Tonight, the two of them sneaked into the Yanliu Research Institute in order to invade the underground computer room, insert the "small Norma" computing instrument prepared in advance by the equipment department, and steal data.

The Japanese branch attaches great importance to the Yanliu Research Institute, and even the internal database does not have access to the external network at all. Even if Norma can break through Kaguya's defense, she can't reach a place without a network.

Even at night, there were a large number of patrols here. Caesar and Chu Zihang parachuted from another building to the blind spot of the vent that Chu Zihang chose during the day, like in the movie, and sneaked into the building.

Before the operation started, he and Caesar went to a hot spring together. That hot spring was the headquarters' preset contact point. With the help of the headquarters' Japan specialist, the two successfully escaped from the Japanese branch's monitors.

Chu Zihang suggested that Lu Chen join, but Caesar said that Brother Lu finally found love, and we have to give him some time. Besides, Brother Lu doesn't seem to be good at such detailed work as infiltration missions.

"You hit me."

This time it was Caesar who spoke, which made Chu Zihang feel a little puzzled.

Caesar pushed away Murasame's scabbard. At this time, the two of them were dressed in black combat uniforms. Each tactical pocket was filled with agent equipment. They looked like an upgraded version of Zero Zero Seven. However, both of them still had knives hanging on their waists, which looked a bit different.

Obviously neither of them hoped that this operation could be completed completely silently. If an accident occurred, they did not rule out the option of violent breakthrough.

Chu Zihang leads the way and Caesar leads the way. This is a reasonable infiltration structure.

Because Chu Zihang wrote down the route in Bai Diary, and his spatial logic is relatively strong, leading the way is the best choice. Even if Caesar's vision is blocked by his buttocks, he can instantly control various situations around them through Kamitachi.

This kind of frustrating sneaking in really doesn't suit the wishes of the Italian nobleman and Chu Zihang, who has already begun to transform into an embryo.

But after two days of inspection, especially after Caesar went to Genji Heavy Industries and met the "giants" of the Japanese branch, he felt that the strength of these Japanese people should not be underestimated.

If he and Chu Zihang break through violently from the beginning, forget about whether they can survive or not, and forget about the information.

Fortunately, tonight's infiltration seemed to go quite smoothly. With Caesar as cover, they could basically avoid any minefields and smoothly descend from the top to the negative level.

The security personnel walking in the corridor would not have thought that two bold rats would sneak into the building at this time, and would even pay attention to them as they passed over their heads.

But they soon encountered a problem. The ventilation equipment in the underground machine room and the ventilation in the building itself were two different systems, and they could not reach their destination directly.

In front of the computer room, there was a security guard standing there seriously, not like someone who would be lazy at night.

Even if they can knock each other down silently, it will take about 20 minutes for the equipment department's special code-breaking device to open the door. According to their observations, the building's guards will have two people passing by every 15 minutes.

The intersection between the corridor in front of the computer room and the front is a "T-junction". The entire corridor is made of thick reinforced concrete. There is no room to hide people. Moreover, if the guard is not there or lies down without responding, people passing by will always notice it. arrive.

It seems to be a dead end.

Chu Zihang turned around and made eye contact with Caesar. After a few breaths, the two of them couldn't help but retreat quietly... Who can understand what your eyes mean? ?

"what to do?"

Chu Zihang wanted to see if Caesar, as a sophomore, had any clever tricks.

Caesar was also a bit silent. Whether it was as a sophomore, student council president or competitor, it was hard for him to talk about it, and he had no good solution.

The two were silent for a long time, and finally they could only come to the conclusion... maybe they could only force themselves?

Get rid of the half-breed guarding the door, then let Chu Zihang put on his clothes, turn off the two headlights in the corridor, and make the place darker. If you can get through, it's best. If not, you can lurk in the ventilation duct above the intersection of the corridor. Caesar attacks passing security personnel.

In addition to the Desert Eagle, Caesar also brought an M92F today. This gun was not in line with his taste, but using a large-caliber violent firearm like the Desert Eagle in a stealth operation would be too ostentatious.

The M92F is enough for a close-range assault, and with the addition of a silencer, it can prevent other teams from hearing the sound.

Of course, the two of them also knew that the probability of success of this plan was very low. For example, even if they silently knocked down a group of people, the security personnel might contact them regularly and come immediately if they noticed something was wrong.

It's just that Chu Zihang and Caesar are obviously not the kind of people who have entered the tiger's den and retreated empty-handed.

The two were still hesitant after discussing the plan. If they failed and were caught, the Japanese branch would find reasons to denounce the headquarters' "unfair" investigation. No matter what their fate was, this mission would most likely fail.

Just as the two were hesitating, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded throughout the building.

The security guard below also pulled out a weapon from his waist. It was not a baton that a security guard should carry, but a small sword. His fiery golden pupils lit up. He was placed in this position alone. Naturally, his family had no control over him. Have confidence!

Chu Zihang and Caesar suddenly became nervous, they were exposed! ?

But they haven't done anything yet.

The rope to this building has been recovered and placed in the entrance pipe where they came in. They were very cautious throughout the process. What went wrong?

However, Chu Zihang saw through the gap in the iron fence that the security guard's face changed drastically. It seemed that he had received some message in the headset, and he was a little wary and confused at this time.

From time to time, security personnel ran past the end of the corridor, as if they were being mobilized urgently.

what's the situation?

Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at each other. These people from the Japanese branch didn't seem to be looking for them. Are there other intruders?

The alarm sound lasted for nearly three minutes. In such a noisy environment, it was a good time to take action. Even if a few moves with the hybrid below made a big noise, it would not be so obvious.

But the two of them did not rush to take action. They smelled a strange smell in tonight's incident.

What surprised them even more was that the security guard guarding the door of the computer room finally gritted his teeth, picked up the Kodachi and rushed out of the corridor. Obviously the situation had become more serious, and he wanted to be recruited even if he left his post!

Another wave of people ran past. Caesar frowned and sensed it with his sickle. He nodded to Chu Zihang. No one should be passing by here anymore. All the security personnel rushed to unknown places. It seemed that someone was there. What... a terrifying enemy.

The two quickly opened the iron bars like manhole covers and jumped down from above.

Chu Zihang skillfully opened the door lock box and inserted the small Norma cracking device. It showed that it was loading. The time was shorter than they thought, only 18 minutes.

"The Japanese are not very skilled either."

Caesar complained casually, but his spirit was tense. He was urging Kamitachi to explore further, wanting to know what happened in the Rock Flow Research Institute tonight.

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