in his subconscious. You can't be lying, right?"

Mai Shutoku was stunned for a moment, looked at Fingel, and suddenly remembered that this was indeed the case, and sighed several times, secretly thinking that it was bad luck.

"Absolutely not!"

Mai Shutoku looked serious, "And you and I agree that it won't be fake. If it is, then I'm crazy."

"Let me just say, junior sister, although you are the ideal type of many people, I have never missed you..."

Fingel muttered, whether it was his subconscious hallucination or someone controlling some kind of creature to seduce him, the target should not be Mai Shutoku.

Mai Shutoku was a little unhappy after hearing Fingel's words, and thought to herself, "How dare you look down on me?"

Fortunately, it was easy for the two of them to identify themselves.

Fingel remembered that he had not answered the question, "Oh, I didn't see anyone else on the way here. Alas, I was eating. Fortunately, I listened to Junior Brother Lu and carried weapons with me these two days, otherwise it would be really stupid."

He looked at Mai Shutoku and asked: "So, what is going on here? Is there still danger? Isn't it just a dream?"

Jiude Mai looked solemn, "It's not as simple as you think. If we don't handle it well, even Lu Chen may die, let alone the two of us."

"Tch, who are you bluffing? I, Junior Brother Lu, can kill the Dragon King like a dog. What kind of lethality can a broken Nibelung root have?"

Fingel looked careless, but he was actually thinking rapidly in his mind.

"Is there no danger? This is a dream. Lu Chen's strength is always limited, but the imagination of the dream owner is unlimited. If he targets Lu Chen, he will not be able to gain favor."

Mai Shutoku explained.

"Oh? So, junior sister, do you know who the dream master is?"

Fingel asked rhetorically.

Mai Shutoku's expression was stagnant, "The Dream Master is not in charge of this dream now, but Odin is interfering here and has also sent Dream Spirit and Deadpool."

"What is a dream spirit?"

"A kind of dream demon, you can think of it as a special alchemy creature, similar to the sickle weasels you see in the subway station, except that they are illusory and can only enter dreams."

Mai Shutoku explained that she and Fingel knew each other's secrets, and besides, she was here to deliver the letter, so there was no need to hide it.

Fingel immediately looked around vigilantly, and when he saw that there was nothing, he breathed a sigh of relief, looking frightened, "Does the dream spirit have fighting ability?"

Mai Shutoku shook her head, "Generally speaking, there is no such thing. They were originally created for torture?"

"Torture? And torture in dreams? Dragon King is Naruto. You've watched too much. Want to learn Tsukuyomi?"

Fingel was puzzled.

Mai Shutoku was stunned for a moment, "What Tsukuyomi? Naruto?"

Fingel looked at Shutoku Mai and shook his head, "Junior sister, you are no good. As a female ninja, you have never seen such a masterpiece."

Only then did Mai Shutoku realize that she was probably talking about some kind of comic book. She spent her childhood training in hell, so how could she have time to read comics?

What's more, even if she knows how to read comics, she won't read anything related to ninjas.

Mai Shutoku said: "Although I don't know what Tsukuyomi you are talking about, this torture is different from what you imagined. Many dragons or people have stronger wills, and the physical pain is not enough for them to tell the secret. But if it’s someone he trusts, he might pour out his heart.”

"Damn it, are you so mean?"

Fingel looked around, "Odin won't let Dream Spirit test me, right? Send a group of Cuban ladies to place goblets in front of me? My willpower may not be so strong..."

Jiutoku Mai covered her forehead, she really got the lottery, even if she met Sanwu Niu, they could still discuss tactics.

Fingel looked around warily, and finally his eyes returned to Shutoku Mai, and said suspiciously: "Junior sister, are you the one sent by Odin to test me?"

The veins on Shutoku Mai's forehead showed for a moment, then subsided.

I am the best ninja. I have to be calm and not angry.

"Don't talk about this. We have to leave quickly. We can't stay in one place for too long, otherwise they will 'smell the smell'."

Mai Shutoku turned around and left, meaning she wanted to follow or not.

"Them? Dream spirits? Didn't Junior Sister say they would only test me?"

Fingel followed quickly.

"I said it was just a general situation. Odin has used some kind of power to affect the dream. Everything is changing. The dream spirit's strength will continue to strengthen. Even here, the false power shown can surpass Odin himself! "

Mai Shutoku held two ninja swords in her hands, ready to enter the battle at any time. "Besides, there are a large number of dead servants controlled by him who have also entered this dream. They are all troublesome guys."

"So that's it. Junior sister, what you are talking about...are those..."

Fingel pointed at the dense black shadows emerging from the road behind.

When he turned back to look at Shutoku Mai, he found that she had already run dozens of meters away, "Fuck, can you have some loyalty!?"


Chu Zihang and Ling were sitting in a booth at a fast food restaurant, facing each other. The two of them were like robots, looking at the code mercilessly.

After a long time, when Chu Zihang and Ling finished exchanging the last information, both of them relaxed slightly.

The person opposite is a real person.

And neither of them thought that if they saw an illusion, it would be the other person.


The grinding sound of sharp claws sounded next to the two of them, as if evil spirits from hell were struggling to climb up to the edge of the magma pool to reach the ground.

Outside the tempered glass of the fast food restaurant, a group of skinny, mummified Deadpools were scratching at the glass with their sharp claws.

The boys and girls sitting inside were still in the mood to follow the code and turned a blind eye to the dead waiters.

They are like cats surrounding a huge can, but they are instinctively afraid of the people sitting inside, so more and more Deadpools are surrounding here, but no one dares to attack.

Chu Zihang stood up and felt jealous. After the Seven Deadly Sins were withdrawn, he had a weapon to take advantage of. Lazyness lies with his father.

Zero sat quietly in the booth and pulled out a black military thorn from his sleeve.

The two pairs of golden eyes were more dazzling than the other in the dim environment, and they simultaneously turned to look at the group of Deadpools outside.

"Senior brother, do you need help?"

Zero said calmly.

"Give me twenty seconds."

Before Chu Zihang finished speaking, the arc of the sword rose and fell, and the tempered glass suddenly broke.

The vigorous figure rushed into the night, but it ignited a burning fire.


The huge black blade rose and fell, severed limbs flew in the sky, blood mist drifted with the wind and snow, and young men in black sportswear shuttled past without a drop of blood on them.

Lu Chen swung his sword with blood and drew a semicircle of blood ink on the ground. "Isn't this soft enough to be hard? But that's not possible."

He has heard Chu Zihang's description. It seems that these may be the Deadpool Legion under Odin. This is what Chu Zihang saw on the highway back then, but he doesn't know how they entered this Nibelung. root.

What made Lu Chen dissatisfied was that after these dead waiters fell into a dream, they were considered to be in a state of reality and reality, and they were not given any money after they were hacked to death!

After the initial panic, he has calmed down now. No matter what, an enemy of this level cannot threaten Eriki.

Even Junior Brother Lu would not be under much pressure if he encountered such a group of dead servants, with no more than 30 of them.

There were slight footsteps in the building nearby. Lu Chen turned around and saw that it was Chu Tianjiao.

"Is it Xiao Lu?"

Chu Tianjiao said warily.

"It's me. Odin shouldn't let Uncle Chu and I confuse each other."

Lu Chen smiled, it was always a good thing to meet someone of your own.

Chu Tianjiao glanced at the dead guards all over the floor. There were about fifty or sixty of them, and his doubts were eliminated.

"After seeing Xiao Lu and seeing the dream spirit, I thought that kind of alchemical creature had long since ceased to exist."

Chu Tianjiao sighed.

"Uncle Chu also saw it? By the way, what is Mengling?"

Lu Chen has finally found his backbone. As Brother Chu's father, he should know a lot, right?

"An alchemical creature that can enter dreams to confuse people. The one here is more advanced. It may be the reason why we enter the dream state. Some thoughts in our subconscious are exposed, and the dream spirit transforms into the person we want to see to confuse."

Chu Tianjiao shook his head and smiled bitterly: "But the method is very simple, because this dream is running rampant. The scene is based on the dream master, and logic must be considered when trying to confuse people."

He saw Su Xiaoyan, and there was no way he could explain it here, so he killed the dream spirit with one knife.

Lu Chen was a little embarrassed after hearing this. Although the co-authorship was not his imagination, it was also read into his subconscious?

No, no, no, this must be Odin’s conspiracy!

"I'm going to find the boy now and pull out Gangnir."

Lu Chen didn't gossip about what Chu Tianjiao saw and was ready to set off to end this farce.

He had already investigated everything tonight and was planning to tell Lu Mingfei the cruel truth tomorrow, but he didn't expect something like this to happen.

Although he wanted to give Lu Mingfei some mental preparation and a buffer, everyone's safety was the first priority. They came with him, and he had to be responsible.

"It's not that simple. I've looked at many areas. This dreamland has been split. We should no longer be in the original space."

Chu Tianjiao frowned, "We may be together by coincidence, but there is no way to meet other people in the dreamland."

"In other words, there may not be the place I went to before?"

Lu Chen suddenly felt that things were getting into trouble.

"Xiao Lu may have misunderstood the definition. The problem is not where the place is. The place you saw at that time may not actually exist. The boy and Gangnir should be in the deepest part of the dream now. We are looking for Can’t reach it.”

As an experienced executive, Chu Tianjiao felt that this matter had really become troublesome.

Especially since they can't get out now. If they are dragged in the dream, they may really die!

"Is there no way to break the situation?"

Lu Chen held the regicide on his shoulders and tried to decide whether he wanted to be violent or not.

Chu Tianjiao seemed to have read Lu Chen's thoughts, "Xiao Lu, you should save your physical strength. This is more troublesome than the traditional Nibelung maze. You can dream as you wish. This is probably the last Nibelungen you should come to. Because if the dreamer wants, an ant may become more powerful than God."

Lu Chen's heart tightened, and he finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

No matter how powerful he is, he can never compete with human "imagination".

"Now we can only hope that someone is in the 'Main Dream', very close to the deep place. Only that person can draw the gun, but I don't think Odin's such a decisive game will make people close to the deep place of the dream. place."

Chu Tianjiao sighed, "Let's look for it first. My analysis may not be correct. We can't sit still and wait for death."


Lu Mingfei ran wildly on the street, but no one could be seen, as if the world had abandoned him.

Everything is distorted and he can never reach the truth.

He stopped, took a breath, and sat on the steps thinking about how to break the situation.

The cold wind blew his hair, and the chill of the night penetrated deep into his bones.

He heard the sound of sharp claws scraping the ground, and turned to look at the alley in front of him on the left. A deadpool crawling on the ground poked its head out, with golden eyes shining on its mummy-like face, and its whole head turned a hundred times. At eighty degrees, he looked straight at himself with a sinister smile.

Lu Mingfei didn't wear a mask. Senior Brother Lu said that the 'energy' of the mask was limited, and he had to save it for critical moments before using it.

The deadpool landed on all four paws and sprinted towards Lu Mingfei like a hound.

Lu Mingfei did not stand up. He pulled out the source energy pistol Type IV from his waist with his left hand, raised his eyelids slightly, took aim, and fired.

The bullet approaching hypersonic speed hit the center of the eyebrow. Deadpool fell down and slid five meters away from Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei raised his left leg to put it on his head and kicked him to the side.

"Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

Lu Mingfei rubbed the soles of his shoes on the ground, scraping away the blood.

But the next moment, he saw countless Deadpools squeezing out of the alley like flies, and his expression suddenly changed.

"I'm just kidding!"

He got up and ran away.

Cassel Academy battle strategy: Don’t rush into a fight without knowing the number of enemies.

Lu Mingfei felt that if he put on a mask and used the Spirit of Words to kill those of the same level just now, it wouldn't be a problem to kill forty or fifty. After all, he found that after he turned on the Spirit of Words, his life was surprisingly hard, but what if there were more? ?

He glanced back while running and felt his scalp numb.

Not just more, it’s like there are as many sesame seeds on the sesame pancakes made by my mother!

It was roughly estimated that there were hundreds, and it was like he had poked a hornet's nest. New people were constantly emerging from behind the Deadpool group, and soon it was close to two hundred.

The people running at the front are tall and tall. At first glance, they are the elite of Deadpool. They usually have good nutrition.

"It's fatal!"

At this moment, he could not save himself, and Lu Mingfei had no time to think about where his parents were, so he could only run for his life.


At the same time, Fingel and Mai Sutoku were trapped on a water tower, and the stairs and passages below were blown up by a portable bomb carried by Mai Sutoku.

On the top of the tower, they were chopping up the dead warriors who were climbing up with their claws embedded in the wall. One of them kept yelling and cursing, and the other was silent and had a pretty face dripping with sweat.

"It's over, don't just crawl towards me. Can't you see the beauty over there? She has a slim waist, long legs, smooth muscles, and the meat is definitely much more delicious than mine!"

Fingel was cutting down or hitting something that could be moved, and he was talking nonsense.

Mai Shutoku rolled her eyes, "Shut up, it's not easy here at all, okay!?"

The two of them had been running wildly until now, and had been fighting at high speed for nearly 20 minutes. Their physical strength was at the bottom, and Fingel was also panting at this time.

Finally, as the number of deadpools increased, the two of them could no longer take care of themselves.

This water tower is very large, with a radius of nearly five meters at the top. Fingel and Mai Shutoku always look at one side of the tower, so there are always some omissions.

The two began to retreat as the group of Deadpools had climbed up the water tower, and eventually a man and a woman were surrounded back to back.

The Deadpools were not in a hurry to attack, but seemed very excited. The sound of baby-like cries echoed throughout the world, and two Deadpools with membrane wings were still flying above their heads, as if celebrating a successful hunt.

"Hey, what about that trick you used last time? Hurry up, or you'll die if you don't use it again."

Fingel pushed back.

"That's easy to say. I'm working overtime on a business trip this time, and my boss doesn't support me! If you have any tips, use them quickly. If you don't, I'll take the first step."

Mai Shutoku spoke very quickly. She did not expect that the rampaging Nibelungen would be so dangerous. She was not good at group fighting at all, but assassination was okay.

As for taking the first step, it doesn't mean that she can still run, but she doesn't want to be killed by the Deadpools alive after fighting until she is exhausted...

Facing the group of Deadpools who were getting closer and closer, Fingel surprisingly stopped talking nonsense.

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