Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 829 I ask again, do you want to buy your life?

Lu Chen stretched his body in the air, and the waves on the bloody clothes gradually calmed down, and his clothes were not scratched because the dark attribute shield generated by the "from darkness" effect of the Duke of Killing had not yet been exhausted.

He put one hand on his neck and turned his head. A sour crackling sound came from his bones and flesh. His blood became more prosperous. He looked at the seventh-level explorers of the fairy space, indicating that the warm-up was over.

This was his first battle after the Martial Emperor cultivated to the Saint King Realm. It was rare for him to have some opponents to practice with, so he naturally wanted to test the various limits of his body.

At present, it seems that unless a mage of Lux's level formally chants a powerful forbidden spell for a long time, it will be difficult for him to cause effective threatening damage to himself.

This small instant skill may be able to penetrate his blood evil fighting spirit before he breaks through, but now it can only be said to be scratching an itch.

Although his attributes are somewhat suppressed, there are too many deep bonuses in his body. As a skill, Blood Fiend War Spirit is rated SS-level by Origin Space, which itself has a 50% damage reduction effect of all types.

Unlike the main tank that he killed, he can use it for many days if he wants to use it in this state, and because it is a skill he developed himself, there is no such thing as a CD.

At the same time, the Martial Emperor's Scripture granted him a high amount of soul and life source blessings, improved endurance and resistance, and also had the effect of reducing the control of the soul.

Unless the explorers practice a system that is as outstanding as his, and go out on their own path to continue to achieve perfection, the invisible gap between him and his opponent will be huge under the same attributes.

Lux's beautiful eyes widened slightly when she saw Lu Chen. She couldn't understand that the other party didn't dodge her skills, but his clothes weren't even scratched!

The opponent's temporary physical attribute is only 182 points, how could he be so weak! ?

Even main tanks that focus on defense cannot ignore her spells like this.

And Fairy Feng was trembling beside her. When she was caught by the man's peripheral vision, she felt a bloody giant beast rushing towards her, carrying an endless aura of fear.

That was the effect of the strange characteristics that Lu Chen absorbed. Although he was very reluctant to admit it, after absorbing the eyes of Haquist, the old god who represented fear, his charm declined again...

And although he used the God Eater Ring to swallow up the will and divinity of the ancient gods, his strange origin characteristics have not disappeared. If he does not conceal his aura now, coupled with the fear halo effect of the Duke of Slaughter, I am afraid that he will not be much in the eyes of others. good.

If Fairy Feng still had room to complain, she would really like to express her feelings. In her eyes, Lu Chen was not only unhappy, it was as if she was facing an indescribable ancient god!

Lu Chen's body sank slightly, his eyes locked on the people of the Glorious Adventure Group. The people in the darkness were unwilling to come out, and he was not that patient.

Warm-up is over and it's time to settle the battle.

The secret of writing was opened, and Lu Chen rushed straight towards the chain cages of holy light in the void.

The active skill "Go Forward" activated, Lu Chen's figure became illusory in an instant, and at the extreme speed, he missed the cage.

In the eyes of Lux and others, his speed suddenly increased, and his sudden shuttle out of the cage caught them by surprise.

"Captain, we..."

"Shut up!"

Lux could see the fear in Fairy Wind, but the man in front of her was extremely fast. It would take time to cast teleportation spells at this distance. If they retreated directly, they would be hunted down, and that would be a real defeat.

Her mental attributes were relatively high, so she was not much affected by the man's fearful aura, but she still felt inexplicably terrified.

The staff's skill was activated again, and in conjunction with her, she instantly shot out a cloud of white mist. At the same time, she led her teammates back, trying to distance themselves and continue kiting.

Lux saw that Lu Chen had just used some kind of shuttle skill that could ignore the collision volume. The control skill used this time was of course special. It restrained the soul. She couldn't bet on whether the opponent's skill could be activated continuously.

Lu Chen faced the ball of white holy light that was shrouding him. He did not dodge or slow down. Instead, he stepped on the empty space. The air was collapsing, and he was shot backwards like a cannonball, making bursts of air explosions. A deafening roar erupted from the ground, bringing up debris and sand that shot up into the sky.

The effect of "Being with the Wind" works perfectly with the Xingzi Secret, and the speed is once again increased by 20%, making him like a red stream of light in the dark night.

Before intersecting with the white holy light, Lu Chen's face was expressionless, and his martial arts eyes seemed to be able to see through the obstruction and lock Lux's position.

Seeing that the white holy light was about to come into contact with Lu Chen, Lux breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment, her eyes widened.

The man in black appeared in front of him almost face to face. A pair of red ghost eyes looked at him in the gap of time, with cold and boring murderous intent.

The holy light barrier rose, and Lux ​​wanted to cover herself and the three remaining teammates.

But the man seemed to have everything under control, without stopping at all. He held the dark weapon with both hands, and the black python that covered the sky soared in the nine heavens. The python's head was facing downwards, spitting out scarlet snake letters, and making a silent roar. .

The whole body's strength was poured into it, and the sword was retracted and released, and a horizontal black line appeared between the sky and the earth, stretching thousands of miles. It was the collapse of the void and the division of the soul.

A man carries a charging attitude and moves forward indomitably. If there is a mountain in front of him, he will break up the mountain. If there is a sea in front of him, he will cut off the sea. If there is a person in front of him, he will cut off the soul!

After the sword passed, the sky and the earth were clear, and only the red sun shone in the sky. Countless residents of the Sistine Empire got up late at night, looked to the northeast, and were shocked by the sun rising in the dark night.

The ultimate intention of the God of War - Gonggong!

In front of Lu Chen, three explorers were cut in half, and the indestructible sword force ravaged their bodies. Their health points dropped to nothing in just half a second, along with the death of their souls.

Only Lux's barrier blocked him for a moment, and he used the space shuttle skill to move back dozens of miles. The blue clothes around his waist were cut open, revealing the white water snake's waist and the gurgling red liquid left behind.

Lu Chen didn't pause at all. After releasing the "Sprint to Death" skill of the boots, he would gain an additional 40% movement speed bonus within 30 seconds.

With the cooperation of Shangxing Zizi, even Peter may not be faster than him during this period of time.

The distance of dozens of miles came in an instant. Facing Lux's control skills, he dodged at extremely high speed, and the white mist almost wiped his clothes.

The ear-piercing sonic boom roared between the heaven and the earth. After getting close, Lu Chen didn't give the opponent any chance to breathe. He broke the shield with one sword and cut off the body with two swords. The dark sword light flashed out again, and the blue mage hat accompanied the base. Fly up.

There was still shock in Lux's eyes. Everything happened too fast. From the time Lu Chen walked out of the cage to the time he rushed in front of them and to the time he killed herself, it took less than a second.

Even the fairy space explorers who were watching the battle in the distance did not react. When they saw the situation on the battlefield clearly again, the Glorious Adventure Group was already wiped out!

The invisible force shattered this beautiful woman's head and wiped out her strong spirit. Lu Chen swung his sword in the air to revive blood, and said lightly: "Is this the mage?"

At the same time, he received a prompt from space.

[Reaper triggers, Pioneer gains 329 True Spirit Soul]

Lu Chen frowned, something was wrong.

If you triggered the Reaper once when you killed the opponent's main tank, it was an explosion of character accumulated over the years, then what happened this time?

You must know that the probability of the Reaper triggering is only 5%, which is almost non-existent for you!

And he killed six people and actually triggered it twice! ?

In the distance, the supporters of the origin space saw this scene and couldn't calm down for a long time.


Then there was another gasp, "Damn it, Mr. Lu is so awesome, he is the one playing along."

"We've got it, we've got it, we can dig the fertilizer mine!"

The petite female supporter was jumping up and down in excitement.

"Young lady with long legs, you will not deceive me. She really has the thickest legs. It would be great if the world can see her in the future."

"Getting rich depends on mining," said with emotion, their supporters like such clean thighs, and the profit sharing is secondary. The main thing is that mining itself can bring them happiness.

Ah no, the point is to improve their collection skill level.

The supporters in the Origin Space were overjoyed, but the supporters and explorers in the Fairy Space felt very embarrassed. It would be better to say that they were trembling and on the verge of crying when the man came towards them.

The Glorious Adventure Group is the strongest among the seventh-level explorers in the fairy space. Even they have stopped working, so what else can they do?

Lu Chen landed in front of these explorers of the fairy space, restrained his aura, turned off the fearful aura of the Duke of Killing, and then showed an extremely kind smile.

He was sure that it was a perfect smile, and Eri had praised him for his charming and brilliant smile.

"I ask again, do you want to buy your life?"

Lu Chen stepped forward, patted a sixth-level explorer on the shoulder, and pointed behind him, "I am very willing to be kind and make money to give everyone a chance, but they don't take advantage of it. What do you think?"

The sixth-level explorer trembled, "Big boss, where are you from? I can sign the contract."

Lu Chen was very satisfied and looked at the other explorers and supporters, "What do you say?"

As the first person started, the supporters were the first to collapse, raising their hands one after another, "Boss, spare your life, I, we will pay for it."

Lu Chen smiled happily and said, "Let's do this. Each of Xiao Liu will have five big ones. If you don't have any, you can pay for it with something else. Ayuan can just hand over all the mines you dug."

Although there are no non-spatial natives here, Lu Chen still has to be cautious when speaking. If some terms are banned because they violate taboos, then it would be an unjust death.

His terms are all understandable to explorers. "Big" naturally refers to the crystallization of inheritance. Big.

As soon as these words came out, all the sixth-level explorers present felt as if they had eaten overnight. Five inheritance crystals were not a small amount. They were equivalent to the income of most of the world, and who would have so many ready-made? Used it long before entering the world.

"Boss...can you pay me back if I owe you?"

A sixth-level explorer asked awkwardly.


Lu Chen frowned and looked at the explorer.

Suddenly, sweat broke out on the explorer's forehead and he waved his hands repeatedly. He felt as if he was being stared at by the old god Haqulsert.

"I-I'll pay for it with something."

He quickly started rummaging in the storage space.


Lu Chen nodded, letting the explorers and supporters present feel relieved.

There was a lot of noise in the battle just now. It can be said that half of the Sistine Empire should have seen it, but no night watchman has come until now. It is because he made preparations in advance.

Not only did he tell Ji Wu Jiu about his travels, he also told the people in the local provincial church that he had tracked down some of the heretics in the Yong Ye Church, and that a war might break out in the future, so they should stay away.

The "war" mentioned by a Dawn Knight certainly made those night watchmen who were at most high-risk level tremble. Naturally, they obeyed the orders honestly and would not interfere in the affairs within the territory.

"Boss, boss, our mine...mine only belongs to you."

A supporter raised his hand tremblingly. The mining rules of all major space supporters are similar. 90% must be handed over to the space. After that part is dug out, it will be stored in the storage space and cannot be stored. taken out.

What they can use in the transaction is only their own share, which is one-tenth.


Lu Chen looked at the supporter, and the scene suddenly became silent.

The supporters were on the verge of crying, "Big brother, we really can't get it out."

Lu Chen thought about it and heard from the supporters of Origin Space that these supporters should have mined nearly half of the mining area. Even if they could only contribute one-tenth, it would probably be nearly ten kilograms.

According to his last experience, these special metals are extremely valuable, and ten pounds is definitely a good income.

After pondering for a moment, he nodded, "Okay, signed for delivery."

He took out a blank contract. Space does not restrict explorers from trading with people in other spaces, and both spaces will be fair at the same time.

Although there is a competitive relationship between various hot spaces, the transaction process itself is also a special kind of competition.

Soon, Lu Chen and more than fifty people signed a contract, including thirty-three sixth-level explorers and twenty-one supporters.

The content of the contract is that the explorers hand over five inheritance crystals. The back-up personnel hand over all the mineral metals they can take out. Lu Chen promises to let these people leave today and not to harm them within a natural month.

There is a way to do this active damage. In other words, if someone tries to commit suicide to attack him, Lu Chen can certainly kill them without any scruples. This does not violate the contract.

Most explorers don't have that many inheritance crystals on their bodies. Five inheritance crystals are often enough for them to strengthen their skills or bloodline once. Even if they have any left, they are less than three, so many explorers simply get equipment in the end. Come and arrive.

Lu Chen was satisfied with collecting pieces of mythical equipment. Some of them had very good attributes and could be used by Eri Yi and the others.

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