Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 91 Shocking Change (please vote for recommendation)

"The Rock Flow Research Institute, how many floors are there underground?"

After listening for a while, Caesar's expression suddenly became strange.

"When I was given a tour during the day, I could only go down as far as here. Director Miyamoto said that the underground parking lot of this building can only reach minus one, and the first minus one is the bottom."

Chu Zihang also lit up his golden eyes at this time, holding Murasame in his hand to prepare for the attack. The countdown on the instrument seemed so long.

"But I clearly heard the security personnel walking down. This place... there is a second floor below!"

At first, Caesar didn't hear what the people in the Japanese branch were fighting with. The loud noise of the sirens affected his judgment. With Kamaitachi's blessing, the noise signal seemed to be amplified ten thousand times, even though Even with his determination, it was a bit unbearable.

The enemies faced by the Japanese branch seemed to be not a few. He heard the sound of a large number of people shooting, drawing swords and fighting, and many people even used their spirit spirits.

They were standing on the negative floor and could occasionally feel slight vibrations.

It seems that what is an army!

But who dares to attack the important buildings of the branch in Tokyo?

This is tantamount to attacking Cassel College in Chicago!

Time passed by, Chu Zihang said nothing, and Caesar listened solemnly to what was going on below.

"Damn it, why didn't I realize that there is an underground river under this building? The enemy seems to be invading from here!"

Caesar suddenly exclaimed.

Chu Zihang thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's not an underground river. According to my memory of the map, there should be a branch of the Tokyo Iron Dome Temple below."

"Iron Dome Temple?"

Caesar was obviously not as free as Chu Zihang to memorize the map, and this was the first time he had heard of the Iron Dome Temple.

"Tokyo is a rainy city, but it never accumulates water. This is due to the drainage system of the Iron Dome Temple. It is hidden deep underground in Tokyo, just like the blood vessels of the city, like an artificial underground river, flowing continuously. "

Chu Zihang explained.

Caesar was a little shocked, not that the Japanese had built such an advanced drainage system, but that he felt that Chu Zihang talked a lot today.

But he didn't complain. Although the two of them didn't say it, they were actually a little nervous. The situation was out of their control and expectation.

"The people in the branch are retreating, and the enemy is very strong."

Caesar looked solemn, "I feel...their enemies don't look like...human beings."

He did not hear the gunfire of the unknown enemy, but only the collision of flesh, the sound of swords and other hard objects being handed over, the sound of sharp things cutting flesh, and even... the sound of chewing.

Damn, who knows how to eat on the battlefield?

It seems that even a foodie of Brother Lu’s level cannot do such a thing! ?


Chu Zihang's hand on the knife tightened. Caesar probably wouldn't talk nonsense. The attacker might really be an inhuman being.

But Deadpool is out of control, not to mention that it seems like an army is attacking the Yanliu Office at this time!


Following the sound, both of them breathed a sigh of relief, and the door lock was unlocked.

No matter what kind of enemy the people in the branch encountered, it was not what they should pay attention to right now, and they were not in a suitable position to help.

If you want to help, in what capacity?

A righteous friend passing by late at night?

The college attaches great importance to this mission. The waveform frequency is likely to be emitted by an ancient dragon. If it is in Tokyo, its resurrection may very well turn the city into ruins!

The two quickly entered the computer room. Chu Zihang found the socket to connect to the small Norma and started the preset program. In less than three minutes, they would get detailed data about the waveform report.

"Are you feeling hot?"

Caesar was responsible for "looking out" and paying attention to the battle below.

"A little bit, indeed."

Chu Zihang also wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was not caused by nervousness.

The computer room chassis of the Yanliu Research Institute adopt advanced cooling technology, and the high-power air conditioner is always on in the room. Although they dressed warmly because it was winter, they did not feel hot when they came in.

But now he feels that the temperature is rising sharply!

"Someone below has released a fire-based speech spirit. His rank should be high. We are like sausages being grilled on an iron plate."

After Caesar felt it for a while, he shrugged.

"The building walls of Yanliu Office are very thick, and each partition is at least 1.5 meters thick reinforced concrete, which cannot be penetrated by fire."

Chu Zihang analyzed it from an academic perspective, which made Caesar lament that the other party had no sense of humor.

"Fire can't burn through it, but something is coming up."

Caesar put the M92F on his waist and pulled out his favorite weapon, two large-caliber Desert Eagles, filled with mercury-core blunt gold armor-piercing bullets, which could hurt even dragons.

The M92F is just a toy loaded with Frigga bullets. If the thing coming up from below is really not a human being, then he will make the Desert Eagle roar in the corridor.

Chu Zihang held Murasame in his hand and stroked his eyes. The contact lenses would affect his vision to a certain extent. He must go all out in the upcoming battle.

Suddenly, the piercing siren stopped, but the whole space was not quiet.

Chu Zihang finally heard that scalp-numbing sound, the sound of scales rubbing against the ground and sharp claws scratching against the wall.

When the first creature at the end of the corridor appeared in front of them, Caesar smiled and said, "It seems like I have to wake up Brother Lu."

Chu Zihang had already pressed the emergency contact button, while Caesar ran towards the door of the computer room and operated the heavy alloy door to close.

The creature at the end of the corridor, with a snake-tailed body, looked very much like the snake-man in myths and legends. Its upper body was thick and powerful. A pair of bright golden eyes scanned all directions until it settled on the two Caesars, and then quickly moved towards the computer room!

"Damn, what the hell is this!"

Caesar cursed. It was true that he had never killed Deadpool on missions, but they were usually in human form. Even if there were dragon-shaped ones, their limbs were still "alive". He was still the first to do something as disgusting as a snake. See you next time.

The roar of the Desert Eagle sounded, and the two guns fired at the same time, but the Deadpool's reaction was amazing, and he raised his hand to block with his claws and arms.

The mercury-core blunt gold armor-piercing bullet penetrated his arm. Although the mercury entering his body was equivalent to a toxin slowly corroding it, it was not enough to kill him instantly.

The speed of the snake-like Deadpool is getting faster and faster. At this speed, it will rush in before the door of the computer room closes. According to the feedback that Kama Itachi brought to Caesar, there is a group of snakes behind it, and even the fastest one has already appeared. Corridor entrance!

The two guns fired four rounds in a row, until Caesar broke one of the snake-shaped Deadpool's forearms, and the alchemical bullet finally embedded itself in the opponent's eyebrows. The snake-shaped Deadpool's body suddenly fell down, sliding to the ground just two meters in front of the door. Caesar's feet were pressed against him and kicked away.

"That's disgusting."

He blew the smoke from the Desert Eagle's muzzle, and the alloy door just closed.

Then there were the thick sounds of heavy objects colliding, the harsh sounds of sharp claws rubbing against each other, and the ghostly screams like a baby crying... Entering this computer room through solid conduction, it was like the evil spirits of hell knocking on the door.

Thanks to [Sheath] for the reward of 3500 points (backstabbing before it was put on the shelves, I am an old investment expert), thank you to [|Old Broken Loneliness|] for the reward of 1500 points, thank you to [Qingxiu Zhangnanfeng] for the reward 500 points, thanks to [Jiudi] for the 300 points, and thanks to [May My Love_Smile Like a Flower] for the 200 points

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