Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 961 Two murderous thoughts

The jet-black light group originally thought that it would be impossible for him to wait until he could open the valley in his lifetime, because the conditions for completing everything were too harsh and almost impossible.

First of all, one must have the invincible strength of the same level to pass through the theoretically almost impossible dragon ladder. One must also have a deep understanding of ancient culture and the ability to interpret ancient immortal texts.

Because of its desire to kill, it couldn't see the situation in the valley, but it knew that there was a stone tablet there, which was equivalent to the door lock of the house, and it would block another group of geniuses.

There is a way to crack the ban written on the stone tablet, but it is a puzzle. Even if it is deciphered, in the end it will still mostly require luck to gamble with limited probabilities.

And after the Tianjiao attempts exceed a certain limit, they will be expelled from the True Dragon Relics.

Therefore, at this stage, the genius who can solve the mystery of the real dragon must also be blessed with great luck.

"Did he really succeed? Meet the conditions you once said?"

The leader of the Big Sun Peak also felt incredible. He once heard the jet-black light group talk about the person they were looking for, but he thought that such a person did not exist.

Where can someone be good at everything?

To be able to fight with an invincible at the same level, you need to have extensive knowledge from ancient times to the present, you need to understand Feng Shui, you need to know deductions, and finally you need invincible luck.

As a powerful elder who has lived for more than 300,000 years, the leader of the Great Sun Peak has stopped using foul language since he became famous, but he still wants to curse people in his heart. Even the protagonists of the novels read by his disciples are... I dare not write this!

But what's outrageous is that, judging from the excited reaction of the dark light group, the people inside really succeeded.

He didn't know whether it was the man named Lu Chen who succeeded alone, or whether the other geniuses still alive around him tried and succeeded, but it was all about luck.

"We've been waiting for nine months and if they can't open the door, are we going to keep waiting?"

The master of Huanyue Palace frowned slightly, thinking that the plan of the dark light group was totally unreasonable.

The jet-black light mass did not turn around, but just looked at the real dragon placenta with obsession, "Nine months? If he is the right person, we will have to wait for ninety thousand years. What's more, I just want to see if he can succeed on his own. .”

The master of Zhexian Peak, who was dressed in white, frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

The jet-black light group spoke leisurely, "I know how to crack the stone tablet. If they really can't get in, I will take action, but that will make them inferior and be wary of them."

For the jet-black light group, what he most wanted to find was not someone with great luck. He knew how to crack the stone tablet. It was only stopped by the dragon ladder and the two murderous thoughts.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a genius who can pass the dragon ladder, and that genius has dragon blood and secret blood.

"Our great cause is about to be successful. Can you let us know about your past?"

The master of Big Sun Peak said, he was very curious about the identity of the jet black light group.

The jet-black light ball was silent for a moment, "None of this matters. After the matter is completed, you will take away the remains of the true dragon. I only want the birth of the true dragon's heir."

At this time, if Lu Chen and others were in the outside world and saw the star field where the stone body of heaven and earth is located, they would be shocked.

Because this star field was completely different from what they had seen before. Tentacles of stone-gray nothingness extended within the galaxy, and the once dazzling galaxy was now dim and all the big stars were extinguished.

The vitality of all the stars was absorbed, including some nearby sources of life, and all living creatures died in mourning.

The few people standing in front of the placenta of heaven and earth just looked at the placenta with excitement in their eyes, and did not care at all about the death of the stars and the fall of all things.

The placenta of heaven and earth itself has no will. After it is activated, it only instinctively absorbs all vital energy. However, those creatures in the source of life are unlucky and happen to be born within the range where it absorbs nutrients.

Guided by secret techniques by the jet-black light group, in order to speed up the supply of nutrients, it extended its tentacles to those sources of life.

Several golden rainbow bridges were erected in the dim universe, and several more figures arrived. They were all star-level powerhouses, the highest forces from the three major life sources of the Star Alliance.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, their positions were surrounded by a group of pitch-black light.

Regarding the exploration of the True Dragon Ruins, some of the most powerful people in the Covenant Alliance were not optimistic at first. However, as the plan progressed, hope gradually became clear, and people in the Covenant Alliance realized that this time it might really succeed.

This means that a legendary immortal-level existence and all the treasures of the true dragon will surface. This will be an unprecedented feast.

It is enough to raise the strength of each family to more than one level. With this ancient inheritance, they will dominate the entire universe!

The remains of a true dragon are extremely valuable whether for training soldiers or refining bloodline, but the remains of a true dragon are dead after all.

The real dragon still left behind his parents and children. Are they really willing to give him up?

Figures of people came one after another, and there were more and more star-level powerhouses outside the placenta of heaven and earth. In the last three major sources of life, there were a total of ten top forces, and at least two people came from each of them.

Except for the Master of the Fallen Immortal Cave who did not come in person, the other most powerful people from ancient traditions have arrived here. A total of twenty-five star-level powerhouses have gathered outside the placenta of heaven and earth!

This power can almost sweep across the entire starry sky!

The jet-black light group did not look at those who came. Even when the ancient sect master greeted it, it only had black light surging around it, indicating that it was a "nod".

All its mind has been devoted to the control of the placenta of heaven and earth, and it wants to witness the birth of the true dragon's parent and child.


The ruins of the true dragon, above the ladder to heaven, in the valley.

When Lu Chen stepped into the valley, he couldn't suppress the shock in his eyes. At the same time, he raised his hand to stop the people behind him.

Because of the special nature of this world, the valley obscures the scene behind it, and even the sky above is covered in gray, blocking the prying eyes of outsiders.

Only after walking into the valley can you see the truth of this world.

At this time, Lu Chen saw a piece of dragon scale in his field of vision, blocking his sight.

They were in a thin line of sky and could only see the light coming from the front. They thought that there were stars shining on the sky and earth on the other side of the valley, but they never thought that the golden light was just a dragon scale.

This dragon scale is as huge as the sun!

After entering this space, his spiritual consciousness was no longer restricted, and his body could rise into the air. He flew up slightly, extending his spiritual consciousness outwards, wanting to see the full picture of this behemoth.

But his strength is not enough to sweep away this extremely majestic creature.

It is just a piece of dragon scale, which is as big as a star. Doesn't its entire image penetrate a star field? ?

How could there be such a huge creature in this world! ?

You must know that the real dragon should have died. What it presents should be the size of its true body, and there is no concept of transformation.

If such a huge creature could absorb the energy of heaven and earth, wouldn't it be able to suck up an entire star field in one breath? ?

Even though the universe is vast, can such a majestic and majestic creature really be able to withstand the majestic journey it took during its lifetime?

It was unknown how many thousands of years had passed, but the body of this real dragon still seemed to be full of vitality. The dragon's scales exuded a dazzling golden light, and its majestic aura made Lu Chen almost have the urge to kowtow.

Although it was still far away, the creature crawling on the ground was so huge that it felt so oppressive that it was difficult to breathe.

But this wasn't the reason why Lu Chen raised his hand to stop the people behind him. He didn't let people enter the valley because he sensed the invisible murderous intention wandering between heaven and earth.

The moment he stepped into the valley, he felt cold all over his body, as if he had been swept away by something. The god of death was blowing on his neck, and the chill penetrated his bones.

If that murderous thought was directed at him, he wouldn't even have the ability to resist.

"Don't come in! There's something here!"

Lu Chen shouted, and at the same time told the modern Eri Yi not to act rashly.

But in fact, the modern Eri looks innocent.

Several other people stood at the entrance of the valley without taking a step, and no one asked why Lu Chen was okay.

Having come this far, Qian Xue and Leng Yue fully believed in Lu Chen, except that Mo Yu might have other thoughts in his mind.

Lu Chen is not a person who likes to take advantage of himself. What's more, they all saw the way Lu Chen's hair stood on end just now.

Standing at the exit of Yixiantian, several people looked up at the remains of the real dragon. Lin Shanhe was so excited that he couldn't control himself. "I didn't expect to see legendary creatures in this life. It turns out that they really exist! They really exist!"

No one doubts the authenticity of this boundless dragon shadow. The majesty, the domineering, the aura of supremacy that will last forever even after death is shuddering.

He was once the master of this starry sky, reigning over all souls!

Lu Chen felt the restlessness of his blood, and there was a voice in the void that seemed to be calling him. He once again saw the illusions that would occur when the secret blood of God breaks through.

But these illusions were constantly being fragmented, and the sound of dragon roars appeared in my ears.

"team leader!"

Qianxue's shout came from behind, making Lu Chen's consciousness clear for a moment.

Only then did he realize that his body surface was swelling, as if it was about to explode, and the blood in his body was boiling. The secret blood of God and the dragon's blood beneath it, the two bloods that originally lived in harmony, started to fight.

The secret blood of God is domineering and violent, the blood of dragon is majestic and magnificent, and here it has the meaning of getting braver and braver as it fights, wanting to turn its back on the guests.

Lu Chen only felt that his origin was being constantly stirred, and his cultivation was not functioning smoothly. He wanted to retreat into the valley, but found that his body was involuntarily being pulled forward by a force.

It's like the bloodline has been manipulated, and the body has been affected.

The only thing he can still control is his soul, but he doesn't want to give up his body. With his current level of cultivation, if his soul is not destroyed, he will not be considered dead, but if he abandons his body, it is equivalent to abandoning himself. The body of the Martial God, which has been tempered for thousands of times, has abandoned its own bloodline.

The so-called blood regeneration requires him to have blood, but at this time, he can no longer control even a drop of blood in his body.

Lu Chen's body flew upwards involuntarily, flying past the mountains of real dragon bodies. He transmitted his voice in the air with his soul, "Qianxue, take everyone to wait at the mouth of the valley. Don't come in. There is murderous intent here, and there is no dragon blood and blood." If you use secret blood, you will be killed by the thought of killing, and even if you only have one kind of blood, you will be targeted by another one."

But in fact, he looked gloomy, because he had two bloodlines at the same time, but his bloodline was uncontrollable, and he was pulled involuntarily.

It wasn't until he flew higher into the starry sky that Lu Chen saw clearly the remains of some real dragons. Each of its scales was enough to forge an imperial weapon. The vital energy contained in the flesh and blood, if swallowed, was enough to make a star-level powerhouse explode.

After flying over the upper part of the body of the real dragon's remains, Lu Chen discovered that the real dragon was sitting in a twisted posture, and in the center of its surroundings was a huge battlefield.

The reason why he judged it as a battlefield was because Lu Chen saw countless ravines on the ground, and the residual murderous intent in them was still heart-stopping even after so long.

As he approached the center of the ancient battlefield, Lu Chen's body was on the verge of exploding. In the battle between the two bloodlines, the secret blood of God finally won with the absolute advantage. After all, his secret blood was at a higher level.

But after the secret blood of God suppressed the rebels, it actually wanted to kill them completely. It wanted to completely drain the true dragon blood from Lu Chen's body. Now Lu Chen was in a hurry.

Not to mention how much his origin will be damaged by removing a bloodline in such a violent way, leaving cracks in the avenue. Just talking about his current strength and the potential blessing in the body of the God of War, there is a lot of contribution from the dragon's blood. of.

For example, if the skills such as Fudo Myooh and King Kong become passive, without the dragon blood, his attributes will plummet.

Just when Lu Chen was forcibly running the Martial Emperor Scripture to suppress the blood war in his body, he saw two figures in the center of the ancient battlefield.

One was wearing a black robe and a dark ancient sword at his waist. His face was unrealistic, his hair was disheveled, and he was tall and majestic. The evil spirit that had turned into reality was wrapped around his body. Just one look at it was frightening.

As far as Lu Chen is concerned, he usually doesn't think anything of it when he sees people with this kind of temperament. He may even feel a little fond of them and think they are like-minded.

But this time he also felt the trembling from his soul. Just looking at each other with the man, his soul almost collapsed, and he was crushed by the evil aura that seemed to destroy the universe.

The other figure was a woman wearing a purple and gold dress. Her appearance was also unclear. The woman had a voluptuous figure and an extremely majestic aura. Likewise, Lu Chen just looked at her and said, It feels like the heart is going to stagnate and the whole person's life force is going to die.

But just when Lu Chen's soul and body could no longer hold up, the two forces acting on him were withdrawn at the same time, as if the struggle had achieved a temporary compromise.

Lu Chen's vision became clear again, and he could clearly see the situation in the field.

The man in black robes with a knife stood there, making a downward movement with one hand forward, while the woman in a purple and gold dress sat cross-legged on the ground, facing the man in black robes.

The tangible Yin Hong evil spirit extended on the ground and turned into a circle, enclosing the woman inside. It seemed to be suppressed by some kind of formation. The man's hand covered the void, making the woman unable to move.

This seems to be a confrontation that lasts for millions, even tens of millions of years.

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