Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 830 Violators

In the distance, when the supporters of the origin space saw this scene, they all felt as if they were in a state of shock.

They think that as survival masters, they have dug mines in various worlds and have reached this level. What scenes have they not seen?

But today's scene... they have never seen it before.

When had the explorers of their space of origin not been suppressed and beaten by other spaces in the big world? What did they see today?

My boss has defeated the seventh-level adventure group opposite and is still collecting protection fees!

Those rampant explorers of the fairy space are now nodding and bowing in front of the boss with trepidation. They really look... so happy!

"Come on, let's go mining. Why are you standing there?"

"Live without being embarrassed" urged, touching the cover first, then taking out an aircraft and asking everyone to "get on board"

Not long after, using high-tech aircraft, they arrived at the location of the mining area.

The group of explorers from the Fairy Space felt extremely disgusted when they saw the supporters from the Origin Space jumping off the aircraft in a majestic manner.

And then they were shocked to discover that this was actually the boss of the origin space. When did the origin space have such a powerful person?

"It's your turn."

Lu Chen shouted to the supporters in the fairy space, and the supporters began to line up to hand over the minerals.

To Lu Chen's surprise, there was not only one special metal in this mine. In addition to Shia vibranium, there was also a metal called Clark's Green Gold, which was also fairy grade, but in smaller quantities.

The two special metals are fairy-level materials and have very high ratings. Shia Vibranium has a rating of 880 points, while Clark Green Gold has a rating of 900 points. They are definitely top-notch materials.

Lu Chen verified it in the storage space and found that he received a total of 9,049 grams of Kshia vibranium and 2,131 grams of Clark green gold.

He suspected that the value of these rare metals might even exceed the equipment and inheritance crystals that the explorers handed over to him.

The supporters looked at the big guys collecting protection fees, and none of them looked enviously. This was what the strong deserved, and they were about to start mining.

The clients who paid the protection fees left one after another, never wanting to stay in this sad place again.

The supporters of the Fairy Space were like mourning their heirs. They worked hard for months, but in the end they had nothing. The remaining rare metals in the storage space had to be handed over to the space.

After Lu Chen finished tapping the harvest, he smiled and waved to the explorers, "Happy cooperation, see you next time."

Those explorers staggered, thinking that if God comes again next time, they never want to see this bandit again in this life.

But when they escaped from this area, they felt a little relieved. Thinking about it carefully, the origin space explorer named Lu Chen was quite good.

At least it makes sense, as long as you pay money, you can survive, unlike the perverted embryo killers in some dimensions who just want to kill you and open the treasure chest of the dead to gamble with dogs.

Lu Chen took out the mining area's convergence device and used spiritual power to press it towards the mining area. After activation, he could sense that the mineral veins were being absorbed by the convergence device, which took about three minutes.

He has always been very efficient in doing things. He spent five minutes with the Glorious Adventure Group and only took three minutes to collect the protection fee.

Duke Slaughter's wild hunting effect can last up to six hundred seconds, and he is still in combat mode.

"You go first into the mining area convergence device."

Lu Chen said to the supporters, looking towards a direction in the darkness.

'Getting rich depends on mining' wanted to ask, but was stopped by 'Live without fussing', and he suddenly understood that there were actually enemies here!

"Are you going to take action? If not, just pay the money."

Lu Chen said coldly, and the martial arts eyes opened, revealing a dark place three hundred miles away in the west. Behind the cover were five seventh-level explorers, who were obviously not from the origin space.

"This friend was joking. We were just passing by to see the situation in the mining area here. There is no hostility."

The lurking was exposed, and the leader was a man with long black hair shawl, wearing a green robe. He smiled and replied, and his voice came from the wilderness, with almost no time difference.

Lu Chen felt relieved when he saw that all the supporters had entered the mining area's convergence device and that their safety was guaranteed.

He currently owns the mining area converger. As long as he waits for the mining area to be absorbed, he can put it into the storage space at any time. This thing is extremely strong and will not be affected by the attacks of the explorers.

So he stepped on the secret script, and the distance of three hundred miles disappeared in an instant, and he came to the five explorers.

Immediately, the team immediately tensed up and everyone was in a state of preparation.

The leader, the man with long black hair, raised his hand and stopped the movements of his teammates. "Friends, we have no intention of doing anything. We are really just here to take a look."

Lu Chen sneered: "Look? From the beginning to the end? Or are you waiting for my state to end?"

"Mr. Lu is joking, how dare we attack people like you? I know your special characteristics. Let me introduce myself, Shao Tianfeng, from Zhongyan."

A gentle force from Shao Tianfeng's hands made his teammates stand back and negotiate with Lu Chen.

"you know me?"

Lu Chen frowned.

"The name of Mr. Inland in the Qualification Competition has spread everywhere. Of course I have heard about your characteristics. After watching the battle just now, I am even more sure that you used the method of covering the sky."

Shao Tianfeng's expression was unstable, but he was actually under tremendous pressure in his heart. Only when this man came close to him could he feel the trembling from his soul, arousing the instinctive fear of life.

"You have good eyesight, but forget it if you just come to take a look. The purpose of your coming is clear to both you and me. As the saying goes, those who see are rewarded..."

Lu Chen glanced at the five explorers of the Final Space and stretched out his hand, "Five pills for each person."

The corner of Shao Tianfeng's mouth twitched, this is so ridiculous!

He who sees God has a share. Did you use this proverb in this way?

Reckless man, uneducated, really terrible.

There was a commotion among the teammates behind him, but it was suppressed by his eyes. The strength of their adventure group was not as good as that of the Glorious Adventure Group. Even the Glorious Adventure Group was defeated. Their fight at this time would not end well.

"We'll pay for it with a piece of fairy equipment. Is Mr. Lu satisfied?"

Shao Tianfeng negotiated that when they spoke, they were naturally in a special force field and their voices would not be transmitted outside. Otherwise, this conversation would look strange to the natives.

"Okay, sign it."

Lu Chen took out a blank contract. Ever since he opened the door to the new world, he always kept a lot of blank contracts from the origin space with him in case of emergencies.

This is the quality that a person who "runs business" should have, and is always ready to provide the best service to "customers".

Shao Tianfeng felt a little pained, but he still took out a piece of fairy equipment that was currently not used by his team. It was not obtained in the land abandoned by the gods, because it still needed certification, and he did not dare to fool the murderer in front of him.

Lu Chen took the necklace and looked at it. It had good properties and was a certified product. He put it away with satisfaction.

"That's right. Let's go to the road. I'll give you a discount next time."

Lu Chen nodded. Shao Tianfeng and others had strange expressions, but they did not dare to say anything.

"Mr. Lu, let's go now. If there is a chance, we can consider cooperation in this world. This is our contact information."

Shao Tianfeng made an ancient salute to Lu Chen, then handed something in the shape of a mobile phone to Lu Chen, waved to his teammates, and left in the distance.

Lu Chen took the "mobile phone" and found that it was a special communication device produced in space. It could be used in all worlds, but it could only make calls to the paired "mobile phone".

When the people in the End Space left, Lu Chen did not return directly to the convergence device in the mining area. Instead, he stood quietly on the ground, closing his eyes and sensing the void.

The people in the Final Space were exposed the moment he killed Lux. Because of their emotional fluctuations, the energy in the bodies of these explorers was agitated, so they were discovered by him.

But Lu Chen felt that the sweeping glance in the shadows was not from these people.

Shao Tianfeng and his party were not a threat to him. They were not as powerful as the Glory Adventure Group. His keen spiritual sense told him that the existence in the darkness was stronger.

Lu Chen counted down silently in his mind, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five... When the count reached zero, the wild hunting state in him was lifted.

Almost at the same time, he felt a chill in his heart. He suddenly turned around and slashed out to kill the king, intersecting with a gray tentacle, causing the sound of gold and iron clashing.

Lu Chen's whole body was boiling with energy and blood, and the Emperor Martial Sutra was emitting a red light, illuminating the figure in front of him.

This is a monster wearing a cloak. Countless tentacles emerge from under the cloak. It can be seen that the inside of the cloak is not a physical creature, but a dense gray mist.

Those tentacles solidified into a form after leaving the range of the cloak. Both in terms of strength and speed, they were able to dominate Lu Chen at this time.

No, even if he was in wild hunting state, his attributes were not as high as the creature in front of him.

The cloaked creature leapt back, and Lu Chen also backed away without any effort, his concentration reaching its peak. This was a troublesome enemy.

Although his sword was struck in a hurry, it was very powerful. The opponent seemed to be fighting lightly against him, and the invisible sword intention disappeared like a stone after entering the gray mist.

"It's really different. You are different from the people before you."

There was a sound coming from the gray mist, like an electronic synthesis, with the scratchy sound of some old tapes.


Lu Chen frowned. He was not reminded of his ruling mission, but the opponent was already in front of him.

"It seems that you are indeed here to hunt me, but you...are different from the previous ones."

The gray mist flowed slowly, and it seemed as if a pair of invisible eyes were examining Lu Chen, "You are the sixth level... No, it's strange, are you the fifth level?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised. The other party seemed to be able to see his mark level. He was indeed a pioneer at the peak of the fifth level. If the person in front of him was just guessing, he would never guess that he was at the fifth level.

This is because there are almost no fifth-level explorers entering the Land Abandoned by the Gods. The reason why I say almost is because the explorer marks of Chu Zihang and Xia Mi are still fifth-level, but in fact they are already sixth-level in strength.

"Why would space send a fifth-level adjudicator to hunt me down?"

Gray Mist's voice was full of confusion, and seemed to be analyzing on its own, "So... you are... a pioneer."

The other party said those taboo terms unscrupulously. Regarding the adjudicator and the pioneer, it is an absolute taboo. Even if it is mentioned to people in the space, it cannot be mentioned, otherwise it will be punished by attribute attenuation, and in serious cases, it will be obliterated.

Therefore, when Lu Chen faced the Pioneers or Adjudicators, their conversations were very cryptic. Even if they were peers, the information could not be disclosed directly.

But the gray mist in front of him was very calm, and seemed not to be affected in any way. He just "looked" at Lu Chen calmly.

"It's interesting. A fifth-level pioneer can be so strong. Are you special? Or are all pioneers this strong?"

The gray mist seems to be very interested in Lu Chen, or rather in the Pioneer. He has a special way to see the other party's Explorer mark. The colors and shapes of the marks of different levels are different, and the Adjudicator He has seen many, and the other party's mark is different from that of the judge.

He had only heard of Pioneer from other violators, but this was his first time seeing him in person.

"You are also very interesting, because I did not receive the prompt, either you are not my target, or you are not here."

Lu Chen held Regicide in his hand and walked forward slowly, while the gray mist slowly retreated.

"Why, you've been waiting in the shadows for a long time. Aren't you here to kill me? Why did you retreat?"

Lu Chen sneered.

The gray mist surged, "You seem to have misunderstood something. I am just very interested in you and want to observe you for a while. Pioneer information must be extremely precious in the circle. I will get some good things in exchange." "

"It sounds like you violators still have your own circle alliance?"

Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Of course, we are the real free people who have got rid of the shackles, and you are just the poor people working for the space."

The violator spoke unscrupulously and seemed not to care about being heard. Lu Chen felt that even though there were natives from the land abandoned by the gods, this violator dared to say all kinds of forbidden words.

This made Lu Chen very puzzled. The other party had violated various taboos. According to the rules of the space, he should be able to directly obliterate him. Why was there no movement?


Lu Chen replied ambiguously.

"Isn't it? You have a task that must be completed, and you are coerced by life and death. You think you are going on a free adventure, but in fact you are just involuntarily. Explorers have never had real freedom. Only Only by transcending can we realize the infinitely colorful world.”

The gray mist spoke with a bewitching tone, "Do you know the benefits of taking over a world for space? What it gives you is just the residue flowing out from between the fingernails, like the owner throwing away the bones after eating. To the dog that wagged its tail.”

He floated backwards, "I don't believe that a strong man like you would willingly sacrifice his life for space."

PY This friend’s new book: “Dimension Invaders”

Future science fiction, fusion of two worlds

Introduction: This is our home, the land we live on. For thousands of years, our ancestors have used blood and bones to build a steel-like dogma.

We welcome friends and are open to all rivers, but we are never weak!

Any enemy who intends to cause trouble to us will be punished!

Even God is no exception!

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