Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 902 Deterrence

"The weapons and corpses here seem to have lost their spirituality under the erosion of time, otherwise we wouldn't be able to stand here."

In front of the bronze door, a supporter from Hongmeng Space observed this small space.

Wang Tiezhu leaned over to look at the dark broken blade. The knife felt very familiar to him, "The original material of this knife is not a very rare material, but it should have been slowly refined and nourished by the owner to reach a high level." , and finally as the owner dies, the sword spirit disappears and turns into mortal iron."

He frowned slightly and pulled out the broken blade, and 'Live Without Knocking' also pulled out the other half from more than ten meters away. The two came together, spliced ​​the broken blades together, and looked at each other, both seeing the look in each other's eyes. weird.

"This seems to be Mr. Lu's knife..."

"Live without complaining" murmured, he and Wang Tiezhu's job is to create equipment. Once you take a look at the equipment you have seen, you will never forget it.

Lu Chen's black blade was definitely one of the main weapons with the highest growth rate they had ever seen, so they were deeply impressed.

"Ah? Why is there his knife here? Judging from the traces, it must be at least hundreds of thousands of years old, right?"

The girl in sailor uniform looked confused and stepped forward to check the black blade.

Other supporters also came over curiously. They knew about Lu Chen. Or rather, the explorers of the Nine Spaces had been circulating stories about the man who had penetrated alone in the Land Abandoned by the Gods.

"The traces of time cannot be faked. If this is really the sword of the boss you say originated from it, it can only mean one thing."

The supporter from Tiandao space pushed up his glasses, "He also entered this mission world and returned to ancient times."

"The main weapon is broken, I'm afraid it's too cold."

Some people lamented.

The three supporters of Origin Space felt a little uncomfortable hearing this. After all, they were their bosses and had taken care of them.

But people who hang out in the space, whether they are explorers or supporters, are not so sentimental and quickly dismissed this topic.

After everyone searched this space, they found that there was nothing of high value.

There are broken pieces of weapons everywhere, and these weapons have lost their spirituality after the death of their owners and the erosion of time. Even if they are recast into materials, the quality will not be too high.

Some of the corpses on the ground had turned into withered bones, and some still retained some flesh and blood, but after inspection, they found that they had no spirituality and strength, and were worthless.

The last group of explorers turned their attention back to the huge bronze door, "This should be the entrance to the God Burial Abyss, but it doesn't look easy to enter."

The girl in sailor uniform grabbed her right arm with her left hand, looking a little uneasy, "How about we retreat? This place looks very wrong. There are so many masters dead outside. It seems that when these people were alive, none of them were at the seventh level. top?"

Wang Tiezhu was also a little hesitant, mainly because he saw Lu Chen's broken blade. If all the big guys died in this place, who knows what was inside.

Two backers from Hongmeng Space walked to the bronze door and took out detection instruments to investigate. "It's difficult to get in. We need time."

"Don't worry, the space will not issue missions that require death. We are just backup, going in to collect some materials. Most of them are places like cemeteries, so they won't be too dangerous."

The supporter of Fairy Space analyzed.

The girl in the sailor suit curled her lips. She had the lowest strength and could not speak easily, but in fact she wanted to say that in this world where the upper limit is a question mark, the cemetery is a high-risk area, okay? ?


In the Shenwu Empire, there were constant riots in various places related to the Mystical Blood Warriors. Just because the news was transmitted slowly, the royal capital had not yet received the news.

The Western Federation's satellite captured scenes that shocked them.

They saw a group of "supermen" of unknown origin attacking the military base of the Secret Blood Warriors. Each one seemed to have the power to break mountains and seas, and some even used magic from the novel.

The people of the Western Federation were not happy that the Shenwu Empire was attacked, because they had the absolute upper hand in the war. Instead, these monsters with incomprehensible abilities made them uneasy.

The Western Federation can guess why these people attacked the base of the Mystic Blood Warriors. It was just for the skills of the Mystic Blood Warriors.

The Western Federation has also coveted the skills of the Mystic Blood Warriors in recent years because they want to create extreme individual soldiers at the biological level, completely crushing the East from individuals to technology, and being at the forefront in various fields.

But no matter how defeated the East was, they would never compromise on this project.

As for sending agents to steal the secret blood warrior's technology, that is unrealistic.

The Western Federation can win on the frontal battlefield, but it is impossible to send people to sneak into the territory of the secret blood warriors to steal things.

Therefore, they could only continue to exert pressure, and wait until the Shenwu Empire could no longer support it, and then force out the skills of the Mystic Blood Warriors.

The top leaders of the Western Federation are not in a hurry about this matter, because although the skills of the secret blood warriors are attractive, they are not necessary for them. The best strategy is to win without a fight and gradually encroach on this big eastern country.

In the Aviation Bureau of the Western Federation, the situation on the eastern land is being broadcast in real time to the joint conference headquarters.

In the luxurious conference room, a total of thirty-seven federal members were sitting in their seats, looking up at the picture on the big screen. Sitting at the top was the president elected by the Western Federal members.

In the picture captured by the satellite, a total of eleven more secret blood warrior bases are under attack. Some of those people look like immortals in Eastern legends, some look like mages in Western legends, and some have strange abilities and transform into monsters. In this way, they wantonly slaughtered those secret blood warriors who, in their opinion, had reached the limit of human beings.

This was a brutal massacre of their enemies, but the atmosphere in the conference room was solemn, as if time had stopped. Everyone was afraid to make a sound, and some people had beads of sweat on their foreheads.

Because judging from the abilities displayed by these people in the picture, they are completely capable of causing a devastating blow to the Western Federation. According to the pictures captured by the satellite, researchers have calculated their various outputs and speed resistance predictions. They The ultimate weapon may not be able to cause fatal harm to these supermen.

"Everyone, it's not over yet."

The president's tone was serious. They were watching a delayed broadcast at this time, and he already knew the result in advance.

Upon hearing this, the congressmen present stared at the screen intently, wondering in their hearts.

Could this one-sided massacre ever turn around?

If the secret blood warriors could defeat these supermen, they would not lose on the battlefield at all.

As the President's words fell, everyone saw a blood-red stream of light appear on the screen. With the ability to capture satellite photos, they could only see a red line crossing the entire east. Wherever the red line passed, those invading secret blood warriors were visible. The supermen in the base turned into corpses one after another.

The circumstances of death varied, but they were all tragic.

The split screens dimmed one by one, and finally the red line stopped on one screen. The technicians expanded the image to the entire screen. The bright red light finally solidified. Standing on the ground was an oriental man in white. , those bright red eyes reminded them of the strongest secret blood warrior in the East they had ever seen.

The man looked up to the sky, as if he was looking at them from a distance. The next moment, the big screen went black, and it was obvious that the video ended here.

"That's the real trouble."

The president whispered, "Those supermen were killed by this man who helped Xia Guo, and this man was obviously not friendly to us."

There was silence for a while, as the supermen in the first half of the video had already frightened them.

Then the Eastern man appeared and killed those supermen, just like crushing bugs. What would happen if he launched a war against the Western Federation?

"Your Majesty the President, should we suspend our persecution in the East?"

A member of parliament pressed the button in front of him and spoke.

The white-haired old man sat at the head of the table. After a moment of silence, he said, "No...continue."


At this moment, in the Shenwu Empire, in the southeastern territory, inside the Mystic Blood Warrior Base.

The man in white stood there, raising his hand to shake the body of an explorer into powder, and disappeared into the sky and earth with the dust.

Lu Ming looked gloomy, looking at the sky and thinking.

The surviving boys and girls in the base gathered around cautiously. A thirteen-year-old boy saluted Lu Ming and asked, "Excuse me, are you a secret blood warrior?"

Lu Ming came back to his senses, nodded and said, "Yes."

Another white stream of light flashed across the sky and landed next to Lu Ming. It was a middle-aged man. After saluting Lu Ming, he said: "Mr. Lu, I have warned others, but some of them may not be peaceful."

Lu Ming said coldly: "I know, I will deal with those people."

Before he turned and left, he touched the boy's head and said, "Practice this and pass it on to others."

The young secret blood warrior felt that there was a complicated scripture in his mind, and the scripture began to move inexplicably, matching his own blood.

This is a skill that is different from the internal and external skills inherited by various sects in the Shenwu Empire. It is a legendary skill that only exists in concept.

He stared blankly into the distance. The figure of the mysterious blood warrior senior who was so powerful that it was incredible had disappeared.

On the path of the inn, Lu Ming was walking in front, and figures gradually fell behind him, following him.

"Mr. Lu, is this your hometown?"

An explorer from the fairy space asked curiously.

Lu Ming nodded and shook his head, "That's right."

He returned to this ancient star, but he did not return to his own era.

In today's world, the secret blood warriors... are too weak.


God Burial Calendar, in Jun'en City.

Three days passed leisurely, and today was Chu Zihang’s succession ceremony.

The city lord's palace was full of guests, and people were polite to each other, with smiles on their faces.

Chu Zihang was in the bedroom, and his maid helped him dress up. Perhaps because of the times, the space disguised people's appearance, and he also had long hair.

Putting on decent black clothes, Chu Zihang waved his hand to the maid to retreat. He was not used to help from others.

There was a knock on the door outside, and he said calmly: "Come in."

After the door opened, a young man walked in, wearing dark green clothes, with a simple and honest face, his eyes were not very alert, and he looked a bit silly.

"Brother, brother... Dad said the time is coming soon, and he urges you to hurry up."

The person who came was Chu Zihang's younger brother in this era, named Chu Zixing. He had some intellectual disabilities since he was a child and looked stupid all day long.

"I know, I'm getting ready to go now."

Chu Zihang said calmly, and after standing up, he patted Chu Zixing on the shoulder and passed by him.

After arriving in the reception room of the City Lord's Mansion, Chu Zihang glanced casually and confirmed Lu Chen's position.

Lu Chen was sitting alone at a table at this time. He kept grabbing the plate with his hands and eating too much, which made many guests look at him.

You must know that the banquet has not started yet, and the people who come here are not here to eat. On such an occasion, eating without regard for etiquette made many people wonder where this country bumpkin was invited from.

There were also some busybodies who wanted to talk too much, but were kindly stopped by some guests who came to Jun'en City early a few days ago.

"Don't want to live anymore? This is Lu Chen, the return to his ancestors. A few days ago, he drove back the three powerful men from the three major forces in the sky above Jun'en City. Now I heard that he is going to join the Martial God Mountain."

After the kind person narrated the situation, many people looked at the table with awe.

Lu Chen didn't care what others thought. He was sitting here today just to prevent accidents from happening.

People in this era attach great importance to rituals. Once Chu Zihang succeeds in today's succession ceremony and takes over the power from his "father", then the people of Jun'en City will only recognize Chu Zihang as the new city lord.

So today is the last chance for those who want to block Chu Zihang's succession, and Lu Chen must help Chu Zihang check it.

Yesterday he met the current city lord of Jun'en City, who is Chu Zihang's "father". Judging from the estimated attributes, he is stronger than Asacheris from the Land Abandoned by the Gods. In this realm, he should be He is an absolute strong man.

But Chu Zihang's father's attitude was very vague. Although it was announced that Chu Zihang would succeed him, in fact, he turned a blind eye to the undercurrents within the family. This should be regarded as a test for Chu Zihang.

Today's succession ceremony, if it was influenced by external forces, Chu Zihang's father Chu Tianlan would not sit idly by, but if it was just an internal struggle within the family, this old fox might just stand aside and watch.

In the PY session, recommend a friend’s book.

American Comics: Gambit Guide Batman

Author: Yu Mu Shaosheng

Once traveling through time, Schiller became Batman's teacher and a psychology professor at Gotham University.

On his first day here, Bruce Wayne entered the psychological clinic.

Schiller had no choice but to open the American comic chat system and made his first post: Batman asked me about the meaning of life, how should I answer? It’s quite urgent to wait online.

(Don’t worry about the title of the book! It’s not a studio article! It’s not a chat group! The system has no sense of existence! I’m about to change the name! It’s really being changed!)

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