Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 903 Are there many people named Lu?

As the guests arrived, the auspicious moment had arrived. Under the auspices of the chief steward of Jun'en City, the ceremony officially began.

Chu Zihang was not interested in the power of Jun'en City, but after a few days of investigation, he found that Jun'en City also hid other secrets, which might be helpful to Brother Lu in conquering the world.

And he is not a secret blood warrior, so joining the Martial God Mountain is of little significance.

Even though it was possible to cultivate secret blood warriors in the Martial God Mountain, he felt that that was not his path.

"Wait a minute."

Just as the ceremony had just begun, there were discordant sounds in the hall.

Lu Chen gnawed on the chicken wings in his hand without saying a word and watched this scene with interest. The person who spoke was Chu Zihang's third uncle in this era.

"Third uncle, do you have anything to say?"

Chu Zihang said expressionlessly, while the old city lord standing not far away did not make a sound.

The middle-aged man in a brocade robe stood up from the wine table, first saluted the other guests with a smile, and then looked at Chu Zihang, "Although I have been holding it in for a long time, I still feel unhappy today. I feel like my nephew , not very suitable for this location.”

Chu Zihang did not refute, nor did he ask his third uncle a question. Instead, he glanced at the guests present, and a pair of dazzling golden eyes ignited, "Is there anything else that you are unhappy about?"

Chu Zihang's reaction seemed to be beyond "third uncle's" expectations, but he remained calm because today's events were already under their control.

According to the ancestral teachings of the Chu family, regarding the selection of the city lord, although the direct elders are given priority, the heads of each branch within the clan have the right to vote. If more than half of the people do not agree with the successor, then the successor will have to be re-elected. select.

This is an ancestral rule that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years.

And they had colluded below. Since the secret use of force had failed before, they could only use this unsightly method to make Chu Zihang give way.

The reason why I say it's not good-looking is because this method is a slap in the face of the old city lord, and the old city lord has a few more years to live, and he is currently the strongest person in the Chu family.

Even if the old city lord gives in because of his ancestral precepts, it will not make things easier for them in the future.

However, the old city lord injured his origin during his early years of practicing martial arts, and he also had a son in his old age. He had only a few years to live a good life. They worked hard, and after the old city lord passed away, they could gradually take control of Jun'en City.

"Third brother is right. Although my nephew is excellent, he is not broad-minded enough. If he wants to succeed as the city lord, he still has some shortcomings."

Another person stood up and opposed Chu Zihang's succession.

As if it was the beginning, some people began to "hesitantly" stand up and "pluck up the courage" to express their intentions.

Not long after, twelve people stood up in the hall, which was already more than half of all branches of the Chu family. The situation was very obvious.

The white-haired old city lord was sitting on a high chair, holding a cup of tea. His expression did not waver, but he sipped the tea leisurely.

"Brother, you see, the situation is like this. According to the ancestral system, should we reconsider the choice of the new city lord?"

Third Uncle Chu smiled and spoke, lowering his eyebrows and nodding, as if asking for instructions.

The guests present were all whispering, and some looked like they were watching the excitement, feeling that the Chu family was going to make a fool of themselves today.

Regardless of the outcome, on such an important occasion, the old city lord was refuted by so many people, and it would not look good no matter what.

"Then who do you think is the most suitable candidate?"

The old city lord did not speak, but Chu Zihang asked these people.

Uncle Chu clapped his hands, and under the guidance of a maid, a well-dressed young man walked into the hall. It was Chu Zihang's younger brother, Chu Tianxing.

"The second young master is honest and honest, steady and responsible for the family, kind-hearted and generous. He is a more suitable candidate. He is also from a direct lineage. The old city lord is probably satisfied."

Third Uncle Chu introduced and peeked at the old city lord's expression.

But the old city lord seemed to be deaf, and he didn't look sideways, only looking at the tea cup in his hand.

Uncle Chu was a little uneasy, but after all, the eldest brother did not fall out on the spot, which meant that the other party agreed with the ancestral system.

Furthermore, he believed that he was also the eldest brother's biological son, so the eldest brother could be considered worthy.

"Tian Xing, do you want to be the city lord?"

Chu Zihang looked into his younger brother's eyes and said calmly.

Chu Tianxing looked panicked, because he rarely came to crowded places. He was questioned by his brother and was slightly flustered. "I...I don't know. Everyone said that I am suitable."

The guests were whispering again. Anyone who recognized this scene could tell what these offshoots of the Chu family wanted to do.

It was clear that he saw Chu Tianxing as stupid, honest and easy to bully, so he was promoted to the position. He was just a puppet, so that these "ministers of Conglong" could plan more interests in Jun'en City.

On the contrary, a shrewd and powerful city lord will make the life of the branch tribesmen not enough.

"okay, I get it."

Chu Zihang nodded and scanned the hall again. He paused slightly when he spotted Lu Chen. After the two made eye contact, Lu Chen continued eating.

"It seems that there is no one left, and there is no difference from what I investigated."

Chu Zihang had no expression on his face and looked at the sky outside the hall, "It's almost time. Do you have any last words you want to say?"

These tribesmen who came forward were all members of the side clan who had been waiting to die for many years. Their strength was average, but their ambitions were not small.

After hearing Chu Zihang's words, Third Uncle Chu smiled and said, "My dear nephew, what do you mean?"

"Why don't you step back quickly and let Tian Xing go up? It just so happens that the guests are also here, so they can be considered as witnesses."

Uncle Chu also agreed.

Chu Zihang shook his head, "I mean, you can say your last words."

At these words, not only the faces of the Chu family changed, but also the guests looked at Chu Zihang in surprise.

Jun'en City has been standing for 60,000 years. There is rarely internal fighting within the Chu family. The direct line is to show tolerance. Even if it wins in the power struggle, it will be a setback for the clan. But it seems that Chu Zihang means to step on it. Bones on top?

This not only violates the ancestral voting system, but will also chill the hearts of everyone in the family.

Furthermore, it is rumored that although the eldest young master of the Chu family has outstanding talents, he is only in his thirties now. How strong can he be? Is he stronger than all the elders?

Even if they are from the side sect, these seniors are considered prominent figures in Junen City.

Moreover, the old city lord has been sitting there drinking tea without expressing his position, as if he wants to stand up for his eldest son.

After a period of silence, Uncle Chu's smile gradually disappeared, "My nephew is joking..."

But before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly stiffened, and he raised his hand to pinch his neck, with shock and fear in his eyes.

At the same time, the family members who stood up with him also raised their hands and pinched his neck.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became strange. People saw the leaders of the Chu family, who had all reached the fourth level of martial arts, pinching their necks and twisting slowly and hard.

Chu Zihang walked off the stage, walking slowly and slowly, looking at these "elders" who were gradually suffocating and their souls were entering death, "I know you also invited foreign aid, but there is no need for them to show up, everyone is Those who are wise, if you die, they will naturally retreat."

He walked around these people, looking around in all directions, focusing on the members of the Chu family. The silence in the hall could be heard.

After Chu Zihang made a circuit, he stepped towards the high platform again, and those people behind him fell down one by one, being strangled to death by his own hands, and they died with their eyes open.

The ones with the highest attributes among these people are only 170 points, and Chu Zihang has the Pen of the Old Days and the Death Note in his hands. The combination of the two will be very troublesome even for the explorers with similar attributes. It will be very troublesome to kill these clan elders. Simple.

Chu Zihang had no intention of arguing with these people, talking about ancestral system, or waiting for the foreign aid invited by the other party to come in and confront Chu Tianlan.

Just kill him and be done with it. This is the simplest way to deal with it. It announces to the people of Jun'en City that a new era is coming.

He turned around on the high platform, straightened his collar, and said expressionlessly: "Are there any opponents?"

The elders in the audience looked away, and no one said anything.

Chu Zihang looked at the chief butler, "The ceremony will continue."

From beginning to end, Chu Zihang didn't even look at his "younger brother" whose face turned livid and whose body was trembling slightly.

The butler was in a trance, and it wasn't until another voice sounded that he came back to his senses.

"The new city lord said that the ceremony should continue, didn't you hear?"

Chu Tianlan put down the tea cup, looked at Chu Zihang with admiration, waved his hand and ordered his servants: "Carry these traitors down and deal with them."

"Yes Yes!"

Beads of sweat appeared on the butler's forehead. He had just thought for a moment whether the protagonist of today's ceremony was going to be replaced. Fortunately, he didn't say much.

The ceremony went on as usual. Chu Zihang received the seal from Chu Tianlan. He took over the power of Jun'en City, commanded 30,000 private soldiers, and could go to secret places that only the clan leader had the authority to enter.

The guests also began to eat, drinking and drinking in harmony, as if nothing had happened before.

After the banquet ended, Chu Zihang sat down at Lu Chen's table.

"So accurate?"

Lu Chen asked with a smile. You must know that Chu Zihang did not take out the Pen of the Past and the Death Note during the ceremony. It was a list written in advance.

"Their methods are too clumsy. From the attack and killing incident some time ago, I traced it back to one person. Before the big event started, these people would still communicate. I finalized the list two days ago and wrote down the death list last night. Time and manner of death.”

Chu Zihang said calmly and started eating the extra spicy braised large intestine on the plate. This was the dish he specially ordered to add in the evening.

"It seems that I am redundant. Brother Chu is smarter than me and may be more suitable for a place like this."

Lu Chen smiled and said that he was worried that Chu Zihang did not leave immediately for Wushen Mountain. Now that Chu Zihang has successfully taken over the power, it can be regarded as his official start in this world.

Chu Zihang shook his head, "Brother Lu has intimidated the people outside, so I can be so smooth. Otherwise, according to their routine, when the third uncle shows up, someone strong will come to control the situation."

"If I'm not around, he probably won't dare, because the old city lord has been confronting that man with his spiritual will. I'm not the one who did it."

Lu Chen said that he noticed that there was a master hidden in the void outside the city lord's palace. The strength he had shown in the airspace of Jun'en City was not enough to awe people of that level.

He originally wanted to use his soul to meet that person, but the old city lord took action before him.

That's why the old city lord looked absent-minded, because his attention was not in the hall at all.

Chu Zihang was slightly surprised and pondered for a moment, "...It seems that this dad has a very deep mind. He probably knows everything and is just watching how I handle it."

"Where is your brother? How are you going to deal with it?"

Lu Chen asked. Looking at the back, Lu Chen was not a fool. Of course, he could see that Chu Tianxing was not a fool.

Rather, it would be better to say that the leaders of the side sects are the fools. Chu Tianxing is pretending to be stupid to use those people to gain power. Once he takes office, he will not be the stupid puppets those people imagined.

"I won't kill this one, otherwise it will be really ugly. Dad here will take care of it."

Chu Zihang said that he knew how to measure. If he killed his own brother, everyone in Junen City would most likely be in danger in the future.

Now I have only killed more than half of the branch heads, so it is relatively stable.

"Then you stay here and continue to study the secrets. Contact us at any time if there is any situation. If it is really dangerous, I will use my gathering ability."

Lu Chen was about to leave for Wushen Mountain. The team leader and deputy leader both had authority over the team assembly function.

If he really wanted to use this expensive skill, he still wanted to bring Eri and Xia Mi back.

Although Eriki and the others are living in the era they lived in, time has passed. Although he is now in ancient times, he still has the opportunity to change history.

"Don't worry, I'm measured and keep in touch."

Chu Zihang nodded.

Lu Chen cleaned the rice from the bowl, took a piece of silk and wiped his mouth. He stood up and walked out of the hall, waving his hand and saying, "Take it easy."

Chu Zihang looked at Lu Chen's back and ate his stewed intestines, "Brother Lu, you just have to... take it easy."


To the east of Jun'en City, at the port of Nilong River, Lu Chen saw Lu Tiannan who had been waiting there for an unknown amount of time.

"Is the matter done? Then let's set off."

Lu Tiannan said very few words. He sent a message to the sky, and Lu Chen heard a chirping sound.

I saw a golden roc with a wingspan of nearly ten feet falling. It had a strong aura. It would probably be stronger than Chu Zihang in a fight. This was a roc with the blood of a mythical beast.

There was a saddle on its back, and it was obviously just Lu Tiannan's mount.

Lu Chen jumped up with Lu Tiannan and sat on the luxurious booth. He had ridden flying creatures before, but this was the first time for Dapeng.

"This place is far away from Wushen Mountain. We will arrive in a quarter of an hour. If you have any questions, you can ask me on the way."

Lu Tiannan let Jinpeng take off and communicate with Lu Chen above the sea of ​​clouds.

Lu Chen was not surprised by the distance and time. The God-Burying Star might be a bit bigger than the Emperor-Burying Star in the Zhetian World. Although this golden roc placed in the Zhetian World could be regarded as the strength of the Saint King for the first time, if it is not used When traveling through space laws, it still takes some time to cross the continent.

He thought for a while and asked a question he had been curious about for a long time, "Are there many people named Lu in Wushen Mountain?"

Lu Tiannan replied: "Not many, but most people named Lu are very strong."


Lu Chen was puzzled. His surname was also Lu. When he asked this question, he was not simply looking for a topic, but was wondering if his surname had any explanation in ancient times.

He is the only known born Mystic Blood warrior in modern times. He is the child of a Mystic Blood warrior and a Mystic Blood warrior. Why can't other Mystic Blood warriors have children with each other?

Could it be because of his father's bloodline, which is special?

"It's simple, because most of our surnames are atavisms."

Lu Tiannan said calmly, "I am an atavist, just like you."

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